Need Security Firewall And Antivirus / Don't Want To Slow Down System

Aug 8, 2006

my sister is going to college with one of our old laptops. It has a 1.6 GHz Celeron and about 180 MB of RAM. I need security (firewall, antivirus), but I don't want it to slow down the system a lot. All she needs to do is use the web and Microsoft Office. Do you have recommendations on what free software to use?

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System Security Alert Firewall Not On

Sep 12, 2005

im am getting a windows security alert that says windows firewall is not on ,but when i goto turn it on in the control panel it says its already on???

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Security Center: System Restore For Firewall?

Aug 18, 2008

I recently installed Comodo Firewall and once again, it was too much for me to handle, so I uninstalled it and went back to Windows Firewall until I can find something else. However, as most people experience, it is still listed as my running firewall in the security center. I googled the problem and I have tried everything that I have found to get rid of it and it will not go away! I followed the instructions on the Comodo page and when it comes to deleting the repository file, it won't allow me to. I hit delete and it comes up that a file is still in use. I tried again and again, went under safe mode, and nothing. I tried to run the Command tells me the repository file is not empty and Command will not let me proceed any further.

I tried System Restore, which solved the firewall problem but brought on antivirus problems (I have the Avira free edition). The AV guard will not work. I click "Antivir Guard Enable"....nothing. The definitions remain at the day I restored back to and when I try to update, it says my program is up to date. I go to the Service program under Administrative tools to start it, same problem. I have restored back a couple times and have never had this problem. So I ended up undoing both system restores and am back to the firewall problem. I can't get rid of it no matter what I do.

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Security Center Says Firewall Off, Firewall Says On?

Jul 1, 2005

Windows XP Home running McAfee Security Center, which is not managing Security Center, and McAfee Personal Firewall is not installed.All Windows Critical Updates are applied.Windows Security Center says the Windows Firewall is off, Windows Firewall says it is on.

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Norton Antivirus And Ms Firewall

Aug 1, 2005

I am running win xp pro sp2 and have just installed norton antivirus 2005. NAV recommends i use it instead of windows for my default firewall protection. should i turn off the windows firewall and rely just on the norton antivirus, which checks for worms, trojan horeses, etc by default or run both

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Antivirus And Firewall Message

Nov 26, 2008

1. I am encountering a problem of Your system has recoverd from a serious error a log of this error has been created. It says that your antivirus or firewall is creating a problem. I am using AVG free 8 and ZoneAlarm free fire wall. 2. ZoneAlarm popup fequently says Prevalance reporter is trying to access the internet. Application is avgcmgr.exe. Should I allow or deny.

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Uninstalled Zone Alarm Firewall - System Become Very Slow

Dec 8, 2007

when i updated my Zone Alarm firewall, I uninstalled it cos I was getting severe problems with the computer completely hanging, after uninstalling and reboot chkdsk ran and on the first 5% or so of checking the index it found problems then ran thru chkdsk pretty fast until fixing unreadable security description datastreams. windows works absolutely fine no problems whatsoever, then next time i reboot it does the same, this time problems are non-stop until about 10% then fine from there on in, then when it finishes repairing the drive it gets stuck at repairing unreadable security descriptions date stream , says unable to read and boots straight into windows, again windows works fine except a little hanging.

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Firewall Software - Norton Antivirus Expired

Jan 27, 2006

My Norton firewall is about to expire and I wanted to know if there was a more 'gamer' friendly firewall out there. Norton has caused me an endless stream of problems with my games since I got the damn thing and I would love to know if someone has better experience with a better firewall/antivirus.

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Is The Firewall Enough For Security?

Sep 8, 2005

I know this is an old topic, but I thought I'd try to get the latest opinions on this. I'm trying to decide whether to get another firewall. Everybody says the problem with the XP firewall is that although it controls
incoming connections, it doesn't control outgoing connections. I already have the free ZoneAlarm firewall on my Win2K computers, which works fine. And I could add it to my new XP Home Edition computer. But apparently some people complain that ZoneAlarm adds log files that grow large, etc. etc. so I figured I'd avoid adding another firewall *if* it wasn't really necessary. What's the current consensus, if any?

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Norton AntiVirus 2007 Security Pop-up Alerts

Mar 3, 2007

Norton AntiVirus 2007 security pop-up alerts every 5 seconds?

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Security FIREWALL Isn't Turned ON!

Sep 15, 2005

my security center (from control panel firewall) says that the firewall isn't turned on (in fact, it is currently turned off)and i have no way of clicking on the "on" option because the screen is basically unchangeable.

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Security Center Is Currently Unavailable:after Installing Norton Antivirus?

Sep 30, 2006

After installing Norton AntiVirus 2007 I received the following message when I opened the security center in the control panel; The Security Center is currently unavailable because the "Security Center" service has not started or was stopped. Please close this window, restart the computer (or start the "Security Center" service), and then open the Security Center again. I have naturally restarted the computer but that didn't fix the problem. I don't know that the problem is connected to the installation of Norton 2007, (upgraded from 2005), but the Security Center was available before the installation.

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Uninstall Reinstall Antivirus From Symantc Internet Security

Oct 27, 2006

Can't give a reason, but a message stating "Norton Antivirus does not support the repair feature,please uninstall and reinstall" now greets me at boot.Question is how to do this as the Anti Virus on my system is a part of Internet Security. And if some kind person knows of any reason for the occurrence that would be welcome also.Sys is xp sp2, Dell 8400 with 1 gig memory.

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Cant Turn On Firewall And Other Security Settings

Nov 23, 2008

My home computer hard drive died. Critical data was backed up, so I didnt lose anything important, but Im having trouble with my replacement computer.I had another serviceable WinXP computer, two years old, that had never been connected to the internet, so job one after putting it on my desk was to download AVG antivirus. I did that.But when I tried to update the virus database, AVG Control Panel said the connection failed, and I couldnt download the updates. (I can access the internet via IE7 just fine, which of course I dont want to do without adequate virus and spyware protection.) And when I checked my Security Settings, it says that the firewall is turned OFF. When I try to turn the firewall ON, the first error message says:

Windows Firewall settings cannot be displayed because the associated service is not running. Do you want to start the Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) service?When I click Yes, the next error message says:Windows cannot start the Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) service.Obviously I need instructions from a print or online manual to fix more than just the firewall problem. But Im not sure where to start looking, and what questions to ask when I get there. Some Windows users forum? This forum here? Where do I start?

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Finding Security Software Bundle With Firewall And Virus Protection?

May 10, 2006

I am looking for security software and I was wondering if there is something like a bundle with all sorts of useful applications? Like a firewall, virus protection and so on? Can anyone help?

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Security Center: Popup Windows Firewall Detected Suspicious Network Activity?

Jun 19, 2005

This message keeps popping up every so often.. is it legitimate? or is it just a part of a pop-up ad/adware/etc.? "Windows Security Center WARNING: Windows Firewall detected suspicious network activity on your computer. Malicious software codes try to steal your privacy information, such as credit card numbers, electronic mail accounts, financial data or passwords.

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My Antivirus Avast And Zone Labs [zone Alarm Firewall] Not Working

Jun 17, 2006

those programs do not work with windows vista. any idea?

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Slow Startup After Installing Antivirus

Apr 8, 2005

I just installed norton antivirus 2005, i have windows xp. but now when i startup it takes forever! It wasn't doing this before i installed this.

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My Computer Is Running Very Slow - Norton Antivirus

Apr 1, 2005

I have run norton antivirus. I have gone to msconfig and deslected all of the startup programs. I am using windows xp proffessional on one computer and xp home on another. What is slowing these computers down, and how do I fix them?

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Can't Install Any Antivirus Without Problems - Very Slow Loading

Apr 24, 2009

I have run into a snag. After installing Trendmicro I started having problems. After the install it took forever to load, and when it did I get a warning that I have no virus protection. I removed Trend with it's own removal tool and installed AVG Free, I get the same thing, The resident shield and email won't start. I install Vipre and the same thing protection is turned off and won't turn on. I have cleaned the registry of all norton traces, avg and others. I have did a scan with viper while it was installed and found a few items that I cleaned. I'm at my wits end and have never seen this happen before.

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Extremely Slow Boot - Run Antivirus, Antispyware

Jun 20, 2006

I'm running a 3 year old version of XP pro and it has gotten progressively slower booting up. Seems like about two to three minutes or so ( I should time it). I've run msconfig and there doesn't seem to be anything too obvious and I don't want to screw with things I'm not sure of as well. Also, when launching Outlook Express ,any browser and Word are really slow also. Excel is fine. Seems really odd. I've run antivirus, antispyware, defrag all to no avail

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Computer Running Extremely Slow: Having All Antivirus & Spyware Installed?

Jan 4, 2008

After searching some searching, I am unable to find threads that will assist me with this. But i would really appreciate some direction on how to "unclog" my laptop. Windows XP Pro, 1gb Ram, 80 Gb hardrive (maybe the size is the prob?), Adaware CCleaner, AVG Free. AVG Spyware, Zonealarm.

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Very Slow Bootup And Shutdown - Firewall Is On

Feb 10, 2006

my pc is taking a lot of time 2 boot up. I have 2 stare at the welcome screen 4 a few secs, then the wallpaper and the taskbar applications come up, but no icons on the desktop. After maybe 20 secs the icons show up but then the wallpaper vanishes, and comes back a few secs later. After all this, the pc connects 2 the network. Why has it gone so slow? I just have avast! antivirus, the xfire firewall, the HP imaging solution center and Free Download Manager in the tray

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Home SP2 Is Slow - ZoneAlarm As Firewall

Mar 25, 2005

The first time I log in after I turn on my computer, I can't run anything that I have a shortcut for on the desktop, because it will freeze for a while. The reason for this is probably too many things starting with the computer at start-up.I regularly scan for spyware with Spybot, and rarely get anything. I also have ZoneAlarm as my firewall.

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Computer Slow After I Unistall Sygate Firewall?

Dec 19, 2004

Computer slow after I uninstalled sygate firewall. Please review HJT and advise.

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Computer Running Slow And McAfee Firewall Disables At Startup

Jan 8, 2008

I have run virus scan, Adaware and Spybot and nothing is found yet the computer runs slow. Statup takes a long time and while it is loading things the firewall disables until after everything in startup loads. Lately I have had problems when docking my iPod. It just undocks on it's own and nothing is touching it or the cable connecting it to the computer. I ran Hijack this but no sure how to interpret it. I am running Windows 2k pro on a Compaq Presario.

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PC Recommended Security Running Slow

Apr 2, 2006

My pc is running very slow and takes forever to load any ie pages run ad aware and spybot also run ewido security as recomended by a friend.

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Slow Bootup - Disabled Norton Internet Security

Aug 9, 2005

My wife just got an Gateway M320S notebook with WinXP Pro, SP2. It also has a built-in wireless card. From the very first bootup, it took several minutes. First I thought it was the Norton Internet Security 2005 that came pre-installed, but when I disabled all of it's elements in msconfig, it doesn't boot any faster. I have a Linksys WRT54G wireless router in my home, and the notebook has a built-in wireless card. The internal card is set for 802.11.b., and my router is set to "Mixed" (because I have a PDA that

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Slow Start Up Using Norton Internet Security 2002 Update

Mar 5, 2003

This tweak works also if your Using Zone Alarm or Zone Alarm Pro V.3.7. I found out by applying this tweak for Nortons with my Zone Alarm program.
If you are using Norton Internet Security 2002, and are experiencing slow start-up of XP. i.e. you can see the desktop with icons etc. but it takes 30-60sec before you can start using the computer.1. Click on start buttom.2. Select control panel3. Open “Network Connections”4. Under “LAN and High-Speed Internet”, right-click on your “Local Area Connection” and select “Properties”5. Under “General” tab, select “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)” and select “Properties.6. Select “Use the following IP address:” 7. Under “IP address” enter following : 192.168.0.X (Replace X with a value between 1 and 254.  If you have multiple computers, pick differnt numbers for each computer on your network)8.

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Two Antivirus Install In System

Jan 5, 2009

We install two or more antivirus software in a system having WXP?

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Extreamly Slow Shut Down - Downloaded And Installed The Latest Security Updates

Apr 30, 2007

I recently downloaded and installed the latest security updates for Win XP. The computer runs fine, but when
it is time to shut it down it takes an extremely long time to complete the shut down. I defragmented the hard
drive thinking that would solve the problem but it had no noticeable affect

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