Security FIREWALL Isn't Turned ON!

Sep 15, 2005

my security center (from control panel firewall) says that the firewall isn't turned on (in fact, it is currently turned off)and i have no way of clicking on the "on" option because the screen is basically unchangeable.

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Firewall Turned Off

Sep 3, 2005

My Windows Firewall automatically turns off every time i reboot. Is this because Norton Antivirus has its own internal firewall? If it is because of Norton, is it ok to leave the Windows Firewall turned off? I'm concerned that my computer isn't adequately secured.

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Firewall Turned To OFF

Jul 4, 2005

I continually have my norton Internet Security popping up alerting me that my firewall is turned off.What is causing this to turn off?How can I prevent the windows firewall from turning off? Is Norton running a Firewall in addition to the windows firewall?

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Reboot Firewall Turned Off

Oct 12, 2009

Just recently every time i boot up or reboot, my windows firewall is turned off. I get the balloon in the bottom right of my screen to fix it, which i problem! But when i boot up again, it switched off?

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Firewall Turned On Automatically

Sep 20, 2005

Just experienced a very strange situation. We have several hundred XP clients on an NT Domain. We disable windows firewall. Over the weekend we upgraded our NT 4 Domain to Windows 2003 Mixed Mode Active Directory. We are now seeing today and yesterday some machines have the windows firewall enabled. We discoverd the problem due to an older legacy application we have had stopped working. The application was working yesterday (2 days after the upgrade) but today it was not. The machines experiencing the problem are located in seperate office and seperate departments. so far we have seen only about 15 with the firewall enabled. As we just upgraded we dont have any GPO's in place that would enable this. We dont have any other automated
customization tools that were configured to do this either.Is there any log file or any way to determine when/by who the firewall was enabled. The users of the machines dont have admin rights so we know it was
not them.

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Turning Off A Turned-off Firewall

Sep 13, 2005

In my Local Area Connection Properties, I turned off the Internet Connection Firewall, but I have symptoms of it being on, like, unable to host Warcraft 3 games, slow download speeds, etc etc, and even an error that say it is on while I'm patching World of Warcraft, is there a way to fix this?

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Pop Up Shown Firewall Is Not Turned On

Apr 29, 2005

Any way to get rid of those annoying tool tip type balloons that pop-up to tell me i'm connected, my firewall isn't turned on or i have no virus software? i've looked everywhere on both my machines one xp home and the other xp pro.

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Firewall Turned Off In GPO But Still Blocks Programs

Aug 23, 2005

I have XP Firewall turned off by Group policy, yet it still pops up and me about blocking certain programs. Mainly I see it on DPMS.EXE right after installing Novell. I go to control panel and check the firewall and it says it is turned off by GPO.

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Turning On Firewall Within Seconds It Was Turned Off

Mar 21, 2010

every time im turning on my xp firewall within seconds it was turned off. i just encountered with total xp security problem i.e, a fake software. i have a file named abhhqq.exe but it can't be deleted, i think b'cos of this only problem still persist.

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Security Center Says Firewall Off, Firewall Says On?

Jul 1, 2005

Windows XP Home running McAfee Security Center, which is not managing Security Center, and McAfee Personal Firewall is not installed.All Windows Critical Updates are applied.Windows Security Center says the Windows Firewall is off, Windows Firewall says it is on.

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Firewall - Computer Turned Black To Blue

Jun 11, 2008

Windows firewall Just like magic, much of the text on my computer turned from black to blue. For example, all the text I've typed in to label my photos is now all blue, it was black when I originally typed it. All the text I typed in under my document files had turned to blue as well. Not all the text on the computer has turned to blue, just mostly in documents and photos. I have no idea how this happened. Does anybody know how I can change it back to the original color, black. I really have tried everything I can think of and so far nothing works.

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Firewall Turned Off But Green Light Stays On

May 4, 2005

I shut off my firewall on my xp pro computer but when I look at the security centre, the green light is still on, indicating that the firewall is still on. This is a new computer that was set up before I got it and I know on my old one, the red light would be on when the firewall is turned off.

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Unable To Open Microsoft Websites - Firewall Turned Off

Jan 6, 2009

Iam anable to open any MS websites either with IE7 or FireFox. Able to open other websites. I have tried adding "s"to the "http"protocol,but no luck. Then went to internet options and unticked the "tsl"option in Advanced tab,again no luck! Thus iam not able to manually download updates.The XP pro has SP2 and SP3 installed. All the drivers are in place.To add to my woes ,SAS PRO and MBAM are not getting updates too!To survive i have installed AVG 8 Anti-virus and it too is not getting updated! I have turned off the windows firewall and the Comodo Firewall Pro. The KIS 2009 disk is not installing as it is not being accessed by the dvd drive( please see my post in "General security"). When i run the diagnostic tool--i get the message that the PC is unable to access the FTP and the http and https are fine!Please ask for any further info' which i've failed to mention

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Security Center: Been Stopped Or Not Turned On?

Jun 28, 2005

When I click on security it says that is unavailable because it has been stopped or not turned on. How do I turn it on.

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Is The Firewall Enough For Security?

Sep 8, 2005

I know this is an old topic, but I thought I'd try to get the latest opinions on this. I'm trying to decide whether to get another firewall. Everybody says the problem with the XP firewall is that although it controls
incoming connections, it doesn't control outgoing connections. I already have the free ZoneAlarm firewall on my Win2K computers, which works fine. And I could add it to my new XP Home Edition computer. But apparently some people complain that ZoneAlarm adds log files that grow large, etc. etc. so I figured I'd avoid adding another firewall *if* it wasn't really necessary. What's the current consensus, if any?

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Cant Turn On Firewall And Other Security Settings

Nov 23, 2008

My home computer hard drive died. Critical data was backed up, so I didnt lose anything important, but Im having trouble with my replacement computer.I had another serviceable WinXP computer, two years old, that had never been connected to the internet, so job one after putting it on my desk was to download AVG antivirus. I did that.But when I tried to update the virus database, AVG Control Panel said the connection failed, and I couldnt download the updates. (I can access the internet via IE7 just fine, which of course I dont want to do without adequate virus and spyware protection.) And when I checked my Security Settings, it says that the firewall is turned OFF. When I try to turn the firewall ON, the first error message says:

Windows Firewall settings cannot be displayed because the associated service is not running. Do you want to start the Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) service?When I click Yes, the next error message says:Windows cannot start the Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) service.Obviously I need instructions from a print or online manual to fix more than just the firewall problem. But Im not sure where to start looking, and what questions to ask when I get there. Some Windows users forum? This forum here? Where do I start?

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System Security Alert Firewall Not On

Sep 12, 2005

im am getting a windows security alert that says windows firewall is not on ,but when i goto turn it on in the control panel it says its already on???

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Security Center: System Restore For Firewall?

Aug 18, 2008

I recently installed Comodo Firewall and once again, it was too much for me to handle, so I uninstalled it and went back to Windows Firewall until I can find something else. However, as most people experience, it is still listed as my running firewall in the security center. I googled the problem and I have tried everything that I have found to get rid of it and it will not go away! I followed the instructions on the Comodo page and when it comes to deleting the repository file, it won't allow me to. I hit delete and it comes up that a file is still in use. I tried again and again, went under safe mode, and nothing. I tried to run the Command tells me the repository file is not empty and Command will not let me proceed any further.

I tried System Restore, which solved the firewall problem but brought on antivirus problems (I have the Avira free edition). The AV guard will not work. I click "Antivir Guard Enable"....nothing. The definitions remain at the day I restored back to and when I try to update, it says my program is up to date. I go to the Service program under Administrative tools to start it, same problem. I have restored back a couple times and have never had this problem. So I ended up undoing both system restores and am back to the firewall problem. I can't get rid of it no matter what I do.

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Need Security Firewall And Antivirus / Don't Want To Slow Down System

Aug 8, 2006

my sister is going to college with one of our old laptops. It has a 1.6 GHz Celeron and about 180 MB of RAM. I need security (firewall, antivirus), but I don't want it to slow down the system a lot. All she needs to do is use the web and Microsoft Office. Do you have recommendations on what free software to use?

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Finding Security Software Bundle With Firewall And Virus Protection?

May 10, 2006

I am looking for security software and I was wondering if there is something like a bundle with all sorts of useful applications? Like a firewall, virus protection and so on? Can anyone help?

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Security Center Notifies That Automatic Updates Are "turned Off"?

Dec 10, 2005

My dad is running windows XP Home edition, SP2, windows firewall, Norton's antivirus 2005, and spysweeper 4.5. Recently when windows loads, the security center notifies him that automatic updates are "turned off"; however, when he goes to "system" -> "automatic updates," it IS turned on. When I had him check "adminstration tool"--> "services," ->"automatic update," it was NOT EVEN LISTED

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Security Center: Popup Windows Firewall Detected Suspicious Network Activity?

Jun 19, 2005

This message keeps popping up every so often.. is it legitimate? or is it just a part of a pop-up ad/adware/etc.? "Windows Security Center WARNING: Windows Firewall detected suspicious network activity on your computer. Malicious software codes try to steal your privacy information, such as credit card numbers, electronic mail accounts, financial data or passwords.

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Firewall Acting Weird - Using ETRust EZ Firewall

Apr 27, 2006

I am using eTRust EZ firewall and just recently started having problems with it and the effect on my pc. First, it wouldn't let me select allow or ask under the access internet or trusted column under the program control. Now, it won't let me access the internet if the program control is turned to low, medium, or high. The only way for anything to get to the internet is if the setting is turned off

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Sp2 And Firewall - Firewall Settings Are Greyed Out

Jul 14, 2005

My firewall settings are greyed out and a banner says some functions controlled by group policy but I have a home computer and no network administrator. I tried resetting the firewall setting and it didnt seem to work

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Router Firewall OR Comodo Firewall??

Mar 6, 2010

I connect to the internet thru a router with a built in firewall.(turned on) I am also running a software firewall with comodo. Do I need the comodo firewall Every new update version of the comodo firewall seems to mess one thing or another up on my old winXP machine.

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Popup Virus Disguised As Online Security Guide/Security Troubleshooting?

Feb 23, 2008

Its making these icons appear that are either porn or these downloads to those trojan spyware things. There are two icons where the time is, a yellow yield sign and the red x and they just lead me to more of those sites, can someone help me get rid of them?

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Security Center:no Options Listed Under The Manage Security Settings?

Sep 7, 2005

There are suddenly no options listed under the "Manage security settings for:" heading, just blank space, so I have no way to edit my Firewall, Antivirus or Windows Update settings from the Center. I opened services.msc and it shows the service started automatically.

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Sharing And Security Settings Not Showing Security

Jun 23, 2005

I've forgotten but in a new install of XP-Pro,SP2 using NTFS on C: I don't have the Security Tab when I right click on a folder to setup sharing. I want this so I can set Permissions, etc. I have it on my other PC set up the same way but for some reason I don't on this new install.

What am I doing wrong? My username is a member of the Andministrators group.

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Getting Security Warnings That My Security Settings Has Blocked?

Feb 13, 2009

I haven't been to this site for a while and I noticed I'm getting Security Warnings that my security settings has blocked of an ActiveX install. I know how to change those settings, but am reluctant to do so. Can anyone shed some light on this. I occasionally will get similar warnings on other sites, but it is consistant on this one. Once in a while IE6 will hang up on this and I'll have to got to Ctrl+Alt+Delete to get out of it.

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Security Centre - Detects Old Security?

Feb 27, 2008

My Windows Secuirty Centre is still detecting an old AV program as up-to-date and active even though its no longer installed... same with the firewall is there any way of resetting the security centre or where in the registry can i find the entrys to modify?

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National Security Vs. Personal Security?

Nov 2, 2006

many of the security holes found in software (especially Microsoft Windows) might have been deliberately put there as back doors into our computers for easy access by our governments. I guess my question is this.Will total, absolute, 100% security ever be possible or will our government always demand a back door in? It just seems that if any back door exists, it will eventually be discovered and exploited.

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