Don't Have Access To XP File To Add Back Up Wizard Option
Aug 1, 2005
What is the best way to back up my favorites, music, important word/excel files, address book, pics etc. etc. I am currently running XP home edition and don't have access to the XP windows file to add the back up wizard option under system tools.
I want to migrate data from my old computer (98) to my new computer (XP) via serial cable. To do that I need to create a "Wizard Disk" for my old computer. I'm trying to use "File and Settings Transfer Wizard" on my new computer to create the Wizard CD, but that program doesn't recognize my CD-RW/DVD drive (E. The dropdown list used to select the output device includes choices for only F, G, H, and I, my 8-in-1 media drives. How can I get it to write to my CD on drive E?
I'm using a fairly new install of Windows XP SP2 on my laptop.
Clicking on "New Connection Wizard", then select the "Connect to my Workplace" option which would normally allow me to create a VPN connection, is greyed out.
I've googled on this problem and found issues suggesting that
1. XP SP1 be re-installed (I'm upto SP2, which I've tried re-installing without success) 2. HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionTelephony be deleted (have tried this, rebooted, no success) 3. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesRasManPPPEAP25 and 26 (tried this, rebooted, no success) 4. Find SR.INF and re-install (tried, rebooted, no change)
Having tried all of the above, I've had no joy at all. The VPN option in "New Connection Wizard" remains greyed out.
The problem did appear to begin when I did a System Restore after a bad s/w installation.
In addition - when I try to re-start the Remote Access Connection Manager Service I receive Error 5: Access is Denied. I'm logged on as a Local Administrator. I believe this is related.
Let's preface this by saying I have not set any restore points.Now I'd like to set System Restore back to May 1st. I start System Restore Wizard (because I've never done this before and it seemed like an easy way to go about it), but the earliest restore point is June 23rd (or threabouts).My question: Is there any way to go back before that?
In WinXP, when you first enter a username and password for something, a window pops up asking if you want Windows to save the password. If you say no, this window never pops up again for that password. Well, I've changed my mind, and now I want it to save the password. How do I get this option back?
I'm running Win XP and I have a question about setting up a modem connection while already having a DSL internet connection.I would like to set up a modem connection so I could get on the internet whenever my DSL connection goes down. Here's the problem. When I open Network Connections icon in the Control Panel and click the New Connection Wizard, the "Connect using a dial-up modem" option is grayed out and can't be clicked. Does anyone know what I could do to get that option back?
This in plain non-techie English? My Microsoft Camera and scanner Wizard no longer comes up when I insert the FLASH-CARD from my HP digital camera in the FLASH-DRIVE on my PC. Nothing happens now, It worked great for 2 years.How do I get the wizard back so I can unload my camera using the flash-card in the flashdrive?I have WXP-Home/SP2. I downloaded some XP security updates but don't know if they caused the problem.
I need to backup my PC, but the backup wizard gives the following message when I choose my DVDR drive as the destination: The backup file name could not be used "E:mybackup.bkf". Please be sure it is a valid path and that you have sufficient access.
Two computers running windows xp professional and each computer has 3 different NIC cards. 1 wireless, 1 wired through switch and 1 wired directly. I used the network setup wizard to configure file sharing however neither computer can see the other's shared folders. The only firewall running is the default windows firewall. I suspect it has something to do with the different NIC cards and it is trying to find shared folders using the wireless as opposed to through the LAN.
I've read a lot of the comments already posted to this site about this issue so I wanted to thank everyone for their great contributions. My situation is a little unique so I have some questions.Here's what I want to do.I have 2 floors in my building, the first floor being the warehouse and the second floor being my office. I want to have a desktop on the 1st floor that will not move and a notebook in my office (2nd floor) that I will be taking in and out of the office, or working with when I'm not in the warehouse.The 1st floor PC will have Windows XP Pro (I'm buying it this week), the one on the 2nd floor has XP Home. Both should have identical copies of the software that I'll be using.
I keep getting what I believe is a fake windows security alert, which reads: Warning! Potential Spyware Operation! Your computer is making unauthorized copies of your system and Internet files. I cannot access Control Panel. Cannot print and the computer does not recognize me as the administrator.
When I click this option in my Start menu on my Dell Dimension 2400 with Windows XP Service Pack 2 I get a Add or Remove Programs window that gives me three choices: Microsoft Windows, Non-Microsoft and Custom. I cannot get the Microsoft Windows option to set because it stays set in the Custom option. When I click on the Microsoft Windows option and then click OK it will automatically go back to the Custom option.I have tried clicking and unclicking the Microsoft Windows options in the Custom tab but it does no good.
I am unable to go into my windows xp desktop. The computer boots and stops with the following menus. 1. Safe mode 2. Safe mode with networking 3. Safe mode with command prompt 4. Last known good configuration 5. Start windows normaally. I selected each prompt but none of them let me in to my desktop. Instead after each booting it keeps on bringing me to the very same menus mentioned above. I need an immediate help that will help me solve this problem in order to be able to access my Desktop.
At work today I was running a program in windows by typing:> clustalw.exe file.txtat the command prompt. On this computer, clustal.exe takes file.txt as an argument, processes it, and exits. I tried doing the same thing on my home computer (also windows XP) and it says:"/file.txt" is not an option.
I use the standard picture handling feature that came with XP-Home on my computer in 2002. When flagging a picture and clicking on 'Email This File', I used to be given the option to reduce the picture size for the email.This size-reduction option disappeared some months ago but I wasn't too bothered as my file sizes were quite small anyway. However it's a real nuisance now that I take/file all photos at maximum resolution. Before I email a picture, especially to someone on dial-up, I now have to open Photoshop Elements and reduce the file size
I recently reformated my machine with XP, now when i boot it up it has the option to boot to WIndows XP Professional listed twice and it counts down from 30. I did a search for the boot file and found it and change the time to 3 seconds and deleted the second entry of XP. But still nothing changes and still has the otpion of booting to XP twice and counts down from 30. Maybe i change the wrong file. Does anyone know the exact file name and ext. to chang ethis option.
I saved a scanned copy of a letter on my desktop, but the next day the desktop had been cleaned up and I can't find the file anywhere on my PC. I've tried several alternative searche - but to no avail.
My desktop cleanup wizard was on, but I had turned it off many days ago.
I need to find the file as it is a letter to my local tax office (and I did not keep a printout
I run a specific batch file at startup that attempts to copy a file to lace one that is under control of a running program. I get the messageThe process cannot access the file because it is being used by anotherprocess."How do I successfully write the file? I know that the way you are supposed to do it is to close the program, make the transfer then restart the program. But how do you do that when you don't know the programand you don't know how it starts in the first place.
After doing 'One Button Checkup' I get an error. Missing File:"CProgram FilesCommonFilesInstallShieldProfessinalRunTime701Intel 32DotNet.Installer.exe" (cannot access a necessary file "mscoree.dll") Win Doctor is unable to find & replace it, so it must have been deleted after Installation or later, ..... it doesn't seem to affect the computer so far, is it necessary to replace & would I be able to extract & replace it from original Windows XP disc, or would it only be possible by re-installing Windows XP?
I am trying to access the file properties area on a .jpg file. I like to put the descrepption of the picture in the PROPERTY section of the file where is says SUMMARY. I have typed in the description and save it but when I go back to the file there is nothing there. (I right click on the file and go to PROPERTIES and then click on SUMMARY-ADVANCED) .
i just emptied my recycle bin and got rid of something i wish i hadn't. is there anyway to get back something that i just deleted and emptied, without having to do a system restore?
I have an empty folder on my desktop that I delete a couple of times a day, but it keeps coming back. I delete it, empty recycle bin, and then after a while, it comes back. I haven't been able to figure out what triggers it to return. How can I delete this annoying file?
After messing around with some 3rd party software, my XP pretty much crashed¦missing task bar, can’t move files (paste option gone), F5 (search) only see that little dog on the bottom, cant install or uninstall programs (error saying something about Windows installer is not working), Safe mode doesn't work, and the list goes on.My only option (with my knowledge) was to re-install XP. Luckily, few days before the crash, I backed up All information in this computer” using Windows system tools.
My computer had a file that I wanted to remove but instead got this message:Cannot delete file: Access is denied.The file is in use by another program or user.I was told to install unlocker to remove the file. I right-clicked unlocker on that file and it said there is nothing to be unlocked so I deleted the file through the unlocker options. I checked the recycling bin to see if it ended up there but that file was not in the recycling bin. I thought nothing of it and assumed it's gone for good but after I restarted the computer it came back. I also scanned and removed all the bugs from my computer but still no use. It keeps coming back. Although the file keeps coming back it contains nothing and takes up 0 space.
I use Windows XP SP2. Recently noticed that when I left-click on any of the icons of the Hard-disk drives and/or Devices with Removable Storage within 'My Computer', the 'Search' Option opens up by default instead of the 'Open' option, like in other folders. Likewise, when I right-click on the said icons, the 'Search' option is topmost & the 'Open' option has been relegated to second position. I would like the Search option to come first. Can't remember whether this was so from before or changed recently. I have used Norton Partition Magic 8 recently to resize my partitions.
I feel so dumb, It's been forever since I created a desktop shortcut, and I wanted to create a shortcut for my Canon Utilities file - from my Program bar on the Start Menu. Long story short - I accidentally moved the file to my desktop and cannot get it back to the program list on the Start menu.
I have had the error message file missing or corrupt/WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIG|SYSTEM , it says to load xp setup and then hit r when prompted to start repair , however every time i try to do this it just reboots and takes me back to the same message. I have tried booting from cd with xp disc and service pack2 but i dont get any setup screen/options and no option to repair. I really do not want to lose this machine as it has all my own self produced music on it and in the past i have lost 2 machines full of tracks to other hardware related problems.