Boot File - Still Nothing Change Option Booting Twice Counts Down

Dec 8, 2004

I recently reformated my machine with XP, now when i boot it up it has the option to boot to WIndows XP Professional listed twice and it counts down from 30. I did a search for the boot file and found it and change the time to 3 seconds and deleted the second entry of XP. But still nothing changes and still has the otpion of booting to XP twice and counts down from 30. Maybe i change the wrong file. Does anyone know the exact file name and ext. to chang ethis option.

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Xp Boot Failure: Invalide Boot.ini File - Booting From C?

Jan 31, 2008

a while ago my computer failed to boot repeatedly and I took it to the repair man who got it going but when I first switch it on I get the message invalide boot.ini file - booting from c and what has happened to create this problem and can I restore my PC to boot from the original file

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No Option To Reformat When Booting With Cd

Sep 26, 2009

I just got a new motherboard and wanted to reformat one of my hard drives so I could actually get into Windows but when I boot from the disk the Windows Setup gives me no option to format or install Windows. It just starts loading files, then it restarts the computer. If I try to boot without the WinXP cd it starts to load windows then blue screens because I got a different motherboard than my hard drives are used to, even in safe mode it will crash and restart. The new motherboard I got is an ECS Elitegroup GF8200A Black Series, the old one is an ASRock ALive NF6G-VSTA. My processor is an AMD Phenom 9650, I have a 650 Watt PSU, an XFX GeForce 9600 GSO, and 4 GB of RAM. The HDD I am trying to reformat is an 80 gb Maxtor, my main is a 200 GB Seagate but I don't want to reformat that one because it has all of my things on it. Any help regarding either reformatting the one hard drive or making it possible for me to boot into Windows on my main hard drive to install the neessary drivers for this new motherboard.

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Dual OS Option On Booting The System

Jul 10, 2005

I had some failure and have recovered everything and upgraded to SP2.However, now after the POST as we go to load windows it tells me tohighlight which O/S I want to use.I always take the first (Windows XP Home Edition) and it boots andoperates fine. However, the second choice is also Window XP HomeEdition and if I take it it tells me there is a disk hardware error and it cannot boot.

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System Gives Booting Option When Start

Nov 29, 2006

I have a Dell laptop and since today, when i turn the computer on, it goes past the dell screen, then goes to the screen where it says "We apologize for the inconvenience" then gives me options of safe mode, with networking, with command prompt, Last known good configuration, or start it normally. No matter which option i pick, it just comes beck to the same screen.

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Periods Of Hihg Disk - I/O Counts

Sep 8, 2005

the problem also happened before SP2 was installed. Frequently [i.e. 2-3 times an hour when I am using the system] and even occasionally when the machine is in StandBy [!] the disk starts cranking away full bore [i.e. the disk light is on almost constantly and it sounds really REALLY busy] for 2-3 minutes ... then it seems to start slowing down and eventually becomes quiet. I don't have a clue what is going on. When I bring up Windows Task Manager and look at the Processes tab I see a couple of entries whose I/O counts are changing a little bit [maybe 3-4 reads and/or writes a second] but nothing shows the huge counts that I think are going on based on the noise I hear from the drive. When it is in this frantic disk mode just about anything else that I might be trying to do comes to a standstill

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Option To Change Font Size In Outlook Express

May 23, 2010

Where are the settings to change the fonts in Outlook Express? I'd like to change the font in the folders to bold, but Micro$oft has them well hidden.

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No Change / Remove Button Option In Control Panel

Apr 8, 2009

I just acquired a used toshiba M45. Windows XP-home. In attempts to "clean" the drive, I encountered the problem with no "change/remove" button option in control panel. I followed the advice found here to change values in the registry as outlined at . The problem is that when I get to the final branch of uninstall in the registry, there are no programs listed there to change the value. I can't find any solution here, or with mr. google.

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Boot.ini Boot Menu Loader: Left Off The NoExcute-Option?

Sep 25, 2006

when I edited my boot menu I left off the NoExcute=OptIn at the end of the boot menu line to load my system and was wondering if I can add this now without messing everything up ? I just found out what this option does and looks to me like a have to option. This is on XP Pro.

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Win Cannot Boot In Normal Mode After Changing Boot Option

Feb 22, 2006

I changed my boot option using msconfig to safe mode. But I didn't realize I needed a local username/ password to login. So now I don't know a local username password and pressing F8 and specifying Normal mode still boots in safe mode.

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OS Boot If Chose Cd Dvd - 1st Boot Option

Jul 21, 2010

Something weird has happened. I left my asus F6a to my cousin for a few minutes and all I got was a trojan. It seems I removed it, but now the pc will only boot if I select cd/dvd first boot option and I put no cd/dvd inside! I discovered it by chance, cause if I but it normally from the hard drive, I only got a black screen.

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Boot Different Option From One OS

Aug 27, 2005

I have XP MCE2005 and I am desperatly trying to find a way to choose
different boot option during startup.I do quite different things with my MCE, I like Playing games, Editing Photos, Editing Videos, PVR series, work, etc.I have many different programs for each application , many of which have entries in the start up and services. ALL are loaded during start up, consuming unI which to know if there is a way to create various start up or boot option were I can predefine and choose a proble for 1) Gaming 2)Video/Photo editing

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Don't Have Access To XP File To Add Back Up Wizard Option

Aug 1, 2005

What is the best way to back up my favorites, music, important word/excel files, address book, pics etc. etc. I am currently running XP home edition and don't have access to the XP windows file to add the back up wizard option under system tools.

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Dual OS Option During Boot-Up

Aug 10, 2005

I'm sure this has been posted on here before, but bear with me because I didn't know what to search under to find this answerDuring my system boot-up, I have the option to choose from 2 different Windows XP's. The one that I boot-up off of is on my smaller hard drive, which just has Windows on it. I have a now non-existent version of Windows on my main hard drive which was put on there when I was fooling around in college, and apparently I never properly got rid of the OS on my main hard drive.

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Repair Option Boot

May 7, 2005

Can any one tell me how to set the "Recovery Console" as a boot option? I also don't have a CD of Windows XP pro, is it still possible?

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Need To Move A File Without Booting

Aug 21, 2007

I am looking for a way to access and move a file without booting Windows. The reason is that I am a collossal idiot and accidentally moved a .dll file that is used by winlogon.exe and now I need to move it back.

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Command Prompt Error - File.txt" Is Not An Option.

Jun 4, 2007

At work today I was running a program in windows by typing:> clustalw.exe file.txtat the command prompt. On this computer, clustal.exe takes file.txt as an argument, processes it, and exits. I tried doing the same thing on my home computer (also windows XP) and it says:"/file.txt" is not an option.

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Auto Picture File Re-size Option Lost

Nov 3, 2005

I use the standard picture handling feature that came with XP-Home on my computer in 2002. When flagging a picture and clicking on 'Email This File', I used to be given the option to reduce the picture size for the email.This size-reduction option disappeared some months ago but I wasn't too bothered as my file sizes were quite small anyway. However it's a real nuisance now that I take/file all photos at maximum resolution. Before I email a picture, especially to someone on dial-up, I now have to open Photoshop Elements and reduce the file size

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Upgrade System - No Boot Option

Jan 15, 2006

I recently upgraded my System from P3 to P4, also added a new 120GB SATA Hard Drive which I kept as a Primary Master.I also attached my old 40GB IDE hard drive which is the secondary master. I had installed Windows XP Pro on the IDE HDD and now have installed the same O.S. on the new drive also. In my old system which also had two hard drives (both IDE drives) I used to get a boot option. But with the SATA + IDE combination the boot option has disappeared and it boots directly from the SATA Drive.

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No Repair Option In Boot Menu

Jan 15, 2008

i dont have the option with my xp to boot and run a repair "r" i know this has to do with oem,volume license disks etc...i was wondering if there was another way i could run a repair...

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Xp Boot Options At Start: Removing One Option?

Feb 16, 2006

just formatted the hard drive and installed xp pro on a hp 533 had xp home on it when i boot up i get the option to start xp home or can i get it to just boot to xp pro and not even ask about xp home which is not on there anymore?

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Clean Re-install, No Boot From Disc Option?

May 18, 2008

I'm sure this has been asked 100 times before but my computer randomly shuts itself down so I don't really have the time to look for it. I need to reinstall Windows XP. I want to do a clean install. I have the disc and the reg code. What I don't have is the BOOT FROM DISC option!! How do I get it or how do I do it?

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Lost Dual Boot Startup Option

Jan 27, 2009

I lost dule boot satrtup options I still see both options as hard drives but the option to pick whitch

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Erronious Dual Boot Option - Recovery CD

Apr 6, 2010

a problem w/ my vid card, In order to remove any doubt that it wasn't a driver issue, I used the recovery CD. First attempt something happened and after doing the installer, it couldn't boot properly to continue the installation process. So I re-installed another time.This one completed normally and everything is (mostly) fine.
One big thing thats irking me, is when I turn my computer on it asks me what I want to boot into giving me 2 WinXP options. (I havent tried picking the 2nd option)

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System Restart After Selecting Any Boot Option

Jun 26, 2005

Error on boot: we apologise for the inconvience but windows did not start successfully a recent hardware or software change might have caused this if your computer stopped responding restarted unexpectally or automatically shut down to protect your files and folders choose your last known good configuration: 1. boot in safe mode 2. boot in safe mode with networking 3. boot in safe mode with command prompt. Any option i choose it goes to boot screen comes up and restarts and the same error as the one above comes up.

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Missing/corrupt File When Booting - Virus?

Mar 17, 2007

My computer displays this message when booting up:Code: Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYST EMYou can attempt to repair this file by starting Windows Setup using the original Setup CD-ROM.Select 'r' at the first screen to start repair.The only disk I can think it is refering to is the Operating System disk. It had an option for an automated repair thing but then it asked for a floppy disk - I didn't have one. When if finally came to the window with an option to repair the system, I hit 'r' It then said there was no hard drive available and could not proceed with the repair.

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In A Boot Up Loop Booting Up?

Nov 10, 2006

It's a good thing I have another computer to use...otherwise, I don't know how I would be able to ask these questions.My other machine is an HP a730n, 1 Gb RAM, 3 GHz, running with AVG anti-virus, all Windows updates in place.The machine was on overnight. Two programs were running (photoeditor, word processor).This machine also has two external drives connected to it, through USB ports.When I turned on my monitor, there was an error message displayed, but I didn't write it down. I clicked okay, and then the machine proceeded to shut down, and now it is going through an endless loop of trying to start windows.It initially gives me a screen with the options of safe mode, safe mode with networking, or command prompt, letting it start with the last known working configuration, or start windows normally. I've tried the start windows normally several times, to no avail.In safe mode, I clicked on Administrator, which then said it was starting windows up, but I then got a window that said "winlogon.exe application error. The instruction at "0x7498aaba" referenced memory at "0x00000008." The memory could not be read. Click cancel to debug, and OK to close.I also tried the last known good configuration, with the endless loop continuing.

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Laptop Won't Boot / Can't Change Boot Order / Cd Drive Just Clicks

Nov 5, 2007

I have a HP ze5568cl laptop (Windows XP SP2). For a few years we've had trouble with the power connector. We've just wiggled the power cable to keep it connected and lived with the problem. It also gets very hot and the fan runs constantly. Yesterday when I powered it on there was no power, absolutely nothing. My husband has some electronic knowledge so we took the laptop apart and he soldered the loose part of the power connector. While he was doing that I cleaned the fan (couldn't believe how much dust was in there.When we plugged in the power cable the orange light came on so we were excited. When we powered it on all the keyboard lights lit up so we thought we had fixed the problem but.that's all it did. It went no further except that the fan kicked on.There is a clicking noise coming from the cd drive about every second with the green light flashing. I suppose it is checking to see if there is a bootable cd in the cd drive. I have attempted to change the boot order by holding F1, then F2 but it still continues to try to read the cd drive. I can't get to the screen that will allow me to change the boot order.

I also put the OS disk in the cd drive, hoping that it would start with the disk but it just clicks. Hubby removed the cover of the cd drive and I could see that the cd is spinning.There were no problems with this laptop prior to the power problem. It was really working very well especially considering the age of it.
The information in my sig is not for the computer with the problem. It's actually for an old computer which my son now has at college.

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Failex Install, Now Have Dual Boot Option For Setup?

Sep 2, 2008

A week ago I had some malware crap going on and was going to reinstall windows. The windows XP setup crashed partway through (was having some hardware malfunctions too so the comp crashed). I fired windows back up and found Malwarebytes. Ran it and it got rid of the malware and I was back to functional windows with no issues.Now at startup, I have a dual boot selection between Windows XP (which works normal) and the windows XP setup. How do I get rid of the Windows XP setup option so that it loads into WinXP normal?

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Bootable Drive - Make Simple Boot Option

Jan 19, 2007

I have 5 or 6 different bootable floppy drives, partition magic, norton ghost, etc. I want to make them all bootable off a single CD, thumbdrive, etc. with a simple multimenu in dos. I've created the bootable thumb drive, and I've messed with the [menu] commands and such, but I can't get it to work. Is there a way to make a simple boot option to say, use this config.sys and this autoexec.bat?

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Unable To Access OS Desktop: None Of The Boot Option Works?

May 20, 2007

I am unable to go into my windows xp desktop. The computer boots and stops with the following menus. 1. Safe mode 2. Safe mode with networking 3. Safe mode with command prompt 4. Last known good configuration 5. Start windows normaally. I selected each prompt but none of them let me in to my desktop. Instead after each booting it keeps on bringing me to the very same menus mentioned above. I need an immediate help that will help me solve this problem in order to be able to access my Desktop.

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