Display And Print Complete Directory Tree With Expanded Folders

Dec 22, 2004

How do I display and print a complete directory tree with expanded folders and showing each file. Just trying to get better organized for 2005.

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How To Add The Print Directory Feature For Folders

May 8, 2006

I followed these instructions to print the contents of a directory...


Even modified the directory as instructed to eliminate the search companion glich mentioned in the article. While the MS support provided the functionality I wanted, it does not help clear up all the problems it creates.

Now, when I launch Windows Explorer, in the left hand frame I have folders show, and in the right hand frame I have details shown. This is fine. When I double click a folder in the right hand frame, a new Windows Explorer launches, and the folders in the left hand frame are gone. I can click the folders icon at the top and turn them back on, but this did not use to happen. What I had and want back is for the folder to open in the same window, an leave the format of the Windows Explorer screen alone.

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Explorer Tree Display Curiosity

Mar 5, 2007

I have an odd bug cropping up on multiple machines lately with XP Pro SP2. I've yet to find any other instances on the net, but I'm not exactly sure of what to search for. I open Windows Explorer and leave it open. If anything happens on the Desktop (say a file is deleted, created, name changed, anything) the Windows Explorer will list Multiple "Desktops" at the top of the list on the left pane. Now these "Desktops" are actual folders that exist on my Desktop and I can click on them and see the contents of each folder, and in the address bar the real folder name is shown, but for some reason Windows Explorer displays them as "Desktop" instead of the real folder name in the left pane.

Also when this happens I can no longer navigate the folder tree properly. Plus signs to expand a tree no longer work, when I double click on a subfolder to open it, it doesn't refresh the left pane. I can close out Windows Explorer and reopen and all is well again until the next change. This is a very very frustrating bug and even happens on clean installs. Has anyone else had experience with this bug or have any clues what might be causing it? BTW, this clean install was using nLite to slipstream SP2 and automate the install. The only other options I used was disabling services that I always disable anyway such as the firewall,

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Document Failed To Print - Services Directory Is Unavailable

Jul 2, 2005

I have a Dell Inspiron 8500 with XP Pro that I am trying to connect to an HP Laserjet 4P. The 4P tests OK on a W-98 machine, so I know it and the cable are not the problem. When I try to print, I get no output, and a message that the document failed to print. I've tried Word, Notepad, and DOS, and no results. When I interrogate the printer from the print dialog box, it tells me that the Services Directory is unavailable. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling the printer, and re-booting. The computer prints normally to an HP 3100 laserjet and a newer HP injet printer as well. I can't seem to find anything in the Help and Knowledgebase to tell me where to go. I did try following instructions to investigate the "printer permissions", but stalled out when I right-clicked on the printer and there was no "Security" tab anywhere in the dialog box as described.

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Added Directory List Print - Change Default Left Click In Explorer?

Aug 20, 2006

I just added a "Directory List Print" to my right click options and somehow the default choice (highlighted at the top of the list) changed from "open" to "search".

Apparently the default selection governs what happens when you left click. I want to restore "open" as the default choice, but can't figure out how. Does it require a reg edit or a utility program or what? TIA

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Start Menu Doesnot Display Complete Programs

Jun 9, 2010

all tabs (Tables or whatever they are called) with all the different programs show in three columns.
But I have more than that and they don't show all ( have XP).
I remember I think in Win 98, I could go into Explorer/Filemanager, then move Programs around into Main Folders in the START folder or a folder of my choosing and make the columns shorter. I don't find where I can do this in XP. I tried as Adminstrator, myself, Guest, nothing works. XP just keeps the way it has decided to show them. I want Office:and its programs, Utilities with its programs, Graphics, Organizers, Toshibastuff, Webstuff, etc, all similar programs in a subfolder to choose from, instead of having to open Explorer to find them, because Windows own Tables don't show them all.

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Showing Hidden Files And Folders - Single Directory On Drive

Jul 10, 2006

No matter what I do, when I change the properties of a single directory to either show or not show hidden files and folders, that property then changes in every single directory on the whole drive. I do not click on "Apply to All Folders", I just go to the directory of interest and change the button in Folder Options>View and press "OK". Is there a trick here? Basically I want some folders to show hidden folders, and others to not show them. Right now it's either all or nothing! Again, I am NOT pressing apply to all, which I know will apply all view settings to every folder.

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How To Have A Print Output Different From Monitor Display

Aug 9, 2005

I have a freind witH MS (multiple sclerosis) and I told her I would help her find out how to print a document with black ink when herdisplay is set up to show a white font on a black back ground (to
enable her to read it, as her eyesight is failing). Is there a way to set this as the default mode - so that she doesn't have to do something special each time she prints a document?

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"My Documents" Directory Grows Folders All By Itself?

May 25, 2009

My "My Documents" directory grows folders all by itself. I don't store my stuff there and like to keep it empty for quicker access to my Windows Explorer aka File Manager. About once or twice a week I find a "My Music" or "My Pictures" has appeared there and I need to delete them. No big deal but I really hate evidence of M$ pushing its help upon me when I've indicated otherwise.

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Hidden Files And Folders Display - Default Admin Account

Aug 7, 2005

I'm having trouble with the 'Show hidden files and folders' setting in the folder options. No matter how many times I try to set the computer to display hidden files and folders, the computer completely ignores it and resets it to 'Do not show hidden files and folders'. The account I am using while trying to change the setting is a admin account though not the default admin account. I have tried to change the setting in the default admin account and the same thing happens. I'm running XP Pro with SP2. As far as I can tell this problem started after I uninstalled a browser hijack program that got installed without my consent though I am not positive that this problem did not start before the browser hijacker problem occurred. I'm assuming the registry is corrupted and short of reinstalling windows I don't know how to fix the problem.

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Folders Missing When "trying To Find Them In A "Directory"

Nov 21, 2007

when I try to locate a file to open one, I click the browse icon, but no folders show up.Cant post a picture to show you. This is how it looks.

1. press browse
2. The window shows, (were I can chose a folder) and reads "Select the directory where you VST plugins are located"
3. Its blank, shows no folders
4. Bottom says "Folder" you type the folder name there
5. bottom left says "Make new folder"
6. Bottom right says "OK" and Cancel

how can I locate my folder when I dont see names or folders themselves? find the older and click o-kay? I tried copy and paste the file name and were its located like: C:Program FilesImage-LineFL Studio 7 but nothing happens.

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Can Not Get Dos EMM / Expanded Memory

Sep 2, 2005

I have a Compaq M2000 notebook computer (XP Home Edition w/SP2". I can't get DOS EMM (Expanded Memory)to load. I edit my config.nt file to to include this line also "EMM=RAM".Edit my PIF file for the command.com file to include Expanded Memory. Nothing seens to work. Talk to tech support @ Compaq, they do not have a solution to this problem.

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Collapse Regedit Tree Without Disabling

Dec 12, 2002

RegEdit annoyingly remembers the last key you viewed and then the next time you use the application, it is expanded to that section. There are other tweeks that change the permissions on the Regedit applet in the registry to deny access.
That does work. However, in the process, you lose the ability to create favorites.
A few lines of code solves the problem. You can then create a shortcut to the .vbs file and change the icon to the regedit icon and put it on the desktop, add it to a start menu, whatever. Just put these few lines in a text editor and save as the

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Can't View Folder Tree In Explorer

Aug 5, 2006

My preferred view of Windows Explorer is a window with details listed and the folder tree on the left side of the screen. I recently purchased a new Emachine and cannot change my default view so the folder tree is present when I open Windows Explorer. When I click on ''tools-folder options'' and select ''apply to all folders'', the desired change does not take place. I noticed that the ''apply'' button does not activate when I click to make this change.

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Folder Tree MISSING From Copy Move

Aug 24, 2006

I've had this problem for a few months, just lived with it. In the attached screen shots, you will see I have no folder trees in any of the pop up Add, Move, or Copy pop ups in Explorer and Windows Media Player. I have no clue if this can be restored to show again. This has happened before I upgraded Media Player so it shouldnt be that. I'm thinking Windows Corruption somewhere.

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Size Limit To Tree Structure In Explorer

Sep 15, 2005

Is there a size limit to a tree structure in Explorer? You know like; C:My sub Directory is very deep goes on and on and on an on and goes again and again etc etc etc. Is there a size limit?

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Checking Print Preview: Blank Box And The Printer Wont Print?

Jul 21, 2005

I write a file in Word and then save it.Before I print it I usually go into Print Preview just to check things out.This time however it just showed me a blank box and the printer would not print.Everything was OK for a complete day and then the problem happened again - blank preview and no printing. This time switching off for 10 minutes and then back on had no effect.I have been trying most of today to correct things without success. I then copied it onto a floppy, put the floppy in my friends PC - same result as before

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Black Ink Wont Print/No Pages In Previous Printer Would Print?

Dec 28, 2006

I previously owned a Lexmark Z25 printer and up to a certain point, it was printing ok. Then it abruptly stopped printing any pages. It sounded as if it was getting the signal from the computer, but nothing would print. Rather than buy new cartridges, which would have cost more than a new printer, I bought a Dell 720. Now, the color prints fine, but I cannot get the black to print. The cartridges are just about full with only a small amount out of the black cartridge.

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Startup - Msconfig - Seeing An Expanded View Of This Information?

Nov 25, 2006

I want to free my computer of unwanted startup items, BUT, I can't tell what these things are? Is there a way to get more information other than what is shown here?

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Start Explorer With Computer Expanded & Tags

Aug 12, 2002

Run ""explorer.exe/n,/e,::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}"" from command, or make a shortcut. Explorer.exe switches (taken from SyntaxEXPLORER.EXE [/n][/e][,/root, ][[,/select],] Switches/n: Opens a new window in single-paned (My Computer) view for each item selected, even if the new window duplicates a window that is already open./e: Uses Windows Explorer view. Windows Explorer view is most similar to File Manager in Windows version 3.x. Note that the default view is Open view./root,: Specifies the root level of the specified view. The default is to use the normal namespace root (the desktop). Whatever is specified is the root for the display./select,: Specifies the folder to receive the initial focus. If "/select" is used, the parent folder is opened and the specified object is selected.

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Open Operating System Expanded Format

Jul 5, 2010

Is there a way to get Windows to open windows in the expanded format rather than drag each window individually to the expanded format?

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Unable To Print Envelopes: Print Coming Blank?

Jul 3, 2010

Walk me through printing an envelope on my Lexmark X125. I have clicked on envelopes, then options for the envelope size, then print. The envelope comes out blank.

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Open Dialog Box In Applications / Drop-down Won't Stay Expanded

Jun 4, 2008

I have a fresh install of WinXP Pro, SP3. The dialog box opens up. The drop-down menu for choosing drives expands as expected for about 1 second, then closes back up. This happens no matter what. It just won't stay open/expanded. I must add, that clicking, My Computer, and using THAT drop-down to choose drives works fine. It's only in applications that this happens. I could swear I've seen this behavior before, but I can't place what it is or how to remedy it.

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Print Icon Brings Up Print Properties Box?

Jul 20, 2005

All worked as normal Printer icon would print automatically with default print settings; File -Print would bring up print properties dialogue box to select options.Unhooked printer from laptop. Since reconnecting printer, the print icon button reverts to bringing up the print properties box as happens with going File - print. There is only one printer attached - it is shown in "Printers and Faxes" with a tick. There is nowhere to check it as the default printer as it is the only printer.How can I make the print icon button just do straight default prints again?

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Print Jobs Don't Get Into Print Server Is Offline

Apr 25, 2010

I have an old Sony VAIO (running Win Xp) that I am using a print server. The VAIO is connected to a HP PSC. The VAIO is on a wireless network along with two other laptops. One laptop is running Win Xp and the other is running Vista. Everything was working fine as far as printing went until I reinstalled the OS on the Win Xp machine (same OS). Previously the VAIO would go offline due to hibernation and so if I tried to print something from the Xp machine, it would get in the queue and get printed when I turned the VAIO on. Now the print jobs are not getting in a queue when the VAIO is offline.I don't know what I did right before and so I don't know how to remedy the problem.

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Open Windows Explorer With Program Files Fully Expanded?

Nov 22, 2006

I would like to have windows explorer open with all drives showing and with c:Program Files fully expanded (as if the + next to Program Files were clicked) in the left pane. I am currently using the target, "%SystemRoot%explorer.exe /n, /e, C:Program FilesAgent" which expands Program Files only to the extent that Agent is highlighted and expanded. How can I get it to open with all program files visible in the left pane? I must need another switch but don't know what it is or where to put it in the sequence.

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Printer Wont Print: Getting Message "this Document Failed To Print"?

Aug 17, 2005

I installed a new modem the other day cause the old one got fried. Now I am trying to print and the printer keeps giving me an error message, "this document fail to print." I tried all possible troubleshooting techniques but nothing help. I don't know what to do.

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Printer Wont Print: Wont Take Pages To Print?

Sep 5, 2008

Printer wont print THE printer normally prints fine but now it wont print atall the usb cable is in and the printer wont take the paper it just sits there
CONTROL PANEL> PRINTERS> OPEN and it says its printing just fine but it isnt Its in the front usb hub and tried the rear it dont make any differnence. The printer is on and its got paper etc etc.

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Browse Folders/double/right Clicking And Create New Folders Very Slow?

Nov 3, 2008

Notice considerable lag when doing the following simple tasks: use the dialog boxes to browse folders (save as, etc) is slow ,double clicking my computer or any folders is slow, right click and create new folders is slow, clicking START button and going to programs is slow

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Display Issues- Higher Resolution Results In Signal Isnt Compatible With This Display Setting

Jun 28, 2010

I have problems if I try and run the display settings above 800x600. I was wondering if this would be fixed if I upgrade the firmware settings and if so where would I get these upgrades? Whenever I try and run it at a higher display setting all I get is a thing saying "Signal isnt compatible with this display setting".

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Folders In Favourites Disappeared: Retrieving The Lost Folders?

Jun 30, 2005

when i opened up my favourites folder in explorer some of my folders have disappeared my daughter has been on the computer but swears she has not even opened favourites,can anyone tell me why this has happened and if it is possible to retrieve my folders.I have tried system restore but it did not help

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