Size Limit To Tree Structure In Explorer

Sep 15, 2005

Is there a size limit to a tree structure in Explorer? You know like; C:My sub Directory is very deep goes on and on and on an on and goes again and again etc etc etc. Is there a size limit?

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Explorer Tree Display Curiosity

Mar 5, 2007

I have an odd bug cropping up on multiple machines lately with XP Pro SP2. I've yet to find any other instances on the net, but I'm not exactly sure of what to search for. I open Windows Explorer and leave it open. If anything happens on the Desktop (say a file is deleted, created, name changed, anything) the Windows Explorer will list Multiple "Desktops" at the top of the list on the left pane. Now these "Desktops" are actual folders that exist on my Desktop and I can click on them and see the contents of each folder, and in the address bar the real folder name is shown, but for some reason Windows Explorer displays them as "Desktop" instead of the real folder name in the left pane.

Also when this happens I can no longer navigate the folder tree properly. Plus signs to expand a tree no longer work, when I double click on a subfolder to open it, it doesn't refresh the left pane. I can close out Windows Explorer and reopen and all is well again until the next change. This is a very very frustrating bug and even happens on clean installs. Has anyone else had experience with this bug or have any clues what might be causing it? BTW, this clean install was using nLite to slipstream SP2 and automate the install. The only other options I used was disabling services that I always disable anyway such as the firewall,

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Can't View Folder Tree In Explorer

Aug 5, 2006

My preferred view of Windows Explorer is a window with details listed and the folder tree on the left side of the screen. I recently purchased a new Emachine and cannot change my default view so the folder tree is present when I open Windows Explorer. When I click on ''tools-folder options'' and select ''apply to all folders'', the desired change does not take place. I noticed that the ''apply'' button does not activate when I click to make this change.

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Folder Size On Explorer?

Oct 13, 2005

is there any way to get Windows Explorer or My Computer to show the size of folders as it does with individual files? If not, is there a Windows Explorer / My Computer type app thai will do so?

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Right Click Crashes Explorer To See The Size

Jan 20, 2005

Crashes if I right click on my HardDrive icon to see the size.

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Change The Thumbnail Size In Explorer?

Sep 14, 2005

is there a way to change the thumbnail size in windows explorer?

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Internet Explorer Page Size Too Big

Oct 22, 2009

Some time ago, I must have inadvertently "pushed a button" and the page size for Internet Explorer changed from "normal" to "magnified". I can't figure out how to change it back. Going into control panel and changing the screen resolution size has absolutely no effect. (I never re-adjusted the screen size anyway). It's so annoying to have to constantly work the page bars up and down, back and forth! I think the same thing has happened to AOL.

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Partition Size Incorrect In Explorer

May 17, 2006

Using Partition Expert on a master HDD with two partitions I resized the second partiton down by about 8 GB, then resized the C partition from 10 to 18.25 GB. Committed Operation. Seemed to be doing fine, next time I looked at the screen it was blue and it said the system had encountered a problem and Windows was shut down to prevent damage. The PC rebooted fine and everything works OK. However, Explorer says the size of the two partitons is 10 GB and 20 GB, somewhere I lost 8.25 GB (which is the least of my worries anyway)Defrag says the same thing, however, Partition Expert says the partitions are 18.25 GB and 20GB. And this is what Windows Disk Manager says: In the top panel it says the partitons are 10 GB and 20 GB.

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Collapse Regedit Tree Without Disabling

Dec 12, 2002

RegEdit annoyingly remembers the last key you viewed and then the next time you use the application, it is expanded to that section. There are other tweeks that change the permissions on the Regedit applet in the registry to deny access.
That does work. However, in the process, you lose the ability to create favorites.
A few lines of code solves the problem. You can then create a shortcut to the .vbs file and change the icon to the regedit icon and put it on the desktop, add it to a start menu, whatever. Just put these few lines in a text editor and save as the

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Text Size In Internet Explorer Is Very Small

Jun 12, 2006

Does anyone know how i can set internet explorer so that every time i run it the text size is default "larger"? it always comes up medium on my laptop, and that's too small. i always go to "view", "text size" and change it to "larger", but the next time i boot up, it defaults back to "medium". I want it to always stay on "larger".

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Can't Get Internet Explorer To Go Back To Regular Size

Sep 4, 2005

I had right clicked on the taskbar, then clicked on cascade windows.Now I can not get my internet explorer window to go back to regular size when I click on the internet explorer E (not sortcut) on my desktop (I have to manually resize it).I want to be able to click on it & have it open to max size How can I get it back to normal?

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Folder Tree MISSING From Copy Move

Aug 24, 2006

I've had this problem for a few months, just lived with it. In the attached screen shots, you will see I have no folder trees in any of the pop up Add, Move, or Copy pop ups in Explorer and Windows Media Player. I have no clue if this can be restored to show again. This has happened before I upgraded Media Player so it shouldnt be that. I'm thinking Windows Corruption somewhere.

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Display And Print Complete Directory Tree With Expanded Folders

Dec 22, 2004

How do I display and print a complete directory tree with expanded folders and showing each file. Just trying to get better organized for 2005.

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How To Limit Startup Items

Sep 28, 2007

I try going to msconfig and uncheck some things but could not do that. How to do this with xp home???

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Limit Internet Access?

Nov 15, 2007

I have a standalone Dell Pentium 4 computer with XP Home SP2. I just recently set up with a password protected account and also a limited account. I want to limit internet access on limited account.

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2GB Files Download Limit

Apr 9, 2007

I have been trying to download America's Army (2.5GB) via http for a while now with no success. What happens is that the download just stops at the 2GB mark for no apparent reason. I tried using Firefox, IE6 and IE7 (which I downloaded against my better judgment) all with the same faliure. The first time, I tried to download it from (hosted by Bigpond) and all subsequent times, as unmetered content from my ISP (Inter node).I first googled the problem and came up with lots of questions but no answers. Then I emailed my ISP who are usualy outstanding for customer support (they haven't outsourced their call centers and don't plan to) but they too couldn't find a specific answer. They were however able to suggest that it was a Windows thing as there was nothing about my connection or firefox that would limit download size to 2GB.So the question stands; How do I get Windows XP Media center 2005 to allow over size http downloads?

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Limit Of User Accounts

Mar 12, 2006

whats the max number limit of user accounts that can be created in XP Pro.cant seem to find any info on it.there must be a limit. (I am refering to both the logon screen, which i think is 5, and actual number of user accounts in the system like is seen in the "local users and groups" section)The reason for me asking is b/c my friends mom needs to share out a file at her work and they dont have a server. (guessing maybe 7-13 people) All of which are going to be needing very different access rights to this folder.Id like to just create a user account for each person and adjust the folder share rights by each user. And this way each person could have thier own username and PW for making the connection as if they were connecting to a file share on a 2000 server.

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Network File Limit?

Sep 7, 2007

i recently made a home network on my pc using XP.
All went fine.

I then connected to my network from my other pc upstairs and tried to send a 4.5gb file it got all the way to the end then says "disk is full" but the computer i set up my network with has 60gb spare.

i tried sending a 200mb file and that worked ok

Any ideas?

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Character Limit For Legal NoticeText

Jul 20, 2005

Does anyone know if there is a character limit for the
value.We have a very long legal notice that is being truncated. The messagedoes include commas.

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Setting Contrast And Brightness To Its Full Limit But Still Dark?

Mar 18, 2007

i have changed my moniter.its an old model of HP. i have set the contrast and brightness to its full limit. still the colours are very dark in it.there is no colour option but there are red blue green colour options.i have tried everything from moniter menu but i am not getting the originality if the pic.i want it to be more bright and a bit less colours. is there any other option for doing it?

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Limit Home Administrator Privileges - Power Users Security

Dec 2, 2006

I have a family PC running XP Home with six user accounts. All are administrator accounts and I prefer to keep them that way. The PC is firewalled and has AV and anti-spyware SW and I try to educate my family in safe computing practices.
My problem is that the 8, 11, and 15 y-o boys keep screwing up each others accounts (on purpose) by changing each other's passwords, or changing them to limited accounts. My 11 y-o for example, thinks his 8 y-o brother should not be allowed to install "Sponge Bob Whatever"; so he changes his account to limited. (Somehow he thinks it is ok though to install Limewire or Bearshare even after I tell him not to).Is there a way in XP Home to give users "Power User" privileges which will allow them to do most everything administrators can do, but not be able to access other user accounts?

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Font Size - Quick Launch Icon Size

Oct 14, 2006

I have finally decided to put my screen settings to 1024-768 or what ever that one is lol .. but my only problem now is the font size.. for example up top of this page where it says file,edit, view really small and same as the name thats down on my bar at the bottom of my screen where my open windows are they are really small and I want to make them bigger how do I do that? also .. my quick launch icons are super small can I make them bigger? I made the ones on my desktop bigger but can't figure out how to make the quick launch ones bigger.

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Tried Changing Resolution Font Size Screen Size

May 6, 2005

i tried chaging the resolution font size scrren size i tried changing everything nothing works all my icons r big my text my task bar exc

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Size Of The Paging File - Change Initial Size

Apr 21, 2008

I heard that the paging file should always be 1.5x the amount of RAM that is available on the machine. My initial size of the paging file is set to around 2GB and I was wondering if I should change the initial size to 3GB or put it to 'System managed size'?

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Desktop Size - Monitor Screen Size.

Dec 23, 2009

I am using an elderly 3M LCD projection panel on an overhead prjector for big screen Tv, driven by XP pro SP3. The panel has no controls for vertical/horizontal size and whatever monitor is used, an OS desktop fills the screen by default. I can resize the window for the TV viewing program in the normal way,just filling my projection screen, but the XP desktop is far too large.Does anyone know of a way to change the physical size of the desktop (including the taskbar) so that it sits in the LCD screen with a blank border all around, or maybe even make it custom resizeable as in a program window ( without changing the resolution)?

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File Size - Size On Disk

May 1, 2006

When I right click a file to view it's properties there are two different values shown: one for file "size" and the other for "size on disk". The second value is always larger. Could someone please explain what the difference is because I'm in the process of allocating space for backed up user data on a network share and I need to multiply the average file size by the number of users to get an estimate of how much space to allocate to that share.

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Outlook PST File / Message Saying This File Has Reached Its Limit

Oct 23, 2008

I am getting a message saying this file has reached its limit. I have deleted many files and also emptied the deleted folder. I am still getting tis message and although outlook is telling me I have new messages in my inbox, I cannot see them.

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Chkdsk Log Size

Jul 4, 2005

The problem is that the max size of a single log is 16kB. More than enough
when everything is ok but
too small when your disk has some problems, and the list of involved files
may be very long.
Is there a way to increase the max size of a log? Or, alternatively, in
chksdk options can you specify a text file as log output?

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IE Font Size

Sep 5, 2005

For some unknown reason or cause, my internet explorer's font size became so small that it is barely readable. How can I make the font size bigger? I tried Tools>Internet Options>Fonts but its doesn't allow to change size.

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IE Font Size?

Jun 26, 2005

Hey all. Today I just noticed that while using IE its displaying some website's in extremely small font. I run a Dell Inspiron 5150 with an external monitor hooked up. I have had UltraMon installed for a few days now, but the problem just started this evening. Any ideas?

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Font Size In Help Box

Mar 24, 2006

Running XP SR2 on a new HP
I am very visually impaired � I was able to increase font size in all areas except one � any help with this would be GREATLY appreciated. The area that I need to increase font size is the windows help information box � when I enter a question in Windows or any app the answer box has this TEEENY font and I just can�t see it. Is there any way to increase this font. (Would I have to reduce the resolution on my brand new LCD?)

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