Collapse Regedit Tree Without Disabling

Dec 12, 2002

RegEdit annoyingly remembers the last key you viewed and then the next time you use the application, it is expanded to that section. There are other tweeks that change the permissions on the Regedit applet in the registry to deny access.
That does work. However, in the process, you lose the ability to create favorites.
A few lines of code solves the problem. You can then create a shortcut to the .vbs file and change the icon to the regedit icon and put it on the desktop, add it to a start menu, whatever. Just put these few lines in a text editor and save as the

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Explorer Tree Display Curiosity

Mar 5, 2007

I have an odd bug cropping up on multiple machines lately with XP Pro SP2. I've yet to find any other instances on the net, but I'm not exactly sure of what to search for. I open Windows Explorer and leave it open. If anything happens on the Desktop (say a file is deleted, created, name changed, anything) the Windows Explorer will list Multiple "Desktops" at the top of the list on the left pane. Now these "Desktops" are actual folders that exist on my Desktop and I can click on them and see the contents of each folder, and in the address bar the real folder name is shown, but for some reason Windows Explorer displays them as "Desktop" instead of the real folder name in the left pane.

Also when this happens I can no longer navigate the folder tree properly. Plus signs to expand a tree no longer work, when I double click on a subfolder to open it, it doesn't refresh the left pane. I can close out Windows Explorer and reopen and all is well again until the next change. This is a very very frustrating bug and even happens on clean installs. Has anyone else had experience with this bug or have any clues what might be causing it? BTW, this clean install was using nLite to slipstream SP2 and automate the install. The only other options I used was disabling services that I always disable anyway such as the firewall,

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Can't View Folder Tree In Explorer

Aug 5, 2006

My preferred view of Windows Explorer is a window with details listed and the folder tree on the left side of the screen. I recently purchased a new Emachine and cannot change my default view so the folder tree is present when I open Windows Explorer. When I click on ''tools-folder options'' and select ''apply to all folders'', the desired change does not take place. I noticed that the ''apply'' button does not activate when I click to make this change.

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Folder Tree MISSING From Copy Move

Aug 24, 2006

I've had this problem for a few months, just lived with it. In the attached screen shots, you will see I have no folder trees in any of the pop up Add, Move, or Copy pop ups in Explorer and Windows Media Player. I have no clue if this can be restored to show again. This has happened before I upgraded Media Player so it shouldnt be that. I'm thinking Windows Corruption somewhere.

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Size Limit To Tree Structure In Explorer

Sep 15, 2005

Is there a size limit to a tree structure in Explorer? You know like; C:My sub Directory is very deep goes on and on and on an on and goes again and again etc etc etc. Is there a size limit?

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Display And Print Complete Directory Tree With Expanded Folders

Dec 22, 2004

How do I display and print a complete directory tree with expanded folders and showing each file. Just trying to get better organized for 2005.

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How To Use Regedit?

Apr 23, 2010

I was wondering if someone could direct me to some very good webpages where you can learn to use Regedit. I know it is an advanced system tool and that I can render the OS useless if I tamper with it, but I really want to learn how to use it properly.

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How To Regedit

Jun 16, 2005

my IE home page was set by some other internet web site and unable to change it back (what a company)!!
when I try to run the Regedit.exe, I got the error message "Registry Editing has been disabled by your administrator" I am using windows xp home, and my user name is definatelly the administrator.

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Regedit 32

Jul 4, 2005

when i type regedit all i get is a black oblong saying regedit 32 ,

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Can Not Run Regedit

Aug 13, 2005

when i try to run reg edit i get this error mess.16 bit MS-DOS Subsystem C:windowssystem 32 The NTVDM cpu has encountered a illegal instruction.CS:0577ip:9c3fopf0400
1004.choose close to close the programme.I have reinstalled(repiar)xp.

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Cannot Use Regedit

Dec 16, 2005

A command prompt appeared, showing Cannot load VPM IPX/SPX support And a windows warning popup stating:
C:windowssystem32 The NTVDM CPU has encountered illegal instruction CS:0dbc IP:ffd3 OP:63 fa 65 13 64 Choose close to terminate the application.

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Enabling And Disabling PIO / DMA

Nov 6, 2004

To enable or disable PIO/DMA modes simply follow these steps:Open Device Manager: Start - Run - DevMgmt.msc Expand the category "IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers"Right click the desired IDE controller (Primary/Secondary) and choose Properties.Choose the "Advanced Settings" tab.Change "Transfer Mode" as necessary. Note: This option will only be available on hardware that supports this feature.

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Regedit Missing

Feb 27, 2006

While trying to correct issues with internet access, I have discovered that Regedit is missing. The file is gone.

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REGEDIT Disappears

Jun 18, 2005

Why when i type regedit i see regedit window for some seconds and then it disappears i have to modify some values in regedit and so i am unable to do it.

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RegEdit- Loading Bar Comes Up

Oct 15, 2007

After the WindowsXP loading bar comes up at the bottom right corner it shows the Windows Version..and it gives me a pop up message

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Regedit- Need Name And Data

Oct 26, 2008

Need the name and data for the following:
HKEY Current User>Software>Microsoft>Windows>Current Version>Policies>Explorer> I have the "default" but not the second one for nodisk or something.

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Run Regedit - Cmd Run Texbox

Jun 28, 2007

When i type in the Start, Run the command "Regedit" "cmd" or "SFC/SCANNOW", i am getting on a desktop a little window that popup saying "REGEDIT IS NOT A VALID WIN32 APPLICATION", THE SAME THING if i try for CMD, OR SFC/SCANNOW , i searched microsoft website, and i did not find a solution for this , can you help by indicating the solution or a link that takes me to fix this

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Can't Run MsConfig, RegEdit

Jan 11, 2005

Everytime I try to run msconfig or registry editor, it pops up for a second and then closes immediately. They open, but close immediately so i get about a 1/2 second look.I restored my system to before this problem started -I'm running Windows XP Pro.

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Dvd/cd-rom Not Working: Tried Run And Regedit?

Oct 6, 2008

typed in run then regedit,4 got what filters 2 unitall or install

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Regedit Won't Open

Jun 30, 2005

The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications. It worked fine up until recently but now it doesn't work anymore.

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Disabling Pop-Up Error Message With An OK Box

Feb 17, 2007

Windows pops up an error message box, with an "ok" box in it. The server app cannot be restarted until that silly box is clicked in. This is very irritating to me, because it only crashes when I go away from home, of course, when I need the watchdog most

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Disabling The Firewall Service In SP2?

Dec 25, 2007

Does anyone know how to disable the Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing service in Windows XP SP2 in the registry? I know how to manually disable the service under Computer Management -->Services, but I would like to see if I can add/modify a registry key to do the trick.

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Disabling The Firewall Service In SP2?

Jul 16, 2005

Does anyone know how to disable the Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing service in Windows XP SP2 in the registry? I know how to manually disable the service under Computer Management -->Services, but I would like to see if I can add/modify a registry key to do the trick.

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After Disabling / Bunch Of Services

Feb 18, 2008

I am having problems with my shared printer. I do not use a local area connection for anything except just printing, but it appears I disabled a service i shouldn't have to get it working.

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Disabling Of Remote Shutdown

Aug 8, 2007

I realize you can do a remote shutdown of a system by using the command line shutdown with -m. (Windows XP)
For security reasons is there any way to disable this from happening? Ie, some settings on computer X so that any other computer can't just randomly shut it down.I seem to have read somewhere that it's dependant on the Remote Proceedure Call service, but that can't be stopped.

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Disabling NAV And Firewall Before Install SP2

Jun 25, 2006

I think I've finally stopped procrastinating and I'm ready to risk installing windows xp home edition SP2. But before I do, I want to be sure I do all the "prepare your computer" things I'm supposed to do. I did a complete hard drive backup. I'm running Norton System Works 2006, which includes Norton Anti-Virus. I thought I also had Norton Internet Security but apparently I do not. So I don't know what if anything I'm running for a firewall!!! [big problem perhaps, but a different thread!]

One message on this forum says "disable anti-virus and firewall..." In my case, how should I do that? I've disabled NAV "auto-protect" using the icon in my system tray. Is that enough, for NAV? I will disconnect entirely from the internet before installing SP2. But once I do that, do I still have to disable a firewall?

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Automatic Updates Keeps Disabling Itself?

Aug 6, 2008

This problem just started occurring today. Whenever I lock the computer, then unlock it, automatic updates turns itself off and the red alert pops up in the taskbar. Same goes for when I restart the computer.

How can I fix this? I never turned them off and when I try to re-enable them, the security center tells me that it can't re-enable them for some reason, so I have to do it manually. However, the problem persists even after I turn them back on.

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What Keeps Disabling Rerecording On CD Writers

Jun 25, 2005

It seems like every time I turn around something (certainly not me or anyone else that uses this computer) removes the check mark that I've placed on the Recording tab of the Properties for my CD-Writers. I have several on this computer. This is getting to be a major nuisance.

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Disabling Compress Old Files

Apr 15, 2006

Whenever I try to run Disk Cleanup, it starts to check how much space can be freed up, first by checking "Compress old files." Since I probably have something on the order of 5-10 million files on my computer (this isn't an exaggeration; I have several million files from research with medical data), this part of the scan essentially means that I always have to cancel Disk Cleanup, because it will never finish.Is there any way to do Disk Cleanup, but disable the scan for old files that Windows would want to compress?

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Disabling Screensaver Mode?

Apr 28, 2006

I work for a very large company and the IT group has set all pc's to automatically go to screensaver and lockout after 10 minutes of inactivity (thanks security team!). I've found the registry keys and they are as follows:
Value 0
Name: ScreenSaveActive
Type: REG_SZ
Data: 1
Value 1
Name: ScreenSaverIsSecure
Type: REG_SZ
Data: 1
Value 2
Name: ScreenSaveTimeOut
Type: REG_SZ
Data: 600
Value 3
Type: REG_SZ
Data: cmpnydft.scr
Will is screw something up if I delete an entire value or key?

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Missing Task & Regedit

Mar 10, 2006

I fix missing task manager and regedit but i don�t have boot.ini file when I started my computer but I fonud it any tutorials about modifying boot.ini file and I put code. in system startup boot loader timeout=30default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk ,i still missing stupid ini.file.

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