Computer Won't Let Me Download Programs That Require Active X?
Feb 17, 2007
Ever since I downloaded Windows Explorer 7 I have serious problems with ordinary functions, like double clicking on URLs or highlighted items. In hotmail it won't let me delete spam, but other clicks it allows me. Copying and pasting is also non-functional. I also use Firefox, so now I do almost everything on it.
Another problem is that my computer won't let me download programs that require Active X., not even its own Windows programs. How can I change that? I think that although I've always owned the computer, the pc doesn't recognize me as having administrative powers. That may because my computer repair guy tinkered with the controls.
It's driving me batty! I'm running XP Pro on a Dell XPS, which is several wonderful years old. Every darn time I restart or shut down, I get a combination of the following windows requiring manual End Nows. I'm the human END NOW machine:
1. agent.exe 2. AUMMsgWndName 3. Office Watson 4. ctfmon.exe 5. explorer.exe (usually this has to be ended now a couple of times) 6. MCCWSA Window 7. CMI Server 8. Hidden Fax Window
Suddenly, I noticed that Windows update no longer works. I still get automatic updates, but for some reason I can't manually update things. Anyone else seen this? If you note, they're asking to install an Active-X control, but the information bar doesn't popup to allow me to continue.
I have noticed that sometimes when I look at the task manager that there are programs there that I have terminated. For the most part they are not using CPU time, but are still on the list. The exception is iexplore.exe which is using 50% of CPU time (dual core machine) and causing the system to become unresponsive. I have tried using the right click, terminate process on these entries and nothing happens. They still remain in the list.
I have tried to restart computer and it will not restart. It goes through some motions of attempting to end unresponsive programs, but then nothing happens. The only way out is to hold down the power button until the computer shuts off which is supposed to be a bad way to turn it off.
A friend has a new HP desktop with Win XP Home. He told me that something pops up - usually every two minutes - and nothing happens.I saw the following: stop all active programs, click the desktop, wait a while, and sure enough, the cursor gets a small hourglass and then returns to normal. If you are in any other program when this happens, you lose focus and have to regain it manually.I'm at a loss as to how to detect what, exactly, is going on.Do any of you have any suggestions as to how to monitor this to determine the culprit?
There were some new features on my taskbar, the language bar to be exact. Now I went to the taskbar properties, selected toolbars and disabled the language bar. Afterwards I shoveled a bit with the positioning of the mediaplayer in my taskbar and all a sudden my active programs aren't shown anymore.
Unable to download any programs. But some updates seem to work. There are no error messages, the download screen looks normal apart from there being not download speed or anticipated time to download. The pages fly but nothing happens. Eventually I just cancel. Restore points before the date have failed. Reinstalling SP2 did not help. Un-installed recent installs around that time to no effect. I have even tried using other ISPs with all firewalls and AV turned off. Internet Explorer is the browser.
Previously downloaded a freeware Download Manager software called Fresh Download by Wasn't satisfied with performance so I uninstalled it. This error message comes up whenever I go to download anything in FIREFOX ONLY: I have gone through and removed all traces in my registry to no avail. The vendor does not offer tech support.I have to use IE for all downloads and it is a pain.
I have a WindowsXP. My computer won't let me open any programs and won't download any programs either. I've tried to open Spybot but it immediately dissapoears. Also i've tried to download Hijackthis and my computer won't let it download. Soon after the download window dissapears as well. My internet is working fine, it's just the programs that won't seem to open up. Am i infected? If there isn't any solution should i just re-format my computer? Don't know how else to show without the log.
Hey I am trying to connect my Belkin router. I have bell south. And when i have all my stuff connect then try to connect online with my bellsouth to start the install process on the Belkin install program. Well first it won't connect the bell south thing thats not allowing it to download the belkin program. I think its a firewall or something blocking it but not sure.
Is there a way to password protect files? Our kids use the computer now for school and there is sensitive documents (budgets, taxes, etc) that I do not want the kids to get into. Is there a way I could put these files into a location that would require a password to get into?
I am using Windows XP SP3 and Internet Explorer 7. When using web pages that open child windows, my online session to that site is closed after that child window is closed. Any subsequent navigation on the parent window takes me back to the sites login page. (Example: Login to my banking site, navigate to the statemetn page. The statement link opens a child window allowing me to view/print the statement. Upon closing the child/pop-up page, the parent page thinks that I have logged off and clicking on any subsequent link on the main page, I am required to login again.) Typically, if I keep the child page open and toggle over to the main page, I can navigate without issues. Hoping someone has solved this problem. I have disabled my firewall and virus checker with no success. Hoping there is an Internet Explorer setting or registry setting to solve this issue.
When trying to open any Word or Excel file, the program starts configuring Front Page Express. Since I do not have it installed, it results in an error and therefore opens Word/Excel in a blank page. Because of this, I have to always use File -> Open to open anything.
Hoping to find someone who will help me with building 3 or 4 barts PE plugins most of them dont require installation into the windows registry >>> they are small exe programs / example= orthos, core temp monitor, S&M stress tester,
Everest Home Edition PC Wizard Sensorsview Pro
once I can get the bootable ISO made with these programs I will make available to anyone for downloading >>>>> should be an awesome computer builders too and overclocking assistant
Im going to re-install Microsoft windows xp Home Edition Which is a Purple disc, To Re-Install drivers What Disc/s Do I Use?. The other discs i have got are:
- Dell Eurotools Which is two Green Discs. - Dell Dimension ResourceCD Which Has Drivers And Utilities At The Top (Blue Disc). - Dvd for installing Dell Dimension And Dell XPS Computer Software, Which Has Drivers And Utilities At The Top (Blue Disc),
After Ive Installed Windows Xp Home Edition Which One Of them Do I Need To Use And Does The driver Settings Require Me To Input Settings?
I am running XP Pro, single user on my machine. My screen saver setting is to require a password upon resuming. Until a few days ago this was working fine, showing the Welcome screen. Then suddenly I am now (only upon screenaver resumption) getting the classic logon screen. The option setting in the screensaver settings window has changed and I am utterly unable to determine what changed it or how to return it to the original state.
My account settings are for Fast User Switching and to Show Welcome Screen. I am not part of a domain. In perusing some newsgroups I have found this question before, however nowhere an answer to the question how to fix it. I concluded that something I must have done (without me being aware of it) had changed this and consequently decided to use an XP test build on another machine to possibly pinpoint such an occurence through a phased approach. Much to my surprise I found the setting for a screensaver to 'upon resome, password protect' from the get-go, i.e. the very first time I logged on, so my attempt for analyis was proven unsuccessful in record time.....
I am trying to open my active desktop, but I get a message that says IE cannot locate my active desktop html file. I need to find out how to fix this problem.
I have tried lots of time to download windows updates, when I go to the updates page all I get is: Checking for the latest version of the Windows Update software.Depending on your connection speed, this might take a minute. During this time, you may receive one or more security warnings. Review each security warning to ensure that the content is signed by Microsoft, and then click Install or Yes to install the software.and that is where it stops. It will not go any further. Page says 'done'. I have let is sit for hours and still nothing. When I go to Control Panel and click on 'Windows Firewall' the message I get is: Due to an unidentified problem, Windows cannot display Windows Firewall settings. I am not sure if this is part of the problem or not. I have recently done a Compaq System Recovery, but not a destructive recovery, just to restore the original files that were loaded when machine was new. Since then I have not been able to download windows updates. Everything else seems to work fine. If anyone has any answers I would be very grateful.My computer is Compaq Presario P8654T S3000T (OEM) running window XP, 2.40 gigahertz Intel Pentium 4, 512 kilobyte memory, on a cable modem.
I keep getting the following message when trying to download updates on my Vaio VGN-FJ270. I have not had this problem in the past when downloading updates from the MS web site or through the automatic update application. I am currently running XP Home Edition 2002 Service Pack 2.
thusday i got my dsl hooked upfar highspeed internet,seem to be working great,but now it,s taken so long to open up anything, it just sitd thete far a little while then it will pop up and do pretty good. my brother sent me a url to download on to my computer ,to watch movies it,s called vongo,i started downloading a movie after 4 hours i said heck with that and quit.,i cleaned everything out but still want do much,someone got a idear
I have lost the Software/Driver software for my webcam and now that i made my new PC cant gt the web cam to work, my cam's name is TREE and i m bying from united kingdom.Is there any way i can find out the name of my cam or use some other driver ect.
Under my desktop I finally got the pc back to normal but when logging under my daughter's name when I tried to download the yahoo toolbar it wouldn't let me access it.Is there any particular reason?I am just trying to make sure that when my daughter and husband log in they can easily move around online like I now can.
How come my sister computer is blocking all cookies? she went to one of her sites and it says to enable cookies.can someone tell me how to do that please? (im not sure if this has anything to do with the cookie blocking but she is using zone alarm security suite for her anti-virus and firewall)
actually at my work place i'm trying to download some hindi mp3 music files but somehow it not working. as I'm trying to right click on the song link and by selecting 'save target as' its openning the dailog box to save it but at this point it trying to save as HTML documents instead of mp3 format.if i try manuaaly to change file extension from html to mp3 than i can not play this file as it gives error about class-file of media player.I checked on Internet explorer tools internet option and security tab and verfied download file is enabled.
I am about to download and install XP Service Pack 2. When I attempted to do this when SP2 first came out, my computer slowed almost to a standstill and I uninstalled it.
I know I am not the only one to have this issue, but have not seen a real fix.When our lab users try to save or open Hotmail attachments (Doc, PDF, XLS) recieve the error "Internet Explorer cannot download 94ea from Internet Explorer was not able to open this Internet site. The requested site is either unavailiable or cannot be found.
My computer has been ok until I downloaded an update version of my Video Card. Now it is very slow and it freezes up until I press Alt/Control/Del. Then I have to close a window. I will work then.
My windows automatic updates notifier wants me to download Service Pack 3. I have heard of problems arising from Service Pack 3 (I have XP). Should I ignore it or should I download it?
How do I get the dialoge box to not close automatically after a download is complete? I have to minimize my browser, and open my desktop folder called Downloads to click on the downloaded item.