Some Programs Remain Active After Closing

Mar 16, 2010

I have noticed that sometimes when I look at the task manager that there are programs there that I have terminated. For the most part they are not using CPU time, but are still on the list. The exception is iexplore.exe which is using 50% of CPU time (dual core machine) and causing the system to become unresponsive. I have tried using the right click, terminate process on these entries and nothing happens. They still remain in the list.

I have tried to restart computer and it will not restart. It goes through some motions of attempting to end unresponsive programs, but then nothing happens. The only way out is to hold down the power button until the computer shuts off which is supposed to be a bad way to turn it off.

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Closing A An Active Box On My Desktop Is Choppy

Aug 2, 2009

When closing a an active box on my desktop, it is choppy and seems to close in about 4 a curtain going down very slowly. Also, if I move an active box on my desktop, it leaves a trail of maybe 15-20 box images trailing behind it for a few seconds. Never had this before. But..only if at my desktop screen. If I have a bunch of windows/boxes open, boxes close quickly and if moved leave no 'trail' behind them

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Programs Not Closing / Hl.exe Isnot Closing

May 29, 2005

Some programs (currently hl.exe is doing it :/) are just not closing right. I end them with task manager and they dissappear from everywhere but Task manager, where they stay no matter how many times i click end process. I tried through command prompt, it said it terminated the process, but it just stays in the task manager process list. I also tried through EndItAll, which told me it didn't have permission to kill the program.

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Hangs When Closing Programs

Oct 20, 2007

My father gets all the weirdest and most interesting problems with his computer... and then, of course, he turns to me for help, and usually it's something I've never heard of before, and probably caused by some random software gizmo he downloaded, that I just tell him to format and reinstall.

This time, though, it's on a fairly fresh (about a month and a half old) reinstall, and he says he hasn't installed any new software lately. So I thought I'd ask for a bit of help before telling him to reformat.

when he closes a program, about half the time it hangs for 10-30 seconds before closing. The program window disappears, but is still in the taskbar, and nothing at all can be done (no buttons will click, no programs will open, no keys will press) until it disappears. Afterward, if, for instance, you've clicked every icon on the desktop in frustration, most of what you tried to do during this brief hang will all happen at once. The Task Manager's performance tab doesn't show any unusual activity during the hang. And even the Task Manager will cause this hang when closed.

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Closing Programs As Windows98?

Mar 15, 2005

In windows 98se I could close running programs before installing a new program, by hitting ctrl/alt/del, then closing those running one at a time. How do I do this now that I am running win XP pro? I'm kind of afraid to shut down anything before installing a new program.

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Programs Closing Automatically After Some Time

May 28, 2006

my computer has started to close programs automatically after 5 to 10 minutes. this includes games, java programs and sometimes even norton. im not too sure why this is happening. I recently installed a new fan into my computer with LED lights, could it be because of this?

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Computer Restarting / Programs Closing

Jul 25, 2005

Problem which Kodak tech support cannot solve: Kodak DCS Pro SLR/n digital camera working connected with computer Pentium 4 Windows XP using Kodak Camera Manager software. Connection between camera and computer via Firewire IEEE 1394 Device in the mode where computer (via Kodak Camera Manager software) controls Camera and uploads the images.

Crash has 2 "flavors" but all of them happen when camera shutter release shoots many shots without waiting of the previous shot to be uploaded to computer. 1st crash - is total system reboot. 2nd crash - only Kodak Camera Manager crashes and then when restarted the program, it still does not work until I reboot the system. In short: when many shots/images accumulate forcing overflow over the IEEE 1394 Device, either Camera Manager crashes or system reboots

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Programs Opening And Closing Simultaneously

Jun 12, 2006

After I am on the computer for a few hours usually, my computer flickers with different task. computer closes all programs, then opens up Start Menu, then opens up like 2 or 3 programs, then closes, it does all this within like 5 secs, i mean it does it very keeps on opening and closing different programs simultaneously. Then only way i can stop the programs from opening and closing and my computer from flickering is to press CTRL+ATL+DEL.

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Computer Opening And Closing Programs On It's Own

Dec 9, 2005

My computer started acting like it was possessed! The numlock and scroll lock keys beep and light up on and off continuosly; if I try to open any Windows programs, ALL of the Windows programs start to pop open all over the desktop; it won't even dial the internet connection, so I can't get online. It won't go on standby by itself, and if I choose standby on the shutdown menu, it goes into standby for about 5 minutes and then goes back to the desktop, even after I've logged off!

I am able to open any games or programs that aren't Microsoft without other programs popping open, but the numlock and scroll lock keys still flash and beep all the time.
I have Earthlink ISP and use their anti-virus, pop-up blocker, spyblocker, spam filter, and firewall, along with Ad-aware and Xoftspy. No viruses or spyware are found when I run them.

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End The Process - Programs Closing - Newptsvc.exe

Jul 12, 2005

If I end the process I don't notice any programs closing. newptsvc.exe

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Slow - Not Closing Programs / Processes

Mar 12, 2008

my desktop computer was being a little slow, not closing programs/processes when i close them, then yesterday it gave me an error message about a corrupt file. when i restarted it immediately after that, it just keeps restarting over an over. i get to the windows screen and it just goes black an restarts. over and over and

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Hangs A Little After Closing Programs And Lags A Game

Nov 17, 2008

Recently Windows has been hanging a little after closing Firefox and/or Windows Live Mail. For example, if I close Firefox or WM (Windows Mail) and click on the Start button or anything for that matter Windows will hang maybe 2 seconds before it loads it. It didn't used to do this. I've ran anti virus/spyware programs (Which returned no real threats) and Ccleaner.As for the game, it's particulary only one as I notice lags in a certain way that never had before. It's America's Army and every so often I will get this lag that will last for a few seconds and just go away. It will make the game real sluggish but only for about 4 or so seconds but gets quite annoying as this didn't used to happen before.

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Programs Closing Abruptly After Short Time

Feb 11, 2007

In the past I've had problems with Internet Explorer closing abruptly after a couple minutes of having it open, I solved that problem by downloading Mozilla Firefox. But now I bought and installed WebEasy6 and after a few minutes of opening the program it abruptly closes and I lose my work. I have AOL Safety and Security Center and it tells me there is no known viruses or adware/spyware.

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Picture Programs Closing Internet Connection

Aug 27, 2005

"If I look at my photos on my computer, I lose internet connection immediately. So I can't crop, alter pics while online either. If I click on a picture to save it on the net, I lose connection. Meanwhile, I open my itunes, play music and all is fine with my internet connection. I can have many windows going, etc etc but just can't open up any picture program.

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How To Keep Closing Programs Running In System Tray?

Dec 25, 2007

Does anyone know how to keep someone from closing programs running in the System Tray? Perahps some software or something to lock access to the System Tray? nFor example: I have a virus program that runs for real-time protection and someone keeps closing the program in the System Tray because they don't like all the icons down there.There is no option in the menus for that program to tell it not to show up in the System Tray.

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Pop Up Stop All Active Programs Every 2 Minutes

Jul 7, 2005

A friend has a new HP desktop with Win XP Home. He told me that something pops up - usually every two minutes - and nothing happens.I saw the following: stop all active programs, click the desktop, wait a while, and sure enough, the cursor gets a small hourglass and then returns to normal. If you are in any other program when this happens, you lose focus and have to regain it manually.I'm at a loss as to how to detect what, exactly, is going on.Do any of you have any suggestions as to how to monitor this to determine the culprit?

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Computer Won't Let Me Download Programs That Require Active X?

Feb 17, 2007

Ever since I downloaded Windows Explorer 7 I have serious problems with ordinary functions, like double clicking on URLs or highlighted items. In hotmail it won't let me delete spam, but other clicks it allows me. Copying and pasting is also non-functional. I also use Firefox, so now I do almost everything on it.
Another problem is that my computer won't let me download programs that require Active X., not even its own Windows programs. How can I change that? I think that although I've always owned the computer, the pc doesn't recognize me as having administrative powers. That may because my computer repair guy tinkered with the controls.

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Active Programs Aren't Shown Anymore

Apr 8, 2006

There were some new features on my taskbar, the language bar to be exact. Now I went to the taskbar properties, selected toolbars and disabled the language bar. Afterwards I shoveled a bit with the positioning of the mediaplayer in my taskbar and all a sudden my active programs aren't shown anymore.

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Computer Will Not Remain On

Jan 1, 2009

When I turn on my computer the green light will come on for a second and go right back out. The fans keep running and the cd drives will open and close, but the monitor screen remains black and it tells me no signal.

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Pro 34 Min Remain On Install Log File

Aug 3, 2008

I am trying to install xp pro on a laptop. The laptop is a gateway M465-E, with a centrino duo cpu. I'm using a usb A: drive to install the sata drivers for it by hitting F6 at start of install. This works fine and reformat and start of install work great. But then the installation hangs at 34 minutes remaining. I realize this is a known issue with XP. what hardware to disconnect in order to get a clean install.

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Remain Connected When Dos Is Closed

Apr 5, 2005

I want to be able to make my pci internal modem (com3) dial a phone number and remain connected when i close the dos window then open a program that will talk directly to com3.Closest i can come is "echo atdt >com3" When i tried "echo adt0,12345 > com3" still no dial tone or off hook operation just a click.

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Don't Remain In Standby Mode

Oct 30, 2009

HP pavilion a1210n XP service sp3 Does not stay in standby mode for more than 1 minute. Removed batteries from mouse so it did not affect standbby mode.

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Printed Job Remain In Queue

Mar 4, 2005

I have 3 print queues that are retaining the printed jobs in the queue and every now and again the damn thing prints all the job again. I have checked that the keep printed jobs button is NOT checked/selected, but the queue acts ilke it is selected to keep printed jobs. I have 125 printer queues and only 3 act like this and they are set up identical to the others. I have reconfigured this twice on all 3 and they still act like they are set to keep printed jobs in the queue.Anyone seen this and know of a solution, on the Microsoft site I am seeing posts but not a single reply about how to either run a job to clear them out a couple times a day or fix this so they act as configured. To NOT keep printed jobs in the queue.

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OutLook And Word Remain In Memory

May 6, 2008

Sometime after downloading a recent Microsoft (Automatic) Update, I now find the Outlook and Word Programs remaining resident in memory after using Outlook (memory as viewed via Windows Task Manager). Sometimes, the programs gobble-up as much as 150K of RAM. I have 1.0 Gb of RAM on the machine. I find that I now routinely approach the 1.0 Gb threshold. And while this has not been a real problem in terms of system resources or performance, I find little reason to leave these programs resident in memory. I'm at a loss for how to keep these programs from commandeering a full-time presence in RAM. How to I prevent these programs from remaining resident in memory? I've combed through the configuration settings within each program, but with no clue as to user-control for this behavior.

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Print Jobs Remain In Queue Although Already Printed

Oct 24, 2006

I dont know if i've got this in the right forum but i've got a WinXP Pro Machine so thought i'd try it here.The problem is that my print queue seems to retain the print jobs although the print jobs have already been printed out (i've seen it retain jobs from 5 days ago). I happens from all sorts of programs.My PC is acting a print server (ie, the printer is connected to my PC via Parallel and i have shared my install of this printer).In the print queue, the status indicates "sent to printer" and Pages "x/x - eg 3/3" however the print jobs remains in the queue and do not disappear unless i manually do a "cancel". If i were to turn off and then on the PC, all these print jobs will print out again without any user interaction.So, can anyone tell me if this is a driver issue or is it something to do with the printer or Parallel port configuration.As far as i know, i've got "bi-directional support" selected but i'm still to find out what modes i've got parallel set to eg. EPP or ECP or both.

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Exchanging Computer - Personal Data Will Remain Staored?

Aug 29, 2005

If I do manage to exchange my faulty WINXP computer for a new one at Staples, what about all my personal info on that faulty computer?

Do I just hand over my old computer with everything still on it (I can't get
into it to delete my personal files and Pictures).

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Desktop Icons Remain Highlighted After Program Closed

May 26, 2005

When I close a program the desktop icon remains highlighted, until I mouse click elsewhere on the desktop. This only presents a real problem when I log off of my dial up server and the icon remains highlighted. If I forget to un-highlight it, my phone won't ring, although my answering machine will pick up the call.

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File Associations Change But Default Icon Remain

Sep 14, 2005

seems like with every new update done to Windows XP Home (SP2 + all current updates), I develop a new little annoyance.A few updates back, I noticed that when I change file associations to a specific program opening up my .jpgs, .tifs, and .gifs, from the default (Windows Picture & Fax Viewer), the newly-associated file does open the file, but the icons for those files remains as the default Windows Picture & Fax Viewer.(I suspect at the bottom of many of problems MAY be the installation of my Lexmark printer -- but then, it's a convenient scapegoat for everything!

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Boot - Mobo CMOS Settings And Ended Up Remain And Memory

Jan 17, 2005

having trouble with the mobo CMOS settings and ended up rmaing the mobo and the memory. Well i got the new mobo and memory is it loads. When it goes to load XP it gets NTLDR not found or something to that degree and says press ctrl+alt+del to restart. My hd has a partial install of xp and i havent been able do the full install. Was wondering how to do the full install now. I tried popping the xp cd in and it doesnt read it, it just gives me the NTLDR message and wont do anything.

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Active Desktop IE Cannot Locate Active Desktop Html File

Jun 27, 2005

I am trying to open my active desktop, but I get a message that says IE cannot locate my active desktop html file. I need to find out how to fix this problem.

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Pc Always Hangs On Closing Down

Sep 4, 2007

when closing my computer down it hangs on saving your settings. You can hear the 'tower' closing down, but the screen doesn't disappear and the pc won't close down. I have to do it at the tower. I have run spywareblaster, avgspyware, avgantivirus, housecall x2 and spybot. Nothing shows up except the odd tracking cookie, which I delete, but the problem still continues. Would I have a virus or anything else that these can't find. Is there anything else I can try.

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