Passcodes On Files - Require Password

Aug 26, 2006

Is there a way to password protect files? Our kids use the computer now for school and there is sensitive documents (budgets, taxes, etc) that I do not want the kids to get into. Is there a way I could put these files into a location that would require a password to get into?

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Screen Saver Setting Require Password Upon Resuming

Jun 30, 2005

I am running XP Pro, single user on my machine. My screen saver setting is to require a password upon resuming. Until a few days ago this was working fine, showing the Welcome screen. Then suddenly I am now (only upon screenaver resumption) getting the classic logon screen. The option setting in the screensaver settings window has changed and I am utterly unable to determine what changed it or how to return it to the original state.

My account settings are for Fast User Switching and to Show Welcome Screen. I am not part of a domain. In perusing some newsgroups I have found this question before, however nowhere an answer to the question how to fix it. I concluded that something I must have done (without me being aware of it) had changed this and consequently decided to use an XP test build on another machine to possibly pinpoint such an occurence through a phased approach. Much to my surprise I found the setting for a screensaver to 'upon resome, password protect' from the get-go, i.e. the very first time I logged on, so my attempt for analyis was proven unsuccessful in record time.....

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Programs Require End Now - Restarting Or Shutting Down

Dec 1, 2007

It's driving me batty! I'm running XP Pro on a Dell XPS, which is several wonderful years old. Every darn time I restart or shut down, I get a combination of the following windows requiring manual End Nows. I'm the human END NOW machine:

1. agent.exe
2. AUMMsgWndName
3. Office Watson
4. ctfmon.exe
5. explorer.exe (usually this has to be ended now a couple of times)
6. MCCWSA Window
7. CMI Server
8. Hidden Fax Window

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Computer Won't Let Me Download Programs That Require Active X?

Feb 17, 2007

Ever since I downloaded Windows Explorer 7 I have serious problems with ordinary functions, like double clicking on URLs or highlighted items. In hotmail it won't let me delete spam, but other clicks it allows me. Copying and pasting is also non-functional. I also use Firefox, so now I do almost everything on it.
Another problem is that my computer won't let me download programs that require Active X., not even its own Windows programs. How can I change that? I think that although I've always owned the computer, the pc doesn't recognize me as having administrative powers. That may because my computer repair guy tinkered with the controls.

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Child In Internet Explorer Require Re-login

Feb 25, 2009

I am using Windows XP SP3 and Internet Explorer 7. When using web pages that open child windows, my online session to that site is closed after that child window is closed. Any subsequent navigation on the parent window takes me back to the sites login page. (Example: Login to my banking site, navigate to the statemetn page. The statement link opens a child window allowing me to view/print the statement. Upon closing the child/pop-up page, the parent page thinks that I have logged off and clicking on any subsequent link on the main page, I am required to login again.) Typically, if I keep the child page open and toggle over to the main page, I can navigate without issues. Hoping someone has solved this problem. I have disabled my firewall and virus checker with no success. Hoping there is an Internet Explorer setting or registry setting to solve this issue.

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Word And Excel Require Front Page To Open

Aug 7, 2005

When trying to open any Word or Excel file, the program starts configuring Front Page Express. Since I do not have it installed, it results in an error and therefore opens Word/Excel in a blank page. Because of this, I have to always use File -> Open to open anything.

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Barts PE Plugin Builder - Require Installation Into Registry

Jun 4, 2008

Hoping to find someone who will help me with building 3 or 4 barts PE plugins most of them dont require installation into the windows registry >>> they are small exe programs / example= orthos, core temp monitor, S&M stress tester,

Everest Home Edition
PC Wizard
Sensorsview Pro

once I can get the bootable ISO made with these programs I will make available to anyone for downloading >>>>> should be an awesome computer builders too and overclocking assistant

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Dell Dimension 3000 - Driver Settings Require?

Sep 15, 2008

Im going to re-install Microsoft windows xp Home Edition Which is a Purple disc, To Re-Install drivers What Disc/s Do I Use?. The other discs i have got are:

- Dell Eurotools Which is two Green Discs.
- Dell Dimension ResourceCD Which Has Drivers And Utilities At The Top (Blue Disc).
- Dvd for installing Dell Dimension And Dell XPS Computer Software, Which Has Drivers And Utilities At The Top (Blue Disc),

After Ive Installed Windows Xp Home Edition Which One Of them Do I Need To Use And Does The driver Settings Require Me To Input Settings?

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Password Protected - Cannot Access Files

Aug 7, 2005

I got a problem: i had an old user account, it was password-protected, i reinstalled OS and i cannot acces files stored into the old account -my documents- folder. What can i do to recover all of them?

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Is There A Way I Can Password-protect My Files In My Docs

Oct 4, 2006

Is there a way I can password-protect my files in My Documents so that each time I open the folder, it prompts me with a password? If not, are there any suggestions?

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Hidden Folders And Files / Password Protect A Folder

Feb 27, 2008

I would like to know how you HIDE folders or at least password protect a folder.

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Administrator, Password Protected Files / Can't Delete The Admistrator Account

Jul 19, 2005

I don't wish to waste anyone's time, but I haven't seen the answer I'm looking for. My gilrfriends son messed up her Media Center computer and his father used F10 instead of system restore, but the files are still there. To prevent this from occurring again, my girlfriend asked me to password protect the computer. I set myself up as the adminstrator, since I build computers and have the most knowledge, but have only been using XP for the past 6 months. I've read that the account is now hidden and know how to access it from safe mode. When I set it up, it asked me if I wanted to protect the
files and folders, such as My Documents. Stupid me did this. Now even though I have set my girlfriend up with an adminstator account, I can't find a way to share or allow her to access those files, and all her pics are there. I also can't delete the admistrator account I made, even though it says that can be done through her adminstrator account, but there is no option there. I want to do two things. I want to unprotect the files and folders I made private, and I want to delete the adminstrator account I made. F10 restore or system restore won't even do this.

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Indows XP Pro Installed On IBM T60 Laptop / Windows Password On Security Wizard / Incorrect Password

Feb 15, 2009

I have Windows XP Pro installed on IBM T60 Laptop.Whenever I start the Laptop up,the Windows Security Sey up Wizard appears and I wish to stop this appearing every time.In addition,if I fill in my Windows password on the security wizard the system says that I am using the incorrect password.Please can someone advise me how to solve these problems.

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Admin Password And Password For User That Ran Wizard Wont Work

Aug 5, 2007

I ran the network setup wizard on both computers, when i go to 'view workgroup computers' and click on the one i want to connect to i am asked for a password, i tried the admin password and the password for the user that ran the wizard -- neither worked .

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Cant Type Password Into Password Box On Logon Screen Win Xp Home

Dec 29, 2005

I have just installed a linksys wireless router onto my desktop computer to add a wireless laptop and for some reason, when the User Logon screen comes up. The hand cursor never becomes a cursor for me to type in passowords to user accounts. I went into safe mode and then into control panel and deleted the passwords for each user acct and now I can get into the accounts but how can I add the passwords again and be able to type them in. We have 3 user accounts on this pc and would like to have them password protected.

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Entering Password Takes Me Straight To Log-off And Password Re-entry

Apr 3, 2009

I was doing a clean up with Ccleaner etc and in my haste I did not take note of what I was clicking. Spybot Search and Destroy flashed up and I clicked to allow, or not allow as the case may be, to do something to, from what I can remember, 'WLON' or something similarly named. In any case, what happens now is that I fire up the computer, enter my password, the desktop briefly flashes up for a split second(no icons) and then it immediately logs off and goes to password entry again.

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Blank Administrator Password Pro - Invalid Password Response

Jan 15, 2006

My account on my computer (Win XP Pro SP2) is an Administrator account. Over a year ago, I got tired of entering my password because I an the only person that uses this computer. I did something so it would boot without the password screen appearing ( I don't remember what, but I think I left the password line blank).
Since the computer boots directly to my account, I am never prompted to enter a password; but if I use Power Options (and the computer sleeps), it wakes to the login screen and I cannot reenter my account. I have to reboot. On the login screen, I have tried leaving the password blank and entering every password I use, but I get an Invalid Password response.

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Lost Password - Compaq Saying Password Expired

Aug 19, 2005

I got Compaq Armada 1592 Its screen said password expired, enter old password, then the new password. I entered old password, tried all sorts of combinations of upper case, lower case I thought I could just bypass that screen and start as new user, but apparently

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Password Only Log In / One User And It Will Change Based Upon The Password

Jun 2, 2010

I am currently trying to set up a log in for xp where the user changes based upon only the password you enter. in other words there will only be one user and it will change based upon the password you enter. i also want to be able to tell who logged on and when.

for example say i setting up a business computer that 20 people will use but i don't want 20 accounts i only want one and each people will have a different password and based upon the password they enter i will be able to tell who downloaded what and installed what by knowing who logged on. thanks for the help

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Asks For Password / I've Forgotten The Password

Aug 29, 2005

had sp2 and other updates installed. uninstalled most of them because...well because i was trying to install
older software that worked before sp2 was installed.. anyway, now big problem. suddenly xp asks for password to logon, and this is really strange, i have never in my life had a password for my computer. so obviously no matter what i enter, the computer asks politely if i've forgotten the password

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Password Reset - User Name And Password To Log In

Jan 2, 2009

My Brother bought a used laptop from a stranger but it works and everything but the password. Here are more details: It's a Dell Inspiron 2100 and the operating system is windows 2000 professional. The laptop does not include a CD or Floppy drive but it has 1 USB port. now when my Brother bought the laptop we powered it on and it worked fine until a "Log On to Windows" box appear and you need to type a user name and password to log in but we don't have the password and we cannot contact the guy he bought the laptop from so what should we do?

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Password Screen / No Password Works

Jan 23, 2006

A few days ago I tried to update my families pc to SP2 so I could get all the updates etc. It seemed to install alright, but then when starting up it gave me some drwatson.exe error which ended up freezing the pc. So I did what I thought was safest at the time and that was to go back to a restore point and then maybe try reinstall SP2. BUT, after restoring, windows suddenly showed the password/log on screens. I now can't log on as Administrator OR Guest. Nothing works. I've tried EVERY possible password that I could have used in the passed, but nothing works. So now I can't get into the pc at all. I've tried booting up in safe mode and logging in as administrator with a blank password, but that doesn't even work. I've read a lot about it online, and it seems the only solution would be to reinstall XP. But would that work as a format and erase some of my files and/or settings? Or would it just be like an upgrade?

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Why Asked For Password When Have Not Setup Any Password

Aug 8, 2005

For a long time, I log on to my Windows XP by clicking on 'Default' without any problem. However, today, the computer did not startup smoothly until after running 'system checkup' automatically. Then, when the logon page came, I click 'Default' but it asked for password. I did try some words or left it blank but XP would not let me logon.

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Asking Fro Bios Password - No Password Set For It

Aug 25, 2009

I have been trying to boot from a cd to launch a repair disk, i have the blue screen.

But the promblem (other than the BSoD) is that my Bios is asking for a password and i've never put a password on it. I wouldn't know how. It's a dell laptop so is it possible that dell put it on? Or is this a virus of some kind?

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Default Program Wont Unzip .exe Files / Files Blocked To Protect System?

Jul 25, 2005

I'm using Win XP and, using the built in Zip feature,have zipped up 14 files that include one .exe file and one .bas file.When I try to Extract All files it extracts all except these two files.It says that the files have been blocked to protect the computer, then I can click on a link to find out how to unblock the files but the instructions to do so don't make sense.The instructions tell you to save the file, then right click/properties/unblock, but I can't see how you can save a file if it hasn't been unzipped.How can I stop the .exe and .bas files from being blocked

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Invisible Files On Hard Drive: Ome Files In The Volume Wont Defragmented?

Dec 29, 2007

Now however, my hard drive seems to contain approx 13GB of data which I am unable to locate, even when viewing the "hidden files" option. I first noticed this increased used space when I wanted to defragment the hard drive and noticed that there was only 45% free space available (there is usually 75%).I have viewed the properties of all the folders on the C: drive and they do not add up to the 20GB shown on the C: drive properties...The defragment report states that "some files in the volume could not be defragmented"

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Install Stops Copying Files- With Message The Files Cannot Be Copied

Jan 3, 2005

My system totally crashed. I reformatted the drive and reinstall XP. Well, everything seems to be going along just fine until I get to 70% finished with copying installation files and I get message after message saying that the files cannot be copied.

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Restore Registry Files: Copy The Files From The WindowsRepair Folder?

May 23, 2005

The registry on one of my computers is corrupt and if I try to copy the files from the WindowsRepair folder using the windows system repair tool, I'm told the files cannot be found. One possible solution I thought of is using the registry files from my other computer running Windows XP. I don't even know if this is possible, but if it is, how can I transfer the files. I would put them on a CD but the CD drive won't open when the system repair tool is running, and they're too big to fit on a floppy disk, even one at a time (the system and software files are both over 2mb.)

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Cleaning Out Temp Files - Show Hidden Files - Folders

Aug 6, 2009

I was just wondering if it is a good idea to clean out the :WINDOWSTempC:Documents And Settings(Username)Local SettingsTemp foldersperiodically.I know i have to uncheck the show hidden files and folders, Do i select all in each folder afterwards and delete everything?

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Explorer Wont Open Files In A Folder After Downloading Files?

Aug 1, 2010

when i download a file and then try to open it. i get an error that the specified file has encountered a problem and needs to close. if i cut and past the file to a location outside the folder i can then run the program.

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100s Of FILES WONT OPEN - Htm And Html, Jpg, Png, And Doc Files

Sep 22, 2006

Sometime over the past couple of weeks, I started having a number of files on my C:/ drive which would not open. I wrote another forum and got some advice, and did some studying, and for some I was able to take back permissions and found what looked like a phony user account hidden way down in Documents and Settings.

Today I found close to 2/3 of my files would not display, of the types, htm and html, jpg, png, and doc files. I went to check permissions and the security tab was not under Properties.
I have tried everything: I have re-installed Windows, I have run every virus and adware and spyware scan and repair known, and have constantly cleaned the registry and used HiJack this which did show two programs called Voodoo and Banshee which were not mine.

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