Why Doesnt Kazza Lite K++ Connect?

Dec 18, 2004

Why doesn't kazza Lite K++ connect?

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Avoiding A Resinstall / Doesnt Connect To Internet

Dec 16, 2004

A friend of mine had a comp given to them which had had extensive use. it runs xp (not sure if its home and is most likely sp1). it doesnt connect to the internet at the moment but has done so and may will do again. anyhow. because the comp has had alot of use and by a few people it is filled with junk. personally id like to reformat - the only problem is that they dont have any original cds! is there anyway of removing everything off the hdd except the os in the same sort of condition as it was when first installed? i have heard of people talking of norton ghost - but im not sure about it. i could just uninstall everything and delete files - but i dont think this would remove all gremelins in the comp - one problem is that it runs really slow (aparently) - im yet to analyise the hardware specs.

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Boot Up Screen Doesnt Hang, But Doesnt Load

Aug 23, 2007

My PC is running absolutely stable (7 hours of orthos). Just bought this EVGA motherboard and swapped it in place of an Asrock motherboard and got everything running, overclocked and stable.Before I got Windows XP running (previous installation from the asrock mobo), I encountered an issue and i isolated it down to one of the 200gb 7200.7 SATA HD's.IF this HD is plugged in when the PC boots, then the Windows XP Boot screen appears and hangs. NOTE: it DOES NOT freeze - the bar still moves, but there is no HD activity and the pc stays like this for hours on end. Note again - this is not a hang. the activity bar still moves from left to right, and it keeps doing this indefinitely it seems (with no HD activity from any drives). IF this HD is not plugged in, the PC boots in straight away. All drivers are tip top (nforce drivers, SATA drivers). However if I hot-plug this drive from within Windows, it works fine!. The PC just doesn't boot with the HD plugged in.

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Sony Viao Recovery System Doesnt Start, Cycles, And The Computer Doesnt Start

Jul 15, 2010

Im new, so bear with me please. The problem is on my old Sony Viao Model PCG-6H4L XP. I wanted to start fresh and the recovery system for windows gives me only a limited number of dates. I thought that the Viao recovery would do the job.I was wrong. I haven't checked recent forums about problems with this, so I went ahead and broke my laptop. Before the Recovery system starts, my laptop says, with a black background.

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ICQ Lite Advertisment Disable

Aug 11, 2003

this is for the new icq lite currently Build #1253. This will disable advertisment display but, unfortunatly will leave the place holders for the advertisments.  Atleast you don't have to stare at those annoying flash advertisments.
1) Open up windows explorer and navigate to the folder you installed icqlite*ie. c:ProgramFilesICQLite
2) Right-click on the folder and chose properties
3) In the properties dialog choose the security tab*note: you may have to enable advanced security to view this tab on some versions of windows
4) In the security tab remove all permissions except for the system and set the system permissions to deny all access for read, write, etc.. for this folder*note: you must have admin right to the machine in most cases and also may need to disable permission inhertince from parent under the advanced tab
5) Apply the changes and restart icq
What you have just done is denied Icq access to its temporary folder where it stores the advertisment information and now advertisments will not be displayed.  This will work with any icq version as long as you can find the folder where it saves its advertisment info.

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Kazaa Lite Password Removal?

May 26, 2004

if there is a password on kazaa lite(may work with regular version too) blocking you from anything just run regedit and go to this key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER SoftwarekazaaResultsFilter and any thing thing that you dont want a filter on just double click on and set the value to 0.

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Lite On CDRom 525 Driver Not Found

Jul 31, 2005

I've tried googling, I've tried driver-guide and I tried just about every place I can think of but for the
life of me, I just cannot seem to install this CDRom in WinXp SP2. Every time the computer reboots it finds this new hardware and cannot find the drivers anywhere! Internet or on my computer.It just can't find them. I've gone to Lite-On Site but with no luck. I would just toss this piece of out the window and just get a new one but the fact that it finds it tells me that it does works. My DVD-ROM has no problem.

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Lite On Drive Worked During Install

May 7, 2007

I slap one together then install windows without a hitch.then I toss in the mobo driver disk and the system hard locks can't even get to the task manager. A few disks and reboots later, the same stuff is happening.I check the device manager and not only is the drive not showing up as a problem, but it's recognizing it as the proper model. So then I go and set the region code (because I had an issue before with a drive not reading before I set a region).still same problem.Like I said above, I'm building 2 of the same systems.so I took the other drive and plopped it in. SAME FRIKEN THING.I'm kind of stuck because I can't update stuff without the cd rom drive (I guess I could use a small usb thumbdrive)and the drivers on that disk enable the onboard lan, so I can't even check windows update.so I use my thumbdrive and install the latest forceware, including the ide drivers.

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Installed Sp2: Kazaa Wont Connect/ Waited Long To Connect?

Mar 1, 2005

hi everybody.every since i install sp2 on my pc ,kazaa lite has a problem with connection.it keeps trying connecting but it reemains on trying, even if i let for 2 hours

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Kazaa Lite (Kazaa W/o Banners And Homepages)?

Aug 12, 2002

I've noticed a lot of tweaks involving the removal of ads using this program. I found this version on the net that is tweaked so that the only thing you can do with it is all you ever do with it: search, download, etc.you can find this version here: http://www.refosearch.tkthis version also allows results > 128kbit

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IN6 Weatherbug, Widgets Will Not Connect, Firefox WILL CONNECT

Apr 8, 2006

I shut down system restore and went into safe mode to clean out spyware,ect. In safe mode, spybot,i used ewiedo,smit,adware. i dont recall but i think spybot was the only program to find an item. When i rebooted in normal XP, i have been unable to connect IE6,Weatherbug,Widgets to my wireless connection. However Firefox is connecting pretty good,atlhough my wireless program is funny, its telling me there is no internet connection as i surf I tried 'internet options' such as resetting IE, i tried that scannow command. again, i dont have the system restore option to use. but also yahoo widgets are not connectiong nor weathebug.

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Cannot Connect To Internet But Can Connect To Router

Aug 6, 2008

I'm setting up my friends home network. They have 2 PCs connected via ethernet and one laptop on wireless. The router is a wireless router / modem from 2wire. PC number 2 and the laptop both connect with no issues. PC number 1 is weird though. I can go to and it opens up the router system page and I can go through and change and view settings. However when I try to go to any websites it immediately goes to "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage." I have tried netscape and the iTunes store and nothing can connect to the web. I have linux ubuntu on a Live CD and I can boot from that and it connects to the internet just fine.

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Ups Doesnt Start And It Beeps Always

Oct 2, 2010

My ups doesnt work now i switch on as usual but it always give beep sounds it doesnt give any power to pc.

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CD Rom Doesnt Show In My Computer

Mar 31, 2006

Iave just reinstalled windows and nowI cant access my CD drive.

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Windows Doesnt Appear: Unknown Reason?

Jun 26, 2005

windows xp general. it doesnt appear.so i dont know what the reason can be. could it be that my post is too long (is one page word long)? so the forum doesnt take it?....

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New Folder Or Renaming Doesnt Show Up?

Jul 5, 2005

after I make a new folder or rename something or paste something in a window it doesnt show up til I refresh the window before it would show up with no problem.

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System Restore Doesnt Work

Apr 9, 2006

I found that i couldnt go to: start-"all programs" and have it work. when clicking all programs it does nothing. then, i remembered a dvd triedinstalling "hot llama" and it was stopped in the middle. I think that may be the issue, tried to do system restore and that wont restore to any date.

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System Restore Doesnt Work Ever

May 2, 2006

Literally every single time I try to use it it doesnt work. always says restortion incomplete. I have it set to use the max disk space. I even tried formatting the hd, reinstalling windows, and then the I tried using it and it didnt even work then.

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Trying To Put Xp On A New Vista System Doesnt See Ethernet

Apr 22, 2007

I have a new hp media center pc m7750n that came witih vista installed. I have put xp back on it twice. The first time was just xp home.the second was xp64 corporate edition. both times after i ntsall i can not see my ethernet connection. i have tried using the connection wizard to no avail. Im assuming imight need a motherboard drriver but dont know where to find the one i need. also im puttting xp on a seperate hd and im having trouble using both at the same time. it says bootmgr missing when i install the xp drive. even though when i installed xp on the drove with the vista drive unplugged it work fine to begin with, now even though i unplugged the vista drive it still says that. im assuming i can repair the installation. my main worry though is the ethernet connection.

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Reinstalled - Sound Doesnt Work

Jan 18, 2008

I just did a fresh install of XP on my new PC and now, for some reason there is no sound coming out of the speakers. It worked before I did the reinstall. The digital sound is built into the Gigabyte mobo and I made sure I reloaded the drivers. Everything looks okay in the Device Manager. I've looked at everything I can think of, but I can't get the sound to work. When I plug in my USB headphones, they work fine. I keep thinking it's something simple I'm missing.

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Pro SP3 Doesnt Recognize USB Ports As USB2

Aug 23, 2008

I was having a lot of troubles with XP PRO after a CPU failure, when I tried to do an XP installation Repair. It failed miserably and after a month of posting and searching for answers, I threw in the towel. I reformatted the HD and did a clean install. On the advice of a MS Tech, I downloaded SP3 and installed it first thing. After I got everything up and running with all the updates, I discovered that XP no longer recognizes my USB ports as USB2. I found some original drivers on the Motherboard installation disk, but it will not allow me to install them because my XP SP2 install disk is already supposed to have them. I tried removing all the USB drivers and forcing XP to figure it out, but no luck. It is an ASUS P5GD2 Deluxe with a P4 processer and an XP PRO SP3 Operating System.

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System Restore In Pro Doesnt Work

Aug 8, 2005

I cannot create a system restore point, nor is System Retore creating any automatically. I tried rebooting my system, using the check/uncheck box in system properties, using the "Run" line, and trying to run System Restore in Safe Mode. I also tried copying the "framedyn.dll" from the windowssystem32wbem directory to the Windowssystem 32 directory (I don't know if it's supposed to be there or not. The only option I have
left that I know of is to reinstall Windows XP.

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Win Doesnt Detect USB Ports On Power Up

Jun 19, 2009

When I power up my computer, Windows XP doesn't detect my USB modem or printer unless I unplug the cord and replug it in.

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Desktop Properties Doesnt Show Up

Jul 27, 2005

When I right click on desktop and choose Properties, nothing happens.When I go to control panel/appearance and themes and click on anything,nothing opens (except folder options and "Taskbar and Start Menu" ) The
only way I can change wallpaper is by right clicking on an image and selecting set as wallpaper, but I cant do anything else without properties.

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Computer Won't Boot And Doesnt' Work

Jul 9, 2005

My computer has several problems. The most serious is not being able to get Windows XP to load.I have tried booting in safe mode (F8) but I keep getting an error screen. I installed a game on the computer today that apparent has caused this problem. Any advice on how I can boot to safe mode to remove the program and do a system restore would be appreciated.

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CD Driver Of Laptop Doesnt Work

Feb 13, 2007

I want to reinstall windows, I have my restoration CD, problem is that the cd driver of my laptop doesnt work, so I got an USB external one. I can use it perfectly during in wndows, but when I intend to use it to boot, it just doesn't happen and continues booting windows from the hard drive.

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BSOD, Computet Doesnt Start Or Reboot

Feb 15, 2009

My computer all of a sudden shut down, when i restart it, the screen with the safe mode options comes up but when i select any of the otions it just restarts and th screen with the safe mode options comes up again. so i tried to format the hard drive and reinstall xp but right before the partioniung option comes up the BSOD appears. the problem occured about a day after i added a slave hard drive, so i removed the hard drive an restarted the computer and reinstalled xp, but to no avail.

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Sony Told Me To Do Bios Reset But F2 Doesnt Do Anything

Mar 1, 2010

My computer has been taking like 5 times to start up. sometimes randomly shuts down and runs really bad. i got online chat with sony. they first said to do bios reset.f2 didnt do anything so they said back up and do system recovery.

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PC Doesnt Start After BIOS / Black Screen

Jan 27, 2009

I had put my pc off with the on/off button, because I was in a hurry. Later when I tried to open it, it shows the BIOS screen and than nothing happens it just turns black and thats it. And it goes off when I put my finger slowly on the on/off button.

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Pro Reinstalled - PCMIA Ports Doesnt Work

Mar 11, 2010

After a marathon problem with Windows not booting, I did a clean install on another hard drive. Now, one of my PCMIA ports (on the side of my IBM A31 Type 2652 laptop) doesn't work. Both were working fine prior to my boot problems and subsequent reinstall. One port still works, but I need to be able to use both for 1. a wireless card and 2. a USB 1.1 to 2.0 conversion card that I use when I print, etc. I've done Windows troubleshooting for drivers, etc., but Windows (as usual) found no problem.

We have Levine/Young The Complete Reference-Windows XP. Reading through before I did the clean install, I noticed a mention that sometimes this happens when XP is reinstalled, but there is no solution to the problem mentioned. I'm at a loss to getting both ports to work. I need a solution before the weekend is over.

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Reinstalled And Drivers - Internet Doesnt Work

Aug 28, 2009

A few weeks ago, I received a blue screen of death that would not get off my computer. I had the Windows Antivirus Pro Virus that would not go away. I am going to school tomororw and needed this off my computer. So I decided to wipe the hard drive clean with the Dell CDs that came with this purchase. I downloaded Windows XP and some of the drivers. Some of the drivers that i tried to download say they downloaded but then do not come up. Broadcom440x10/100 is saying the network cable is unplugged, I have no idea what that means and internet will not work. What can I do manually to make this work?

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