Win Doesnt Detect USB Ports On Power Up

Jun 19, 2009

When I power up my computer, Windows XP doesn't detect my USB modem or printer unless I unplug the cord and replug it in.

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Pro SP3 Doesnt Recognize USB Ports As USB2

Aug 23, 2008

I was having a lot of troubles with XP PRO after a CPU failure, when I tried to do an XP installation Repair. It failed miserably and after a month of posting and searching for answers, I threw in the towel. I reformatted the HD and did a clean install. On the advice of a MS Tech, I downloaded SP3 and installed it first thing. After I got everything up and running with all the updates, I discovered that XP no longer recognizes my USB ports as USB2. I found some original drivers on the Motherboard installation disk, but it will not allow me to install them because my XP SP2 install disk is already supposed to have them. I tried removing all the USB drivers and forcing XP to figure it out, but no luck. It is an ASUS P5GD2 Deluxe with a P4 processer and an XP PRO SP3 Operating System.

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Pro Reinstalled - PCMIA Ports Doesnt Work

Mar 11, 2010

After a marathon problem with Windows not booting, I did a clean install on another hard drive. Now, one of my PCMIA ports (on the side of my IBM A31 Type 2652 laptop) doesn't work. Both were working fine prior to my boot problems and subsequent reinstall. One port still works, but I need to be able to use both for 1. a wireless card and 2. a USB 1.1 to 2.0 conversion card that I use when I print, etc. I've done Windows troubleshooting for drivers, etc., but Windows (as usual) found no problem.

We have Levine/Young The Complete Reference-Windows XP. Reading through before I did the clean install, I noticed a mention that sometimes this happens when XP is reinstalled, but there is no solution to the problem mentioned. I'm at a loss to getting both ports to work. I need a solution before the weekend is over.

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Standby Hang - Power Button Doesnt Work

Jun 26, 2005

i havent put my computer on standby in a while but last week when i went to start>>turn off computer>>standby, the computer wouldn't wake up from it. the monitor's LED kept flashing green indicating the computer's still sleeping. tried pressing the power button but doesn't work. i have to reset the computer everytime i put it on standby.

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USB Ports Exceeds Power Limits

Aug 22, 2005

I have been using a my FireLite (Model USBFL840) for a few years on my Toshiba Satellite P25 S526. In the past few months when I connect the firelite to my computer, I get a message that states �the USB mass Storage Device has exceeded the power limits of its hub port.At that moment, the only option is to unplug the device and reset the port.I have 4 high speed USB ports and I�ve tried it on all of them with the same results.

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Boot Up Screen Doesnt Hang, But Doesnt Load

Aug 23, 2007

My PC is running absolutely stable (7 hours of orthos). Just bought this EVGA motherboard and swapped it in place of an Asrock motherboard and got everything running, overclocked and stable.Before I got Windows XP running (previous installation from the asrock mobo), I encountered an issue and i isolated it down to one of the 200gb 7200.7 SATA HD's.IF this HD is plugged in when the PC boots, then the Windows XP Boot screen appears and hangs. NOTE: it DOES NOT freeze - the bar still moves, but there is no HD activity and the pc stays like this for hours on end. Note again - this is not a hang. the activity bar still moves from left to right, and it keeps doing this indefinitely it seems (with no HD activity from any drives). IF this HD is not plugged in, the PC boots in straight away. All drivers are tip top (nforce drivers, SATA drivers). However if I hot-plug this drive from within Windows, it works fine!. The PC just doesn't boot with the HD plugged in.

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Sony Viao Recovery System Doesnt Start, Cycles, And The Computer Doesnt Start

Jul 15, 2010

Im new, so bear with me please. The problem is on my old Sony Viao Model PCG-6H4L XP. I wanted to start fresh and the recovery system for windows gives me only a limited number of dates. I thought that the Viao recovery would do the job.I was wrong. I haven't checked recent forums about problems with this, so I went ahead and broke my laptop. Before the Recovery system starts, my laptop says, with a black background.

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Audio Ports - USB Ports Not Working

Jul 19, 2005

Last week I was hit with a multitude of viruses. Since then I've followed
the KRC Anti-Spyware tutorial, I have ewido, spybot (tea timer running), Ad-Aware, etc. and cleaned everythign up, and my system is finally stable again. I even got Norton System works and that helped a lot too. I've been to Windows update and am completely up to date with installs.2 problems still: I still have no audio, and 5 of my USB ports are not working

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Desktop Manager For Power Users Must Have Power Toys

Aug 12, 2002

Desktop Manager allows you to switch between multiple desktops creating more elbow room for those who like to stay organized while pushing the max thread limit.1. First grab XP PowerToys from Once installed right click then check: task bar > toolbars > Desktop ManagerYou may now view up to four new desktops. I prefer not to have "Shared Desktops" on as it reminds me more of linux (and is cleaner).Now you may hide the buttons etc. and use Windows key + 1-4 to switch between desktops and Windows key + v to preview.

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Power Schemes Are Missing From Power Options

Nov 19, 2004

I'm running WinXP pro and have lost all the reguler power schemes from the power options propreties window. Also I'm unable to Save a new scheme.I beleive the schemes where deleted from the power properties window by right clicking and selecting delete. They used to be there anyway Unknown is listed above Turn off monitor-Turn off hard disks-System standby-System hibernates and everything is greyed out. They are still listed in the registry but with no value set.How do I go about getting the schemes back?

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Hold Power Button To Power Off

Apr 7, 2005

I have an IBM NetVista running XP that at shutdown will close windows but will not power off machine, user has to hold power button to power off.

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Power Supply Consume Power

Mar 1, 2006

My PC has old configuration, the Max Power Supply can be only up to 350W. You know that every parts of the PC, either external or internal hardware will consume power. What I would like to know is that, what would happen to my PC if the total power consumption exceeds the MAXIMUM VALUE of the power supply unit.

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Cannot Detect HD

Sep 30, 2007

This time i was recconecting my storage HD, and boom a BSOD (oh i love these by now.) the error messave was "kernal_data_inpage_error", i boot my pc up again thinking it just had to do with the HD hooking up, went into battlefield 2 Pirates mod (its sooo fun) and boom another one... so i disconnected the storage HD and tried again. it continued, this time i didnt even get past BIOS, my Main HD wont even show up in Bios or boot. i tried to search for HD and redid connections nothing. this has happened before after a few hours it let me boot but now im tired of it.

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Unable To Detect HDD

Jul 22, 2005

Just installed windows XP home onto a new 160gb Western Digital IDE HDD. The bios detects the HDD correctly but windows only shows it as being 128gb. Windows is fully updated with SP2 etc. I've searched around the internet for this problem but haven't found anything so far.

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Can't Detect Modem

Apr 30, 2006

when trying to install netscape, computer doesn't recognize dialup modem, any suggestions?

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Can't Detect Wireless Modem

Oct 24, 2006

My laptop froze, so I reinstalled windows XP home edition with the setup CD. Now my laptop does not detect the installed wireless modem. How to I fix this? Is there a configuration setting I am missing?

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USB Auto Detect / Run / Play

Sep 24, 2006

When I connect a USB flash drive I want a window to appear giving me the option to run (if there is an auto.inf file), play music (if music files), open in a Windows Explorer window, etc.This is exactly what occurs on my two Windows XP Pro machines. Nothing happens on my XP Home; I have to get to the drive through "My Computer."Is this an XP Home limitation? Or can you think of some setting I've missed? All 3 PCs have SP2 and all Microsoft critical updates. I have no reason to suspect malware on the XP Home machine, and it has nothing detected by AVG (free), Windows Defender, Ad-Aware or Spybot.The registry key NoDriveTypeAutoRun is Hex 91 on all machines. The Properties on the USB drives are the same.

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DVD-RW Drive Won't Detect A DVD-RW Disc

Jul 28, 2005

Before I start, I should tell you all that I am re-posting this with all of the original correspondence at the end.I've done as described, put both drives back into their proper place on the tape and into the proper order (DVD-RW - master, DVD-ROM - slave). On a hunch, I decided to pop in a DVD-R disc, and this was detected just fine. I also put in a DVD-RW disc, but it was not detected. Seeing as how I have data I want to append to an old DVD-RW disc, is there anything left to do?

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System Detect No Cd/Dvd Device

Mar 7, 2005

I have always used Windows to burn my cd's. Two days ago I got the message No CD or DVD device has been detected. I have Windows XP, Dell 4400, service pack 2, and while I can burn CD's with my other burner (Roxio), I really like Windows because of its features.

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Can't Detect DMA - Hard Drive

Jun 29, 2005

In device manager under IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers -> Primary Controller for Device 0 under advanced settings the transfer mode is set to: DMA if avaliable, the Current Mode is: PIO Mode.The hard drive is a 80G western Digital i think the WD800JD which is on its own ide cable connected to the primary connector on the motherboard. I am using windows XP Professional and the PCCHIPS MB. Also, when i start up my computer and it detects the devices for the hard drive it says its in Ultra DMA Mode 4 or 5, but in windows it isnt.

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Can't Detect Disk Or Drive

Sep 30, 2006

I wanted to burn a CD and so I put the CD into the computer and opened up windows media but it can't detect the disk or the drive. I went to another burner and the same thing occured except this time I got a message saying the following: "There are no compatible CD drives reported."I then exited and popped in a disk for a game.. I hear the drive accept the disk and it sounds like it is about to load but nothing happens. Its like the cd drive is non functional. My question is what might have happened and can I fix this/ how?

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Cannot Auto Detect Any Devices

May 14, 2006

The computer I am working with is a Dell P4 desktop with 512 MB RAM, and Windows XP Home with SP2 that was purchased new in August 2005.The problem is that every time I plug a device into the system (MP4 player, USB printer, flash drive) it is not detected. If I look in Device Manager it shows up as an unknown device. If I then try to manually install the driver, it will install properly.I then decided to remove all USB Host Controllers, USB Root Hubs etc. After doing this and rebooting, all of these devices were unknown devices as well. Simply telling Windows to update the driver added the devices properly. Can anyone tell me if you have seen this before and if so, what the solution is?

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Automatically Detect Settings

Mar 30, 2005

I'm trying to figure out a way, through the registry, to enable "Automatically Detect Settings" In Internet Explorer 6.0 - Windows XP SP2.

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Set-up Does Not Detect The Sata Drive?

Sep 19, 2005

I have a pc with 2 hardrives that has been working for quite a while now. One drive is IDE and another is a
sata drive. the sata drive has a partition in which windows xp is installed on. Now its time to format this computer and give it a fresh new start, but then I start the windows set-up from the boot disc it doesnt detect the sata drive.

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PC Doesn't Detect CD And DVD-rom Drives

Jul 6, 2008

My problem: PC doesn't detect the CD and DVD-rom Drives. Up to a month ago they worked just fine. I scratch my head as to what I've done to make this happen. I have Registry Mechanic installed which scans on a dayly basis.

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BIOS Won't Detect Hardware - DVD Rom And CD-RW ROM

May 17, 2010

I've had my PC now for almost 5 years. Everything was fine until one day my Windows XP PC just froze. I restarted it and now my DVD-ROM, CD-RW ROM are no longer detected at the System POST Screen. instead of the Drives showing, it now says the Secondary master and secondary Slave drives fails.The only thing that is detected is my Seagate Hard Drive. When I press F1 to continue I get a messagesaying "NTLDR is missing and I have to restart. I put the Windows XP Pro Disk in the drive and the same message pops up over and over. So I went to the System POST Screen, pressed delete to enter Setup. I checked the BIOS and my DVD Rom and CD-RW ROM no longer appear.

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Unable To Detect Backdoor?

Aug 25, 2005

i have this worm have used microsoft malicious software remover. It is detecting this invasion but not removing it any ideas?

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Computer Automatically Detect

Sep 21, 2002

This one is for all you gamers who LOVE to LAN.   It is much faster than finding an ip on the server, then typing in that longwinded address, and hoping your fingers didn't slip.  Anyway, all you have to do is type the name of the computer you want to connect to in the "ip" place of any game.  Your computer will automatically detect its ip, and you're ready to play!This will only work if you are playing across a private network and not across the internet.

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NT Detect Failed System Keeps Restarting?

Oct 20, 2005

My modem stopped working, received and installed new modem on Wednesday, computer worked fine. now system keeps restarting, when I tried F8 command, menu comes up, but when I try to enter anything, I get very quick "NT Detect Failed" and then computer keeps restarting.

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Reinstallation - Use DBAN - Does Not Detect Drive

Oct 6, 2007

I wanted to do is remove Vista from it and reinstall XP. I have already run DBAN (Darik's Boot and Nuke) to wipe the drive, but WinXP does not detect the drive. I have Windows XP Pro SP1. Now, I have tried the recovery CDs to ensure the drive has not been deemed unrecognisable from DBAN. It still is recognised, both in the BIOS and by the recovery software, but my XP CD doesn't even see it. What I was thinking of was slipstreaming SP2 into my CD. So I need to know two things:

1. Would doing that make any difference?
2. How do I go about slipstreaming SP2 onto my CD?

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IE Can't Connect To Net - Autometically Detect Net Settings

Jun 10, 2006

I1.Internet Explorer cant connect to the internet? But I can with firefox?, Settings are all correct such as automatically detect internet settings, It has full internet access rights, I turned off windows firewall also. It will also freeze, I open one, I close it, I open another one, I close it, Now I see no IE's open, but when I check Task Manager I can still see them running, Ending the task will not close it so basically its stuck there till I restart.(Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt)

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