Standby Hang - Power Button Doesnt Work
Jun 26, 2005
i havent put my computer on standby in a while but last week when i went to start>>turn off computer>>standby, the computer wouldn't wake up from it. the monitor's LED kept flashing green indicating the computer's still sleeping. tried pressing the power button but doesn't work. i have to reset the computer everytime i put it on standby.
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Jul 29, 2005
I have my laptop set so that when I close the cover and the machine is on it suspends. When I open it and try to get it to turn back on it won't. I have to restart it using the power button.
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Aug 23, 2007
My PC is running absolutely stable (7 hours of orthos). Just bought this EVGA motherboard and swapped it in place of an Asrock motherboard and got everything running, overclocked and stable.Before I got Windows XP running (previous installation from the asrock mobo), I encountered an issue and i isolated it down to one of the 200gb 7200.7 SATA HD's.IF this HD is plugged in when the PC boots, then the Windows XP Boot screen appears and hangs. NOTE: it DOES NOT freeze - the bar still moves, but there is no HD activity and the pc stays like this for hours on end. Note again - this is not a hang. the activity bar still moves from left to right, and it keeps doing this indefinitely it seems (with no HD activity from any drives). IF this HD is not plugged in, the PC boots in straight away. All drivers are tip top (nforce drivers, SATA drivers). However if I hot-plug this drive from within Windows, it works fine!. The PC just doesn't boot with the HD plugged in.
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Mar 7, 2010
I recently installed SP3 and IE8 along with all updates. All went well except now Hibernate and Standby often kill the system including the cursor. If I boot and try Hibernate or Standby it usually works, but if I run for a while and try them they hang the system. The problem did not exist before I installed SP3 and IE8.
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Jun 19, 2009
When I power up my computer, Windows XP doesn't detect my USB modem or printer unless I unplug the cord and replug it in.
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Apr 7, 2005
I have an IBM NetVista running XP that at shutdown will close windows but will not power off machine, user has to hold power button to power off.
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Apr 20, 2007
The standby and hibernate buttons are missing after reinstalling windows
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Aug 23, 2006
I just installed XP Pro SP2 onto this toshiba laptop (fairly good;1.4ghz intel celeron M,512 ddr ram,wireless nic,ati graphics and such) and it seems that standby and hibernate wont work AT ALL. Standby is grayed out in the turn off computer menu and the hibernate tab does not exist in the power options utility in control panel. I've googled around a bit and found no specific option in the BIOS to enable or disable it and as far as i know this laptop SHOULD support it...i mean come on what kind of laptop doesn't standby or hibernate?
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Dec 16, 2004
Power outage.Lights in house went out and back on 3 times in about 10 seconds.And guess what,my computer no longer works.Push the power button and nothing.I need some advice on this one.Where do I begin?I was kind of thinking main power supply.I cannot see any burnt wires.What about off/on switch or maybe motherboard.It is a fairly new Dell 4600.Power button light does not even come on.
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May 9, 2010
I have an HP desktop. I accidentally hit the standby button on the keyboard. It started to put my computer into standby but seems to have completely powered it down. I couldn't turn it back on at all. I've tried hitting the power button and unplugging the computer. Nothing works. There is a green light near the power cord in the back blinking and that's it. I've tried unplugging all peripherals before plugging the power back in. I've also tried unplugging it and pressing the power button a few times before plugging it back in. I just can't get it to turn back on.
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Oct 23, 2007
My notebook has had a lot of trouble shutting down lately. When I go to Start-TurnOffComputer-Restart it goes to the Windows XP screen and says Windows is shutting down, but it won't ever restart. I lose my patience and hold down the power button after waiting for over 10 minutes.I've also had trouble with my USB devices. I have a printer connected as well as a Kensington Pocket mouse. These devices randomly shut off, yet the mouse never has problems when connected to my desktop.I sent the notebook off to Circuit City's national repair center about year ago under warranty. They fixed a burnt out backlight. Ever since they touched it, I have had problems with booting up and shutting down. A tech rep told me to re-install XP and I have several times, but it never solves the problem. I've run CCleaner, Norton Anti-virus, CWShredder, Ad-aware and Fixwareout. What else can I Do?
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Nov 30, 2006
I have a Windows XP computer. Suppose that after finishing using my word processor or viewing an internet page (or whatever) and closed all the screens that I had been using,I immediately shut down my computer by pushing the power button? The computer shuts down a lot faster pushing the power button than clicking Start, Turn Off Computer, Turn Off (and even then I have to wait about 30 or 40 seconds for the computer to shut down)
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Apr 9, 2006
I found that i couldnt go to: start-"all programs" and have it work. when clicking all programs it does nothing. then, i remembered a dvd triedinstalling "hot llama" and it was stopped in the middle. I think that may be the issue, tried to do system restore and that wont restore to any date.
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May 2, 2006
Literally every single time I try to use it it doesnt work. always says restortion incomplete. I have it set to use the max disk space. I even tried formatting the hd, reinstalling windows, and then the I tried using it and it didnt even work then.
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Jan 18, 2008
I just did a fresh install of XP on my new PC and now, for some reason there is no sound coming out of the speakers. It worked before I did the reinstall. The digital sound is built into the Gigabyte mobo and I made sure I reloaded the drivers. Everything looks okay in the Device Manager. I've looked at everything I can think of, but I can't get the sound to work. When I plug in my USB headphones, they work fine. I keep thinking it's something simple I'm missing.
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Aug 8, 2005
I cannot create a system restore point, nor is System Retore creating any automatically. I tried rebooting my system, using the check/uncheck box in system properties, using the "Run" line, and trying to run System Restore in Safe Mode. I also tried copying the "framedyn.dll" from the windowssystem32wbem directory to the Windowssystem 32 directory (I don't know if it's supposed to be there or not. The only option I have
left that I know of is to reinstall Windows XP.
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Jul 9, 2005
My computer has several problems. The most serious is not being able to get Windows XP to load.I have tried booting in safe mode (F8) but I keep getting an error screen. I installed a game on the computer today that apparent has caused this problem. Any advice on how I can boot to safe mode to remove the program and do a system restore would be appreciated.
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Feb 13, 2007
I want to reinstall windows, I have my restoration CD, problem is that the cd driver of my laptop doesnt work, so I got an USB external one. I can use it perfectly during in wndows, but when I intend to use it to boot, it just doesn't happen and continues booting windows from the hard drive.
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Jul 3, 2005
When my OS was 98SE the easiest way to get rid of unwanted Popups and other annoyances was Ctrl+Alt+Del. I now find in XP that quite often it doesn't work or after a long delay brings up multiple Taskmanagers. And I sometimes still have to use the "Forbidden" Poweroff button to close down.
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Nov 9, 2006
when v press the power button of a system for some seconds it shuts down. but is this way good for the system? i have tried several times but did not check for errors in the drive when i started the system again so can i go ahead, switching off the sys. using the above method?
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Dec 1, 2005
Does anyone know whether Microsoft will ever make a Windows operating system so that when a person pushes in the power button on the computer the desktop appears instantly without having to wait over a minute for the computer to "load
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Nov 30, 2007
I've recently come across this problem. My computer froze up, so I did a hard restart (just holding down the power button until it turned off). The computer restarted and came to the loading screen. I let it sit there for about 10 minutes, and I received an error message. I restarted it again in safe mode and again received this error message.***STOP: 0x00000024(0x001902FE,0xF89C4B66,0xF89C4868,0xF83806D4)Ntfs.sys - Address F83806D4 base at F836F000, Datestamp 45CC56a7***
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Mar 11, 2010
After a marathon problem with Windows not booting, I did a clean install on another hard drive. Now, one of my PCMIA ports (on the side of my IBM A31 Type 2652 laptop) doesn't work. Both were working fine prior to my boot problems and subsequent reinstall. One port still works, but I need to be able to use both for 1. a wireless card and 2. a USB 1.1 to 2.0 conversion card that I use when I print, etc. I've done Windows troubleshooting for drivers, etc., but Windows (as usual) found no problem.
We have Levine/Young The Complete Reference-Windows XP. Reading through before I did the clean install, I noticed a mention that sometimes this happens when XP is reinstalled, but there is no solution to the problem mentioned. I'm at a loss to getting both ports to work. I need a solution before the weekend is over.
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Aug 28, 2009
A few weeks ago, I received a blue screen of death that would not get off my computer. I had the Windows Antivirus Pro Virus that would not go away. I am going to school tomororw and needed this off my computer. So I decided to wipe the hard drive clean with the Dell CDs that came with this purchase. I downloaded Windows XP and some of the drivers. Some of the drivers that i tried to download say they downloaded but then do not come up. Broadcom440x10/100 is saying the network cable is unplugged, I have no idea what that means and internet will not work. What can I do manually to make this work?
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Oct 24, 2008
My computer locks on shutting down please wait. It stays on that screen. I have to hold in the power button to turn it off. The only thing I did was update video drivers from nvidia and install farcry2.
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May 31, 2010
Yesterday, I was half way through burning an ISO file to disc using [program name deleted my mod.] (have used this many times previously without a problem), when the computer froze. Nothing worked (mouse, keyboard) and the only thing I could do was turn it off at the power button. I left it for 10 minutes, started the computer up again and the (black) screen came up giving 'you need to reboot' and 'insert a bootable disc' messages. I inserted my Windows XP disc as it's the only one I have and don't have a bootable disc, and after while I was given 3 options - one was to repair, one was to escape and I can't remember what the 3rd one was. Anyway I pressed repair and after a minute or two it said it couldn't find the hard drive (or disc) so it was unable to repair and the only thing I could do was quit. After leaving the computer off for a period of time, I switched it back on and it came up with the disc scan screen details and went through the process quickly and it said one of the sectors had been repaired and it was 'back to normal' after that.
The computer is 4 years old (Intel Pentium 4/3.2gHz/1GB RAM/Hard Drive 149GB) and I've had intermittent problems with the CPU overheating due to dust etc which I've cleaned out from time to time (as you do) and all has been well.So, in total this has happened 3 times in 24 hours but on the other two occasions when it froze, after turning it off and leaving it for a couple of minutes, it came back again as normal. The computer seems OK when it's not under load (using the internet/emails/typing documents/photo editing) but the first time you ask it a big question (e.g. copy or convert a disc) it will freeze. Is this a CPU, hard drive or motherboard problem or any other ideas please.
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May 14, 2005
after a few hours my computer slows down and then freezes. The internet and the network interface also doesnt work, meaning I can't ping but for some reason the email still works. When I ping localhost I get a request timed out error. When I try to go to a site an alert pops up in firefox thatthe document contains no data and in IE it simply says server can't be found. I have run spybot, norton, avast, and updated the network card's drivers. I think that the problem with eventually freezing is nortons active protect process which seems to always run at 75% plus.
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Feb 25, 2007
I have had a slightly annoying problem with Outlook Express which I use as my default mail client. Everything seems to work fine apart from when I try to open PDF files directly from OE, it tries to open them with notepad, which obviously doesn't work. I can save them anywhere else on my computer, my documents for example, and opening them from there works fine. I have the latest Adobe Reader. I can't find anyway to tell OE to open these attachments using Adobe Reader.
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Jul 14, 2010
do you know how to fix a windows xp blue screen if ctrl+alt+delete doesn't work or right click any thing else.
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Mar 10, 2007
a while ago something went wrong with my computer im not sure if its spyware or just something changed my settings. I use Spybot S&D and Ad-aware and Norton Antivirus and have completed scans for all of them. The context menu (right click) does not work on files in Windows Explorer or on the desktop, but works in Start menu, web browser, etc.Also I cannot access Properties for files. I have tried going through File >> Properties, but the Properties box never appears after I have clicked the link.At the same time of this problem my system restore suddenly disabled itself and will not let me enable it (System restore encountered problems trying to enable/disable system restore on one of your drives. Please restart your machine and try again).I have logged on in a different account and the context menu and properties work, so it only seems to be in my account.
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May 15, 2005
well i have read a lot about this problem but im dont think i really found a solution so i thought i would make a new thread. Well i was just on my computer using p2p file sharing program. and then my computer froze. first the program itself and then the whole computer just froze. So i held down the power button until it turned off and then i turned it back on and then i received this error. Disk boot failure. insert system disk and press enter.
I have my stuff backed up, i used it as a secondary and i backed up the things i needed, so i dont really care that much if i need to format. The funny thing though is that it actually froze once on my brothers computer when i was transferring files and when i restarted it wouldnt boot up and when i took out my hard drive my brothers computer booted up perfectly and after it booted up perfectly i shutted it back down and then i attached my hard drive as a slave again and then it booted up.
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