Virus Came Back After Delete

Jan 31, 2006

A new virus i can't get rid of it off my computer i run blue yonder pc guard and although it says delete and it will go after reboot it still keeps popping up.

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To Delete A Shutdown Virus Not Fake Virus

Nov 3, 2008

I downloaded a prog and now when i open the computer it says : "windows shuttdown
and a ''cmd'' that says the same "-s -t VIRUS DETECTED

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Restore Point Bad Virus - Wont Let Me Go Back

Dec 25, 2006

on my restore point bad virus its infected only 1 bad thing is it wont let me go back i dont want 2 crash it just for that has 2 b a way 2 get there

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Slow Connection / Virus Removed But It Comes Back

Dec 2, 2004

I suspect I have an infection on my PC (win2000) but none of my tools are finding anything. TO recap, I did have the msblast/sasser virus but removed it a while back. Since then, I've had the infamous lsass.exe shutdown. Luckily, I have zone alarm firewall so the shutdown only occurs if I disconnect the firewall.I want to fix this once and for all so I downloaded W2k Service Pack 4 and the 'RPC' MS fix (Kb823980-x8-enu.exe). I thought that would fix the problem but no.I've also run other tools like stinger, vcleaner, spybot, adware, antivirus software. I keep the versions/dat files updated.At this point I'm not sure where to start so I'm posting the log results from hijack this. One thing I noticed is that svchost.exe process occurs 3 times. I seem to recall seeing cmd.exe pop up for a second and a 3rd occurence of svchost.exe followed right after.

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Want To Back Up Entire PC - Download New Chode Virus

Aug 13, 2005

After stupidly (unknowiingly) downloading the new Chode virus I have had to format my HDD.I need to know is there any freeware available to allow mw to do this effectively.? I am a memeber of the latterday church of freeloaders, so it needs to be free

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Folder Will Not Delete - It Keeps Coming Back

Nov 20, 2007

So a long time ago, my computer crashed when i was working with a folder I had made on my desktop. Now, no matter how many times I drop it in the recycle bin, and then empty the bin, or right click and delete it, or delete it from windows explorer. It keeps coming back It will be gone for a while... and then even within minutes. it just shows back up.

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Big Registry - Delete Commands To Get Back

Jan 31, 2007

I came back later, turned it on, and BAM! I ended up with a blue screen whining about not being able to load a registry hive, C:WindowsSystem32ConfigSOFTWARE in particular.So I google searched on my brothers machine for a way to fix it, which pretty much involved loading up 6 annoying Win XP boot floppies that takes days to load (Ok i'm exagerating a little there....) and getting into the Recovery Console to perform some copy/delete commands to get myself back to previous registry files.
Which to my dismay, I found out that it took me back to the stone age (like when XP was first installed, infact to me it seemded like it had gone back even further).

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Cannot Delete File Keeps Coming Back

Jun 21, 2008

My computer had a file that I wanted to remove but instead got this message:Cannot delete file: Access is denied.The file is in use by another program or user.I was told to install unlocker to remove the file. I right-clicked unlocker on that file and it said there is nothing to be unlocked so I deleted the file through the unlocker options. I checked the recycling bin to see if it ended up there but that file was not in the recycling bin. I thought nothing of it and assumed it's gone for good but after I restarted the computer it came back. I also scanned and removed all the bugs from my computer but still no use. It keeps coming back. Although the file keeps coming back it contains nothing and takes up 0 space.

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Adware Delete Trojan Horse But It Comes Back ?

Dec 4, 2005

I think my computer has a worm. I've been using A2 and Ad-aware to try to clean it up, unsuccessfully. It says it found trojan horses and eliminated them but they're always back.
- My automatic updates are shut off, can't fix it.
- My service Pack 2 disappeared, along with the firewall.
- Sophos became disabled.
- My CD drive is only recognized periodically

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Cannot Delete Bitdefender - Virus?

Mar 27, 2007

Well I downloaded a program and my Bitdefender picked it up as a virus I knew it wasn't because my friend had downloaded it from the same place and it worked. So I closed Bitdefender and unzipped it again used the program and when I turned my Pc on the next day Bitdefender came back on and saw the 'Viruses' So I'm now stuck with 5 files on my Desktop that I cannot delete (two files are from the program and .exe and a .dll) the other one file is a text document which I was scripting for a game I am making and when I went to save it Bitdefender said it was a highly dangerous virus.

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Unable To Delete Spyware And Possible Virus

Dec 31, 2004

I have attached my log from AdAware showing the files that I can't delete.Also, here is my HiJack Log. Computer is acting weird, the taskbar will not hold it's settings (keeps turning off the quick launch) and occasionally the screen will just show the background, not files and I have to restart the computer.

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Found A Trojan Virus That It Can't Delete

Jan 23, 2007

I ran a scan on my PC using TREND MICRO housecall 6.5 and it found a virus that it can't delete. Here's what it found: TROJ_BRDUPDATE.D E6F1873B.DLL found in C:windowssystem32e6f1873B.dll How do i remove this from my PC?

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Delete Trojan Horse Virus - Oeiuxr.dll

Jan 4, 2006

After running Antivirus, I found I have a Trojan Horse virus. It cannot be deleted, quarantined, or cleaned. All attempts failed. I then put computer in safe mode and ran Norton, but virus didn't show. Cleaned out registry, still to no avail. What can I do to get rid of this virus?? Filename: oeiuxr.dll and it located in windowssystem32. Also had over 60 of the trojan.elitebar, but was able to clear all of them. This trojan horse is the only remaining. HELP!

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Clean Virus-clad Files, Or Delete Them?

Jul 30, 2005

Is it better to disinfect files that are infected by viruses,or to delete the infected files?I've set my virus program to automatically delete virus infected files.I don't know if that's the right thing to do.

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Unable To Delete Virus Named Hboth07 ?

Dec 26, 2006

this virus named hboth07 cannot delete has tried several programs but because he never backed up his hard disk cannot afford to lose all data after all this time. i cannot find anything on this name

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Virus Cannot Delete Cannot Read From Source File

Jul 16, 2010

My comp recently just caught an virus and I have tired many anti-virus programs to remove it and so far, no luck.Avast reported the file that is infected, but is unable to delete it. So I decided to check it myself, it's a file in my systems/drivers and when I tired to delete it. It saids the following "Cannot delete uwvwibuv: Cannot read from the source file or disk.". I have tired using "Unlock" to delete it, doesn't work.Note, this virus is also causing all my anti-virus programs not to connect online, so I cannot update them. I have tried using Malwarebytes-antiware, doesn't detect it. I can't use system restore because it's being blocked by group policy after "I caught the virus" (Worked before).I had tired running in safe mode, checking task for unknown programs, and I can't delete it.

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Virus/Spyware - Cant Delete - Alters Wallpaper

Jun 18, 2005

Recently got a piece of spyware called SpySHeriff. The program installed on my PC claiming to be a spyware fix program (i did not allow the install) i could not remove the program for a while but after looking through help topics on the net i found a registry to delete and fix the problem. Another thing that happened was that my wallapaper changed to this message : SYSTEM STOPPED system has been stopped due to serius malfunction. Spyware activity has been detected. It is recommended you use a spyware removal tool to prevent data loss. Do not use the computer until all spyware has been removed.

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Cannot Delete Multiple User Folders - Nasty Virus

Jan 8, 2009

I recently performed a system recovery after getting a rather nasty virus. Everything else seems fine apart from these multiple instances of my administrator folder:

I'd like to delete all these un-necessary folders but when I try it says they are necessary for windows to run properly.

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System Attacked By Virus / Unable To Delete Folder ?

Oct 10, 2005

i have an external/portable hard disk. i connect it to my laptop by usb.everything used to be okay, i mean with all the contents inside it. but now recently i have this problem with this particular folder. all folders could be clicked, highlighted, right clicked, accessed; but this one folder, whenever i attempt to highlight it/select it, or when i single/double or right click it, the window would just freeze.

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Virus Machine Couldn't Delete - Memory Not Storage - Email Doesn't Appear Working

Jan 10, 2005

a virus on their machine ,I don't know which or what, then tried to get rid of it by reloading windows. Because I teach office applications such as word, excel etc, they think I can fix it for them straight away. I have a little knowledge, they have none so to speak. Someone has pointed me to your site and so I thought I would give you guys a shot. What is happening. - The computer hard drive has got very little on it - but it is running very very slow. I know this is processor memory not storage memory that governs the speed, but I thought you needed to know that bit of info. The email doesn't appear to be working - it says the IMAP setting is wrong but I have checked the email account properties and they all look ok to me. It will log onto the internet - eventually - but is exceptionally slow and will not open any pages - although the browser window opens it keeps saying 'page cannot be displayed'. I have run adaware - but there wasn't much on it - although it did say that it could not delete 'deskadserve'.....

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Getting Virus Named As "Surfsidekick 3" / Unable To Delete ?

Jun 29, 2006

I'm having some serious problems with malware and something called Surfsidekick 3.It won't let me remove it with Ewido or hijackthis or spybot or anything, I don't know what to do. I tried removing it manually and I get a message saying it's in use. The computer is locking up and I dunno what to do.

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Virus Found - The Folder It Was Found - Cannot Delete It

Dec 9, 2008

it found the virus on the F hdd which u guys know its not the main one was(virus) found on a folder i can't even see i have the "show hidden folders" on so why can't i see those folders ? i am more worried about that than the virus since my software found it im okay with it lol but i just reinstalled my os and i get a virus found on a folder i didn't know xcisted wtfuge ! ! and i have folder that are just named kinda like this "5e56dc46768be0474974c759ab4690" on some hdd any ideas? oh and i can't erase them why?

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Fix User Init.exe Disaster / Loops Back And Throws Back Up

Mar 24, 2008

I did an AVG Rootkit scan which turned up "c:windows/system32/userinit.exe" as a dodgy file. I removed it and now the machine won't login when I boot the system. With a bit more digging it seems that this file was actually the login information within the registry and as it can't find a valid user/password it just keeps asking me click the user name and login. When I click it just loops back and throws back up the window, asking me to click the user name again.How I can access the registry and reset the userinit.exe file?I've tried selecting "last good configuration" which didn't work.I also tried to download Bart PE on another machine (running Vista) to set up a boot CD, but it wasn't particularly clear how to go about it, so I tried using the XP System Recovery app on the install disks. This got me into a C: prompt.

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Unable To Find Back Up Disk / Creating Back Up Copy For OS?

Jan 22, 2006

I bought my Dell 4700 about 6 months ago and was just going through the discs that came with it. I remembered that the Dell did not come with a Windows XP install disc in case I need to re-format. Is this normal? There is an option under Start....Accessories....System Tools to create OS backup disc. Is that what I need to make a disc or should it have came with one?

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When Viewing Thread / Hit Back Arrow To Go Back To Page

Oct 27, 2009

Are you guys having the same problem? Using IE7, when viewing a thread, if I hit the back arrow to go back to the page I was previously viewing, it doesn't move at all. It started acting weird a couple of days ago when it took sometimes two hits on the back arrow to go back. Now it doesn't go back to the previous page at all.

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Can't Back Up On Back Up Documents And System Files

Sep 1, 2005

I am trying to back up my docs and system when I do on either the wizard or the advanced mode-it still tells me "the back up file name could not be used: "Eackup.bkf" " please ensure that it is a valid path and the you have sufficent access."

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Trojan Horse Virus Infaected Embedded Object - AVG Anti Virus

Jul 20, 2005

I have the trojan horse virus. I'm running AVG Anti-Virus.

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Anti Virus Site To Remove Trojan Horse Virus

Jul 31, 2010

Does any computer wiz out there know of an anti-virus site that will remove the rojan horse virus free? I know that all downloads are free,but once they find all the infected files,they won't remove them with out u paying for them

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Virus: Semantic Anti Virus Picked

Apr 4, 2010

There is little to no information on this little guy, but it looks like xcechinu.dll is a Virus, if this is legitimate or not, but I cant remove it with anything that i have at the moment

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Fairly Nasty Virus - Downloaded Norton Anti-Virus

Sep 20, 2008

My PC recently got a fairly nasty virus (W32-Sinowal-based Maximus! or something along those lines) so we had to get it wiped. A few days later, my computer was all messed up again. I can only boot up in Safe Mode, my sound doesn't work, and it is running slower than normal. I need to find out if I have another virus (although the guy who fixed it downloaded Norton Anti-Virus and it seemed fine for a few days) or if maybe my computer is just dying. It's about three years old and apparently it was outdated before we even bought it. Is there any way the virus could have affected the computer's hard drive or whatever (yeah, I don't quite know what I'm talking about) or have I maybe gotten another virus?

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Trojan Virus - Is Computer Cleaned After Virus Infection?

Aug 14, 2008

I had a trojan Virus in the computer. I think that I got rid of it, but I am not sure could anyone that can read a log please tell me if there is anything else left in the computer. The computer now doesn't stay on-line it disconnects itself. I called the company that provides me with my internet service, and they said that I need a filter for the phone line. The person told me that, that will take care of the problem of the internet disconnecting. I think that it could be the virus I had in the computer. I wasn't able to get on-line for at least a week, I had gone and checked the disk for errors and finally the anti-virus program was able to find the virus's.

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