Unable To Cancel Sp3 After Unsuccessful Installation?

Sep 6, 2008

I started to install sp3 and then changed my mind. I clicked "cancel" while it was trying to install itself, and it stopped. Now my machine still thinks it hasn't been installed, so I can't just delete the whole thing from "add/remove programs" because it doesn't appear. I did review the list of added programs including updates, and it's not there. How do I remove it so I don't get the yellow shield on the task bar?

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Access Denied Click OK To Cancel - During Installation

Jun 10, 2008

I have been trying to install service pack 3 and failed.
About halfway through the installation (according to the progress bar) I get a dialogue box saying <Access denied click OK to cancel>. There are no other options available. Clicking on OK reverses everything done to that point and puts me back to the beginning.
There is nothing to indicate what access is denied or which program/setting is doing the denying.

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Unable To To Cancel Install Updates Reminder?

Dec 14, 2006

My mum has windows xp, she recently downloaded the updates which included IE7 which she doesn't want. Now she has the yellow install updates shield on her task bar, to install IE7. As she doesn't want it, how can she get rid of the shield reminder on the task bar?

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Unable To Bypass Or Cancel Repair Install / Getting Error At Startup?

Jun 30, 2008

I rebooted computer and got an error about a missing or corrupt file so windows would not even start to load.I got the bright idea that I could do a repair install of Windows.After the repair install copied the files necessary, it restarted the computer and I got the same "file missing or corrupt" error. So I found the file that was corrupt online and copied it to the HDD.Now my problem is that the Windows repair install is giving me an error after it loads the install and comes up with the install screen.

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.NET FW & WinPro SP3: Update Has Been Unsuccessful?

Oct 18, 2008

I'm having problems with a 3rd party app. on WinXP Pro SP3, and their support staff recommended that I install the latest version of the app. .NET FW 3.5 SP1 is a requirement for the new version. However, installation of this update has been unsuccessful. Would it be better if I uninstalled all of the current versions, then installed 3.5 followed by patch 3.5 SP1?

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Toshiba Laptop Getting No Boot After Unsuccessful Updates?

Jun 23, 2010

I had my Toshiba Tecra M5 laptop all set up to use when the time comes to go in a home.I was downloading Microsoft updates last night rather lenghty download so I stepped away for a moment to watch a little TV. Well during the download the battery ran out. I plugged in the power thinking that the PC would continue with the download but no the only way to shut it down was to pull the plug. I then plugged in the power and the download did start but froze when about half finished. Only option was to pull the plug again.

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Cancel Pending CHKDSK?

Nov 13, 2008

When I try to run Defrag I get a message that a pending CHKDSK must be run at startup (I did not request a CHKDSK, apparently XP did it).When I startup a message flashes up saying "Can not open volume for direct access". The XP startup then continues but leaves the pending CHKDSK active so I can not Defrag.

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Program Not Responding Press End Now Or Cancel

Oct 8, 2005

I have had several customers who have had shutdown problems. The error message offers 2 choices: "End Now" and "Cancel." I think this is caused by part of the program being stuck in memory, but I'm not sure memory leak? more RAM, adjust VM or disk cache, ...??

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Dual Boot Home / Pro - Can Cancel?

Jun 24, 2005

I upgraded an XP Home PC to XP Pro using an upgrade disk and some how have got a dual boot situation. On start up I get the option to boot up in XP Home or XP Pro. I just want XP pro how can I get it to cancel the dual boot and go straight to XP Pro

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Should SP2 Cancel Internet Options Facility?

Dec 23, 2004

Why should SP2 cancel internet options facility in internet explorer/tools and how can I get the facility back

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Cancel Profile Password On Desktop

Jun 18, 2010

I have only one profile on my PC, and want to stop having to enter a password when firing up the computer. I am running XP Pro.

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Unable To Install Drivers After OS Installation?

Dec 18, 2005

I recently was forced to reformat my boot drive (I use Windows Xp Home Edition). I have a second hard drive, which I had mirrored my OS. The drive is my new boot drive, but I have noticed I can not install drivers anymore, despite the fact my user profile shows as having admin rights.

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Unable To Copy Files During Installation

Apr 5, 2005

I initially had a problem with java after installing a SP2 update for IE. And eventually reinstalled XP, that didn't correct the issue and then I had to get a new product code because I was in the "you have 30 days to activate" loop even though my copy of XP was already activated.So called Microsoft, got new product key and started to install again. This is when I first got the "Unable to copy files" error. I tried 2 different copies of XP but got the same issue, with the same files, with each disk.I've talked to Microsoft for hours, and finally had a guy tell me it was my motherboard (now this is after having swapped out my memory with the manufacturer). I just received my replacement board (M7NCD by Biostar) and I am still getting the same error. The gist is that at the dsound3d.dll, I start to get "unable to copy file" errors. I attempt to retry the copy, which works occasionally, but eventually I get an error (normally a memory error) Microsoft had said that even with those errors, it wasn't my memory but my motherboard that was the issue

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Unable To Find Installation Files?

Apr 8, 2006

Where are the installation files located on the XP CD? So I can copy the files to the hard drive, and then install XP off the Hard Drive.

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Lost User Name And Password Cancel Is Grayed Out

Jan 23, 2005

Windows 2000 usually displays the username and password when i want to log on, and i just click OK and go to the desktop. However, upon turning it on today nothing appears, i press enter and it says to enter a username and password, Cancel is greyed out and there is no 'X' button.

I can't for the life of me find the username and/or password and have no rememberance as to the username or password in my head (never needed to remember it).

Is there anyway i can get round it? BIOS changes? password hackers? I really am looking for anything that might work

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Password Press Cancel - System Locked Out

Sep 10, 2005

Just had a phone call from a friend asking if i know what to do.... They have a P.C with windows XP everything was going fine this morning with it now for some reason the have been "Locked out" when they try to log in on to the P.C when it first comes on they are asked for a password normally they press cancel and things are fine now they have been "Locked out" and told that have to get help to unlock it...

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No Disk In Drive - Cancel - Retry - Abort

Mar 24, 2006

Each time I log into my Dell (Windlows XP Home) computer I get the normal security window that pops up telling me about my firewall, etc... Then I get that crazy "chime" with a box that reads "No disk in drive"--cancel--retry--abort. I have to click CANCEL about seven times for it to go away. Is my Dell posessed?

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Unable To Complete Network Adepter Installation?

Jul 21, 2005

I tried to install USB Wireless network adapter to my XP system(OFFICECONNECT WIRELESS 11g USB ADAPTER). Not only that I couldn't establish a connection through that new wireless adapter I also lost my regular PCI network adapter couldn't connect via the PCI adaptor and couldn't set it's TCP/IP configurations I uninstalled the TCP/IP and when I tried to reinstall I got: "The name is already in use as a service name or service display name".

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Unable To Get Modem Option Back After Installation?

Mar 11, 2005

I'm running Win XP and I have a question about setting up a modem connection while already having a DSL internet connection.I would like to set up a modem connection so I could get on the internet whenever my DSL connection goes down. Here's the problem. When I open Network Connections icon in the Control Panel and click the New Connection Wizard, the "Connect using a dial-up modem" option is grayed out and can't be clicked. Does anyone know what I could do to get that option back?

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Unable To Delete Files From A Previous Xp Installation?

Oct 10, 2010

I recently reinstalled XP but I didn't format the hard drive during the process. My hard drive is now almost full because the files and folders were not deleted...and they are nowhere to be found. I vaguely remember an option somewhere to delete files from a previous installation in xp but I can't seem to find it anywhere.I even tried Googling it but can't find it. Does anyone know how I can get rid of these old files.

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SP3 Update Taking Hours To Install: No Option To Cancel?

May 26, 2008

Has anyone experienced this? I am installing the service pack 3 update for Windows XP and the install wizard is moving extremely slow. It is to the point where it is installing files and I can see that each individual file (dll's, exe's, etc.) takes about 30-90 seconds to install! It has been installing like this for many hours now - almost half a day. There is no option to cancel and roll back the installation (buttons are all grayed out), so I'm just going to patiently wait for it to end.Does anyone know why this would happen?

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Cancel The Password - Switch On PC - Installed New Sound Card

May 12, 2005

1) I would like to cancel the password request when windows XP starts up, how can I do that?2) when I switch on the PC, I am asked if I want to use windows XP or windows 2000 even though I don't have any partition on my HD with windows 2000, actually I have no partition at all) I have installed a new sound card, and even though everything works fine, on windows start up, I always get the window " new hardware found" " looking for the driver on the Cd " how can I get rid of that?

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Unable To Install Pro SP3- With Message Oembios.bin Could Not Be Copied During Installation

Nov 8, 2008

Vista was installed on my pc. I want to install XP Pro. I come to a point wherer I get a message that says oembios.bin could not be copied during the beginning og installation. Everything else get copied. Now after the installation it I get I message that preventing Windows from accurately checking the license for this computer. Error code: 0�80070002. I searched and get a solution on this issue as well (By expanding OEMBIOS.BI_ and move the OEMBIOS.BIN to the SYSTEM 32 folder in Safe mode).

When restarting windows the desktop background image is blue and a lot of windows programs are missing (Internet Explorer, Remote desktop and more). It doesn't let me even get into msconfig. Now, I know that the installation disc work perfect and it isn't the cd. I do have a HP_Recovery partition and tempted to format it but I also don't want to face any complications later on. But it seems that it is HP_Recovery that blocks xp instalation out, since it indicates that the laptop is locked to VISTA in BIOS.

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Unable To Install Anything - Fatal Error 1603 During Installation

Mar 20, 2005

After formatting my computer im now in the stage of installing all the bits and bobs back on again. nothing will install and leaves me with the error message: "Error: -1603 Fatal error during installation. Consult Windows Installer Help (Msi.chm) or MSDN for more information" I couldnt find anything about why this is happening but i found a way how to solve it. to solve it it said: "Well problem finally solved. All you have to do is add a group called "Users" in the groups and users settings of the administrative settings and it will install..." I am using "Windows XP Home Edition" and "Service Pack 1" and i have not found anywere that allows me to do this.

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Unable To Install Graphics Card Driver After Re-installation Of OS?

Dec 28, 2009

I recently reinstalled XP but to my chagrin, it seems I cannot install the manufacturers drivers for graphics adapter or monitor, but am stuck with the generic, default drivers whose performance is horrible.It takes forever for the screen to update. I used to know what to do to fix this, but have forgotten how.

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Unable To Create Repair / Re-installation CD Media Center?

Sep 26, 2006

How does one create a repair / re-installation CD for a Windows XP Media Center 2005 PC?I know how to create a repair / re-installation CD for Windows XP Pro & Windows XP Home, if one's PC does not come with a Windows CD I have searched the internet using multiple search engines and multiple search terms.

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Unable To Download Microsoft Security Essentials Installation Wizard

Oct 10, 2010

An error has prevented the Microsoft Security Essentials Installation Wizard from continuing.Please restart your computer and try again.I have tried all the malicious software, antimalware, Windows Defender, Windows Protecion Center, you name it.

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Unable To Remove Older Version Of OS To Perform Fresh Installation?

Mar 5, 2006

I'm running Windows XP and i have this OS 2000 PLATINUM EDITION boot up program that interferes with and stops my startup asking me to register when i don't really need this program can someone help me eliminate this program from my startup

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Getting No "open, Save, Cancel" Option While Playing / Stream Music Files?

Jul 19, 2005

When I attempt to play or stream music from a web site, I no longer have the options of "open, save, cancel", I only have the options of "save" or "cancel." The dialog box indicates that "m3u" or m3ulist" files are an unknown type.. This wasn't always the case, at one point things worked just fine. How do I get my computer to recognize and "open" these files without having to "save" them and play them from the saved file? Once saved, they will play in Windows Media Player.

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Unable To Find Missing File "ks.sys" For Audio Device Installation?

Sep 18, 2009

i am finding a missing file named ks.sys.i have been trying to install audio devices for my computer and it will not allow me to install them because i'm missing files. at first i was missing ksuser.dll file but i was able to download that and install it, and now its asking for the ky.sys file.

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Installation/ Un-installation Of Daemon Tools That Corrupted Some Registry Files?

May 4, 2007

I've lately had some problems with my win-xp (home) following installation/ un-installation of daemon tools that corrupted some registry files. After an unsuccesfull repair-instalation of xp, i re-installed xp onto the secondary partition of my hard drive (d:, the original instalation being on c. I was intending to format the c: drive, then instal a copy of xp-pro i have onto it

finally moving the files i want to keep back from the d: drive onto the c: drive.The problem i'm now having is on formatting i recieve the error message 'system partition is not allowed to be formatted', as it is the primary partition. Can i go about formatting this drive in partitions and proceed with the re-install without having to remove the files i have on the d: drive? How might i go about this?

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