Unable To Boot?

Dec 18, 2007

Computer won't boot. Restarts before windows xp logo. Won't work in safe mode either. What can I do.

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Unable To Boot?.

Jan 16, 2007

Here goes ;yesterday after having used the computer for a while , i rebooted the computer and all i got was a blank screen....no message or logo about windows starting up...i tried several times to no avail.
I googled with another machine and i tried to make an XP boot disk from the XP dvd , copying the needed files on a linux box but my boot disk was no help , just got the message that this was not a bootable disk.
I also tried to boot up from the XP dvd but it froze at the part that says thad the install disk is checking my computer's configuration or such , my system is in the french language .
I could access the disk from linux on my second hard drive and i boot into linux with a floppy , never touched the MBR.
Lilo is on that floppy and windows is the other option but it would not boot from that either.
I gave up after a while , shut down the computer.
Just for the hell of it i gave it a go this morning and the *<"xx...started.
I proceeded to make a boot disk (do not know if it will work though)
The reason i posted is it will probably happen again and the fact that it would not boot even from the XP dvd ( legit , original ) is not very reassuring could it be a bad sector of the hard drive ? Has anyone had that experience before ?
This is Win XP Home Edition on AMD Sempron 2300 , 512mg Ram 80g Maxtor.

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Unable To Boot Up XP

Nov 12, 2008

I am unable to boot up windows XP and have no idea why we suddenly have this problem. It starts to follow the boot routine but variably either powers off before anything shows up on the screen except a lot of scrolling info - then starts the boot sequence all over again only to fail yet again, or it reaches the point where the windows XP logo comes up with the green streaming icon - but then powers off and restarts the boot process over again to fail once again,

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Unable To Boot?

Apr 28, 2010

First off, thank you for reading and also thanks in advance for any advice. I dl a free trial of a program called SpeedyPC, which found numerous registry errors. I tried to dl a free full version from a random website ( I know, bad idea) so I could resolve the registry errors. As soon as I ran this executable file, my screen went blank and the system restarted, but did not go past the windows xp screen.I shut down for a while and now the system will not boot up at all. The monitor simply gives a "no signal" message and goes blank.

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System Unable To Boot

Apr 27, 2007

I was running windows XP. My hard-drive isnt totally screwed because I just formatted it and it works fine.
My computer is custom made by me. Everything seems to be working fine now. Would this just be hard-drive failiure? or is it a virus?

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Unable To Boot To Win 2000?

Mar 24, 2006

I had an istallation of win 2000 which i couldn't boot to.
It was freezing at the windows screen ( after the bios loading and the f8 option to choose ).
I tried to boot
1. from the emergency repair disk failed
2. from the original win 2000 Cd succeded but when reboot from the HD failed.
I also tried the repair option but wasnt able to boot from the HD.
At a point wasn't able to boot anymore neither from the win 2000 CD.
I decided to install win 2000 at the same HD without making a new partition and now i have win2000 at C:WINNT1 ( the new ) and C:WINNT ( the old )
The file systen is NTFS.
Now i can boot to the second installation.
Is there a way i could transfer or merge the old installation to the new one ?
My nightmare is to do all the programm installations from scratch ,configurate the varius programms and so on.
I'd like to repair the first installation of win 2000 and after that i can boot to it , delete the second one.

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Unable To Boot Up From Laptop?

Feb 12, 2007

I have a Toshiba Satellite P4 laptop with XP in it. A couple of days ago I changed the battery because the old battery was dead and every thing was working find, but now when I try to boot up I get this message: � a disk read error occurred. Press ctrl+alt+del to restart� I�ve gone into the setup and it�s set to boot from the hard drive (#1). I can not get into the safe mode it just keep going back the message.

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Unable To Boot Installer Cd Through CDROM?

Aug 22, 2007

I had tried booting the XP cd from the CDROM but it will result in a screen containing some message by Caldera Dr-Dos. It states that there is a program that is faulty. Therefore, what can I do to solve this problem for I intended to format my c:.

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A Crashed Laptop - Unable To Boot From Cd

Dec 1, 2009

Suddenly yesterday my laptop (HP Pavilion zt3019ea, with windows xp on it) stopped working and i got this black screen with "your computer didn't start successfully`" but that was just the beginning of all my problems.First I had to disable the automatic rebooting because the blue screen flashed too quickly.
the error message is "0x00000024 (0x001902FE,0xF8AF7378,0xF8AF7874, 0x82E94805)" which is apparently a problem of corruption in the NTFS file system (i don't really know what it means)

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Unable To Perform Setup Using SP2 Boot CD

May 5, 2006

I have been using this PC without any problem for 6 months. I wanted to reinstall my Windows XP on my PC and tried to booting up with a bootable Windows XP_SP2 Prof CD(first boot is CD ROM). But to my surprise, the setup process in not taking place. I am getting a grey blank screen(instead of windows setup screen) after this message "Setup is inspecting your Computer's Hardware configuration".This is the case only with the Windows XP bootable CD. I have tried to boot with different WinXP CDs, but of no use. However, I am able to boot with Win 98, Win 2000 and even with Win 2003 via boot CDs.I am suspecting whether there is any problem with the motherboard, as I was able to install Windows XP Pro before on the same PC.

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Unable To Boot After Clean Install

Jan 26, 2009

Wanted to put my spare computer to use. It previously had Win XP Home on it. Last week I installed Windows 7 beta to have a look, however after realising I would be unable to connect it to the internet due to security restrictions with my University Internet service provider. I decided to install Win XP Pro with the plan to dual boot it with ubuntu. (btw I was very impressed with my short look at Windows 7.) I deleted all partitions and made a new one on my master disk and formatted to NTFS. Installation went fine. However after the compulsory installation reboot the Windows Loading splash screen apears but nothing happens, I never even see the loading bar. I have now tried to install win xp pro a number of times, I am unable to boot in to safe mode, I have performed CHKDSK in the recovery console and FIXBOOT, however to no avail. I'm really stumped as to why I can't get windows to load, I the know the disc is fine as it has been used successfully in the past.

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Converts IDE To USB 2.0 System Unable To Boot

Jul 24, 2009

Hi.I purchase an external ide enclosure that converts to usb 2.0. I place my hard drive in it with Winxp, connected it to usb 2.0 port. It boots into the windows screen but shortly after it reboots again. It is not the ide enclosure unit because this is the second one I tried. Do I need to configure something to get it to boot from my usb port with Windows xp? Possibly my boot chain loader. If so how?I tried it with Linux on my other enclosure and linux OS handles it okay.

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Disk Boot Failure: Xp Cd Is Unable To Detect?

Jul 14, 2010

i have got the same problem....but when i insert a windows xp cd it is unable to detect it so the problem continues to be there itself...and more over i am using gigabyte mother board.and if i insert that cd.the monitor displays"FD 1.44MB System type(13)"gigabyte bootCD loader. press any key to boot from CD-ROM"
when i press a key...it shows.."hard drive not installed properly press any key to restart"

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Unable To Boot/install Windows Off Disc?

Sep 30, 2008

i have a custom computer build, working fine for a year and a half, system crashed while online. inserted windows XP system/boot disc, goes to mobo screen, goest to a blank screen. shows press any key to boot from cd. then verifying/inspecting system components etc. then a blank screen, system wont do anything.

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Computer Unable To Boot Past Loading Bar?

May 2, 2005

My friend has a XP Home OS. When he fires up his computer, that sucker wont boot past the little loading bar. It just stays there indefinently. I had him boot off the 6 XP boot discs and run "FIXBOOT" to re-write the boot sector, still nothing. We booted up off the XP-CD and ran the setup so we could run the repair (R), files loaded and the computer restarted. Still nothing happened.The files that remain on his computer are so fragile that doing a fresh install of his OS would be a disaster. Any thoughts as to restoring the computer?

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Unable To Reduce Boot Up Idle Time?

Sep 7, 2006

Why is it that the majority of the time spent booting up is reported as idle time when tracing the boot process with Bootvis? Is it possible to reduce or eliminate this idle time?

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Ntoskrnl.exe Missing Or Damaged, Unable To Boot?

Oct 2, 2007

i created 2 partitions, in one i installed winxp 64, in the other i installed wxp 32, but after installing the 32 bits version and tried to boot into xp64 i got that message, ntoskrnl.exe missing or damaged whats the problem??? i can boot into the 32 bits version, but the 64 bits is damaged or something.

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Unable To Boot Giving Blank Screen?

May 9, 2005

computer that won't boot up. I have an E-Machines T2825 running Windows XP Home Ed. that crashed after loading a wireless router and System Mechanic program on it. We bought another E-Machines computer (T6212) I networked the 2 with a Linksys Wireless - G Broadband Router. After that I loaded System Mechanic5 on both computers. After running a scan on the T2825, it told me that the hard drive needed to be de-fragged so I did it. Then, few days later, the T2825 started having problems when running programs on it. It would freeze up and the only way to shut it down was to disconnect the main power. After plugging it back in and turning the power on, it froze up just trying to open IE6.

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Unable To Boot After Resizing With Partition Magic 8.05?

Aug 22, 2005

I installed PM 8.05 and used it to resize C drive (WinXP OS is there).I used the auto function to take a 1Gig amount each from drives D, E and F (about 25+ plus Gig free on each of these on a Seagate 120Gig HDD) to add to the 1Gig of free space on the C drive. The PM process seemed to go OK (went into DOS(?) and went through 7 steps to resize, etc) as there were no error messages. It said at the start it was going to do FAT 32 which is what I had the drives set up as. At the end PM said it was going to reboot and then the fan was hit. The boot up stopped at the "DMI Verifying Pool Data" message and the little line cursor just sat there blinking.

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Unable To Boot Normal And In Safe Mode?

Jul 21, 2009

Very simple problem; my Win XP computer will get up to the Windows XP loading page (the black page with the blue bar moving in the middle), it then gets stuck for about 2/3 minutes and just restarts time and time over again.I do NOT have a virus of any kind, I know this for sure as Safe Mode works and I took an antivirus scan - no virus at all, so I need some help here.

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Unable To Restore My Default Boot Screen?

Aug 5, 2005

after installing a lot of dekstop themes,my windows log on/offf/shut down/boot screen"welcome screen".....all changed to another...the problem now is ..i need to set up a new win xp package ...this boot screens conflicts with setting up the new one as there is a problem in the kernel..it doesn't identify it as a microsoft file...got my problem??!!!...please help me to restore my win xp default boot screen..log off...extra so i can set up my new windows normally..

i was facing the problem of not being able to connect to the internet for trojan removals reasons...after sick of not having a solution..i decided to reformatt or set up a new windows...now i can'tdo this either....

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Unable To Restoring My Boot.ini Of A RAID0 Array?

Aug 13, 2008

So my boot.ini got changed on a RAID0 setup.
First, if I load off the XP CD, go to recovery console, load up the raid drivers and run fixboot that will work right? Loading the RAID drivers before going into recovery concole will let me see the raided drives? if so, thats good, cept I dont have a floppy drive or any floppys near me
second, i got Arconis Disk Director loaded, it sees the RAID0 drives and all the files on them but it doesnt have any form of explorer or an editor.
Is there a PE program out there that will work with RAID0? I trie Ubuntu but it doenst work

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Unable To Boot In Safe Mode Same RPCRT4.dll Error

Oct 8, 2007

I'm having a problem starting my computer running windows XP home edition. Upon startup, I get the blue screen stating... "stop: c0000135 {unable to locate component} This application has failed to start because RPCRT4.dll was not found. Re-installing the
application may fix this problem."Also, I am unable to boot in safe mode (same RPCRT4.dll error).i have tried repairing with original xp disk when using chkdsk /p it finds one or more errors on disk but does not solve the problem.

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Unable To Access OS Desktop: None Of The Boot Option Works?

May 20, 2007

I am unable to go into my windows xp desktop. The computer boots and stops with the following menus. 1. Safe mode 2. Safe mode with networking 3. Safe mode with command prompt 4. Last known good configuration 5. Start windows normaally. I selected each prompt but none of them let me in to my desktop. Instead after each booting it keeps on bringing me to the very same menus mentioned above. I need an immediate help that will help me solve this problem in order to be able to access my Desktop.

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Cannot Boot Dell Laptop - Unable To Start In Any Modes

Jan 31, 2006

I hit the power button and I get the blue screen with the Dell logo and then the black screen that says, "Initializing Intel (R) Booting Agent..." in white text at the top. (All normal). Right after that, it goes to an error page with the text, "We apologize for the inconvenience, but Windows did not start successfully. A recent hardware of software change might have caused this" and so on and so forth. To my knowledge, there have been no recent hardware or software changes. My options from there are as follows:

- Safe Mode
- Safe Mode with Networking
- Safe Mode with Command Prompt
- Last Known Good Configuration (your most recent settings that worked)
- Start Windows Normalliy

I am unable to start in any of the modes offered to me. The excuse given for all of this inconvenience is that, "Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM. You can attempt to repair this file by starting Windows Setup using the original Setup CD-ROM. Select 'r' at the first screen to repair.".......

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Error On Boot Up Computer - Unable To Load BXXS5.dll

Jan 14, 2005

I keep getting an error when I start up my computer. It say:( Unable to load BXXS5.dll )I have use the Hi jackthis 1.98.2 and below is the log files It came up with.Which file do I remove and which file so I keep .Can someone help me and tell me all the unsafe or unnecessary files I should remove.

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Unable To Get System Boot After Changing The Hard Disk?

Nov 9, 2006

I have been using a Compaq Deskpro with Windows XP SP2. And then I sold that computer and bought a Compaq Evo. I then inserted the same harddrive but it is failing to boot. When I insert the installation disc it says "Press any key to boot from CD". Pressing keys does not activate anything and it stays on the same screen. I then created 6 set up disks and they all work perfectly loading drivers etc. The problem starts when I reach the stage where it says "insert Win XP SP2 installation disc and press any key when ready". Pressing the keyboard keys produces no response

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Unable To Delete Items From Boot.ini In System Utility?

Aug 2, 2007

How can I delete an item from my BOOT.INI in te system utility so it stops showing up on startup?

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Unable To Boot Without Seeing Blue Screen Showing Lack Of Memory

Jun 17, 2005

Im currently in the process of bringing my PC back from the brink. St present I am unable to boot because a system32/hal.dll is not present. Before this I was unable to boot without seeing a blue screen showing a lack of memory. I have been having problems for a few weeks now. At first just a little slow down and the occassional crash, but it has recently escalated to large scale slow down and fatal errors causing the pc to reboot. From the performances menu in Task Manager I can see large large CPU usage peaks with the processor running at 100% consistantly with no programs running. Simil;arly, on startup the PF usage is settled around 200MB but gradually increases over a matter of minutes until it is 2 or 3 GB+. This is usually about when the system declares a fatal error and reboots itself.

The only process that appears to be taking processor power at these points is svchost, that will usually run between 0-1%. I have been aprehensive to end this though as I know it to be a core process. I also had similar problems with lsass.exe. I researched and figured it could be the Welchia Worm or MSBLAST.D virus but have found no trace with any anti virus software. I tried the suggested treatments regardless with no success. A couple of days ago the problems got to the point where no prgrams would open and the system rebooted every few minutes. I managed to rectify this by reinstalling windows, but it appears to have been short lived. Now, after a fatal error the PC has been unable to reboot.

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Unable To Uninstall Spysweeper / Wont Boot In Safe Mode?

Oct 13, 2007

I am new to post on this site, in the past i've read many posts on it when i had computer problems, and found a solution, except this time so here it goes
I updated SpySweeper to the newest version. My computer is now SLOW so i tried to uninstall it. I tried doing so through Add/Remove Programs. Also tried going through 'start,run'..then locating the file to uninstall. I get the following 'Cannot uninstall - Runtime Error (at 219.73) could not proc.'SO tried going through Safe Mode and then my computer started running CHKDSK, which came back with about 20+ unreadable file segments the just started back in Normal mode. I also tried ctrl alt&delete to stop spysweeper processes and that says "access is denied'.

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Unable To Understand Dual Boot Xp 32bit And Vista 64bit?

Nov 27, 2008

Basically the thread title explanes it all, I am building a new computer and wondering if i can have vista 64 bit and xp 32bit on the same HDD in a dual boot format.I am no computer noob, I am in training to be a network manager and deal with a server 2003 and open SUSE Linux dual boot system at school.

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