System Attacked By Malware: Found Many Files Named As "Sharaza"?

Jul 25, 2005

I have found in many places on my computer files that are called sharaza is it garbage malware or what ever? How do i get rid of it. I am running wxp sp2

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26 New Folders - All Named FOUND.000 Thru FOUND.026?

Apr 23, 2006

Out of nowhere in the C drive come these folders. They are named FOUND.000 on up through FOUND.025. Inside the folders are various numbers of files that are named in this way FILE0000.CHK, FILE0001.CHK, FILE0002.CHK. what are they and what should I do?

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System Attacked By Trojans: Antivirus Wont Delete Infected Files?

Dec 5, 2004

C:WINDOWSTELNET.EXE Ist das Trojanische Pferd TR/Dldr.Small.RN.1 That's what AntiVir. told me today - and I have no idea how to get rid of it, as marking the option "delete" on AntiVir doesn't seem to effectively delete the file.I haven't spotted or better said, felt, any anomalies in the doing of any things to do on my PC...but the fact that the Trojan is there disturbs me greatly since I don't know what exactly it will destroy when it fully activates itself.Just now again it gave me this alert: C:WINDOWSLASTGOODSYSTEM32TELNET.EXE Ist das Trojanische Pferd TR/Dldr.Small.RN.1

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Microsoft Anti Spyware Found Malware / IBIS Toolbar

Sep 12, 2005

I have XP Home and Microsoft Anti spyware found some malware (IBIS Toolbar) that was removed but on rescans, it shows up again, but now located in the restore points. I believe that I have to turn off System Restore and reboot and then turn restore back on and do a new restore point.

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Attacked By Virus: Wiped Of All Jpg Files?

Aug 22, 2005

Appears that some sort of virus took me by surprise. It wiped out most of my .jpg files (from dig. camera) and my TB email account.The only thing I did prior was run AdAware in safe mode for XP.I use AVG, Zone alarm Panicware's popup stopper.Is there any hope of getting my pics back?

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Can Save Just A-k Named Files?

Dec 19, 2008

To make a backup, I want to do this: robocopy g: i:BU_G /s /xo /purge /xf pagefile*.* /w:1 /r:1 BUT *only* on files whose names start with 0-9 or a-k Is there a way in batch files?

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Files Named - Fnd And Save SEARCH Results

Jul 13, 2009

Files named regex.fndIs there a way to save the results of a search, not just the "arg" of the search? If not, is there a 3rd party software for this, hopefully freeware?

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System Attacked By Virus: Upgrading Software ?

Jul 1, 2010

After going through a virus attack, losing a hard drive, fighting off hackers, upgrading all my software, installing fire-walls, being threatened with being cut-off by my email provider, and a host of other problems, I have fixed my computer.... NOW it works exactly the way I want it to!

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System Attacked By Virus / Unable To Delete Folder ?

Oct 10, 2005

i have an external/portable hard disk. i connect it to my laptop by usb.everything used to be okay, i mean with all the contents inside it. but now recently i have this problem with this particular folder. all folders could be clicked, highlighted, right clicked, accessed; but this one folder, whenever i attempt to highlight it/select it, or when i single/double or right click it, the window would just freeze.

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System Attacked By Virus While Opening Message From Bulk?

Jan 24, 2006

i checked my e-mail like 2 mins. ago and i had a bunch of Bulk mail, i checked it, and it said "hi, bye heres the details" ?, i have no idea who this person is, but the attachment was this: Virus Scan Results File name: Attachments00.HQX File size: 131kb File type: application/x-msdownload Scan result: Virus "W32.Blackmal.E@mm" found. The file attached to this message was infected with a virus that we were unable to clean. You can not download this attachment.
Note: Not all viruses can be cleaned. Please contact the message sender and request that they send you a virus-free version of this attachment

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Cannot Open .exe Files - Infected With Some Type Of Malware

Dec 21, 2008

I believe one of my computers is infected with a virus. I have virus removal software (malwarebytes), however when I try to open the .exe file nothing happens.It seems that my computer can no longer open .exe files and thats a serious problem for me in getting rid of the malware on my machine.

So it seems that I have 2 problems now.

Problem #1. My computer cannot open any .exe files.

Problem #2. My computer is infected with some type of malware

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Error Loading Named As DOCEOC16B1 After Booting System?

Mar 13, 2005

I get this error loading DOCEOC16B1 after boot along with an unwanted little winodw in the right corner above tool bar on desktop, it sat Search the Web on it. I have run the latest versions of spybot SD, ad aware, CW shredder, and also Counterspy 1.0. The boot takes much longer than normal now too.

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Safe To Delete Older Profile Named / Administrator From System Properties

Jun 13, 2005

is it safe to delete my older profile named Administrator from System Properties Advanced tab>under User Profiles>Settings? as i already have a new administrator account. it all happened when my Pc crashed & i had to create a new administrator account.also i booted it twice so it created two additional folders-Administrator.username & Administrator . Also it gives me an option to delete the old Administrator from above path.

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Malware Issues Lot Of Malware On My Computer

Nov 5, 2006

I have a lot of malware on my computer. I have run ad-aware, spybot, avg anti-spyware, and some others all in safe mode. Still I got lots of issues. Ran Kaspersky Anti-Virus and avg anti-virus, but like before lots of problems still.

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System Infected By Malware: Computer Wont Boot?

Aug 24, 2010

can only boot in safe mode. ran rkill and malwarebytes and found/deleted all the infected objects with the exception of 3.i am unable to even run malware bytes or anything else d/t windows shuts down after a couple minutes of running.

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Keep Clean Operating System For Viruses/Malware/Spyware

Jun 12, 2006

I currently run PC-Cillin anti virus, and have Ad-Aware SE, Spybot - Search & Destroy, and SpywareBlaster to help keep my PC clean. I would like some suggestions on other programs that you might recommend, or if these would suffice to keep my PC clear of viruses, malware, and spyware.I would also like to know if anyone has any information about Registry Mechanic. Specifically if it is worth while in any way, as it was recommended to my by a friend.

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System Missing A File Named "perfmon.exe" At Every Startup?

Sep 6, 2005

Is perfmon.exe a critical system file?Or would the computer still be able to boot properly if the file has been removed from the system (including the registry entries - all of them regarding perfmon)Windows server 2003, had a virus attack, junior administrator deleted the virus "perfhmon.exe" from the system and all registry entries, but in doing so also deleted the legitimate "perfmon.exe" and its registy entries.I would like to know how i may be able to re-install the files and their corresponding registry entries

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System Restore - Malware Problems - Avast, Ewido, Spybot,CCleaner Spyware Blaster

Jul 8, 2006

A friend of mine has been having malware problems, and I want to shut down system restore and run Ewido in safe mode. My question is, when I shut down system restore, and then turn it back on when I'm done, does it kill all restore points? Will that be a problem? Can't I just create a new one if needed? And last, won't new ones be created automatically over time? I've never done this,so I would like to be sure before I do.I probably need to stay away from this before I make a bad situation worse. She does have Avast, Ewido, Spybot,CCleaner,and Spyware Blaster. The problem is, she doesn't update or run them.I updated everything she had and ran them and everything is much better, but still a little bit slow. I thought maybe running Ewido in safe mode might get some that might be hiding in system restore. Would like to know if this is safe to do Thanks......Maggie

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Downloaded Files Not Found

Jun 11, 2006

When I download files using ie the download window indicates the files are downloaded but they are not there. I've been able to see the files being deleted instantaneously after being downloaded.

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Non-existent Files Found By Search

May 17, 2006

This is a new problem to me. I'm familiar with XP's search not finding files that actually exist (particularly when searching for files containing the specification) but this time it's finding files that, as far as I can see, don't exist. And it's doing it when searching for a file specification. Yes, I have view hidden files turned on.The only clue I have is that the files that do exist show the full path, e.g. C:LnDevetc while the files that don't exist show the path as etc. Search In is set to LnDev. Since I'm sending the results to a third party simply ignoring the bogus files isn't an option. So far the only 'solution' I've found is to set up a Win2K machine & conduct the search on it. Win2K shows the correct results, WinXP doesn't (verified on 2 machines)

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Transfered Email Found As .dbx Files

Mar 18, 2008

Transfered files & settings from old XP Pro to New XP Pro using MS File & Settings transfer wizard. Long 39 hour transfer, middle of night MS downloaded update to my old computer then rebooted. System crashed and data seems lost.But I found all my old email on my new computer in a hidden file all with .dbx extensions, several hundred files. All in the coreect folders but all with .dbx extensions.

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No Virus Or Suspicious Files Found

Mar 18, 2005

Running Windows XP Home with service pack 2 on a Dell Dimension Desktop computer.We have no user names to click on in order to log on. Administrator password that has always worked, no longer works so repair isn't possible.What has been done so far:Removed the hard disk, connected it to a known-clean system and scanned for viruses with Norton Antivirus using definition date of 03/16/2005. No virus or suspicious files found. Ran chkdsk /f.It found and fixed errors in the file system.

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Install Net Framework Shown DLL Files Not Found

Aug 12, 2008

Try to install .net Framework 2.0 and up, Notes: I can install and uninstall .Net Framework 1. I have .Net Framework 2.0 before but my brother uninstalled it. When I start up my pc i have 3 DLL messages saying they can't be found.

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System Wont Boot / Config System Is Damaged Or Can't Be Found?

Aug 11, 2009

It says windows can't be started up because windowssystem32configsystem is damaged or can't be found.I already tried bootcfg but doesn't make any differnce.

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System Recovery Fatal Error - No Operating System Found

Sep 12, 2008

I tried to do a System Recovery today on my Sony laptop. Got 41% completed and had a fatal error. Options given were Ignore, Retry or Abort. Attempted a Retry. Got a fatal error message and everything locked up. I ended up shutting down and when I turned the computer on again it said no operating system found. Where did I screw up?

This is a six year old Sony, XP, AMD 1.0Ghz. Everything was working at the time I tried the System Recovery EXCEPT I was constantly getting low space messages for drive C. I have no files on this drive and very little software. It is a 20G hard drive partioned into two 10G partitions.

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Attacked Today 20+ Trojans

Jan 12, 2008

today i was attacked with more than 20 trojans i had windows virus crap up and that didnt do much. i had avg running thank god it was scanning and found 13 trojans already in my comp and intercepted another 8 i dont know what i did to bring that all down on me. a website was opening it self, poping up whenever it was called "internet speed moniter" or something like that i think thats the source tho im not sure. my comp shut down by it self then i came back to find it had installed its program on my comp without my permission and several other new folders were in my programs files folder. well i figured just whipe the hard drive and start over clean..i put my xp disk in and attempted to do so. but i was over my head.i dont know how and need some assistance.

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Attacked Outlook Express & Questions

Jun 9, 2005

Due to a very successful attack I need to move my Outlook Express files to another Computer. Unfortunately, my search ability has been decimated on the originating computer by the attack.

1. How do I find the E-mails in Windows Explorer [they are present in Outlook Express but I can not find then in windows Explorer]?

2. How do I move them to the other computer [I can still burn CD�s and DVD�s]?

3. The receiving computer uses Windows XP Home and Outlook [not Express] Do I need to do anything additional or differently?

The problems started when my wife received an E-mail from her college [not really but that was what the e-mail�s address indicated] It was opened and; look out. It eliminated or disabled: Internet Access, Norton System Works [including virus protection] and Internet Security, and XP�s Restore, Search and Help features. It also locked all of Norton from being reinstalled [eventually I was able to reinstall Norton including virus Protection, and Internet service]; However, I still have been unable to reinstall the Help and Restore features. In addition to the above Does anyone know how to get the computer back to normal without a total re-install of XP? BTW Do not open any emails that are warning you of Policy Violations, E-Mail Service termination and so on as my wife and I found out. The first ones came from my wife�s university now they are coming from Verizon my ISP.

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Getting Security Alerts After Attacked By Virus?

Jan 9, 2007

i really need somIm a gamer, by nature, i have what id like to think of as a high spec PC. It has Windows XP Proffesional, SP2. I keep it very clean, anyway enuff of my sadness.Jus recently i was hit by a virus. AVG free, finally cleaned it up, and now im receiving Windows Security Alerts. The exact message is "To help protect your computer, Your registry has to be fixed. To resolve theis problem, obtain the latest update." only trouble is, i click accept, it downloads this program called System Registry Cleaner 2.4, and then i have to pay for it before i can use it. Unfortunately it doesnt accept solo, so i went ahead and purchased a registry cleaner from somewhere else.

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Lost Kazaa Files: Wont Found In Quarentine Section?

Sep 1, 2005

after running the anti spyware I had the same problem, lost all song files. I un- quarentined them and it did'nt help. I downloaded kazaa again and it
uploaded? all my song files,great. Next day kazaa is gone, files are gone and they are not in the quarentine section. all the files are still shown in the
spyware scan history, is there anyway to get them back or has anti spyware cost me years of mp3's

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Computer Attacked By Virus / Wont Run In Safe Mode?

Mar 9, 2010

I have windows xp sp3 while running avast 4.8 a warning stating cwindowssystem32drivers was infected with win32 alueron. I shut down my computer to run a boot time scan and now my computer is starting indefinatly. While attempting to start in safe mode computer states press enter to continue loading sptd.sys. I press enter and it restarts.

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Computer Attacked By Viruses And Having Stuck In Startup Loop?

Jan 14, 2005

I think my PC is infected with a virus. It is stuck in a continuous startup loop.I get an error message stating:SAS Window: winlogon.exe - Application Error I'm given an option to enter to terminate the program or cancel to debug. Either option restarts the system again. It won't work in safe mode or any thing else.

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