Attacked Today 20+ Trojans

Jan 12, 2008

today i was attacked with more than 20 trojans i had windows virus crap up and that didnt do much. i had avg running thank god it was scanning and found 13 trojans already in my comp and intercepted another 8 i dont know what i did to bring that all down on me. a website was opening it self, poping up whenever it was called "internet speed moniter" or something like that i think thats the source tho im not sure. my comp shut down by it self then i came back to find it had installed its program on my comp without my permission and several other new folders were in my programs files folder. well i figured just whipe the hard drive and start over clean..i put my xp disk in and attempted to do so. but i was over my head.i dont know how and need some assistance.

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System Attacked By Trojans: Antivirus Wont Delete Infected Files?

Dec 5, 2004

C:WINDOWSTELNET.EXE Ist das Trojanische Pferd TR/Dldr.Small.RN.1 That's what AntiVir. told me today - and I have no idea how to get rid of it, as marking the option "delete" on AntiVir doesn't seem to effectively delete the file.I haven't spotted or better said, felt, any anomalies in the doing of any things to do on my PC...but the fact that the Trojan is there disturbs me greatly since I don't know what exactly it will destroy when it fully activates itself.Just now again it gave me this alert: C:WINDOWSLASTGOODSYSTEM32TELNET.EXE Ist das Trojanische Pferd TR/Dldr.Small.RN.1

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Attacked By Virus: Wiped Of All Jpg Files?

Aug 22, 2005

Appears that some sort of virus took me by surprise. It wiped out most of my .jpg files (from dig. camera) and my TB email account.The only thing I did prior was run AdAware in safe mode for XP.I use AVG, Zone alarm Panicware's popup stopper.Is there any hope of getting my pics back?

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Attacked Outlook Express & Questions

Jun 9, 2005

Due to a very successful attack I need to move my Outlook Express files to another Computer. Unfortunately, my search ability has been decimated on the originating computer by the attack.

1. How do I find the E-mails in Windows Explorer [they are present in Outlook Express but I can not find then in windows Explorer]?

2. How do I move them to the other computer [I can still burn CD�s and DVD�s]?

3. The receiving computer uses Windows XP Home and Outlook [not Express] Do I need to do anything additional or differently?

The problems started when my wife received an E-mail from her college [not really but that was what the e-mail�s address indicated] It was opened and; look out. It eliminated or disabled: Internet Access, Norton System Works [including virus protection] and Internet Security, and XP�s Restore, Search and Help features. It also locked all of Norton from being reinstalled [eventually I was able to reinstall Norton including virus Protection, and Internet service]; However, I still have been unable to reinstall the Help and Restore features. In addition to the above Does anyone know how to get the computer back to normal without a total re-install of XP? BTW Do not open any emails that are warning you of Policy Violations, E-Mail Service termination and so on as my wife and I found out. The first ones came from my wife�s university now they are coming from Verizon my ISP.

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Getting Security Alerts After Attacked By Virus?

Jan 9, 2007

i really need somIm a gamer, by nature, i have what id like to think of as a high spec PC. It has Windows XP Proffesional, SP2. I keep it very clean, anyway enuff of my sadness.Jus recently i was hit by a virus. AVG free, finally cleaned it up, and now im receiving Windows Security Alerts. The exact message is "To help protect your computer, Your registry has to be fixed. To resolve theis problem, obtain the latest update." only trouble is, i click accept, it downloads this program called System Registry Cleaner 2.4, and then i have to pay for it before i can use it. Unfortunately it doesnt accept solo, so i went ahead and purchased a registry cleaner from somewhere else.

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System Attacked By Virus: Upgrading Software ?

Jul 1, 2010

After going through a virus attack, losing a hard drive, fighting off hackers, upgrading all my software, installing fire-walls, being threatened with being cut-off by my email provider, and a host of other problems, I have fixed my computer.... NOW it works exactly the way I want it to!

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System Attacked By Virus / Unable To Delete Folder ?

Oct 10, 2005

i have an external/portable hard disk. i connect it to my laptop by usb.everything used to be okay, i mean with all the contents inside it. but now recently i have this problem with this particular folder. all folders could be clicked, highlighted, right clicked, accessed; but this one folder, whenever i attempt to highlight it/select it, or when i single/double or right click it, the window would just freeze.

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Computer Attacked By Virus / Wont Run In Safe Mode?

Mar 9, 2010

I have windows xp sp3 while running avast 4.8 a warning stating cwindowssystem32drivers was infected with win32 alueron. I shut down my computer to run a boot time scan and now my computer is starting indefinatly. While attempting to start in safe mode computer states press enter to continue loading sptd.sys. I press enter and it restarts.

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Computer Attacked By Viruses And Having Stuck In Startup Loop?

Jan 14, 2005

I think my PC is infected with a virus. It is stuck in a continuous startup loop.I get an error message stating:SAS Window: winlogon.exe - Application Error I'm given an option to enter to terminate the program or cancel to debug. Either option restarts the system again. It won't work in safe mode or any thing else.

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System Attacked By Virus While Opening Message From Bulk?

Jan 24, 2006

i checked my e-mail like 2 mins. ago and i had a bunch of Bulk mail, i checked it, and it said "hi, bye heres the details" ?, i have no idea who this person is, but the attachment was this: Virus Scan Results File name: Attachments00.HQX File size: 131kb File type: application/x-msdownload Scan result: Virus "W32.Blackmal.E@mm" found. The file attached to this message was infected with a virus that we were unable to clean. You can not download this attachment.
Note: Not all viruses can be cleaned. Please contact the message sender and request that they send you a virus-free version of this attachment

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Computer Freezes / Attacked By Viruses / Missing Desktop Icons?

Sep 22, 2008

my computer got infected with a malware or two. I honestly forgot what they're called but one of them was called rogue. something. A few of my desktop icons got deleted and sometimes I wouldnt c the start button or the computer wouldnt detect the main harddrive and various other errors. It also gave me fake anti virus ads I installed many different programs to remove it but none were successful, except Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware.Now, my computer has been so unstable that I dont even feel like it's a new computer.

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Page Fault In Nonpaged Area - Attacked By One Of Those Site That Offers A Free Scan

Jul 31, 2008

I had inadvertently got attacked by one of those site that offers a free scan for virus protection and I could not get it off of my machine. In my efforts I ended up with a blue screen with the claim that I have a "page fault in nonpaged area" and it instructs me to remove cache, shadowing and various other exercises that can't be done or are not relevant. There is also a series of changing causes similar, if not the same, as those reported by others that are having problems and are similarly titled in this forum area

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Get Off Trojans And Other Spyware?

Oct 23, 2006

The Trojan.Downloader.zlob.abt Trojan.Fake.alert.eb... Are both on my sys. but according to Bit Defender, "they're causing no harm to my sys." I presume that means they are quaranteed. I've run SpySweeper and a couple others and have been unable to turn either one up. Nor can I locate them in Google. My questions are, how can I get them off my sys.

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Pop Up - Gets Trojans Not Online

Jan 23, 2006

I reformated a mans pc the other day here at home but i took it to his house to get port #'s to get online for updates.We got 3 updates restarted and went back to updates and got pop ups galore.reformatted again OFF-LINE and still got pop ups. I have the pc at home again. What am i dealing with here?I am now in the process of installing ONLY the XP CD and not the other 3.

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Getting 2 Trojans: Checked The Log File?

Jan 5, 2005

i already did trend micro free scan and here my hijack this file Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.0Scan saved at 5:28:05 AM, on 1/5/2005 Platform: Windows 2000 SP4 (WinNT 5.00.2195) MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP1 (6.00.2800.1106)

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Lots Of Spyware And Trojans Lately

Jul 31, 2007

I just finished cleaning my sisters' computer from various trojans, etc...atleast all of those I could find. I have scanned with Adaware, Spybot, AVG, and Bazooka, and installed Sygate firewall. I was wondering if there is anything that I should delete from my hijack log.

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Trojans Pop-ups Ad Ware, Spyware

May 9, 2007

My PC is lousy with viruses etc. I scanned with HijackThis, but I don't understand the results. It does not automatically fix problem files, I must choose what to remove. I'm positive that I'm going to remove something vital.

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Trojans - Cannot Access My Documents

Oct 4, 2008

my computer seems to be hacked by someone, I don't know who. This morning, I turned on the computer and saw that two fake virus protections "VirusResponse Lab 2009" and "Windows Antivirus 2008" have been invading my desktop. I keep exiting them all out, but they just keep coming back. There were approximately 50 Trojans, indeed, now I have used both XoftSpySE to delete WAV 2008 and used Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware to delete VirusResponse Lab 2008 (I THINK). Next thing: After they have not been popping up anymore (hopefully), on the bottom right corner where the time shows, it says "VIRUS ALERT!" I go to Start and notice I cannot access My Documents, Control Panel, Recent Documents, and "All Programs." They are gone, except some programs listed in the front and Shut Down only. I also see that when I open "My Computer", there is no "C" Drive showing. I can't access that drive even though I'm using it. Now, there is a window from "Windows Security Alert" popping up telling me to "Enable Protection", the option with "Keep Blocking" and "Unblock". I don't know if I should choose "Enable Protection" because IE keeps opening and it's making my computer slow.

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System Is Infected With Trojans & Spywares?

Aug 10, 2005

my system says its infected with trojans and spyware what to do?

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Pc Acting Wierd- I Found Around 260 Trojans

Oct 19, 2009

I found around 260 Trojans, and after disinfecting, Whenever I connect to the net, it only lasts for two minutes. Then I have to reboot to connect again. and continued again. So I decided to reformat my PC, and did so. Now I'm stuck with 2 OSes, one in my C drive, and one in My D drive.

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Polluted With Trojans - Internet Access

Aug 30, 2006

My friend was given a laptop that was totally poluted with trojens (256) and other malware. He could not get on the web at all. I ran Avast, adaware spybot and eliminated the mal ware. Still no internet. Next I went to services and changed the apporiate settings that had been turned off and wow internet sort off. I can access some sites but not all. I was able to update to service pack 2 and do all of the updates.

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Error With Winlogon.exe / Mosty Trojans

Apr 28, 2006

My computer has been catching a lot of viruses, mosty trojans, and I just got McAfee re-subribed but everytime I start my computer it gets to just before the logon screen and an error occurs. It says "The Instruction at "0x100096b0" referenced memory at 0x01568000". The memory could not be read." It gives me two choices either to press ok or cancel. Either way the computer screen turns black and a minute later it appears at another black screen telling me that something failed and to shut down the computer. I have tried opening up in safe mode and running McAfee, AVG, Spyware Doctor, and Registry Mechanic.

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Record Number Of Viruses, Trojans Etc. On A PC?

Apr 6, 2006

I will like to know from the Cnet uses that use windows xp sp2 to tell me how many viruses that they has on their pc. My record number is 105 viruses when doing a full system scan with the full paid version and updated version of Norton anti-virus 2004! I was surprised that i had that many viruses when i had been running norton for 3 or 4 months running full system scans once a week and a quick scan once everyday. I later then uninstalled norton becuase my computer was going too slow and installed avast antivirus. The first scan that i ran with avast as soon as i installed it found another 24 viruses. That is a total of 129 viruses.

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Emsisoft Anti-Malware Got 35 Trojans?

Jul 21, 2010

The guy who carries out any repairs or adds/replaces any hardware on my system told me about a great new security program he had found titled Emsisoft Anti-Malware. I downloaded this yesterday and noticed a feature called Hijack Free which I thought was probably similar to the old Hijack This, anyway I did a scan then clicked on a button for an online analysis which reported that I had 35 Trojans.

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Multiple Trojans On My Computer - Reboot Cycle

Feb 17, 2005

there are multiple trojans on my computer.and i know it because ive run mcaffee virus scan and they find them...can i delete them? no....why? because before its done and i can click the delete, i get a stupid error pop up screen saying mcafee has encountered a problem and needs to shut gives me two options "close" and "debug" idno what debug is so i just close the way this happens with a ton of random programs that i have (be it I.E. or AIM).also my coer does this weird thing where the whole screen goes blue with white

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System Full Of Trojans Want A Stable Computer?

Jan 21, 2005

I've had a lot of trojans and meltdowns and have reformatted 438545769 times (I have just finished reformatting again. I used to have ZoneAlarm and AVG until I sat and watched as they let a trojan just come on in and munch up all my files. Right now I just want a *stable* computer.

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Infected With Viruses And Trojans, Keep Getting Bogus Warnings?

Apr 30, 2006

i have avast antivirus installed and i keep getting warnings about impotato win dialer thingy and i keep getting bogus warnings about being infected with spyware from spy falcon and than i keep gettin warnings from avast with various viruses that include Win32:Trojano-CL [Trj]. Ive tried everything that i can think of ive ran avast, ad-aware, avg, ewido, spybot and cleaned out all my temp files and i just dont know what to do anymore

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Computer Infected By Malaware And Trojans And Junk?

Jan 21, 2005

I've been in a on-going battle against spyware, trojans, and mean little things that won't leave me alone. Currently using Norton Antivirus

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153 Infected Files, 23 Virus, 15 Trojans & Counting ?

Aug 17, 2005

My laptop, a Toshiba, running XP Home, became infected and it had Norton's pre-installed [she never updated it].It barely booted and eventually I uninstalled it and have since ran a MULTITUDE of anti virus apps in an attempt to clean the poor thing: Panda, AVG, McAfee, they all did half a job and sometimes even gave up. Avast and Spybot seem to have done the trick... or... have they? The laptop is still snoozing and crashing everytime I open a browser. I don't know what to do.

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Computer Effected By Viruses, Spyware & Trojans?

Sep 12, 2007

I am not sure where/when/how but I guess that is not important anyways. but I don't know where to start. What logs, information etc do you all wonderfully helpful people need to proceed. know some passwords were stolen... I have that under control but there are numerous little beasties creating havoc on my PC. How would you all like me to submit logs & which ones do you want?

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Computer Effected With Trojans: Removing The Virus?

Feb 18, 2005

Please give advice on what to delete to clean up IE. Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.0 Scan saved at 8:16:49 PM, on 2/18/2005 Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600) MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180)

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