For some reason when I try to go to certain websites, i get a smart filter 403 forbidden error. I never installed any smart filter software on my computer? What could tbe problem be? My parents never installed anything on my computer. I'm confused. I cant find anything on add/remove programs
A clueless coworker of mine decided to take my administrative laptop and use it for something without asking my permission. The end result is a laptop that now requires a smart card to log in but won't proceed to PIN verification when a card is inserted. It is not connected to the domain that enabled the smart card policy, and I can't log in to attach it to that domain to remove the policy. I'm reminded of a program that can reset a windows password by rewriting the HD sector it resides on, is there something like this for group policies?
Are there any disadvantages for having smart drive active. I have some concern about hard drive failure and would like as much of a head's up as possible.
As far as I know, I've always turned smart drive off in my bios. But I couldn't give you any good reason why?
I have been wanting to purchase a smart phone or a pda, so I may review, answer emails and check internet sites while I am out of my home office. I have been told that pda's are slow. My current carrier is Cingular, and I do like the Treo 650 and don't mind paying $350 but the monthly charges are horrendous $45 for an unlimited data connect this is beyond your monthly voice charge. I am looking for alternative and I am willing to change carrier but don't know who to go with for less expensive charges. With technology where its at, I thought I'd be able to be constantly on, a la Dick Tracy through my watch.
I tried to boot my computer and after the HP logo i got a black screen that reads ;
"SMART Failure Predicted on Hard Disk 0: Toshiba MK6025GAS-(PM)
1720 - S.M.A.R.T. Hard Drive detects imminent failure (Failing Attr :05h)Please back up the contents of the hard drive and run HDD self test in F2 setup ress F1 to continue"
I have tried and tried through hp online help but no one has been able but to show me pages on how to use it. And uninstall and reinstall the program.But I cannot use it because no short cut at the top of the page.
My computer won't boot...the master HD had a SMART failure. I've decided to replace my current master HD with a WD 80gig. I also have an identical WD 80gig slave on my system (which I do not want to reformat). Seems simple...however, My slave is the current c: drive. For some reason when i reformatted last time it automatically named my root drive idea. And to get my computer to recognize my ipod i needed a c: drive so i ended up changing my slave to that via a program in xp. Does anyone know if this will be a real problem when i go to format and partition the new drive? Will it show both HDs without assigned letters? Should I install, format, and setup xp on the new HD without a slave attached and then add the slave later?
I am so glad I found this site. Secondly I am not very ''computer smart"...'s what is going on...hopefully I can explain clearly enough. My computer is a Dell.. I am operating Windows XP...I just had a new video card put in it..things don't seem right, as in my font is really small ( i have changed that under "apprearance and themes" and under "view" on my tool bar..but when I type regular it is so small and light..also when I open anything to do an email or a message at a group the body where the message goes is really small as well... especially if I go to an MSN Group. Before the body was larger and I could see everything I typed. Could this be a setting problem that I don't know about or could it be that the video card is not right. They had to order it and it took months to even get it back. I am so at a loss on what to do and aggravated at the same time.
Using remote desktop to connect to my computer. It all works fine, but I have a problem with using my e-bank software. It uses smart cards for verification and all works when I am logged in locally, but when I try to use it from remote computer, it expects that the smart cards are on the remote pc, and doesn't see those that are already on the host. I tried to turn off the smart cards redirection in the group policy, but that didn't help.
I just installed IE 8 on my notebook (WinXPsp3) and enable "SmartScreen Filter." However, when I exit IE 8 and then re-enter IE 8, the "SmartScreen Filter" is OFF.Someone said it should always be ON. Does anyone know why mine is turning OFF when I exit IE 8? Is that somethihg that happens with notebooks?
Any suggestions on how to keep "SmartScreen Filter" always turned ON?
Been experiencing a very unusual period of "computer slowness" recently.What you need me to run so we can filter these things out?I ran these two already and deleted a bunch of stuff, but still seems to be a little slow on startup
I'm looking for the best Internet web filter available for Windows XP that provides the ability to be as transparent as possible. The idea isto be able to manage a filtering system without worrying about computersavy kids figuring out how to get into it and take control. Ideally thefilter would not show up anywhere in the windows GUI; for example, noicons/shortcuts or menu items created. If it can't be completelytransparent, at least something that can be configured to be highlyobscure.
Trying to get the Photosmart C6280 drivers to install for the past few days. Whether it's installing from the CD or downloaded drivers, I still get the same message. Right before it starts to install the drivers, it says that some files need to be deleted and that I have to restart. So, I restart, and the installer comes back up, only to tell me to restart again. I got past this when I ran the installer in safe mode, but I was unable to start the Print Spooler to continue the setup.
Is there a way to filter out all incoming mail with the exception of names in my address book?I would like any other mail to be deleted immediately or not downloaded at all. If there is a Message Rule to use could you please tell me exactly how to word it?
i ve got something called a Phishing filter on vister home premium its listed on internet settings advanced.
Can t figure out what this does, every 2 or 3 site i visit it seems to be searching for something before that page can load its very annoying and really seems to slow things a bunch, and this setting has a yellow (!) mark on it, when i click it off it sometimes comes bk on or after i reboot it resets itself back to on, how do i fix this and hope it stays off
This is the WinXP mouse accel tweak. It restores the feel of the mouse back to Win2K style. Very helpful for gamers and those sensitive to mouse movements. Navigate to [HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelMouse]Then, under SmoothMouseXCurve,
Does anyone know of a good anti spam filter I can download, please, to filter out spam BEFORE it gets to my in box in Outlook Express?someone suggested mailwasher, but apparently you have to go thru mailwasher first, a little inconvenient.I know Zone Alarm and Norton filter it out before it goes in, but separate from that, is there another programme that I can download that does it the same way??I am tired of getting a couple genuine emails, and 20-30 spam ...
I am trying to install XP Home Edition on an ECS KT600-A motherboard with an 80 gig hard drive and I get a message on the desktop that the VIA CPU to AGP 2.0/AGP 3.0 Controller is missing.
The message also states that the driver I need to correct this problem is on the VIA AGP Filter Driver Disk. I have tried to find this disk to download it but I have not been able to find it.
Does anyone know where I can download this disk? If so, what is the webaddress where I can download it?
while composing a letter and held down the shift key (or some key) longer than the computer thinks I should.....I got some message about filter keys - which I naturally have no idea what that is. Now I have an icon in lower right corner that is a little clock thing that says "FilterKeys". What have I done and what should I do now. I have clicked on it, but I have no idea what the "accessability options" are all about
someone sent me a wordpad doc and when i tried to open it this is what it said, unable to load graphics conversion filter do you want to continue anyway, so i clicked yes. and only the text appeared in the doc. now i'm guessing the doc contains graphics of some sort but i am unable to load them. is there a way i can load these graphics? do i need the conversion filter? if so were do i get this from.
I am trying to use my ms home pushishing program and it says my wmf graphics filter is missing. I did a search as they recommened on my computer for the file and there is none in my computer...where can i get this file to download back into my computer or what else can i do to be able to use my publishing program.
My computer is taking a long time to open web pages..."the phishing filter is checking this site" seems like a really long time. Is there something to make this a quicker process? Is it safe to just turn it off? Even when i tried to open this site it took like a minute!
How come when I tried to update outlook 2003 junk email filter it keeps saying it failed. Then I tried to go to the website to download directly from them instead of windows but it still did not work. Also, when it said that i need to install activeX it failed because it does not know publisher. and the icon keeps popping up saying I have to update but everytime I try to update it it keep failing.
I would like to know if this can be done in win xp environment. say I have a folder, A, of pictures only and they all have file extensions jpg eg abc.jpg, xyz.jpg. say I have a second folder, B, which contains all the files of A(if you ignore extensions) and more(but all are pictures.) But all the files in B has extensions NEF instead of jpg eg abc.NEF, efg.NEF, xyz.NEF. My idea is to extract all the files from B that has the same the name as A(ignoring extensions) and either move or copy to a separate folder ie if A contains abc.jpg, xyz.jpg then abc.NEF and xyz.NEF will be extracted and moved/copied to a new folder. I'm not sure where to start. is there a program out there that can do this? or there's a special command to type at the command prompt?
Im trying to repair install windows XP on my computer.I get up to the actual instalation part and it gives me this message:'Please insert the Compact Disk labeled ' VIA AGP Filter Driver Disk' into your CDROM drive (and then click OK. You can also click OK if you want files to be copied from an alternate location, such as a floppy disk'If i click cancel my mouse locks up and my screen flashes on and off and when i reboot it starts up the installation normally again but gives me this message halfway through the instalation.
My up to date anti virus told me the other day that it detected a trojan virus but that it was treated or whatever. well, today i go to get on my computer and all the websites say they cant be displayed or that the web browser is not working or my cookies are disabled. I have done all sorts of things that i read on here, i updated my Microsoft updates, i went to privacy and lowered that, i restored defaults on internet options and stuff. After all this I was able to see websites and check my email. But there is still stuff i cant do. I cant pay for my ebay, i cant play my games at yahoo. It directs me to a page with a little white box and some red and blue shapes in it. I am glad that i was able to at least get on the internet but i also need to do a few things.