I just installed IE 8 on my notebook (WinXPsp3) and enable "SmartScreen Filter." However, when I exit IE 8 and then re-enter IE 8, the "SmartScreen Filter" is OFF.Someone said it should always be ON.
Does anyone know why mine is turning OFF when I exit IE 8? Is that somethihg that happens with notebooks?
Any suggestions on how to keep "SmartScreen Filter" always turned ON?
For some reason when I try to go to certain websites, i get a smart filter 403 forbidden error. I never installed any smart filter software on my computer? What could tbe problem be? My parents never installed anything on my computer. I'm confused. I cant find anything on add/remove programs
Been experiencing a very unusual period of "computer slowness" recently.What you need me to run so we can filter these things out?I ran these two already and deleted a bunch of stuff, but still seems to be a little slow on startup
I'm looking for the best Internet web filter available for Windows XP that provides the ability to be as transparent as possible. The idea isto be able to manage a filtering system without worrying about computersavy kids figuring out how to get into it and take control. Ideally thefilter would not show up anywhere in the windows GUI; for example, noicons/shortcuts or menu items created. If it can't be completelytransparent, at least something that can be configured to be highlyobscure.
Is there a way to filter out all incoming mail with the exception of names in my address book?I would like any other mail to be deleted immediately or not downloaded at all. If there is a Message Rule to use could you please tell me exactly how to word it?
i ve got something called a Phishing filter on vister home premium its listed on internet settings advanced.
Can t figure out what this does, every 2 or 3 site i visit it seems to be searching for something before that page can load its very annoying and really seems to slow things a bunch, and this setting has a yellow (!) mark on it, when i click it off it sometimes comes bk on or after i reboot it resets itself back to on, how do i fix this and hope it stays off
This is the WinXP mouse accel tweak. It restores the feel of the mouse back to Win2K style. Very helpful for gamers and those sensitive to mouse movements. Navigate to [HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelMouse]Then, under SmoothMouseXCurve,
Does anyone know of a good anti spam filter I can download, please, to filter out spam BEFORE it gets to my in box in Outlook Express?someone suggested mailwasher, but apparently you have to go thru mailwasher first, a little inconvenient.I know Zone Alarm and Norton filter it out before it goes in, but separate from that, is there another programme that I can download that does it the same way??I am tired of getting a couple genuine emails, and 20-30 spam ...
I am trying to install XP Home Edition on an ECS KT600-A motherboard with an 80 gig hard drive and I get a message on the desktop that the VIA CPU to AGP 2.0/AGP 3.0 Controller is missing.
The message also states that the driver I need to correct this problem is on the VIA AGP Filter Driver Disk. I have tried to find this disk to download it but I have not been able to find it.
Does anyone know where I can download this disk? If so, what is the webaddress where I can download it?
while composing a letter and held down the shift key (or some key) longer than the computer thinks I should.....I got some message about filter keys - which I naturally have no idea what that is. Now I have an icon in lower right corner that is a little clock thing that says "FilterKeys". What have I done and what should I do now. I have clicked on it, but I have no idea what the "accessability options" are all about
someone sent me a wordpad doc and when i tried to open it this is what it said, unable to load graphics conversion filter do you want to continue anyway, so i clicked yes. and only the text appeared in the doc. now i'm guessing the doc contains graphics of some sort but i am unable to load them. is there a way i can load these graphics? do i need the conversion filter? if so were do i get this from.
I am trying to use my ms home pushishing program and it says my wmf graphics filter is missing. I did a search as they recommened on my computer for the wmfimp32.fit file and there is none in my computer...where can i get this file to download back into my computer or what else can i do to be able to use my publishing program.
My computer is taking a long time to open web pages..."the phishing filter is checking this site" seems like a really long time. Is there something to make this a quicker process? Is it safe to just turn it off? Even when i tried to open this site it took like a minute!
How come when I tried to update outlook 2003 junk email filter it keeps saying it failed. Then I tried to go to the website to download directly from them instead of windows but it still did not work. Also, when it said that i need to install activeX it failed because it does not know publisher. and the icon keeps popping up saying I have to update but everytime I try to update it it keep failing.
I would like to know if this can be done in win xp environment. say I have a folder, A, of pictures only and they all have file extensions jpg eg abc.jpg, xyz.jpg. say I have a second folder, B, which contains all the files of A(if you ignore extensions) and more(but all are pictures.) But all the files in B has extensions NEF instead of jpg eg abc.NEF, efg.NEF, xyz.NEF. My idea is to extract all the files from B that has the same the name as A(ignoring extensions) and either move or copy to a separate folder ie if A contains abc.jpg, xyz.jpg then abc.NEF and xyz.NEF will be extracted and moved/copied to a new folder. I'm not sure where to start. is there a program out there that can do this? or there's a special command to type at the command prompt?
Im trying to repair install windows XP on my computer.I get up to the actual instalation part and it gives me this message:'Please insert the Compact Disk labeled ' VIA AGP Filter Driver Disk' into your CDROM drive (and then click OK. You can also click OK if you want files to be copied from an alternate location, such as a floppy disk'If i click cancel my mouse locks up and my screen flashes on and off and when i reboot it starts up the installation normally again but gives me this message halfway through the instalation.
My Windows Firewall automatically turns off every time i reboot. Is this because Norton Antivirus has its own internal firewall? If it is because of Norton, is it ok to leave the Windows Firewall turned off? I'm concerned that my computer isn't adequately secured.
I continually have my norton Internet Security popping up alerting me that my firewall is turned off.What is causing this to turn off?How can I prevent the windows firewall from turning off? Is Norton running a Firewall in addition to the windows firewall?
everything on the desktop is turned upside down, but it seems to be operating in the same manner. The mouse cursor moves in the opposite direction to which I direct it. My laptop is an Acer TravelMate 254LC_DT.
"you have JavaScript turned off " this message turned up once. I get pictures in the email or in programs and I get a big white squre with a little stamp in the upper left corner. is there some way to get the picture? I do not know what javascript is or how to turn it on.
Just recently every time i boot up or reboot, my windows firewall is turned off. I get the balloon in the bottom right of my screen to fix it, which i do....no problem! But when i boot up again, it switched off?
when trying to watch videos on some sights i am asked download flash player i cant do this as i get the message you have java script turned off . i have looked in internet options and security but cant solve the problem .
I heard a computer show today where the host was saying you should restart XP after three days or so because it slows down, gets buggy, ect. Yet I had heard it said you could leave in on for weeks or months.... which is correct?
MacAfee automatically updated and said it needed to restart. So I hit restart as nothing was running at the time. When the computer tried to restart it took FOREVER, at least 5 minutes. When it finally did come up, none of the links work. I treid to get into System Restore, it said System Restore had been turned off. News to me I never turn System Restore off. No access to the internet. Go to printers it shows no printers installed. Most programs, if you try to run them they either don't open, or open and close abruptly, or with McAfee it opens with nothing inside the box. Or if you try to do something like turn the System Restore on, the program stops responding. I actually did a registry edit to turn it on, but it still won't let me set a new restore point, and it says there are no old restore points. Basically the computer is totally unusable.So now I boot in SAFE MODE. Doesn't do much for me but allows me to look around. So I reboot in SAFE MODE Directory Services which says the drive is clean and the computer now works great in this Directory Services mode.
Just experienced a very strange situation. We have several hundred XP clients on an NT Domain. We disable windows firewall. Over the weekend we upgraded our NT 4 Domain to Windows 2003 Mixed Mode Active Directory. We are now seeing today and yesterday some machines have the windows firewall enabled. We discoverd the problem due to an older legacy application we have had stopped working. The application was working yesterday (2 days after the upgrade) but today it was not. The machines experiencing the problem are located in seperate office and seperate departments. so far we have seen only about 15 with the firewall enabled. As we just upgraded we dont have any GPO's in place that would enable this. We dont have any other automated customization tools that were configured to do this either.Is there any log file or any way to determine when/by who the firewall was enabled. The users of the machines dont have admin rights so we know it was not them.
In my Local Area Connection Properties, I turned off the Internet Connection Firewall, but I have symptoms of it being on, like, unable to host Warcraft 3 games, slow download speeds, etc etc, and even an error that say it is on while I'm patching World of Warcraft, is there a way to fix this?
my security center (from control panel firewall) says that the firewall isn't turned on (in fact, it is currently turned off)and i have no way of clicking on the "on" option because the screen is basically unchangeable.
Any way to get rid of those annoying tool tip type balloons that pop-up to tell me i'm connected, my firewall isn't turned on or i have no virus software? i've looked everywhere on both my machines one xp home and the other xp pro.