STOP:C0000218 Error Leads To Disturb My Master Boot Record?
Apr 6, 2010
I booted up my computer and got an error message saying "STOP: C0000218 {Registry File Failure} The registry cannot load the hive (file):System RootSystem32ConfigDEFAULT or its log or alternate. It is corrupt, absent, or not writable" I tried rebooting in safe mode, to no avail. Now I can't even get it to come back to the other "STOP" error screen because every time I boot up my computer a window pops up labeled "Dell PC Restore by Symantec" and states The Dell system recovery tool has detected an unsupported change in your master boot record. The tool cannot run at this time."
I have a Gateway GT5032, Athlon X2 4200+ w/ 1GB RAM, 80GB (system) & 250GB HDs running WinXP MCE 2005. I was using the PC to open Nero VisionExpress while I was opening an edited DVR-MS (~1GB) movie when the movie became very choppy till it froze (Nero took a while to load as well). After waiting several minutes I end tasked the movie and continued to have a slow response time from the PC. It returned to normal speed, then I would try opening the movie (using Windows Media Player) and the movie was still choppy till it stalled. I eventually restarted the PC...I noticed that it took a LONG time to boot WinXP and would ''stall'' every 5 seconds for about 2 seconds. During bootup it reported that an error was in C:Windowssystem32Rasapi32.dll, but it did boot into Windows and all.
I rebooted in hopes of fixing the problem, but then the PC had trouble recognizing drives. After being shut off for about 10 minutes, the BIOS recognizes all drives again but reports an MBR error on boot up and will not even load Windows. I'm assuming that MBR is the Master Boot Record...and that scares me a lot. I am wandering if there is any easy way to repair this problem. And also if the MBR is indeed damaged, could it also have harmed my other files on the HD (such as Rasapi32.dll)? What is the function of Rasapi32.dll. I don't suspect a virus as I was not running any suspicious files lately.
I have a hard drive from an old computer (Win 2000 Pro) that I wanted to piggy back on my new computer.Only thing is it wont recognize it since it shows it as a Master Boot Record drive.I even tried putting it in an external hard drive enclosure with a USB. System saw it and loaded it properly, but it is not available in Windows Explorer.Its just plain "not there"!
When I use the diskeeper 8.0 to defrage the drive, it found out that on my master boot record there are 3 fragments. how to unified these 3 fragments into 1?
I have a dual boot system (2 hard drives) booting Suse and XP and boot up through Suse's built in boot manager which gives me the option of booting to Windows or Linux. But since I barely ever use Linux I want to delete it off the 2nd drive so I can use it for a storage drive, so I'm wondering how to replace the Windows Master Boot Record so I can just boot into my XP drive. I'm scared that once I delete/reformat the contents of the 2nd hard drive (I'll probably use Partition Magic to do this through my XP drive) that I won't be able to boot XP up anymore. So before I do anything I want to just be able to boot into XP and bypass the linux drive before I delete it to make sure everything is ok.
I was messing around with Ubuntu Linux and it installed GRUB on the master boot record and I want it gone. I was told to type 'fdisk /mbr' in MSDOS mode to get rid of GRUB. I dont know how do get into MSDOS mode.. command prompt doesnt work.
First I'll describe what I intended to do, followed by me explaining my problems, and ended with my actual question.Intentions:Fixing my Master boot record file with a FIXMBR and removing my Ubuntu installation due to lack of usage, amongst things. Merging the old Linux partitions space with one of my current NTFS partitions for the extra space (all above-mentioned partitions are on the same HDD, for the record). Would've done this with Partition Magic.
laptop was infected with the Antivirus 2009 after surfing the web and I removed it using malwarebytes program. Then shortly after the laptop would show a blue screen, displaying "KERNEL STACK INPAGE ERROR" and then reboot. After the reboot, my laptop seemed to run fine, I downloaded AVG antivirus software to check if there was a boot sector virus (?) and after running the laptop for about 30 minutes, it showed the blue screen again and reboots. This kept on occuring.
Then I tried to reformat the laptop. The first time I tried to format it as FAT32, it got to about 60% before rebooting. The second time I managed to get past the formatting (FAT32 [quick])and I got onto the part of installing windows. About 20 minutes into the installation. A stop error appeared "STOP C0000218 Unknown Hard Error". Could the hard disk be corrupt
My computer keeps giving me this error when I start it up Stop: c0000218 Unknown Hard Error Unknown Hard Error I can boot it into safe mode, but I'm unable to really do anything with it. When I try to go on the internet I get directed to a Yahoo search of whatever I entered into the address bar... and any links clicked bring me to random pages. I also noticed that the address of the link in the search isn't showing up in the status bar.
my laptop stopped working. After dwld some Excel service pack the pc refused to restart. The message is quite ominous: Stop error c0000218 and the hive affected is system root/system32/config/default It's impossible to recover the last working config or start in safe mode or do anything. It keeps looping back to the blue screen with the stop error. The pc does not recognize the hard drive, it does not have a recovery cd.
I'm in the middle of a basic networking lab and one of my VM's crashed. As our host, we use Windows XP. For virtualization we use VMware Workstation. I had a problem installing the Internet Printing Client for my lab. I got an error saying that there wasn't enough hard drive space. I then shut down my VM and added another hard drive. Upon startup I was greeted with: STOP: c0000218 {Registry File Failure} i did this:Removing the virtual HDD I added before the problems started. Restarting the VM. Restarting the host machine. Trying the VM on another machine. Booting to .iso and using the repair console with the command chkdsk C: /r.
I'm gettting a blue screen when i try to start my laptop with Windows XP media. It's saying the registry cannot load the hive (file): /SystemRootSystem32ConfigSECURITY or its log or alternate. It is corrupt, absent, or not writable. I'm guessing I need the windows xp media reinstallation disk, but I can't seem to find it.
STOP: C0000218 {Registry File Failure} The registry cannot load the hive (file):System RootSystem32ConfigSECURITY or its log or alternate. It is corrupt, absent, or not writable I got this on a screen last night.
one of my friend is having a problem with his Fujitsu Siemens Laptop (Win XP - Dot know the SP), whenever the laptop starts it shows the blue screen and restarts itself, so there is jo way you can login to the win xp, the following msg is displayed on the blue screen. the error is in Polish Language but i guess you can understand the error by the path it is giving
I get a blue screen with following error. STOP: C0000218 {Registry File Failure} The registry cannot load the hive (file):System RootSystem32ConfigSECURITY or its log or alternate. It is corrupt, absent, or not writable. I tried starting in Safe Mode same error! Also tried starting with Last Known Good Configuration again same error!
Ok, using this help website, I am at the harder method, but encountered some tmp(nothing really happened not sure if anything was supposed to) copy c:windowssystem32configsystem c:window mpsystem.bak (copied fine) copy c:windowssystem32config software c:windowmpsoftware.bak (it says the file can not be copied). Do I go on with the rest of the tutorial, or where exactly do I go from here? Is there any possibility that I will not have to reformat and get my old computer back?
Everytime i boot my comp i get the same things happening. I let windows load and get a BSOD just b4 i get to my account logon. The BSOD states: STOP: c0000218 (Registry File Failure) Registry cannot load hive (file): SystemRootSystem32ConfigSoftware or its log or alternate. Corrupt, absent, or not writable. Ive tried to work around it by using my Windows XP Home SP2 disk and booting from that but then i get stuck in the loading process of the disk saying that: aic78xx.sys is corrupt press any key to continue
When I start PC, it automatically takes me to the startup options part to reboot in safe mode, safe mode w/ networking, safemode w/ prompt, last known good config, & normal startup. Getting Stop c0000218 {Registry File Failure} The registry cannot load the hive (file) SystemRootSystem32Config
I have a strange audio problem which i havent encounted before and cant for the life of me figure it out.My microphone isnt recording exteral sound, but i can record sound only from in the computer i.e. "what you hear" records.
Each time I try to boot xp I get a bsod whith:stop c0000218 and some symbols. The only thing I did from the last time it worked normaly was to play lineage 2.The weired thhing is that linux boots normaly(which is why I can post this message). Since I use a netbook I can't use the xp recovery disk so if you know something to help please post it.
Ok i made an Xp bootable CD. I did this 2 times and I followed all the instructions, burned it in nero as CDROM (boot) with all the correct settings. I downloaded the XP boot record (bin file) and I used that as the boot image.However, when I use this on the computer I am tryikng to install it on, it says "searching for Master boot record on CD.." for about 15 seconds on startup and then just boots from the existing hard drive OS because aparently it can't find the boot record.The cds work fine on my laptop, if i put it in and run it after my laptop is already started up, the windows xp menu for installationcomes up fine.never had this happen before so i don't know what the problem is.. i changed the boot priority so it is trying to bootfrom the cd rom, but just cant.
In trying to get rid of some adware, I attempted to boot my computer (P4 2.8 GHz, 1.5 GB Ram, Windows XP SP2) in safe mode. When I selected "Safe Mode with Networking", I was brought to a blue screen called a "STOP ERROR SCREEN" - basically it said that it had to stop the booting up of the computer or the computer might be harmed. It suggested removing any recently installed hardware and disabling BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing. So I rebooted and got into windows normally just fine.
Then I decided to try just regular Safe Mode (without networking) - when I selected that option, the computer started to do it, then rebooted and prompted me if I wanted to boot into Windows normally or safe mode, etc...I tried Safe Mode again - same thing, a reboot. I tried Safe Mode with Networking again - and I got the blue Stop Error Screen again.
This is pretty strange (at least I've never seen it) and I'd really like to be able to boot into safe mode.
I have a problem J, I cant get XP to boot up. My pc blue screens mid way through the loading windows screen and then re-sets. I had a GPU hardware failure, after windows automatic installed some software a month or so ago (not sure what it installed as I wasnt using the pc at the time). My pc would not post and the mbos gave a GPU beep error message. I have just brought a new GPU and now I can get to the pc to part load. Tried using my recovery cd, but that only gets half way and then blue screens with a STOP 0x000000c2 error. I think its a driver issue but as Im unable to get into the recovery to troubleshoot further, im not sure what I can do. The only thing I can do is rig up my pc hd to my laptop as a slave, does anyone know any software that can check an OS that not being used on a hd? Is there anything else I can try? I have flashed the BIOS to the latest version.
As in the title, im faced with a permanent 7B BSOD stop error message on my pavillion laptop. My current knowledge indicates that is a boot loader error, and as you may naturally expect, i am desperate to fix it! I have tried using the advanced startup options to use the last configurations which worked and safe mode, but i get the same BSOD stop error. I placed my hard disk in another laptop and it boots fine, i have even been able to log in and use it as normal. However, when i put a hard disk running a perfectly fine copy of windows xp home to my pavillion laptop, i get the same 7B stop error.
My pavillion refuses to boot from CDs as well. It seems to me the problem isnt with my hard disk and the OS version on it, but with the remaining components on my laptop...but what could be the criminal? Would anyone be able to shed some light on my problem? Of course, I will provide more details as requested.
I'm having a problem with my system. I've narrowed down the problem, to one of my storage drives. It has 2 partitions, E & F. I have 3 AT100 IDE HD's(One XP Boot drive, & Two Storage Drives). And a CDRW/DVD Combo Drive. Everything was working fine when they were all mounted on the Primary & Secondary IDE Controller. I tried to defrag one of the partitions of E&F Drive,...and Disk Defrag locked up shortly after it started. I had to End Task,...and eventually it stopped. Thought nothing of it,...and proceded to try and mount that drive on the Via Raid Controller on my mobo. It Can be used as Non-Raid IDE Controller. Then I found that windows xp would only boot if I disabled the Via Controller. When the Via Controller was Enabled,...I would get Stop 0x00000024 Error BSOD. This is the controller that the problematic HD was mounted to.
When I try to boot in Safe Mode,..I get Stop 0x00000050 Error BSOD. So I then booted from XP Home CD, and went into Recovery Console. I did CHKDSK /r/p on all drives. The E&F Drive would get this error; "One or more Unrecoverable Parts found". Or something like that. Is there anything else I can try to get my HD to work without formatting? Just to clarify,...This is NOT the HD with XP installed. It is an extra Storage Drive. And everything was working perfectly fine untill Disk Defrag locked up. And I tried mounting that drive on a different IDE Controller embedded in my mobo.
I was working on my computer, Windows 2000 Pro.I was moving my foot under the desk and accidentally switched off the surge protector.I turned the protector back on and restarted my computer.I get a royal blue screen that says Stop Error.Inaccessible Boot Device.None of the F8 options work for restart, they all say the same thing.I really don't want to have to reformat.
I have xp pro and woke to a blue screen. When I rebooted it, it runs through post but stops before win xp logo comes on. Now it says the computer is searching for boot record.
my PC has 2 disks it was setup with a boot manager on disk1 disk1 has linux. disk2 is my Win XP disk. my question is can I safely write a boot block on disk2 and not loose data like the XP CD warns you about? I'm not using Linux on disk1 anymore, but I need the boot manager to boot XP on disk2. so the question is how safe is it to use the XP CD and fix/create a boot record on disk2? Are there any issues? I really don't want to restore because of the software is already working..
When booting up my PC, I am receiving the following error message 'STOP: c0000218 {Registry File Failure} The registry cannot load the hive (file): SystemRootSystem32ConfigSOFTWARE or its lor or alternative. It is corrupt, absent or not writable'. I understand that the OS needs to be recovered from the XP bootup disk but the OS was pre-installed so I do not have a copy of this.