How Safe Is Writing A New Boot Record?

Sep 12, 2005

my PC has 2 disks it was setup with a boot manager on disk1 disk1 has linux. disk2 is my Win XP disk. my question is can I safely write a boot block on disk2 and not loose data like the XP CD warns you about? I'm not using Linux on disk1 anymore, but I need the boot manager to boot XP on disk2. so the question is how safe is it to use the XP CD and fix/create a boot record on disk2? Are there any issues? I really don't want to restore because of the software is already working..

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How To Replace Master Boot Record On Dual Boot System & Delete Linux Drive

Mar 8, 2006

I have a dual boot system (2 hard drives) booting Suse and XP and boot up through Suse's built in boot manager which gives me the option of booting to Windows or Linux. But since I barely ever use Linux I want to delete it off the 2nd drive so I can use it for a storage drive, so I'm wondering how to replace the Windows Master Boot Record so I can just boot into my XP drive. I'm scared that once I delete/reformat the contents of the 2nd hard drive (I'll probably use Partition Magic to do this through my XP drive) that I won't be able to boot XP up anymore. So before I do anything I want to just be able to boot into XP and bypass the linux drive before I delete it to make sure everything is ok.

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Microphone Wont Record External Sounds But Record From PC?

Mar 26, 2008

I have a strange audio problem which i havent encounted before and cant for the life of me figure it out.My microphone isnt recording exteral sound, but i can record sound only from in the computer i.e. "what you hear" records.

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Windows Xp Boot Cd Will Not Find Boot Record

Nov 20, 2006

Ok i made an Xp bootable CD. I did this 2 times and I followed all the instructions, burned it in nero as CDROM (boot) with all the correct settings. I downloaded the XP boot record (bin file) and I used that as the boot image.However, when I use this on the computer I am tryikng to install it on, it says "searching for Master boot record on CD.." for about 15 seconds on startup and then just boots from the existing hard drive OS because aparently it can't find the boot record.The cds work fine on my laptop, if i put it in and run it after my laptop is already started up, the windows xp menu for installationcomes up fine.never had this happen before so i don't know what the problem is.. i changed the boot priority so it is trying to bootfrom the cd rom, but just cant.

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Computer Is Searching For Boot Record

Aug 25, 2005

I have xp pro and woke to a blue screen. When I rebooted it, it runs through post but stops before win xp logo comes on. Now it says the computer is searching for boot record.

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Master Boot Record Hard Drive

Dec 14, 2006

I have a hard drive from an old computer (Win 2000 Pro) that I wanted to piggy back on my new computer.Only thing is it wont recognize it since it shows it as a Master Boot Record drive.I even tried putting it in an external hard drive enclosure with a USB. System saw it and loaded it properly, but it is not available in Windows Explorer.Its just plain "not there"!

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Unify Fragmented Master Boot Record

Sep 1, 2005

When I use the diskeeper 8.0 to defrage the drive, it found out that on my
master boot record there are 3 fragments. how to unified these 3 fragments
into 1?

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Master Boot Record Error - Recognizing Drives

Feb 23, 2006

I have a Gateway GT5032, Athlon X2 4200+ w/ 1GB RAM, 80GB (system) & 250GB HDs running WinXP MCE 2005. I was using the PC to open Nero VisionExpress while I was opening an edited DVR-MS (~1GB) movie when the movie became very choppy till it froze (Nero took a while to load as well). After waiting several minutes I end tasked the movie and continued to have a slow response time from the PC. It returned to normal speed, then I would try opening the movie (using Windows Media Player) and the movie was still choppy till it stalled. I eventually restarted the PC...I noticed that it took a LONG time to boot WinXP and would ''stall'' every 5 seconds for about 2 seconds. During bootup it reported that an error was in C:Windowssystem32Rasapi32.dll, but it did boot into Windows and all.

I rebooted in hopes of fixing the problem, but then the PC had trouble recognizing drives. After being shut off for about 10 minutes, the BIOS recognizes all drives again but reports an MBR error on boot up and will not even load Windows. I'm assuming that MBR is the Master Boot Record...and that scares me a lot. I am wandering if there is any easy way to repair this problem. And also if the MBR is indeed damaged, could it also have harmed my other files on the HD (such as Rasapi32.dll)? What is the function of Rasapi32.dll. I don't suspect a virus as I was not running any suspicious files lately.

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Master Boot Record - Command Prompt Doesn't Work

Jan 2, 2006

I was messing around with Ubuntu Linux and it installed GRUB on the master boot record and I want it gone. I was told to type 'fdisk /mbr' in MSDOS mode to get rid of GRUB. I dont know how do get into MSDOS mode.. command prompt doesnt work.

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STOP:C0000218 Error Leads To Disturb My Master Boot Record?

Apr 6, 2010

I booted up my computer and got an error message saying "STOP: C0000218 {Registry File Failure} The registry cannot load the hive (file):System RootSystem32ConfigDEFAULT or its log or alternate. It is corrupt, absent, or not writable" I tried rebooting in safe mode, to no avail. Now I can't even get it to come back to the other "STOP" error screen because every time I boot up my computer a window pops up labeled "Dell PC Restore by Symantec" and states The Dell system recovery tool has detected an unsupported change in your master boot record. The tool cannot run at this time."

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Dual-booted Linux Master Boot Record - Console Unable To Find HDD

Jan 30, 2008

First I'll describe what I intended to do, followed by me explaining my problems, and ended with my actual question.Intentions:Fixing my Master boot record file with a FIXMBR and removing my Ubuntu installation due to lack of usage, amongst things.
Merging the old Linux partitions space with one of my current NTFS partitions for the extra space (all above-mentioned partitions are on the same HDD, for the record). Would've done this with Partition Magic.

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Won't Boot Past Splash Screen / Wont Boot In Safe Mode

Nov 23, 2009

I have a Windows XP Professional Edition and i incurred a spyware virus on my PC, so i made a dumb decision by running MSCONFIG and changing my SAFEBOOT option, I did this because previously I couldn't even get into Safe Mode, it would load the files on the screen.

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Professional Freezes During Boot Screen - Boot Fine Safe Mode

Jul 25, 2008

Recently I was playing a game when my computer froze up, when I restarted it, it froze every time on the Windows XP bootscreen. It boots fine in Safe mode with networking. (I'm typing this post on this computer)

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Constantly Restarts And Won't Boot / Can't Eve Boot In Safe Mode

Jan 29, 2009

I have a pc with Windows XP with SP2 installed. My computer has generally worked fine with little issues, but the other day Norton flagged up a virus issue. The virus was called Trojan.Patchep!inf, and couldn't be removed using Norton.Naturally, I'd have posted this in the malware removal/HJT forum, but I'm now locked out of my system.I need a way to be able to get into Windows before I can pull off any HJT logs or run any applications.The issue I have, is when Windows is loading up. I turn on my computer, and Windows boots up until the scrollbar/loading page. The computer then automatically reboots, and the cycle continues until I just hold the off button to turn off the computer. I've entered the boot menu and attempted the reboot in Safe Mode, and also tried using last working configuration. This has no effect, and still results in the constant restarting of the system.

I don't have a Windows XP disc as it was pre-installed when I bought the computer.For the time being I can boot from disc using Linux Ubuntu. I read about the virus that infected my system, which suggests that files such as winlogon are affected by the virus, which would explain my problems booting. Would it be possible to repair these files from Ubuntu, allowing me to boot the computer with Windows? I can then start a thread in the malware forum, posting HJT logs etc.

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Cannot Boot After Ticking Safe Mode In Boot.ini

Oct 12, 2008

Wanted to run my antivirus in safe mode. F8 at reboot brought up screen with mode choices (safe mode, safe mode with connections, last time Windows functioned normally, etc. I would choose safe mode and after some blipping the files at hyperspeed at the bottom of the screen, etc.), it would come back to that mode-choice screen with a message at the top saying Windows could not boot, may have been cause by a recent change to hardware or software, etc. I could then choose "run Windows normally" and it would boot. Then I tried the msconfig way of going into safe mode, ticking the safe mode box in boot.ini. Now, because that box is ticked, it always tries to start in safe mode, but can't because of the above problem. In short, it loops me back to that mode-choice screen endlessly.

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32-bit Won't Boot On 64-bit MB - Can Boot Into Safe Mode

May 1, 2007

I have an ASUS M2A-VM motherboard (64-bit) with an AMD dual-core 64-bit CPU. The system boots and works fine when I use a HD loaded with XP64, but it won't boot when I use a HD loaded with the 32-bit version of XP Pro. It just loops through the BIOS banner screen and goes to the Windows screen that let's me boot into Safe mode. None of the boot options there will work--it just loops back through the POST. How can I get it to boot using the 32-bit version of Windows XP Pro?

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Writing With DVD And RW

Jan 4, 2005

I am having trouble using a DVD + RW for the first time, I'm using a Dell Dimension 47000 with a Samsung DVD unit in it.

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Way To Boot In Safe Mode Other Than F8

Nov 6, 2008

Is there any other way to boot in safe mode than F8? Windows XP is not loading properly. It is going to my background with the cursor, but nothing else. I tired to run msconfig from the task manager, but it didn't open. I want to boot in safe mode to do a system restore, but when I restart the computer, the F8 option says "to enable system configuration."

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Cannot Boot Into Safe Mode

May 17, 2007

When I hit the F8 key, my Windows XP Pro OS takes me to the boot menu screen. I click on Safe Mode, and it scrolls with all the script, briefly, and then kicks into regular boot mode! Normally, with Safe Mode, it scrolls with the funny looking script, stays still for a few moments, and then goes into Safe Mode (after a prompt).

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Cant Boot In Reg Or Safe Mode

Jul 27, 2010

I was playing a video game when all of a sudden the graphics messed up, i could still hear the audio but the graphics were all messed up. About 30 seconds after this began it froze, about a minute later the blue screen of death came on with the error message 0x0000007E.When i restart my computer, the first screen is the Asus m424 MB start up screen and it lets me press delete to go into bios. If i dont go into bios, the next screen is just a black screen. It permenately stays this way. In Bios i can see the SATA hdd and all its specs, i can see the memory. My mother board does not have an onboard video slot, so since i can still see the bios with the monitor plugged in through the Video card, does this mean the Video card is still good? I think its either the mother board or the video that has been fried. Everything looks to be fine. I also tried booting from the XP disc and repairing windows, it did not work. I can also not boot up in any Safe mode at all. This includes VGA Mode, and all the Safe Modes. I get like 10 lines of .sys,

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Pro Won't Boot Without Safe Mode

Sep 17, 2009

Last night while using my laptop, The screen just went black and wouldn't come back. So booted the computer, and then while booting it had weird green lines up and down the normal windows loading screen. and then when it should have booted up it just went to a weird white screen. I turned it off, tooke the battery out and let it be for awhile, and then when I went back it worked fine, until once again the screen went black. Today it won't start up without safe mode (im on it right now). I ran Spybot, Avast, Malware Bytes, bazooka and it still won't boot.Comp is a Dell Inspiron 9400, 2 GB ram, Geforce Vid card, Windows XP Pro. It was formatted a few months ago, and was running fine before this happed.

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PC Will Not Boot - Even In Safe Mode

Mar 12, 2010

I was wondering if anyone here has come across this type of error before. My sisters laptop (Fujitsu Siemens) running on XP was working fine without any malware etc, then one morning she went to switch it on, and it would not boot up into windows xp. The screen switches on and displays the fujitsu siemens logo, then becomes unresponsive. I have tried adjusting most parameters and booting in safe mode.
However I have not had any success with this.

When booting in safe mode, I receive the following error code:
muti(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)WINDOWSsystem32 toskrnl.exe

I notice that BOOTVID and Drivers are both mentioned in these errors, so i am sure this is what is preventing XP from starting. The obvious thing to do would be to reboot windows from scratch, but the problem is, XP came preinstalled on the laptop, and therefore, I have no access to files necessary for a reboot. Would anyone know if this computer beyond repair, or is it possible to restore windows in some way?

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Cannot Boot Into Safe Mode

Jun 1, 2006

i cannot boot into safe mode i go through the motions tapping f8 than it goes as far as it lets me select what option i want. i tried safe mode only and safe mode with networking and than it goes to the screen that has all the words across it and than sometimes it boots right into normal mode or it sometimes goes as far as getting into safe mode with the two signin icons on desktop my name and admin which is me too and when i click on either of them it boots right into normal mode.

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Can't Boot In Safe Mode

Oct 18, 2009

I have the 'blue screen of death'but at this point, all I want to do is get into my system and move some precious photo files and document files to my external hard drive after that I can concentrate on fixing the problem (if possible).However, as I posted in another thread, I cannot start up in safe mode and so I can't even get in to do this.The blue screen appears when Windows is loading.But even if i do get to the screen where I can choose safe mode, I click on it and some files names start listing down the screen and it looks like its working, but then I'm thrown back to the blue screen.I haven't had any luck with responses to my other threads with regards to fixing the problem which leads me to believe that perhaps its a bad situation I'm in but if someone could just help me figure out the safe mode thing so I can save my kids photos and documents.

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Can't Boot Up In Safe Mode

Nov 24, 2006

Someone else used my pc and now when I boot up I get a blue screen.The message is inaccesible_boot_device.
I can't boot up in safe mode. It come up right after the "starting up" screen.

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Dvd Not Writing Into Disc?

Sep 25, 2009

few days before i burn dvd disc using nero 7, i have cd/dvd in laptop now when i try to burn image using dvd or create data dvd the burn button is unclickable.i inserted cd and it lets me burn iso files using cd but not using dvd.

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Computer Will Not Boot Even In Safe Mode

Jun 25, 2006

i have xp sp2 the other day zone alarm had an update, which i preformed but did not reboot at that moment. then i ran system mechanic6 total care program. then i restarted my computer. here is where my problem comes in my computer will continually goes to the screen that states in 30 seconds your system will start in normal mode(it does not) then when it did that for 5x, i tried last known 3x(it did not work),then safe mode then safe mode with network, then safe mode with command prompt.

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BSOD On Safe Mode Boot Up

Feb 4, 2009

I have a nasty virus on my desktop (I'm posting this from my laptop now) that I am trying to get rid of. However, it seems that there are a few key files that can't be removed while in normal mode. Every time I try and boot into safe mode (any of them) I get a BSOD with the stop code of 0X0000007B. Anyone know how to fix this, so I can get into safe mode and get rid of these files?

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Wont Boot Except Safe Mode

Oct 31, 2007

My computer refuses to boot into Regular Windows XP. It will boot in Safe Mode. Only recent install is SpyBot S&D. Roller Coaster Tycoon Continues to grow in size could be problem. Forgot to mention, no error message. Just continues to show the black loading screen with the XP logo.Edit again-- I have like 1000 of these .IDX files in My Documents. I just noticed them as i never use My Docs.

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PC Wont Boot Even In Safe Mode

Apr 23, 2007

I was wondering if anyone could help me with a problem I have been having. My Dad's computer doesn't seem to want to start at the moment. It goes to start up, the initial screen comes up, and then the second screen that flashes up (the black screens with the white writing...I hope this is making sense!), and then after that it just beeps and then starts again.Sometimes it goes onto the screen with the options of start windows normally, start windows in safe mode, safe mode with networking etc...but none of the options work, it just restarts again with the same result.He had to borrow an XP home disc from my uncle as his computer is, well was, running that and he cannot find his own, but it wont boot from that disc. I have been into the bios to enable it to boot from disc first. He also has a back-up disc which he said had a repair function on it, and that works, yet after it apparently repairs things, there is no improvement. There isn't anything else useful on that disc. After exiting from the contents of the disc a black screen comes up with A:> I tried typing D:> but it said it was invalid. I then typed C:> and the c promt came up, but everything I tried typing such as CHKDSK returned the message 'bad command or filename'.

Does anyone have any ideas of what's going on and how to fix this? If he had his own XP disc would that work? I have heard there are programs that can force your computer to boot so you can then do a system restore or whatever, but I haven't used anything like this so I am wary of trying it, and besides that, my own computer wont burn a thing to disc or floppy (but thats a whole new post lol), so I can't get it for him, unless I am able to store it on my mp3 player, or buy the actual disc with it on.Sorry about the long post...If anyone knows if and how this can be sorted out and has a spare few minutes, I would be most grateful if you could reply.

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XP Pro Wont Boot (Safe Mode With N / W Will)

Dec 23, 2005

XP Pro Wont Boot (Safe Mode with N/W will).
(1) Power interruption last night.XP Pro wont get past the black loading screen with blue moving bar.
(2) Booted in "Safe Mode with Networking".Can surf internet OK.Can run a few sample programs OK.Ran error checking on C drive - checks out OK.
(3) Restored to a few days ago (still in safe mode).Rebooted with same problem.
(4) I just happen to have a dual boot with XP Home (a left over, not used anymore).XP Home boots OK.
(5) I get the impression (with lots of stuff working in safe mode and disc checking out ok) that there's something "simple" happening under the covers that XP PRO gets stuck on.Are there any other diagnostic tools to help?
(6) If not, is my next step to reinstall XP PRO (followed by SP2) ? Will I have to reinstall all my applicatons (oh no)?

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