SP2 Installed And Working Ok - Startup Too Long

Nov 12, 2005

I finally got sp2 installed and most things seem to be working ok. I had a problem with Nikon Capture software but got that resolved with Nikon tech last night. Now the only thing left that is bugging me is after boot up it goes to a black screen and hangs for about a minute, then goes to a black screen with a black and white progress bar across the bottom of screen and it takes about 2 minutes before it goes to the windows startup screen and boots up normally from there. I have been to Microsoft support site and looked thru the archives for this particular problem and can't find anything.

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Installation Games Taking Long Time To Be Installed?

Jan 16, 2008

Im having some problem installing games on my pc.Usually i dump the game into my pc and then install that.If i install the game from the dvd it takes me around 15-20 mins,the same if i dump and install it takes me around 30-45 mins and sometimes its taking 1-2hours!!.If i try to install that in the same way in my frnds pc its taking not more than 15mis even though we have the same system configuration.Even if try to make a image of the dvd and try to install its taking a lot of time.

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Take Long Time To Startup

Aug 14, 2008

I've been having performance problems in xp. It took longer than usual to start up, it took longer after clicking on the start menu, and it took longer for the start menu to load up. And even when the windows are closed, I sometimes hear the hard drive loading something and slows down the performance a bit. Can this be fixed (short of a reformat)?

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Long Startup Time - Welcome Screen

Jan 6, 2007

have a new laptop (~1 month old) and suddenly (in the past 3-4 days) logging on takes forever. it is setup with the Welcome screen where we just select which user to log on. after i click my user name and hit enter it takes at least 30 seconds for it to leave the Welcome screen and get to the desktop.

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PC Taking Long Time Of 10 Minutes For Startup?

Feb 17, 2008

A friend of mine got a newly built computer from a guy with a repair business. It takes over ten minutes to start up. HE tells thats normal. IT has 1.8 Ghz dualcore cpu, 2 GB RAM, Win XP pro, Norton and Acer logo flashes on the startup screen. I'm guessing some major hardware problems? Maybe something not compatible?

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Long Startup Time - Logfile Of HijackThis V1.99.1

Oct 4, 2005

i have windows xp, and lately my comps been real slow startin up. its not so bad gettin to the desktop but from there it just pretty much freezes anywhere from 4 to 8 minutes i'd say, something like that. also sometimes windows just lags completly i don't know. well i looked at some similar topics an still have no clue what to do but i did install HJT and well heres my log:

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1
Scan saved at 2:12:29 AM, on 10/4/2005
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180)

Running processes:

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Faster Startup Of XP: Long Time To Become Useable After Starting Up?

Apr 2, 2003

If your computer takes a long time to become useable after starting up or logging on, or you want a clean boot of Winodws XP try this,Click Start > Run > Type "msconfig"  > On the Startup tab click Disable All and on the Services tab check the Hide All Microsoft Service box and then click Disable All. Click Restart and Windows XP will restart with only the system services and applications running resulting in a vey fast logon / startup.

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Computer Very Slow At Startup - Taking Long Time

Aug 18, 2005

My computer takes a long time to the stage where I can start to use it. I mean like 8 minutes or more, could it have to do with the programs that are started when the computer strarts if so how can I find the folder. I am using windows XP home edition I have a 40GB hard drive I only have used 6 gigs of it. I have 256MB of RAM. This problem is new it never took this long.

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Taking Very Long - Preventing Access To Internet During Startup

Jan 8, 2005

In all cases, it is taking very very long, if at all, for any of the accounts to come up. That is, the icon and account name stay on the screen and the window behind the account never appears.. If the window behind the account does appear, visuscan may or may not complete startup (after minutes). If it does, aim.exe does not. I also have Radio.netscape

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Computer Running Very Slow Takes Long Time To Load Startup Programs

Aug 25, 2007

Operating System - Windows XP running on a HP Pavillion 761n - Missing dll files such as:mscvr80.dll and msvcp80.dll. Can't seem to find these files anywhere or I just don't know where to locate them.

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Computer Running Slow: Taking Long Time For Startup & Opening Programs?

Aug 15, 2006

Our family computer is running like a slug. It takes forever to startup and open programs and the hard drive activity light is always on. It also uses up a lot of RAM for some reason but the CPU usage is normal. I have another hard drive that is in a removable tray that I use, and that has all the same settings and everything, but that one is using a fraction of the RAM and runs pretty good!

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Installed Sp2: Kazaa Wont Connect/ Waited Long To Connect?

Mar 1, 2005

hi everybody.every since i install sp2 on my pc ,kazaa lite has a problem with connection.it keeps trying connecting but it reemains on trying, even if i let for 2 hours

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Keyboard And Mouse Not Working - Installed SP3

Dec 12, 2008

so we just installed SP3 for XP. At first the boot was failing, made some hardware changes and all was good seemingly... now the keyboard and mouse no longer work, but they work when the computer just starts up. They just stop working shortly after. I plugged in a USB mouse and that works, so I was thinking it may be a problem with the PS/2 ports.

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USB Ports Stopped Working - Installed SP3

Aug 5, 2010

I have lost access to all the USB ports on a PC. There was no apparent crash but I realised there was a problem when the USB Mouse stopped working. Everything else is working OK. I get an Error 39 (drivers corrupted or missing) and the 2 entries in Device Manager both have yellow marks against them. I only have "Standard Enhanced PCI to USB Host Controller" and "Standard OpenHCD USB Host Controller" entries below the entry for Universal Serial Bus Controllers - no Root Hubs are there and there are no Unknown Devices anywhere else.I was running XP Pro SP2 when the ports went, but have installed SP3 and Updated to see if that did anything - it didn't. I have tried the troubleshooting suggestions on Microsoft such as deinstalling and rebooting, updating, system restore and have done a repair installation using my original XP SP2 disc all with no result.

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Installed Software: Have To Hit F1 To Go For Startup?

Sep 24, 2009

I installed a program called Edison by Verdeim. I removed it but now if I turn the computer off when rebooting says to hit F1 to continue or hit enter(I think) to enter setup. Want out of that and just have regular boot. How do I get to bios

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Laptop Stopped Working And / Pre Installed With Window XP

Aug 31, 2007

My laptop stopped working and it was pre installed with Win XP. I've lost the system recovery disk buta friend gave me theirs. when I inserted it I was asked for a serial number and duly put in the one on the bottom of the laptop but it was rejected.Nothing would work so I exited the menu and went out and purchased a brand new copy of the O/S. However when I put the disc in it keeps taking me back to the old screen which asks me for a serial number and it wont accept the one form the disk I purchased.

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Mouse Not Working On New Computer - Drivers Are Installed

Jan 11, 2010

I have transffered my Hard Disk from MSI mother board to INTEL mother board.

All drivers are installed from INTEL mother board CD. But mouse is not working, only its pointer is visile in the middle of screen (pointer can be moved by using keyboard's Num pad

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No USB Ports Working - Driveres Installed Correctly

Sep 15, 2005

None of my USB ports are working. I believe that it was the cause of a thunderstorm. I already uninstalled all drivers and ports in the device manager and let windows reinstall them, and still none of my hardware is recognized, not even my mouse. All drivers seem to be installed correctly. Can my usb ports be fried? I dunno.

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Newly Installed Is Not Working Properly With Internet

Jun 24, 2005

I have posted the message below to the Microsoft Windows Xp email help service. I have decided to post a copy here as well so that there is more chance someone who reads it may be able to find me a solution.

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McAfee - One Firewall Installed And Working After Trying Uninstall

Jun 11, 2005

I removed (manually, as the uninstaller was not able to do it) McAfee Firewall from my pc and installed Zone Alarm Suite, but Security Center keeps to tell me "one of the firewalls installed is working".I would like to make Windows understand there is just a firewall installed and working. Is there the way? Which Registry Keys do I remove?

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Startup Locks - Installed New Motherboard

Apr 28, 2007

Ive just installed a new motherboard and cpu but are now having issues getting going. The cpu is a AMD 3700 939 single core.The MOBO is a Gigabyte GA-K8NSC-939.
I have 1 gig of ram running on single channel and have tried swapping them out and moving them around with no success.I have a X850XT graphics card installed.
If i try and boot with the existing os on the harddrive it just keeps going through the boot cycle over and over.If i try and run the XP setup it locks up where it says Setup is Starting windows at the bottom left of the screen.
If i run Knoppix from cd all is good and i can get going and explore my harddrive etc.

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Installed Service Pack 2 / System Working Very Slow?

Mar 22, 2007

my girlfriend had been adamant about not updating her computer because she claimed that is a way to get viruses.I scoffed and updated it anyway.I downloaded almost 2 years worth of updates over a two week period, the last update was the XP Service Pack 2 update.The very first time the computer was started after her SP2 update it loaded extremely slowly. The mouse doesn't work correctly (I can only right click) and most programs are inaccessible. I tried to System Restore (which is no easy task without a mouse) but it fails each time. I ran a virus scan with AVG but had no luck finding any infections.

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New CPU Installed: Mouse Keyboard Stop And Start Working In Intervals?

Jan 16, 2005

When i turned it on today, he got a message saying "New CPU Installed!" But, i am 100% sure did not install anything the previous day. did nothing at this screen, but simply reset his computer, and this time, it skipped this screen but a computerized voice said something like "------ inaccessible" , it is too garbled to hear. After this i can access computer normally, except for one thing. mouse and keyboard stop and start working at regular intervals

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DVD ROM Not Working: Installed Device Drivers Shown In Control Panel ?

Jun 22, 2005

my DVD ROM wont work. It has all the drivers installed and it is enabled from the computer management in the control pannel. I also enabled it using my backup software but it is still not recognised. Any sudgestions?? I used to have both Nero and Instant CD/DVD installed. I removed Nero just in case there was a conflict with the software but it still remains the same.

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Newly Installed Program Folders Popping Up At Startup?

Oct 27, 2006

I've just had to install my machine after a major malfunction. It's running fine now, but everytime I install a new program, when I restart the machine, all the newly installed programs' folders pop up (e.g. showing the uninstall and help links in the program's particular folder; it usually happens with new software just the once) - and it's getting ridiculous. I have to close each folder one by one.

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Installer Screen Opens On Startup - Drivers Already Installed

Oct 20, 2007

the Windows Installer screen opens telling me it is trying to install a program that is already installed,(usually driver for HP 4110 printer drivers). If I don't cancel it immediately, eventually an error screen appears telling me the file I'm seeking is not available and to insert the installation CD. I've tried re-installing the drivers by inserting the CD, but then an error message appears saying the drivers are already installed. This is getting frustrating?

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Installed External Hard Disk Results In New Profile For Startup?

Nov 19, 2006

Last night I connected a friend's HDD to my PC so he could back-up some files onto my PC before he formatted his.He did that,and then insisted that he needed to format it ASAP,so he did so using my cables.So I turn my PC on later I find that most of the contents of my desktop are missing,and that several Apps are as well.I look in C:Documents and Settings and notice a new profile called "TEMP" alongside my normal profile with many of My Documents and personal settings for apps. For some reason, my PC loads up this TEMP profile only now, as opposed to my normal one.

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Keyboard Not Working On Startup, Need To Reformat

Apr 22, 2008

Alright, so i'm in the process of reformatting my computer, a process I've gone through many times on many computers, however, my latest setup, being my first hand-built computer, is having an issue when it comes to powering the keyboard when the computer starts up.My plan is to reformat the main hardrive, there are no separate partitions, however the two methods I've attempted have not worked. In startup, adjust the bios to boot from disk rather than HD with the windows Cd inserted, this I have done with no change, I've removed every other option than to boot from CD, it shouldnt even be going to the HD but it does. Press ANY key to Boot from Disc, this option appears shortly after the Del to enter setup page, and counts down before normally running windows. However the keyboard is unresponsive at this point, so I cant choose the option I want to.

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F10 Not Working For System Restore On Startup

May 5, 2010

I am trying to do a system restore to reset my computer to the day I bought it. It does not give me the usual 'F10' option. I can't load windows because an error comes up that says 'floppy diskette seek failure'. I am on my ps3 trying to find answers so i can at least load windows. I am running windows xp on a Dell Dimension system.

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Installed Norton 2009 And System Wont Pass Startup Screen?

Dec 1, 2008

I installed Norton 2009 and I have noticed my computer was different. Now I cannot even get passed the startup screen.It is like its frozen,the on/off button at the front doesn't work,only the restart. When I click on my user account to log in, nothing at all happens.I am on my husbands laptop right now. It is an old computer,but can it just die like that?

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Startup: Keyboard Not Working But Hearing Clicking Sound?

Jun 1, 2006

Now, once the "Windows is Starting" screen appears, nothing happens on screen when you try to type (e.g., when entering her password), BUT, if you HOLD the key down, as soon as the keyboard auto-repeat cuts in, THEN the letters appear. (You can hear a clicking sound from the motherboard speaker with each and every key press.) To enter her password she has to press each key long enough for autostart to begin and then quickly lift her finger off the key to prevent multiple instances of the letter. HOWEVER, once she gets into her account, the problem is gone. There also is no keyboard problem BEFORE Windnows (XP Pro) starts up. We tried doing an OS repair but it did not change anything.

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