Random Blue Screen

Apr 20, 2008

Over the last couple of weeks I've been getting a blue screen crash every day or so. It usually happens while I'm not using it.I have a one year old Dell Precison 390 with 2 gigs of RAM running Windows XP Professional.My most recent change was installing a Maxtor One-touch external hard drive. I uninstalled the Maxtor software, but still get the blue screen.I've also tried using System Restore to go back a couple of weeks, but it told me it couldn't restore since no changes had been made.

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Blue Screen Random Restart

Jul 23, 2009

I'm using a friends laptop, and I was looking at a friends photos on myspace when randomly i got a blue screen from windows. It restarted the computer pretty quickly and i had very little time to read it. I think i saw error with file and dumping physical memory.It restarted fine, but I got this screen before with a computer that I had never used and it ended with the computer restarting and getting disk read error and not working at all, so Im very worried.All I have for info is the error report which I've attached an image of.

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Random Blue Screen Error XP

Aug 30, 2009

I'm getting random blue screen crashes, sometimes my system runs for hours, other times it crashes repeatedly and takes multiple attempts to boot. (Sometimes after crash won't boot or load windows and there is a black screen and I have to turn the power on/off a couple times and it will boot after a few tries.) Also tried updating bios but can't figure out how since I don't have a floppy anymore. I've read that this could be memory/hardware or driver issue, but can't figure out how to get to the root of the problem or fix anything. I'd like to be able to fix this without reformatting my main drive.

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Computer Random Restarts, Blue Screen Logged

Mar 26, 2007

My laptop has begun flashing a blue error screen prior to restarting at random. This is not following any hardware or new driver installation; the only software I have installed recently is Bloodshed Dev C++.I had a hard drive failure on this same laptop about 6 months ago; since then I installed a new hard drive, reinstalled XP Pro, all drivers and programs, and it has run without a hitch since then for the duration of the last 6 months...until today.I disabled automatic restarts and the blue screen error It looks to me like a driver error, but I have not updated or installed any new drivers or devices recently. I was hoping to avoid reinstallation of all drivers- could any of you point me towards a more specific fix? I'm not aware of what "w22n51.sys" is for, or the most obvious source for repair.

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Blue Screen Of Death At Random Times And Weird Errors

Apr 26, 2008

I will try to be as specific about my problem in general.I am using a Compaq laptop, using Windows XP. I don't know much more than that, but I can search for additional information regarding specs and stuff.It all started one day when I was browsing the internet using the latest version of Firefox. I turned up my volume and the blue screen of death appeared (advising me to seek tech support of sorts).I restarted, and yet again touching the volume yielded the blue screen of death. I tried several, possibly 6 times, and the only thing causing the blue screen of death is altering the volume in any way, including touching the volume buttons, adjusting volume in the volume control and adjusting the wave settings in volume control.

So I ran Spyware Doctor. I do pay the full 40 bucks a year for this wonderful program, and it detected a bunch of freaky looking things. Like adaware, something called virtumonde, and all these high threat viruses and adware, but it wiped them clean. I ran it again, it found 3 more standard viruses that it didn't name, cleaned them, ran SWD again and nothing appeared, so I assume now my computer is free from whatever was messing with me.The volume problem still persists though, and also at random times the blue screen of death will appear (I'm praying now it won't as I type all this or I'll cry).Then another problem occurred. When I try to open a file of sorts, that pesky message appears- windows explorer has an error of some sort, do you want to close it or ignore it?or something to that extent, so I can't view any sort of files now. I am running the computer in safe mode (which still exhibits the risk of a blue screen attack, but I can view the folders properly). Somethings up, what can I do to fix this? Any suggestions? I will try to answer any thing I might have left out.

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System Facing Random Reboots With Occasionally Blue Screen?

Aug 1, 2005

my comp was giving me this prob, where it would suddenly reboot and froze randomly, at that time I've not made any hardware modifications. At first i ignored the problem and kept using the comp at my own leisure... however as time passed, the frequency of reboots become more often to a point where after 5 sec from a reboot, it would reboot again and occasionally after a reboot a blue screen will pop up mentioning that windows is experiencing a prob and dumping of physical memory begins... which im not sure what is that about. After many attempts at finding the source of the probn i gave up ...and decided to go ahead with reformatting the comp.

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Random Blue Screens - Random Crashes

Oct 29, 2006

I keep getting random crashes and I don't know how to go about diagnosing the problem. Every so often I get random STOP error messages, and from the articles on the Microsoft Support site it appears to be a driver problem, but I don't know which driver. These are the errors I got recently (in order)

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Random "0x0000008E" Error Message On A Blue Screen At Startup?

Feb 19, 2005

My computer randomly receives this error, and this link here http://support.microsoft.com/default...b;en-us;827663 is what I think I have been receiving. It said this problem should be resolved by updating to SP2. Well I have SP2 and I still am receiving this problem. Could there be any other possible problem that could be interferring here.

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Random Freezes And Blue Screening

May 13, 2009

My computer has become more and more prone to failure lately. I turned it on last night and left for a while only to come back to a blue screen. Sometimes shortly after booting up, it will freeze momentarily, the red HDD light stays lit, and then will come back after about a minute or 2. Not to mention every time I boot up, I get to my desktop no problem, but then I have to sit and wait for several minutes while something loads. I dont know what it is. If i put my cursor in the task bar, it becomes the hour glass and I cannot click anything. After a few minutes, my icons start showing up in the lower right corner and I can go about my business.

I have checked to see if anything is running and taking up a lot of resources on start up. I have made sure nothing unnecessary starts up. I have AVG and checked to see if that was causing problems and after an uninstall showed that it was not the problem, I system restored back. I have run virus scans, adware, spyware, disk defrags, registry derags, registry checks, mem test, pretty much everything under the sun. I have even posted on here several times. So I guess this is a challenge to see who can solve this problem, preferably without reinstalling because honestly, if I am going to reinstall, I am just going windows 7.

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Getting Random Blue Screens - Using A Trading Application

Sep 28, 2007

Have a system I built some time ago and I'm getting random blue screens. It happens mostly when using a trading application called eSignal. I called there tech support and they assured me that it wasn't their app causing the issue. I have a tendency to agree with them because if it was their app, they would be getting grief all from all over the country.

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Constant Random Blue Screens Of Death

Feb 19, 2008

I'm fairly sure this is a hardware problem because I previously had Vista (the problem started some time after I installed it) and have since reformatted and gone back to XP, and it's still happening regularly. Quite often an hour or two after the PC's been switched on (although the time seems completely random), it will crash to a BSOD with one of the following errors:


And less frequently, MEMORY_MANAGEMENT will come up. But the PC can sometimes run for 24 hours straight without it happening. It's extremely random. I have reset all settings in my BIOS to default and there are no options to disable shadowing/caching. I've got 2gb of RAM (2x1gb) and I've done memtest twice, and it did 2 or 3 passes each time and had no errors. I've also tried each possible combination of RAM, e.g. using module 1 in slot 1, module 2 in slot 1, module 2 in slot 2, etc. It did it just now with the following error details:

Technical details: (0xFF806166, 0x00000000, 0xFF806166, 0x00000000)
Windows error report file: http://files.maccpchelp.co.uk/sysdata.xml
Windows error report file: http://files.maccpchelp.co.uk/Mini021908-01.dmp

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Blue Screens - Random Restarts - Software From Restore CD

Dec 2, 2004

I really could use some help in finding the culprit causing my random restarts, and blue screens. Part of the problem seems to be a driver (driver_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL), but which one. I have cleared virus, and spyware so machine is now clean. Reinstalled factory software from restore CD.

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Random Errors / Welcome Screen Not Displaying

Apr 9, 2007

About once a day, my system starts displaying random errors. Applications do not work as they should, and my network card is seemingly disabled. The only solution is a reboot. During the shutdown process, the welcome screen is usually enabled, however, when these errors occur, small dialog boxes saying "Logging off" and "shutting down" are displayed. I am pretty sure it's not spyware, as this is a fresh install of XP only a week old.

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Random Black Screen Reboot

Jan 10, 2007

This just started randomly, I can't think of anything to cause it to happen. At random times my computer will just go to a black screen and not respond, at which point I must push restart button and reboot computer. It can happen within 3 minutes or 3 hours. I have tried virus scans, chekced ram connection. All is fine. I ran the windows memory test and everything passed. Anyone know what can cause this? It is very annoying as I can basically not use my computer. Oh yea one more thing, I tried reformatting and installed windows on the other hard drive. It worked fine for a few weeks but then started again. Also could a corrupt windows installation cause this? I mean could a few system files that are corrupt cause a complete crash like this?

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BLUE SCREEN SITES (links To Sites That Have Fixes For Blue Screen Errors)?

Jan 22, 2005

I need some links to some sites that will provide information and also fixes for blue screen errors in Win NT/2000/XP. I will be using them on my website, which in turn will be used at my workplace. Thanks for any help that you can offer.

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After Pressing Random Buttons Screen Upside Down

Aug 21, 2005

After pressing random buttons on the keyboard the image on the screen is now upside down and the mouse reacts as if it were upside down. It is connected to a touch screen that reacts as if the image on the screen was correct. When you reboot the start up screens are the correct way up but then it reverts back.

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Screen Became Smaller Due To Random Button Pressing

Oct 30, 2007

the screen on my laptop has become smaller due to some random button pressing because i was playing a game i might have triggered a shortcut of some sort can anyone help? when i load the game its resolution only takes up 1/4 of the screen than normal when it starts up also its smaller than usual

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Random Computer Lockups And Screen Freezes

Mar 2, 2007

I awoke by the sound of my computer posting. I was confused, but concluded it was just a Windows Updated rebooting my computer. It happened again the same night, waking me up. I woke up, started looking around my Event Logs (which show no Warnings or Errors by the way), and it froze. I have tried reformatting, updating video card drivers, updating BIOS, running MEMTEST86, clearing CMOS, and none of these have cured it or helped me diagnose the problem.I was watching a movie the other day on my computer, and it froze. Weird thing was, I continued to hear the video for about 20 seconds, but the screen was frozen, and couldn't move my mouse or use my keyboard (couldn't SEE me using it anyways).My mouse has been acting up, so I thought maybe in some weird way, that's affecting the freezing. I unplugged it, using only my keyboard, but of course, it still froze. I can still hear the HDD activity, and the LEDs flashing, but nothing changes on the monitor. I have also tried different monitors, but that didn't help either.http://img406.imageshack.us/img406/3595/tempsmx4.jpg Temps; accurate.Could it be a video card problem? I do not have any other PCI-E or even PCI video cards to test with, so I'm SOL there.

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Blue Screen Heading For The Blue Ocean - Booting

Nov 30, 2007

My Dell Inspiron 2650 laptop on boot-up consistently gives a blue screen with ERROR (0X000000ED (0X81ACA988, 0XC0000006,0X00000000,0X00000000). I have read most of your fixes BUT in my case no matter what I do it ALWAYS boots to this screen. Trying to boot to Safe Mode results in a list of drivers prefixed by ?multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)c:windowsdriver.sys etc The machine will not boot from Floppy or CD and I?ve tried every combination of boot sequence under the F12 menu. In the BIOS it will not allow me to change any relevant settings, only the ?system date?, ?system time? and ?quiet boot?.and I cannot select the dropdown menu items either. Booting under Normal Startup, I see the Windows Logo and all that, but then the blue screen appears. I?ve tried removing the hard disk to get it to boot to floppy, removing the battery (which is totally dead), memory module, etc. Only thing left I think is to sling it in the Caribbean Ocean and go drink a bottle of rum.

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Computer Freezing At Random Times / Getting Black Screen?

Aug 25, 2007

my computer has been freezing at random times. when it freezes, i push the reset button to reboot it.after that,i get a black screen before windows starts. i forgot what the msg was, but it was something like "boot disk," might have been "insert boot disk"? i'm not too sure i am running windows xp.

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Operating System Randomly Reboots - No Random Black Screen

Jan 21, 2008

when i start up my windows computer, it loads then goes to my user selection screen. no less than 3 seconds, and it just reboots. it keeps rebooting. no blue screen. no random black screen. it just reboots! whats wrong with it?

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Green Screen During Random Points Of Media Or Video Playback?

Dec 9, 2004

I recently installed Windows Service Pack 2, actually three times after reinstating my computer software to the original state by erasing and reinstalling the full software install CD on my computer's hard drive for Window XP Home. I have no problems playing games with my new FX 5200 Ultra video card by BFG, but I am at random times getting the annoying green screen that blanks out my videos I am streaming or playing(happens when I am streaming more often). Then after that happens usually, the computer reboots or shuts off. I never had this happen before.

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Blue Screen And Restart After Light Blue On Welcome

Jan 25, 2008

so every time i boot the computer i get that good ol' blue screen of death right where windows should open to my desktop.. instead it says "welcome" with the light blue background.. the screen goes black and then comes back with the blue screen.. the message on the screen says:

stop: 0x0000007a (0xe16dac70, 0xc0000185, 0xbf985c66, 0x20e18860)
win32k.sys - address bf985c66 base at bf800000, datestamp 41107f7a

beginning dump of physical memory dumping physical memory to disk: and counts up to 100 then the computer restarts. i was able to get into safe mode to try a system restore but when the computer restarted it never finished the install (it actually gave me the confirmation that the restore was successful while i was doing a repair install later on) i have tried going through the windows install disc repair utility and doing a chkdsk /p and a chkdsk /r upon doing /r it froze at 53 percent and did not move (i left it for a good 4 hours the first time before restarting it.. and then over night the second time.. and both times it never passed 53 percent............

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Blank Screen With Random Letters/numbers Flashing - System Freezes

Mar 26, 2005

I just came back from vacation and turned on my other computer only to find that right after it flashed the "Dell" screen, it showed a blank screen with random letters/numbers flashing in green. It just freezes there.

It's possible that someone else was on it and may have messed it up but I'm not sure. I'm hoping its still salvageable.

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Random Freezing Of Screen Resulting In Hard Shut Down From Power Button

Jul 14, 2008

I have just had a mate of mine build a pc for me, from scratch, with all new parts. However, for some reason I get a random freezing of the screen resulting in a hard shut down from the Power button. This has happened a few times now, more than twice while in IE6 and once on the desktop. I originally thought it might be IE6 so I have installed IE7 and firefox just to be sure, then it froze while on the desktop straight after i logged in. The PC isn't running hot at all, as I said it froze after I logged in and there is definately no spyware or anything as its a new PC and the only thing i've installed on it is AVG & IE7.

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Screen Blackout Then Appear With A Black Screen A Blue Box Giving BOOT DEVICE OPTIONS?

Jan 19, 2007

My laptop has started to freeze at times,then the screen would blackout then appear with a black screen with a blue box inthe middle giving BOOT DEVICE OPTIONS Hard Disk Drive, CD-ROM/DVD, Floppy Disk Drive, LAN Boot it froze blacked out and now keeps going to this option page ,where as before if you turn off then on it rectified itself.

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Blue Screen Of Death, Boot Problems, Black Screen Startup

Jul 17, 2005

when I turned on my computer and got the blue screen of death, so I restarted my PC. Then a black screen came up saying "Windows could not start beacuse the following file is missing or corrupt : windowssystem32configsystem."

You can attempt to repair this file by putting the winxp cd in etc...

Now when i turn on my computer there is just a black screen showing, with nothing at all on it.

Any ideas?

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Blue Screen After Installing Service Pack 2: Screen Freezed/ Restarted?

Jan 18, 2008

I have a celeron/p4 machine with 256 RAM and 160 G Hard Disk. Well i installed a service pack 2 for xp. After installing my screen freezed so i restarted the pc and I got a blue screen. What can i do please?

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Failure To Boot: Blue Screen Blinks/ Blank Screen/ Windows Dont Start?

Jun 20, 2008

When i turn on,first Windows screen appears,then a blue screen blinks,then hp screen,then a blank page with cursor on the top left,then a screen with the message"we apologise for the inconvinience but Windows did not start successfully.there was a hardware or software problem.I tried to run it in Safe mode, Windows normally,last known configuration but no luck......Then someone suggested to Get into the Recovery Console by making a Recovery CD with ISO image but the machine is not responding to any of it.Is it with CD/DVD ROM drive or any major hardware problem???...I ran a self hard drive test and it seemed fine

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Playing Game Rebooted Computer / Start It Went To Blank Blue Screen / Before Account Screen

Oct 23, 2005

I was playing a game and I rebooted my computer. When i went to start it it went to the a blank blue screen before the account screen in the beginning of XP. I know i can restore to new but i will have lost so much information that it would take about 3 months to retain it all back. It says it can not find operating system. I need help in a serious way. all advice and solutions are requested.

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Blue Screen Error Bring Boot Selection Screen - Reinstall Operating System

Nov 12, 2009

Encountered a Blue Screen of Death error. The error stated that I should run Chkdsk and then proceeds to restart and bring me to the Windows boot selection screen (safe mode, last known good configuration, normally). No matter which choice I pick, it always leads to the BSOD then restarts. Since this is getting me nowhere fast, I want to just format and reinstall windows. I do not have my recovery CDs, and when I enter the BIOS to change the boot sequence I cannot change it so the CD drive is above the hard drive in priority. The reason it gives me in the bios is that "All items on this menu cannot be modified in user mode. If any items require changes, please consult your system supervisor. Any ideas on how I can boot off the cd and reinstall windows from scratch?

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