Random Errors / Welcome Screen Not Displaying

Apr 9, 2007

About once a day, my system starts displaying random errors. Applications do not work as they should, and my network card is seemingly disabled. The only solution is a reboot. During the shutdown process, the welcome screen is usually enabled, however, when these errors occur, small dialog boxes saying "Logging off" and "shutting down" are displayed. I am pretty sure it's not spyware, as this is a fresh install of XP only a week old.

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Blue Screen Of Death At Random Times And Weird Errors

Apr 26, 2008

I will try to be as specific about my problem in general.I am using a Compaq laptop, using Windows XP. I don't know much more than that, but I can search for additional information regarding specs and stuff.It all started one day when I was browsing the internet using the latest version of Firefox. I turned up my volume and the blue screen of death appeared (advising me to seek tech support of sorts).I restarted, and yet again touching the volume yielded the blue screen of death. I tried several, possibly 6 times, and the only thing causing the blue screen of death is altering the volume in any way, including touching the volume buttons, adjusting volume in the volume control and adjusting the wave settings in volume control.

So I ran Spyware Doctor. I do pay the full 40 bucks a year for this wonderful program, and it detected a bunch of freaky looking things. Like adaware, something called virtumonde, and all these high threat viruses and adware, but it wiped them clean. I ran it again, it found 3 more standard viruses that it didn't name, cleaned them, ran SWD again and nothing appeared, so I assume now my computer is free from whatever was messing with me.The volume problem still persists though, and also at random times the blue screen of death will appear (I'm praying now it won't as I type all this or I'll cry).Then another problem occurred. When I try to open a file of sorts, that pesky message appears- windows explorer has an error of some sort, do you want to close it or ignore it?or something to that extent, so I can't view any sort of files now. I am running the computer in safe mode (which still exhibits the risk of a blue screen attack, but I can view the folders properly). Somethings up, what can I do to fix this? Any suggestions? I will try to answer any thing I might have left out.

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Random Dll Errors Pop Up At Startup

Jul 22, 2006

Here are errors I am getting at the startup of my computer: Error loading C:DOCUME~1ALIMAL~1TempRarSFX2HNETPO~1.dll The specified module could not be found and: Error loadind C:PROGRA~1COMMON~1systemmsdc32.dll

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Random Ystem Errors / HJT Log

Jan 22, 2007

I had some problems recently and with the help of one of the TSG locals, I located and got rid of a malicious file.However, I had a problem at that time that I could not resolve, and am still trying to beat it down. Now I am beginning to get random errors I can only run Spybot S & D in safe mode. Progress bar for it will show it at about 39.../56120. Then the system reboots itself, sometimes twice...and sometimes there comes the message that my computer has recoverd from a serious problem I have a similar problem with running PandaScan, it just won't make it all the way through.I know I have tons of stuff running in the background and would like to cut out as many of those as I can, I've just not gotten that far yet.I'm posting my HJT log in hopes someone can help spot my culprit.

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Random BSOD Errors

Mar 16, 2008

I've given up.. This problem has been occuring for quite awhile now and I'm really clueless as to what is causing it. I've conducted a destructive system recovery via the copy of windows on my HDD twice, and also from a windows CD. I've ran memtest for both my RAM and HD and both tests always come back OK... The errors occur randomly.. sometimes my computer can stay on for 4+ hours without one, sometimes they appear within 30mins of turning on my PC.I'm a computer newbie, but I wrote down some info from the last blue screen errors:
Quote: STOP: 0x000000D1
SYMTDI.sys - Address BADC3DB7
STOP: 0x0000008E
Win32k.sys - Address BF8011A3 The most common errors I remember included something about either one of the following:
I've attatched the minidump files I have since last re-booting my system. I hope I've provided enough info.

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CRC Errors And Random Restarts

Nov 16, 2009

Recently i have been having lots of crc errors whilst unzipping files. My initial thought was that one of my hard drives was on its way out. I had checked them all using the manufacturers diagnotic ultility (Seatools) with all testing features and each one, on all drives, returned without error. I thought my suspicions were confirmed when i turned my drive on for the BIOS not to recognise one of my SATA's (a Barracuda 7200.11). After a bit of research i found out that this was prob not the cause of my crc errors as the SD15 version of the firmware supplied with my drive had a bug and causes the drive to go into a hibernated state, a separate issue i'm trying to deal with.After removing this particular hard drive along with Vista out of my system i installed win XP onto another drive temporarily. I am having the same problems with the CRC errors on my other drives which seem to be operating normally. The kind of files i'm talking about are fairly large usually demos or trailers etc in .rar format.

As i understand it CRC errors can also come from faulty RAM. I have recently RMA'd some faulty RAM back to OCZ and the stuff in my system currently is the brand new RAM i got sent back from my RMA. I know this can be causing the CRC errors and occasional random restarts regardless of how new it is so i have checked both sticks individually using memtest86. I only had time to let them do 1 pass each but both came through error free.If any of you out there have any suggestions for what else i can do to figure out what is wrong i would very much appreciate it. Could it be a lack of wattage on the psu causing the restarts? Processor? I'm stuck,

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Random BSOD And Variety Of Other Errors

Sep 30, 2010

I have been getting random BSODs repeatedly and a variety of other errors.I am running Windows XP SP3 on a Dell Latitude D820.The BSODs happen randomly throughout the day. I scanned for virus with MBAM, spybot, symantic, microsoft malicous remover, used ccleaner, ran diagnostics and came up wiht nothing.Additionally, sometimes when the computer boots it will boot with inverted colors (or just generally messed up colors) and sometimes when trying to log into the user account it says:"Windows cannot load the user's profile but has logged you on with the default profile for the system.

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Random Restarts And Window Errors

Jan 31, 2006

my pc keeps randomly restarting and applications quit every so often. e.g internet explorer fatal error needs closing > send report to microsoft/dont send need to write this quick before it does it again.here is my hjt log.

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Random Reboots / Crash Errors

Mar 25, 2008

Alright so heres the issue, I had aquired a Trojan-spy.win32@mx. And i went through the process of deleting it. Which was quite long and annoying. Now however my computer randomly decides it feels like rebooting. Ive ran Chkdsk /f, and even did a non destructive restore. And nothing has helped, so im stuck here in safemode till i can get some help. Best buy wants to charge me $129 dollars to fix it, but who has that kind of money for them to run a few things? SO please guys if you could help it would be great.

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Random STOP Errors On Bootup

Sep 11, 2007

This is very mysterious. The very first time each day I start up my XP machine, it boots fine. After that first boot, whenever I boot again, there's a 75% chance the boot will fail with the following message:"STOP: c0000221 Uknown Hard Error SYSTEMROOTSYSTEM32 tdll.dll"
Of course, that means that there's a 25% chance it'll boot fine! If after it fails I keep on trying and trying, eventually it'll boot perfectly again.How can this be? Either there's something wrong with "SYSTEMROOTSYSTEM32.

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Random Stop Errors On Computer

Sep 26, 2006

for the past week I have been recieving problems with my computer. the problems started coming up at September 14th 2006 and I went to alot of forums to reasearch and I have discovered these crashes. these are in Hex numbers but these were recorded from the event Viewr Program in XP. they are all in order.

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Lots Of Errors : Random Program Crashes

Oct 20, 2005

Windows Installation : Various files cannot be copied and/or not copied correctly. Giving blue screen of [enter] retry, [esc] skip or F3 to abort installation. Files constantly failing to copy : cyycoins or something, lots of .chm files, too many to mention. Curious thing is, same problems for both optical drives and both HDDs, varying both for many installations. Eventually I held down [enter] and the files went in, well some didn't but Windows booted fine.

Warhammer Dawn of War : Winter Assault. wh40k.cab is corrupt. Changed optical drives during installtion, installed fine. Could be hardware issue with my cdrom, Same game, when playing will crash to desktop. No error message sometimes, no indication of crash (no freezing or warning sounds or stuttering, just flat out BOOM, .exe gone. Sometimes error message appears to send error report, sometimes doesn't. Occurs while under load
I thought this could again be CDROM issue, with the copy protection not keeping the game running because disc wasnt read right.

Mozilla Firefox : Dunno really. Loaded it up to access webpage. Some survey appeared, then program locks up for maybe 10 seconds then crashes with firefox.exe has encountered error Windows built in message appears. Firefox is unable to load up again due to missing/corrupted .dll file error. Cannot page_read or something. I forget the whole error message. Guess coulda been important to save it to post here.

Whole system reboot. Idle one time, machine just goes down, then starts up again. Flat reboot. Didnt touch any buttons, then once in Windows 'recovered from serious error' message appears. Tells me after sending report its a device driver issue. Changed My Computer options to give the Blue Screen of Death so that the driver is named, nothing, just page_file_read or errors along those lines I know nothing about.

Don't know what is wrong. Hardware issue could be Optical Drive. But then again I have 2 drives, and the errors ocur no matter which one I use, same with the Hard Disks. I'm stumped. Its quite a huge issue. I have nothing on the drives, I backed all my stuff up before formatting after starting to get errors 1-4. I got these errors before format and immediately after. So would indicate Hardware issue would it not Can it be a BIOS problem? Or wiring, neither of which i have altered or been brave enough to look at.

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Random STOP Errors BSoD + Startup Issue

Oct 26, 2008

My system randomly freezes and sometimes the screen will go blank When i try and start up the system i usually get stuck on the loading screen and have to restart, or the system will freeze as i'm logging in. I get a BSoD with DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL 0x000000D1 (0x000000000 0x0000000FF ) and some other 0x000stuff

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Computer Keeps Freezing / Get Random Disk Read Errors

Apr 8, 2008

Ok this problem started about 2 weeks ago when my windows xp wouldnt load it go to the loading screen but the progress bar just continued to act as if loading but windows never came on . Eventually after several restarts windows loaded but this continues to happen randomly. Also my computer keeps freezing and I get random disk read errors I have run a check on the hard drive and ram and both these seem to be working ok I have also run several spy ware and antiviruses can anybody help

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Running Random Programs Fatal Execution Errors - Shut Down

Jan 23, 2005

my computer is weird to the max....here are some problems just to name a few: when running random programs, i get fatal execution errors, i get messages asking to debug random apllications or terminate them, i get messages to just terminate things, i get messages that start coming up whenever i try and open something and whatever i try and open it says it has to close....sometimes my whole screen turns blue with white typewriter font saying i have hit a problem and i need to shut down (blah blah if the problem persists contact blah blah if this is the first time uve seen this error just reboot blah blah) sometimes my computer locks up and i get stupid errors.....they tell me to send error reports, that does no good.....i get them 24/7 too....basically im getting error messaages with lots of zero's / name files in them and my only options really are to terminate things (things being applications im trying to run).....this varies from aol instant messenger, to games, to internet browser, to word, to paint....anything....ive run ad-aware, spybot, mcaffee, ive checked my hijackthis logfile and deleted unwanted things.....ive run chkdsk on bootup, ive run defrag, ive run system restore idno how far back, ive run clean disk, and other stuff.....i think most of these problems have started once i downloaded the service pack 2 package from

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Random Unexpected Errors / Send And Dont Send Buttons

Mar 11, 2006

All the programs on me computer randomal, every now and again (3 times an hour) decide to close with the same lovely error popping up every time about an unexpected error with the 'Send' 'Don't Send' buttons.think I may have two explanations, The RAM, a corrupt system file or a corrupt hard drive.Does anybody have any idea about why this is happening and if so, a solution?

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Window Browser Window Not Displaying In Full Screen Anymore.

Jan 19, 2005

I cannot view in full screen anymore.I created a website that lets a user enter their name and social # and then choose a test in 1 of 3 languages. Once you choose a language, a new browser window opens and the test/information is displayed in this new window.

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Random Blue Screen

Apr 20, 2008

Over the last couple of weeks I've been getting a blue screen crash every day or so. It usually happens while I'm not using it.I have a one year old Dell Precison 390 with 2 gigs of RAM running Windows XP Professional.My most recent change was installing a Maxtor One-touch external hard drive. I uninstalled the Maxtor software, but still get the blue screen.I've also tried using System Restore to go back a couple of weeks, but it told me it couldn't restore since no changes had been made.

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Random Black Screen Reboot

Jan 10, 2007

This just started randomly, I can't think of anything to cause it to happen. At random times my computer will just go to a black screen and not respond, at which point I must push restart button and reboot computer. It can happen within 3 minutes or 3 hours. I have tried virus scans, chekced ram connection. All is fine. I ran the windows memory test and everything passed. Anyone know what can cause this? It is very annoying as I can basically not use my computer. Oh yea one more thing, I tried reformatting and installed windows on the other hard drive. It worked fine for a few weeks but then started again. Also could a corrupt windows installation cause this? I mean could a few system files that are corrupt cause a complete crash like this?

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Blue Screen Random Restart

Jul 23, 2009

I'm using a friends laptop, and I was looking at a friends photos on myspace when randomly i got a blue screen from windows. It restarted the computer pretty quickly and i had very little time to read it. I think i saw error with file and dumping physical memory.It restarted fine, but I got this screen before with a computer that I had never used and it ended with the computer restarting and getting disk read error and not working at all, so Im very worried.All I have for info is the error report which I've attached an image of.

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Random Blue Screen Error XP

Aug 30, 2009

I'm getting random blue screen crashes, sometimes my system runs for hours, other times it crashes repeatedly and takes multiple attempts to boot. (Sometimes after crash won't boot or load windows and there is a black screen and I have to turn the power on/off a couple times and it will boot after a few tries.) Also tried updating bios but can't figure out how since I don't have a floppy anymore. I've read that this could be memory/hardware or driver issue, but can't figure out how to get to the root of the problem or fix anything. I'd like to be able to fix this without reformatting my main drive.

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After Pressing Random Buttons Screen Upside Down

Aug 21, 2005

After pressing random buttons on the keyboard the image on the screen is now upside down and the mouse reacts as if it were upside down. It is connected to a touch screen that reacts as if the image on the screen was correct. When you reboot the start up screens are the correct way up but then it reverts back.

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Screen Became Smaller Due To Random Button Pressing

Oct 30, 2007

the screen on my laptop has become smaller due to some random button pressing because i was playing a game i might have triggered a shortcut of some sort can anyone help? when i load the game its resolution only takes up 1/4 of the screen than normal when it starts up also its smaller than usual

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Random Computer Lockups And Screen Freezes

Mar 2, 2007

I awoke by the sound of my computer posting. I was confused, but concluded it was just a Windows Updated rebooting my computer. It happened again the same night, waking me up. I woke up, started looking around my Event Logs (which show no Warnings or Errors by the way), and it froze. I have tried reformatting, updating video card drivers, updating BIOS, running MEMTEST86, clearing CMOS, and none of these have cured it or helped me diagnose the problem.I was watching a movie the other day on my computer, and it froze. Weird thing was, I continued to hear the video for about 20 seconds, but the screen was frozen, and couldn't move my mouse or use my keyboard (couldn't SEE me using it anyways).My mouse has been acting up, so I thought maybe in some weird way, that's affecting the freezing. I unplugged it, using only my keyboard, but of course, it still froze. I can still hear the HDD activity, and the LEDs flashing, but nothing changes on the monitor. I have also tried different monitors, but that didn't help either.http://img406.imageshack.us/img406/3595/tempsmx4.jpg Temps; accurate.Could it be a video card problem? I do not have any other PCI-E or even PCI video cards to test with, so I'm SOL there.

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Blue Screen Comes Up With Different Errors

Sep 3, 2006

I was trying to enable my internet in my Network Connections because it was disabled but when i enabled it, it crashed and gave me a blue screen with physical memory dump
STOP: 0x00000050 (0xFFEFD7018, 0x00000000, 0xFEFD7018, 0x0000000)

ive restarted my computer and attempted to do it several times but it still has that error

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Blue Screen Errors?

Apr 8, 2010

Hello my name is Jason and this is my first post here hoping to get my problems fixed. I would like to consider myself pretty PC savoy but, this is boggling me beyond no end. I can't fix it. I have done tons of diagnosing/attempted fixing but to no avail. Now to the problems...
Keep in mind this is after a fresh install of XP MCE SP3
Multiple BSOD.
multiple files referred to as the problematic/corrupted file in seperate BSOD.
Restart computer after BSOD and I receive "windows has recovered from a serious system error".
I have done almost everything i could think of (memtest, registry mechanic, system defrag, made sure all drivers are up to date, fixed all "unknown devices", virus scans, switched HD's thinking it might have been bad sectors, switched from AGP to PCI video and back to AGP because of a particular file issue, etc.)
What I am willing to do to try to resolve this issue:
Anything..... I have reformatted my HD and reinstalled the OS and still getting the same problems. I have no money to try to get new hardware. If you think you can help please post a few things you would like me to do. I have a current fresh minidump if that helps just need to know how to attach it because i did not see a place to attach files at.
I have read a few things from here where peoples problems have been solved. I hope i have one of those stories to tell how the people here have fixed my problem.
Forgot the system specs lol.
Asus p5p800
Intel 3.0Ghz not sure of the make could find out if needed
Nvidia 6800 AGP
2 Gb 2X1Gb PQI RAM
Marvell onboard 10/100/1000 Ethernet
Soundmax(pretty sure without looking) Onboard Sound
Maxtor SATA 200Gb OS drive
Maxtor SATA 160Gb Storage drive
Western Digital PATA 320Gb Storage Drive
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Media Center Edition SP 3 fully updated through Microsoft

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Computer Random Restarts, Blue Screen Logged

Mar 26, 2007

My laptop has begun flashing a blue error screen prior to restarting at random. This is not following any hardware or new driver installation; the only software I have installed recently is Bloodshed Dev C++.I had a hard drive failure on this same laptop about 6 months ago; since then I installed a new hard drive, reinstalled XP Pro, all drivers and programs, and it has run without a hitch since then for the duration of the last 6 months...until today.I disabled automatic restarts and the blue screen error It looks to me like a driver error, but I have not updated or installed any new drivers or devices recently. I was hoping to avoid reinstallation of all drivers- could any of you point me towards a more specific fix? I'm not aware of what "w22n51.sys" is for, or the most obvious source for repair.

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Computer Freezing At Random Times / Getting Black Screen?

Aug 25, 2007

my computer has been freezing at random times. when it freezes, i push the reset button to reboot it.after that,i get a black screen before windows starts. i forgot what the msg was, but it was something like "boot disk," might have been "insert boot disk"? i'm not too sure i am running windows xp.

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Blue Screen Event Errors

Aug 16, 2008

If someone could help this would be greatly appreciated. This is driving me CRAZY! Now the situation is that I get a BSOD Memory dump error then the comptuer restarts.. Now my comptuer is a Compaq B3800 laptop and I re installed the software however to no avail . It seems the computer only crashes at home and when at work or at a friends house it neve crashes. Could this be the wireless router?

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Getting Four Different Stop Errors & Blue Screen?

Nov 5, 2008

I've been having some issues with the DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL_TO_ZERO (0x000000d1) as well as IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL (0x0000000A)and STOP: 0x1000008e and 0x1000007f.I'm crashing only while playing games. The crashes seem to occur more often if I'm playing a game while running something else such as streaming a podcast. The crashes are also occuring with greater frequency with each day that passes. I reformatted after these started happening, and i replaced my RAM as well, as that seemed the most likely culprit.

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Blue Screen With Errors Even After Reinstallation

Jun 30, 2006

I get this error. Blue screen and all.I tried different things that it says to try.Like do a scan disk.
But It will not let me load a A:disk or CD I make them the first boot but. Bypasses it right to the HD and then the blue screen with those errors.

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