Anyone out there know if there is a way to make the old Q Basic program work with WIN 2K. If I have been informed correctly I believe Q Basic requires DOS to operate, and I have also been told WIN 2K does not have DOS capabilities.Is this correct?
My problem is that once the screen saver has been in use, on moving the mouse to resume Windows the screen goes black. Sometimes if the monitor automatically switches itself off the same effect is seen once the mouse is moved. At this point the LED status indicator flashes and activity on the hard disk but there can be 5 minutes or more before the display operates. Frequently the display will not operate and the only option is to restart the PC. The power management settings are for always on and the monitor is set for always on. There is no password requirement to resume from screen saver to Windows. I have checked the drivers for the monitor and they are current.
I am running Windows XP Home SP3 on a PC IE6.I received a message yesterday that "a script was running that might cause my computer not to operate at maximum performance" or something like that. It asked if I wanted to continue to let it run and I clicked ok. What usually causes that, is there any way of knowing what the script is and is it ok to continue to let it run?
I am helping a friend with his computer and after running norton systemworks it says that he is missing mscoree.dll and some things might not operate right without it. now that I have downloaded that file, where do I put it?
I just bought The Fisher-Price Digital Arts And Craft Studio for my daughter. She's a little disappointed because she got it for Christmas and can't use it. It will not install because it says there is not enough video memory - minimum of 64MB required? Im running Windows XP with SP 2. AMD Sempron Processor 2400 1.5Gb RAM.
Recently, my computer made a few beeping sounds, shut itself down and rebooted. Nothing happened. The second time it did it, there was no sound. I have Windows XP. When I start up my iTunes, it says iTunes has detected a problem with your audio configuration. Audio/Video playback may not operate properly. With Windows Media Player it says, Windows Media Player cannot play the file because there is a problem with your sound device. There might not be a sound device installed on your computer, it might be in use by another program, or it might not be functioning properly....
I wiped my disc and reinstalled XP Pro. I can get on but it is irritating that the system pauses until I hit an Enter before it loads. This means I can't start the machine and walk away and have it up when I return. There is no password and a simple Enter is accepted. How can I get the system to come up without requiring this interaction on my part?
I'm trying to install Visual basic 6 pro. I am getting the error message:
16 bit windows subsystem C: windowssystem32autoexec.nt. the system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft windows applications. Choose close to terminate the application
My dad runs a Quick-Basic program that does particle-physics calculations. He uses the command prompt to run the program. It worked fine on his old 486 (it printed the results when he hit cntrl+print-screen). Then he bought a windoze box with XP. The program still runs fine, you can see the results whizzing past. It's twenty times as fast. But we can't figure out how to print the results. The Quick-Basic code has print commands in it. They just don't seem to talk to the XP-based print que
I am making a disk of basic FREE applications for windows xp. I have some really good ones, and i have 150mb left, so was wondering if you all had any suggestions.THe applications i have so far should give you an idea of the apps i want on this cd:Tell me if there is a killer app that is free that i am missing, I would like to fill up the rest of the space, and i am not connected to the internet, so viruscan is not needed.
I am running XP. This file icon, shows up, in Control Panel. Right click, willnot open. cannot delete it. How do I, find out, what it is? What program put it there? And Delete it? It is a, basic icon, page with a folded corner.
my HDD can't boot into XP by has to be booted from the CD-ROM with the XP CD which i can i make the hard drive boot in XP without booting from the CD-ROM or having to format, copy over setup files to the hard drive and re-install XP from the files on my hard drive and if i do that.will i be able to use XP after days y'know with the activation thing
I have a Dell and my keyboard is in pretty bad shape. Some keys are sticky and the key covers (not sure what they are called) are missing making it difficult to type. Are there refurbished ones that would work? Is changing out a keyboard a hard thing to do? Will a generic keyboard work or would it have to be a Dell?
my mom uses a program called quickbooks for her business, and just today it started acting up. nothing has changed or anything so i don't know what the deal is. but, when she opens quickbooks, an error message pops up that says it requires internet explorer 6.0 or higher, but quickbooks doesnt even NEED IE, and i have IE already..
I just started using Firefox last week and when I try to get to this group I get the following:"Warning: This page requires the use of scripts,which your browser does not currently allow."Out of close to 100 sites, this is the first occurrence of this error message.
Everytime i try to install yahoo messenger there is a "Windows Installer" error msg... It says Incorrect command line parameters.Windows installer. V 2.00.2600.110 Portions of this software are based in part on the work of the independent jpeg group.
Upon starting Quicken 2004 Basic, I got a notification that I had to reinstall Quicken,Upon starting an uninstall of Quicken 2004, I got an Error 1316.A network error occurred while attempting to read from the file C:WINDOWSInstallerQuicken 2004.msl. I have used Windows install clean up, and have run a registry cleaner. I also have gone into the registry, and deleted anything pertaining to Quicken. No matter what I try, Quicken won't reinstall, because I can't uninstall the previous Quicken.
i do start>run>MSCONFIG>startup and i see alot of programs starting up, i wanna know what programs i need and dont need when starting up. Theres also a option under general that says diagnostic startup, which loads baisc stuff
computer is set to go into standby mode when I shut the lid, but lately when I reopen it (usually 10-15 minutes later) I just get a black screen and have to reboot. The only thing I can think of that may have caused this is changing my hardware acceleration. I was having problems with Microsoft Streets and Trips and their GPS and they told me to turn HA down. Not sure if this is the direct cause.
This computer is an HP/2.8ghz/512ram/service pack 3 system. It use to run nice, now it boot's slow, slow, slow! It takes 10 minutes to get all the icons loaded, then it works ok. In addition to the slow boot, it also hangs at a black screen, I get around it by pressing F1, then it loads ok. Safe mode loads normally about 2 min.
I was uninstalling an anti virus program the other day, and it told me to reboot the computer. Hitting restart, did nothing (in the program dialog) so I manually rebooted.Since then, I've tried to install Kaspersky, and Nero, and both tell me "A previous program requires a system reboot, please reboot". I have, multiple time. I can't get rid of this error.Is there some sort of registry entry for the specific program I was uninstalling that may be stuck?
IE7 has required 'customize your settings' at every bootup ever since I istalled it. I continue to get the following: I thought perhaps the problem might be fixed with this months release of revised IE7.
When setting printer to spooling, printing is only possible under admin account. Otherwise any program from which I'm trying to print just hangs.WinXP (SP2), Dell Optiplex GX260, HP DJ-930C.