My dad runs a Quick-Basic program that does particle-physics calculations. He uses the command prompt to run the program. It worked fine on his old 486 (it printed the results when he hit cntrl+print-screen). Then he bought a windoze box with XP. The program still runs fine, you can see the results whizzing past. It's twenty times as fast. But we can't figure out how to print the results. The Quick-Basic code has print commands in it. They just don't seem to talk to the XP-based print que
I am running Windows XP Professional with SP3 and I'm the Administrator. Anyhow, I'm trying to execute a basic .exe MZ file from the cmd. I get "This program cannot be run in DOS mode". I don't understand why an .exe, the most basic one MZ cannot be run in dos mode. Is this a restriction set by the Administrator? (Maybe in control panel-administrative tools-local security policy?) I've done some reading and have heard that I may need to tweak some options by right clicking on the title bar of the cmd shell and changing something that has to deal with not letting windows interefere or that windows compatibility is turned on. However, I think that option is only for Windows 98 and is not available in winxp pro.
My employer is using a program that is written is Visual Basic 6 and I belive uses chrystal reports to generate reports. The program is connected to an oracle 9i database. The program will print on win2k machines but on WinXP machines depending on which type of report is requested either the status bar goes 5 clicks and stops ( can close from there without a problem )or an error message pops up and states application-defined or object-defined error. The printer is a hp 2420dn i have installed a hp 895 inkjet( yes it still works) on this machine also with no luck. I have reinstalled the drivers and also downloaded the latest drivers from HP.
I write a file in Word and then save it.Before I print it I usually go into Print Preview just to check things out.This time however it just showed me a blank box and the printer would not print.Everything was OK for a complete day and then the problem happened again - blank preview and no printing. This time switching off for 10 minutes and then back on had no effect.I have been trying most of today to correct things without success. I then copied it onto a floppy, put the floppy in my friends PC - same result as before
I previously owned a Lexmark Z25 printer and up to a certain point, it was printing ok. Then it abruptly stopped printing any pages. It sounded as if it was getting the signal from the computer, but nothing would print. Rather than buy new cartridges, which would have cost more than a new printer, I bought a Dell 720. Now, the color prints fine, but I cannot get the black to print. The cartridges are just about full with only a small amount out of the black cartridge.
Walk me through printing an envelope on my Lexmark X125. I have clicked on envelopes, then options for the envelope size, then print. The envelope comes out blank.
All worked as normal Printer icon would print automatically with default print settings; File -Print would bring up print properties dialogue box to select options.Unhooked printer from laptop. Since reconnecting printer, the print icon button reverts to bringing up the print properties box as happens with going File - print. There is only one printer attached - it is shown in "Printers and Faxes" with a tick. There is nowhere to check it as the default printer as it is the only printer.How can I make the print icon button just do straight default prints again?
I have an old Sony VAIO (running Win Xp) that I am using a print server. The VAIO is connected to a HP PSC. The VAIO is on a wireless network along with two other laptops. One laptop is running Win Xp and the other is running Vista. Everything was working fine as far as printing went until I reinstalled the OS on the Win Xp machine (same OS). Previously the VAIO would go offline due to hibernation and so if I tried to print something from the Xp machine, it would get in the queue and get printed when I turned the VAIO on. Now the print jobs are not getting in a queue when the VAIO is offline.I don't know what I did right before and so I don't know how to remedy the problem.
I installed a new modem the other day cause the old one got fried. Now I am trying to print and the printer keeps giving me an error message, "this document fail to print." I tried all possible troubleshooting techniques but nothing help. I don't know what to do.
I'm trying to install Visual basic 6 pro. I am getting the error message:
16 bit windows subsystem C: windowssystem32autoexec.nt. the system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft windows applications. Choose close to terminate the application
I am making a disk of basic FREE applications for windows xp. I have some really good ones, and i have 150mb left, so was wondering if you all had any suggestions.THe applications i have so far should give you an idea of the apps i want on this cd:Tell me if there is a killer app that is free that i am missing, I would like to fill up the rest of the space, and i am not connected to the internet, so viruscan is not needed.
I am running XP. This file icon, shows up, in Control Panel. Right click, willnot open. cannot delete it. How do I, find out, what it is? What program put it there? And Delete it? It is a, basic icon, page with a folded corner.
Anyone out there know if there is a way to make the old Q Basic program work with WIN 2K. If I have been informed correctly I believe Q Basic requires DOS to operate, and I have also been told WIN 2K does not have DOS capabilities.Is this correct?
Everytime i try to install yahoo messenger there is a "Windows Installer" error msg... It says Incorrect command line parameters.Windows installer. V 2.00.2600.110 Portions of this software are based in part on the work of the independent jpeg group.
Upon starting Quicken 2004 Basic, I got a notification that I had to reinstall Quicken,Upon starting an uninstall of Quicken 2004, I got an Error 1316.A network error occurred while attempting to read from the file C:WINDOWSInstallerQuicken 2004.msl. I have used Windows install clean up, and have run a registry cleaner. I also have gone into the registry, and deleted anything pertaining to Quicken. No matter what I try, Quicken won't reinstall, because I can't uninstall the previous Quicken.
i do start>run>MSCONFIG>startup and i see alot of programs starting up, i wanna know what programs i need and dont need when starting up. Theres also a option under general that says diagnostic startup, which loads baisc stuff
I recently underwent a clean install of both Win2k Pro & WinXP Pro. In both instances, the DM is reporting that the 'Multimedia Audio Controller' and the 'PCI Simple Communications Controller' are not correctly recognized (drivers not installed).I've done some searching online and many people suggest that a dial-up modem is the culprit behind the messages. In fact, there isn't a dial-up modem installed in my system, only a 10/100 NIC which works fine with both Windows native driver and the maker's driver.I've also searched for the PCI commun. control. drivers online to find that I have nothing to download. I'm not entirely sure what this controller does, although I can most likely find the multimedia audio controller. It's worth noting that XP is acting flakey sometimes when I use explorer to navigate around directories, and that I was recently unable to install Sisoft's SANDRA diagnostics app. Otherwise, the system seems to be stable enough to use online and for basic text editing.
Printer wont print THE printer normally prints fine but now it wont print atall the usb cable is in and the printer wont take the paper it just sits there CONTROL PANEL> PRINTERS> OPEN and it says its printing just fine but it isnt Its in the front usb hub and tried the rear it dont make any differnence. The printer is on and its got paper etc etc.
I upgraded my server, basically all I kept was the two hard drives from the old machine. The one hard drive is for the system files (~13GB) and the other is for storage, user files, etc (~160GB). I figured that then I reinstalled Windows 2000 Server on the System disk, I would just have to assign the other disk a drive letter and be on my way. Instead, in the disk management console, I get "Disk 1 [the 160GB) Dynamic Unreadable" I can revert to a basic disk, but it says I will lose all my information. It is imperative that the data on this disk be recovered.
On my old coputer I could print documents so they came out with the first page on top. I ca not find how to make that happen on my new computer with XP.
I restarted my PC because it I kept getting a spooling error and I couldn't print. I was also unable to save a document. Now it won't restart. It's on, but I keep getting an error message that says, "lsass.exe - System error
My P.C. worked fine for months and then suddenly wouldnt recognise my memory sticks. It won't print via the USB ports either. Power is getting through because i can charge my mp3 player and the P.C. speakers are powered vias USB. Device manager tells me the USB ports are working correctly. I've tried loads of stuff off the web but I just can't get them to work again. I even reformatted the drive and reinstalled everything, no good.
I have a Sony Pentium 4 and Windows XP Professional. Things were working fine up until about 3 weeks ago when suddenly the system would reboot when I tried to print. The error message would take me to the Windows Update page and tell me to update the ethernet adapter, which was erroneous as it referred to an adapter I don't have. I've tried to delete the printer, but when I open the printer folder in Control Panel the system reboots before I can delete anything. I've upgraded the driver for the printer, which is an Epson C62. I've tried a system restore