OS Errors Of Missing Files

Oct 30, 2007

When ever I start my PC iam getting the following erros. "Files that are required for Windows to run properly have been replaced by unrecongized versions. To maintain system stability, windowns must restore the original versions of these files. Insert your windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 CD now."
& when ever I boot it from window xp CD it does not appear but it always does when I boot it from hard disk. How to removce this error without formatting the hard disk and without reinstalling win xp.
& What are the steps that one should follow if he wants to Format the C drive knowning that it has Windows ?

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Formatting - Errors Copying Files

Jan 21, 2009

I'm trying to install Win XP pro onto a brand new hard drive. I'm able to fully format it to NTFS without any problem. Once the format is complete, it then begins to copy over all the Windows system files from the disk to drive. It gets between 70-80% complete when it starts to encounter errors copying files over.

I've used two seperate rom drives as well as 3 different installation disks and I get the same error at the same point in time after every attempt.

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Constant CRC Errors On Large RAR Files

Nov 2, 2009

Every time I download a large RAR (more than 700 MB), it won't extract properly, and will say there's been a CRC error of sorts. What does that mean?This has been happening to every large file I download, from multiple sources.

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CRC Errors, Data Getting Some Pretty Important Files

May 29, 2007

I have a problem with getting some pretty important files off a hard drive. They are pictures, but as soon as I try to open or copy, i get CRC errors, or other data problems. I have ran CHKDSK & f without any luck. Does anybody know of any other software

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Disk Errors, Blue Screen, Corrupt Files

Sep 4, 2005

I frequently get a blue screen when using my computer, often when playing a high memory game (specifically WoW) and running other programs such as ventrilo. Occasionally, it says kernal memory dump...etc. But usually its just a blank blue screen. When I load windows, pressing delete does not enter me into setup mode, and my windows CD will not load up on restart either. I tried to uninstall my hard drive driver, and it worked, and it seems to have reloaded on restart I thought it might be corrupt but now whenever I go into device manager, it asks me if I want to restart to enable these changes, even though I havent changed everything.

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Errors Opening Files And Folders In NTFS File System

Aug 7, 2005

My old m/b got fried, so i changed to another m/b and used the same hd for it, and i reinstalled windows XP after deleting the previous, but now when i'm trying to access a folder or file, i get this error "Document may be write protected or encrypted", i really need to open this file, how can i overcome this error?

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Spyware And Adware - On Deleting Files .dll Files Were Missing

Jan 5, 2005

my computer is filled with all sorts of spyware and adware. Ive used all teh chekc programs etc. and deleted whatever i could but yet the pop ups continue to come. In add/remove programs i deleted everything i could but some things couldnt be deleted because the .dll files were missing or something along those lines. please review my hijack this and advise me further. In addition when i go to a website i must enter www or it doesnt connect to the site. on my other computer i can do that. what can i do to fix it??

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Massive Lags, Error Msgs, System Errors, Dlls Registry Errors

Dec 4, 2004

When I start the computer, I get a screen freeze and have to press Ctrl,Alt,Del once before any programs will startup. A lot of probs with internet connection and slowness while surfing as well as a lot of pop up ads in my face.

There are system boxes coming up with registry and dll errors and the whole system seems SLOW.

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Missing Files - Old Files And Email - How To Recover?

Mar 5, 2005

my computer crashed and I had to replace operation disk and lost old files and e-mail. Is there any way to recover at this point?

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Bad Image Errors / Application Loading Errors / HiJack Log

Oct 22, 2007

The family computer is playing up and to the best of my knowledge the computer in question just simply suddenly stopped working as it should. I am unable to get the 'default' welcome screen upon start up and am getting the logon box where you type in a username and passworld. I know how to get rid of this, user accounts>enable welcome screen - but it will not solve the problem.This is just the start of the problems. I get a whole host of errors which popup one after another.

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Scrtip Errors Page Errors Behind Firewall

Jun 30, 2005

I am being shown "script error","page error, you may need to change browser
settings",and "behind firewall" when I try and send files and photos. I've
tried everything I know to fix this, but I still see these errors and still
cannot send photos while I'm online.

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Missing Something To Run .exe Files

Jul 26, 2009

I can't open some .exe files. I'm trying to install some drivers on a pc with xp, but for some reason when I click on the setup.exe file, nothing happens, it doesn't open or run. I thought that the driver was corrupted, so I tried to install that same driver on another pc with xp and it worked. I tried to install something else to see if I would get the same problem, at first the little window showing all the files that are being stalled shows for a second or two, then it disapears, it doesn't complete the installation. I should get a message saying that the installation is complete, but I do not get the message and I don't get any error messages, it just does nothing, I've installed this same program succesfully in another pc with xp too, but on this one it won't install. Someone suggested me to update the ms installer and to update net frameworks to the latest version, I did what was suggested, but I still get the same problem. I'm sure i'ts not a virus or spyware because I just made a fresh install of xp and I haven't gone online with that pc and I haven't downloaded anything from the net, even before making the fresh install, I didn't have any viruses or spyware. It seems that for some reason I'm not able to install just certain programs, because I can open and run other .exe files with no problem.

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Missing Dll Files?

Nov 29, 2005

I had a differ video card installed which helped my pc. But some idiots decided to reload another version of xp pro. They did not use any back up program to save my files and everything they did save (which was about 60%) they loaded on to drive c: then drive d. I used to have one hard drive partioned into two. They made one big drive c:. So now to see my files - I have to go to my computer, then c: then d:. Files are in no order- program files, etc.. all mixed up in one big list.Ok smy next problem...I thought I could fix this by using my back up disks before the above people got a hold of it, well the pc took all the back up disk great, but I forgot about the d: drive no longer being there - so the disks tell me half way thru that they cannot get rights or something to d - but they do give an option to skip - which I did.. it installed the other few disks and when it said it was done, i had to reboot and i did.So.. at the end.. It boots up - but when Windows comes up - it tells me <windowsroot>system32hal.dll. is missing and to reinstall it.How do I do this? My computer is old, but it is all I got right now and I can not afford to buy anything..I will write a second post here - with my system info

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Missing System 32 Files

Jul 5, 2005

Upon turning on the computer, we have been getting two different messages, not both at the same time. The first one was "can not find file ///cWINDOWS/System32/1KJddh8s.htm/" and the most recent "can not find file ///cWINDOWS/System32/4csuhtu0.html" What do these files do? How do we fix this?

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Missing Two Deleted Dll Files

Jan 15, 2005

I'm missing two dll files. I deleted them. The message was, RUNDLL C:WindowsSystem32NvCpl.dll and C:WindowsSystem32NvMcTray.dll

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Many Files Missing From Folders

Oct 16, 2005

I turned on my laptop, and many files were missing from folders. In particular, I had two folders on my desktop, with many subfolders in each. Each subfolder had multiple files in them. When I went to access one, ALL of the SUBFOLDERS and ALL of the FILES were gone. I tried a system restore, and it brought back the subfolders, but not the files. I then tried TuneUp, CleanUP, HijackThis, Ewido, Micrsoft Antispyware, Lavasoft, and many other programs to bring back the files, but nothing can find them. I also have a updated McAfee constantly running, and there was never a virus.

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Pro Missing Desktop Files

May 7, 2008

browsing thru all the files, i mistakenly pressed a kind of a black comand promt icon, that was laying around amongst zillions of other unidentified files. the icons name was something like "declabs" or so. (the file itself is missing now).what happend is, the desktop startet to "clean" itself and only a few program shortcuts are left.the process went very quick.but now all the cleaned files are GONE.Any clue, what happend here and where to find the missing files? did search the whole machine for some files i knew, they were laying on the desktop and are missing now.but no result at all.

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Missing Some Files From Desktop

May 4, 2010

Suddenly some files on my Windows XP desktop disappeared (but not all of them: just a few). I've already reboot, tried the "explorer.exe method" and nothing seems to work.

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Can't Access Missing Files

Nov 12, 2006

A couple of days ago I stupidly opened a reg file which ended up slowly destroying my computer. THe first sign was applications taking longer to open. It would come up with 'Application error' then after pressing ok, I opened it again and it opened with success. It also took me a couple of goes to open the Task manager as well. The next thing I noticed was sometimes, explorer.exe wouldn't open so I would have to manually type it in via Task manager. Once Task Manager was opened, I would notice hundereds of drwatson's, which I had to end task. Now it seems my Laptop is working fine, however, there's a problem. It says all my files are there, but I can only access the program file ones (and even most of them don't open). All the main files, which were located in My Documents, I can't access. I'm on a new account Windows XP made, but the old account is still there, however, when I go to Control Panel, only my new account appears, not the old one. I go to Documents And Settings and the folder is there, however, it says it's empty. When I double click it, an error pops up saying, 'Access is denied.' I know all my files are there because I have 50 GB's of space and I only have 10 GB's free space remaining. I highlighted all the files (excluding My documents) and it came to a total of 10 GB's only. There's still that extra 30 I had located in My documents.

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Registry Corrupted - Files Missing

Apr 13, 2005

Windows XP could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM

I found this soultion online and followed it to the marked point:

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Files Missing Programs Disappeared?

Mar 20, 2007

when I started it and logged on the computer all my files were missing and some of the programs had dissappeared. I checked and made sure I was logged onto my account and not the guest one. I restarted the computer hoping that everything would just be normal again but instead after watching a black screen for 5 minutes got this message:"Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:<Windows root>system32hal.dll Please re-install a copy of the above file."

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Files Missing After System Recovery

Feb 24, 2006

I had and umountable boot volume blue screen come up on my dell inspirion, so I ran the windows xp cd, and used chkdsk /r. When it was running at about 70% it jumped back down to 50% and then continued to finsh the recovery, it said several problems fixed.... so i assumed it worked, but the jump back to 50 must be caused by some error. Now I can run windows, but its like the computer has amnesia. All user icons are there, but none of the set pictures for them. So i clicked on mine, the start menu is empty, and when i run files the recent files aren't saved to the start menu. Ontop of that all files I had on my desktop are gone. Mydocuments is empty all of that. When I went to look for my files, all files saved in the c: drive are still there, in fact the c: drive used disk space is exactly the same size as it was before the unmountable boot volume error. Which leads me to believe that all the files I had saved on my desktop and in mydocuments are still somewhere on the hard drive. Its like all files connected to users on the computer have dissappeared and no files can be saved to the user accounts, but the user names are still there. What happened to my computer, and how do i fix it and can i get those files back. I also tried running chkdsk again and it did the same thing around 70% and dropped back down to 50% before it continued working.

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Windows Not Booting Up - Files Missing?

Apr 12, 2007

Turned on the main computer today and its gone to a black screen with this message at the top:

then further done the screen:
Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:
[windows root]system32

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Hal.dll File Missing From Computer Files

Sep 8, 2007

Hello again I just had to switch computers out so my husband could use mine and changed hard drives and noe the older one is saying that following file is missing or corrupt <Windows root>system32hal.dll. and I have put in my XP disk and cant get it to work to even try to repair I don't think I could even reinstall.

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Missing Files - System Won't Boot

Jul 11, 2005

I had tried to run a friends HD as a slave drive with mine on my other machine earlier. I got it up and running & it repaired the friends drive and I was able to get some files off he wanted. After I turned it off & took his out I got an error message that some files are missing in windowssystem32configsystem on my computer that I was using with his HD. The message goes on to say to boot with the windows xp disk and try a system repair. Well, that failed also. I took it out and brought it up here and put it on with this one as the slave drive and I got into it. Is there a way I can repair those files with it running as a slave drive on this one, or do I have to just re-install windows again.

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Unable To Start / Certain Files Are Missing

Dec 19, 2008

I was unable to start Windows XP and was in a sort of start-up loop. I reinstalled Windows and I have had to start again from scratch. Everything seems to be working OK but when I start up each day I get messages to say that certain files have been lost due to a hardware or network failure and to save these files elsewhere.

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Missing Files Maybe? No Commands In Cmd Work?

Aug 9, 2005

none of the commands i use in command prompt work and i get this wierd error when i play one of my games (counter strike) saying that there is something wrong with my half life launcher when there isnt. the game works fine but as soon as i close the error the game closes. but more importantly ive been told that i have system files missing? if this is the case how do i get them back?

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Missing Files Dll Completely Corrupted?

Jul 3, 2008

I think I have a corrupted OS in my hands. My computer worked fine yesterday. This morning I added an extended SATA hard drive. When it booted, Windows XP (Pro SP2) startup seemed unusually slow. After I used the hard drive manufacturer's CD to partition the HD and rebooting, I could not get on any of the limited XP accounts because it required a password when it should not have. I am posting this from Firefox, which with a number of other programs unrelated to Microsoft seem to work for the moment. I think I'm missing system files or they are corrupt. I've recently had a Vundo infection which I did clean up, but now I can't even open Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.This would be extremely horrifying had I not had past computer problems of equal horror. I beseech all you benevolent souls reading this to provide some suggestions. Is there anything I could do aside from reinstalling XP?

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Could Not Start - Files Is Missing Or Corrupt

Feb 12, 2009

This happens every time.Windows XP could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEMWhen I say every time, I mean every time.I just bought a new hard drive, so I know it works.When I try to install xp (full install), I go through the select drive and partition to installEverything looks good so far. Windows starts copying the installer files to the drive.
After its done, it reboots. I don't push a button because I know its going to start xp setup now.

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Unable To Restore Missing Files.

Jul 11, 2007

I'm having some issues with one of my PC's. After about a minute at desktop, it would completely lock up. Using msconfig, I was able to isolate (at least) one of the things causing it: a service called 'Windows Management Instrumentation'. Keeping it, and it's co-responding service, unchecked in msconfig, stops the freeze, and allows my computer ot seemingly work as if all is well. However, I'm skeptical that is the case.
Also, another problem occurred yesterday....all of a sudden my admin account no longer displayed on the login screen. I had taken my PC to a repair shop last week, and the guy created a new account...this account has administrator priveledges, just as the old one does. However, it is missing a lot of files and documents that were from my old account. When booting in safe mode, both accounts still display. Why is this?
Another question, does anyone know what the service CaReTaKeR-CT NetMgr is/does? It looks a bit seedy, so I've currently disabled it.

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HJT Log Missing Files, And SafeMode AV Scan Problems

Jan 25, 2006

I have noticed a few things missing, the last 2 bolded out I know aren't of any importance but, the first 2 I am not completely sure of.

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1
Scan saved at 12:09:16 AM, on 1/25/2006
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180)

Running processes:
C:Program FilesCommon FilesAOLACSAOLAcsd.exe
C:Program FilesCommon FilesAOLTopSpeed2.0aoltsmon.exe
C:Program Filesewido anti-malwareewidoctrl.exe
C:Program FilesSunbelt SoftwarePersonal Firewall 4kpf4ss.exe
C:WINDOWSSystem32 cpsvcs.exe
C:Program FilesSunbelt SoftwarePersonal Firewall 4kpf4gui.exe
C:Program FilesNetropaMultimedia KeyboardMMKeybd.exe
C:Program FilesCommon FilesAOLACSAOLDial.exe
C:Program FilesPC Tools AntiVirusPCTAV.exe
C:Program FilesMSN Messengermsnmsgr.exe
C:Program FilesYahoo!Messengerymsgr_tray.exe
C:Program FilesNetropaMultimedia KeyboardTrayMon.exe
C:Program FilesNetropaOnscreen DisplayOSD.exe
C:Program FilesSunbelt SoftwarePersonal Firewall 4kpf4gui.exe
C:Program FilesPC Tools AntiVirusScanningProcess.exe
C:Program FilesCommon FilesAOL1130470613eeAOLHostManager.exe
C:Program FilesCommon FilesAOL1130470613eeAOLServiceHost.exe
C:Program FilesMozilla Firefoxfirefox.exe
C:Program FilesHijackthisHijackThis.exe

R1 - HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftIn
ternet ExplorerMain,Default_Page_URL = http://www.emachines.com
R0 - HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMain,Start Page = http://red.clientapps.yahoo.com/cust...//my.yahoo.com
R0 - HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerSearch,CustomizeSearch =
R1 - HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInternet Settings,ProxyServer = http=localhost:1038
R3 - Default URLSearchHook is missing
O2 - BHO: AcroIEHlprObj Class - {06849E9F-C8D7-4D59-B87D-784B7D6BE0B3} - C:Program FilesAdobeAcrobat 5.0ReaderActiveXAcroIEHelper.ocx
O2 - BHO: MSProxy Support Dll - {1920E150-5D27-4B95-B60B-D68B78928441} - C:WINDOWSsystem32msprxcore.dll (file missing)
O2 - BHO: PCTools Site Guard - {5C8B2A36-3DB1-42A4-A3CB-D426709BBFEB} - C:PROGRA~1SPYWAR~1 oolsiesdsg.dll
O2 - BHO: PCTools Browser Monitor - {B56A7D7D-6927-48C8-A975-17DF180C71AC} - C:PROGRA~1SPYWAR~1 oolsiesdpb.dll
O4 - HKLM..Run: [USRpdA] C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32USRmlnkA.exe RunServices Device3cpipe-USRpdA
O4 - HKLM..Run: [MULTIMEDIA KEYBOARD] C:Program FilesNetropaMultimedia KeyboardMMKeybd.exe
O4 - HKLM..Run: [AOLDialer] C:Program FilesCommon FilesAOLACSAOLDial.exe
O4 - HKLM..Run: [MBM 5] "C:Program FilesMotherboard Monitor 5MBM5.EXE"
O4 - HKLM..Run: [PCTAVApp] "C:Program FilesPC Tools AntiVirusPCTAV.exe" /MONITORSCAN
O4 - HKLM..Run: [MSConfig] C:WINDOWSPCHealthHelpCtrBinariesMSConfig.exe /auto
O4 - HKCU..Run: [Microsoft Works Update Detection] C:Program FilesMicrosoft WorksWkDetect.exe
O4 - HKCU..Run: [Yahoo! Pager] "C:Program FilesYahoo!Messengerypager.exe" -quiet
O4 - HKCU..Run: [msnmsgr] "C:Program FilesMSN Messengermsnmsgr.exe" /background
O8 - Extra context menu item: &AOL Toolbar search - res://C:Program FilesAOL Toolbar oolbar.dll/SEARCH.HTML
O9 - Extra button: Spyware Doctor - {2D663D1A-8670-49D9-A1A5-4C56B4E14E84} - C:PROGRA~1SPYWAR~1 oolsiesdpb.dll
O9 - Extra button: Sparta Messenger - {986CDFC3-0AFC-49ac-942D-2E9CAEE079FC} - C:Documents and SettingsJeremy.KIMMy Documentssprtmessengermessenger.exe (file missing)
O9 - Extra button: Y!mLite - {9B04D939-D9D1-45e0-9FBF-5A31AAF7A68A} - C:Program FilesY!mLiteymlite.exe (file missing)
O9 - Extra button: AIM - {AC9E2541-2814-11d5-BC6D-00B0D0A1DE45} - C:Program Filesaimaim.exe
O9 - Extra button: Real.com - {CD67F990-D8E9-11d2-98FE-00C0F0318AFE} - C:WINDOWSsystem32Shdocvw.dll
O9 - Extra button: Messenger - {FB5F1910-F110-11d2-BB9E-00C04F795683} - C:Program FilesMessengermsmsgs.exe
O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: Windows Messenger - {FB5F1910-F110-11d2-BB9E-00C04F795683} - C:Program FilesMessengermsmsgs.exe
O12 - Plugin for .spop: C:Program FilesInternet ExplorerPluginsNPDocBox.dll
O14 - IERESET.INF: START_PAGE_URL=http://www.emachines.com
O16 - DPF: Dice Derby by pogo - http://checkeredflag.pogo.com/applet...-ob-assets.cab
O16 - DPF: Fortune Bingo by pogo - http://superbingo.pogo.com/applet/su...-ob-assets.cab
O16 - DPF: Greenback Bayou by pogo - http://greenback.pogo.com/applet/gre...-ob-assets.cab
O16 - DPF: Jungle Gin by pogo - http://gin.pogo.com/applet/gin/gin-ob-assets.cab
O16 - DPF: Jungle Gin by pogo.com - http://gin.pogo.com/applet/gin/gin-ob-assets.cab
O16 - DPF: Pop Fu by pogo - http://popfu.pogo.com/applet/popfu/popfu-ob-assets.cab
O16 - DPF: Tri-Peaks by pogo - http://peaks.pogo.com/applet/peaks/peaks-ob-assets.cab
O16 - DPF: Yahoo! Chat - http://us.chat1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com.../c381/chat.cab
O16 - DPF: Yahoo! Poker - http://download.games.yahoo.com/game...ts/y/pt0_x.cab
O16 - DPF: Yahoo! Pool 2 - http://download.games.yahoo.com/game...s/y/pote_x.cab
O16 - DPF: Yahoo! Pyramids - http://download.games.yahoo.com/game...s/y/pyt1_x.cab
O16 - DPF: Yahoo! Spelldown - http://download.games.yahoo.com/game...s/y/sdt1_x.cab
O16 - DPF: Yahoo! Word Racer - http://download.games.yahoo.com/game...ts/y/wt1_x.cab
O16 - DPF: {2B323CD9-50E3-11D3-9466-00A0C9700498} (Yahoo! Audio Conferencing) - http://us.chat1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com...45/yacscom.cab
O16 - DPF: {41D1977F-4161-4720-800F-EA4903983A38} (Jigsaw Genius Control) - http://www.worldwinner.com/games/v42/jigsaw/jigsaw.cab
O16 - DPF: {4A3CF76B-EC7A-405D-A67D-8DC6B52AB35B} (QDiagAOLCCUpdateObj Class) - http://aolcc.aol.com/computercheckup/qdiagcc.cab
O16 - DPF: {4F1E5B1A-2A80-42CA-8532-2D05CB959537} (MSN Photo Upload Tool) - http://by108fd.bay108.hotmail.msn.co...s/MsnPUpld.cab
O16 - DPF: {6F6DBC29-7A0C-4AC0-A42D-10EC70678526} (Word Cubes Control) - http://www.worldwinner.com/games/v44...e/wordcube.cab
O16 - DPF: {89D75D39-5531-47BA-9E4F-B346BA9C362C} (CWDL_DownLoadControl Class) - http://www.callwave.com/include/cab/CWDL_DownLoad.CAB
O16 - DPF: {8A94C905-FF9D-43B6-8708-F0F22D22B1CB} (Wwlaunch Control) - http://www.worldwinner.com/games/shared/wwlaunch.cab
O16 - DPF: {AC2881FD-5760-46DB-83AE-20A5C6432A7E} (SwapIt Control) - http://www.worldwinner.com/games/v61/swapit/swapit.cab
O16 - DPF: {B38870E4-7ECB-40DA-8C6A-595F0A5519FF} (MsnMessengerSetupDownloadControl Class) - http://messenger.msn.com/download/Ms...Downloader.cab
O16 - DPF: {FAE74270-E5EE-49C3-B816-EA8B4D55F38F} (H2hPool Control) - http://www.worldwinner.com/games/v51...ol/h2hpool.cab
O17 - HKLMSystemCCSServicesTcpip..{50DA85AA-3B1B-4304-A4B7-6D9F2958C486}: NameServer =
O23 - Service: AOL Connectivity Service (AOL ACS) - America Online - C:Program FilesCommon FilesAOLACSAOLAcsd.exe
O23 - Service: AOL TopSpeed Monitor (AOL TopSpeedMonitor) - America Online, Inc - C:Program FilesCommon FilesAOLTopSpeed2.0aoltsmon.exe
O23 - Service: ewido security suite control - ewido networks - C:Program Filesewido anti-malwareewidoctrl.exe
O23 - Service: Sunbelt Kerio Personal Firewall 4 (KPF4) - Sunbelt Software - C:Program FilesSunbelt SoftwarePersonal Firewall 4kpf4ss.exe
O23 - Service: TrueVector Internet Monitor (vsmon) - Zone Labs, LLC - C:WINDOWSsystem32oneLabsvsmon.exe

Also, When booting into safe mode to run my PC Tools AV, SpyBot Search and Destroy, AdawareSE, PC Tools Spyware Doctor and Ewido Anti-Malware. My CPU usage is at a constant 100% when and, only when, I am scanning with PC Tools AV. It takes about 6 hours to scan my whole computer. Is there any way I can lower my CPU usage?

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