Files Missing After System Recovery

Feb 24, 2006

I had and umountable boot volume blue screen come up on my dell inspirion, so I ran the windows xp cd, and used chkdsk /r. When it was running at about 70% it jumped back down to 50% and then continued to finsh the recovery, it said several problems fixed.... so i assumed it worked, but the jump back to 50 must be caused by some error. Now I can run windows, but its like the computer has amnesia. All user icons are there, but none of the set pictures for them. So i clicked on mine, the start menu is empty, and when i run files the recent files aren't saved to the start menu. Ontop of that all files I had on my desktop are gone. Mydocuments is empty all of that. When I went to look for my files, all files saved in the c: drive are still there, in fact the c: drive used disk space is exactly the same size as it was before the unmountable boot volume error. Which leads me to believe that all the files I had saved on my desktop and in mydocuments are still somewhere on the hard drive. Its like all files connected to users on the computer have dissappeared and no files can be saved to the user accounts, but the user names are still there. What happened to my computer, and how do i fix it and can i get those files back. I also tried running chkdsk again and it did the same thing around 70% and dropped back down to 50% before it continued working.

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Files Missing After Non Destructive System Recovery

Apr 20, 2005

I recently ran non-destructive system recovery In windows XP, it worked fine except now I can not locate the files that used to be in the 'owners documents' section.

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Root Files Recovery System

Jul 13, 2010

HP notebook (4 yrs old), running XP. I do not have the recovery disc. I can not get into safe mode as it stops loading in the process of loading or checking drivers. I can get it to the XP splash screen but when it goes to the next screen which should be my log on screen, it is blank. Is there anyway to fix this and replace the file or do I trash it and get a new laptop.

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Lost All Files In System Recovery - Recover?

Jul 19, 2007

hey i just did a system recovery, thinking it was a system restore, and now all my files are gone. i have a few programs, but other than that it seems as if i just bought the computer, it took me through the welcome speech and everything. i really want my files back, don't care as much about the programs because they are all replaceable,

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Lost Files After A Non-destructive System Recovery

Jan 23, 2008

Last Saturday I had to use the recovery disc that came inside my computer because when I tried to start the computer; just the black screen appeared, saying 'ntldr is missing Press ctrl + alt + del to restart' . I did that several times but the problem was still there. So, after the recovery I normally started the computer and logged on. I did the non-destructive system recovery. Anyways;I noticed that all my files I had in the Shared Docuemnts were stil there. I noticed that the storage percentage on the C Drive was the same I had before (93%) So, I assume that all my files, documents, music files and videos are somewhere in the computer

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Data Lost After System Recovery - Can Access Files In Safe Mode

Jan 24, 2007

my question concerns an HP Pavillion Desktop with Windows XP Home Edition Operating System. About a week ago my computer was degenerating to such a condition that it would no longer start up properly: it would not load some of the host process properly at start up and the desk top would not appear. The system would hang up, and the only way I could access files was in safe mode.So I decided to do a Full System Recovery and allow the computer to restore itself to some sort of usable condition. Upon completing the initial set up I was presented with, I pressed FINISH and the system froze again, refusing to load the desktop.
So, perhaps foolishly, I attempted a System Recovery from the Recovery DVDs the computer had prompted me to make a while ago, as well as a few more System Restores and Recoveries

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Missing System 32 Files

Jul 5, 2005

Upon turning on the computer, we have been getting two different messages, not both at the same time. The first one was "can not find file ///cWINDOWS/System32/1KJddh8s.htm/" and the most recent "can not find file ///cWINDOWS/System32/4csuhtu0.html" What do these files do? How do we fix this?

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Missing Files - System Won't Boot

Jul 11, 2005

I had tried to run a friends HD as a slave drive with mine on my other machine earlier. I got it up and running & it repaired the friends drive and I was able to get some files off he wanted. After I turned it off & took his out I got an error message that some files are missing in windowssystem32configsystem on my computer that I was using with his HD. The message goes on to say to boot with the windows xp disk and try a system repair. Well, that failed also. I took it out and brought it up here and put it on with this one as the slave drive and I got into it. Is there a way I can repair those files with it running as a slave drive on this one, or do I have to just re-install windows again.

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Lost Sp3 System Recovery Disc - Run A System Recovery Program?

Sep 17, 2008

I lost my system recovery disc. I also lost all of my games that came with cell, solitaire, paint..etc. I just want those back. Can I run a system recovery program on windows without a disc

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System Files Missing After Uninstaller Software

Jun 10, 2010

I Have propriety system (DELL) that I've been working on that was in need of a memory up grade and so forth. Was doing a little cleaning with an uninstaller software removing some Items completely on this system when by my own fault destroyed some of the system files and didn't not find out till after a reboot. I am still able to boot to Windows but the user accounts Icons are gone from the login screen. All I have is the Windows XP screen without the login accounts. Have tried Safe Mode same circumstance and Last and Known settings from the Windows Advanced Option Menu. Was needing some Ideas on how to replace the files I deleted which when I deleted them I sent them to the Recycle Bin but since I can no longer log on can't get there. I was wondering if I could run System File Checker (sfc.exe) from the Windows Advanced Option Menu Safe Mode with Command Prompt and maybe replace the system files that way ? If I can would I need to have a system disk handy? If I have too as a last resort I could run a windows system repair with the with a windows CD. I have one that I slipped streamed with sp3 since I did noticed that the operating system was basically up to date.

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System Files Missing Error - Reinstall Ie7?

May 12, 2007

Lately my pc has experienced lots of different problems. It all started one day when I installed a program named xfire. It was running fine with xfire until I came home from school. Heres a list of the problems:

1. live messneger has forgot my email and runs slowly when i attempt to retype it.
2.Live messneger cannot connect at all. It just comes up with this message straight away
3. The copy of windows I'm running has been classed as an illegal copy by the microsoft website (my pc has a preinstalled installation of windows which was on when it was bought from a store).
4.Many installation programs now come up with errors about missing files.
5.I can't find any viruses with avast,ad-aware or spybot.
6. I uninstalled ie 7 which somehow allowed the normal windows messenger to work without the scripts errors I got before, but now I can't reinstall ie7. The setup always comes up with a missing file error.

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System Files Missing / Corrupted Error

Jul 20, 2008

recently me my brother and sisters computers all got the same virus it seems and where all on one wireless net work and it started with my sisters laptop sayin the harddrives not instaled wheni start it up and nothing els and my brothers desktop kept feezzeing like my desk top did then mine stoped turning on all togther and would get to the desk top and crash and take 3-4 trys to get started then i did a destructive system recovery on my brothers comp and it is fine perfect like the day we got it then i did it to mine and it started up and worked but kept frezzing on the desk top and then now when i start it up and try to restore from last know workin configuration it says windows/system32/config/system is missing or corrupted hit r to start repair from original cd rom disks and i dont have those is there a way i could find this file and put it on a cd form one comp and fix my comp with it? or do i have to go buy a new windows and hardrive? and when i try to boot it any ways it says system not fully installed error

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Missing System Files - Screen Remained Blank

Feb 25, 2006

when I went to log onto my pc, after turning on the screen, it remained blank in a stand-by sort of screen. I had left it on the previous evening while running basic Windows Disk-cleaner. So, I couldn't get the PC to respond, and rebooted it. Upon rebooting, I recieved an error message saying that the file "system32c_1252" was missing or corrupt. I tried booting off of the original system setup cd, and repairing the installation, but it didn't work and I recieved another error message stating that "system322052" was missing or corrupt. After that, I managed to get access Dos console and ran "CHKDSK" and "FIXBOOT." Fixboot completed successfully, while chkdsk first hung at 50% and then, when I tried again, completed with unfixable errors. I exited and got back to the original bootup screen, where upon I got the same message as before, only this time it informed me that my windowssystem32configsystem file was missing or corrupt. Now it seems as if there are new small changes each time I try to start up. I'm at a total loss regarding this. I have virus protection, firewall, and I hadn't been downloading or surfing any unfamiliar sites.

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Hide Protected Operating System Files Missing

Dec 9, 2007

my Hide protected operating system files (recommended) in folder options is missing. is there any way to fix that? with regedit, maybe? my pc has just been recovered from a virus.

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System Crashed And Missing Drivers On Saving Files

Dec 19, 2008

I was running System Mechanic as a routine - (i.e. not a virus, or spyware problem), and Windows XP decided it wanted to do an install of some service pack automatically - which it did an auto reboot in the middle of SM running! Grrr...system froze when it came back up. I came back to just see the frozen screen and SM screen closed - and it ookedrebooted. Now when the computer is turned on in safe mode or regular, it just does a DOS listing of missing drivers - very extensive list. Got a CD hard copy of System Mechanic - but now am told if I use it to rescue the computer, it will delete my files! Yikes!My computer, Xplio, came with Windows installed. The rescue disk, if I can find it, (may be in storage) I believe also says it deletes files if reason I didn't keep it out and easily found. 1. How do I save / rescue my files???? I have many years of nonprofit work on the computer I don't want to lose. 2. Can the computer be "saved"? 3. Is there a way to use someone else's Windows XP disks with their passwords (legitimate copy) on my computer to reinstall the missing drivers? OR - can all the drivers be downloaded from somewhere - ideally for free? I can prove I have/ had legitimate right to Windows XP - I noticed Microsoft charges for tech support - guess I am naive - was surprised it would charge for first call ever!

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Missing Files - Autoexec.nt System File Not Suitable For Running Ms Dos

Dec 13, 2004

I'm getting a message: autoexec.nt the system file is not suitable for running ms-dos and microsoft windows applications.choose close to terminate the application. seems I'm missing these files:


I tried to recovery them off the recovery disk but they are not there either. is there someplace I can get these files? I went to microsoft.comsupport and tried to put them in through notepad like they said and it did'nt work, must be doing something wrong.

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Corrupted Operating System Wont Start: Files Missing Or Corrupt?

Aug 5, 2007

I am havinga very big problem with my PC. When I try to start it up normally, I get the following message; "Windows could not start because the following fileis missing or corrupt: WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM. You can attempt to repair this file by starting Windows Setup using the original Setup CD-ROM. Select 'r' at the first screen to start repair" When I try this, it opens repair console, but then I have to select OS, and when I do this, it just comes up with the previous error. If I try to reinstall it comes up with a blue screen error and crashes.

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Using The System Recovery Console To Perform A System Recovery?

Aug 23, 2006

I need to do a System Recovery to restore my system back to its factory settings (I'm using WinXP Home). When I hit F10 upon startup in order to access the system recovery, nothing happens- it boots as it would regularly. I was able to boot up using the CD, and am now in the System Recovery console. Might anyone tell me what I need to do to perform a non-destructive, or even a destrucitve system recovery?

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Hal.dll Missing - Fixed Through The Recovery Console?

Apr 11, 2005

I have a computer that has Hal.dll missing. Can this be fixed through the recovery console? I think it can but I don't remember how. A Wipe/install isnt the best option here.

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NTLDR Missing - PC Won't Boot - Recovery Disks

Mar 16, 2008

I have stupidly moved some files on my C drive that my pc requires to boot up. Now i can't get it to boot at all and can't get into safe m I am getting the NTLDR missing, press ctrl + alt + delete to restart.I have looked on google and can't seem to get it fixed.

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Ntoskrnl Exe Missing: Recovery Console Wont Work?

Apr 28, 2010

Tried the repair console typed in expand d:i386 toskrnl.exe_ c:windowssystem32 and access is denied.It never asked for a password.

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MBR Missing Press - Active Partition Recovery With No Success

Dec 25, 2009

I probably have a familiar problem that I don't have the answer to I was running PC Tools registry cleaner ("Register Mechanic")when we had a power outage When I restarted the computer it wouldn't boot(black screen) message press Ctrl,Alt Del.master boot record is missing I don't have an installation Disk (OEM install) I tried to reinstall the Operating system (Vista Home Premium)from the D Partition and find that the recovery partition was blank I do not know if I deleted or transposed it but the system cannot find it I have since tried to repair the C disk by way of Active Partition Recovery with no success

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Ntoskrnl.exe Missing Or Corrupt / Recovery Console Wont Work?

Feb 8, 2007

I can open up the recovery console with my winxp disc, but not long enough to fix the problem. My computer will shut down.I originally thought that it might have been an overheating issue, but i ran Sandra and all temps came up under 40 cel. I can not seem to keep my computer booted long enough to fix anything. It will stay booted as long as it is on the choice option of the Windows XP cd to install, repair or exit.

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Missing NTLDR Shocker - Recovery Mode Doesn't Work

Jul 5, 2010

Well I seem to have encountered a problem numerous other people have encountered and well im rather desperate to fix it though i must list 2 important details

1. I have a HP- Pavilion Windows XP mediacenter edition.
2. My recovery mode does not work and my computer never came with a recovery disc of any sort (grrrr stupid idea to put the recovery on the computer IMO)
3. I have little money to spend as of right now. Buying a new computer not an option and buying a new windows operating system is MAYBE a option but one ide like to avoid.
4. Im more curious as to how i should tackle this. Ive read up on a few sites found a site that gives a bootable disc containing the NTLDR file ( I dont know a whole lot about this stuff)

This is all just very aggrivating for me. My computer works and runs better than most new computers despite bieng 4 years old. This is the first issue ive had with it in awhile other than my recovery not working due to a error about a hive file not working ( i figured ide make a seperate thread if i choose to worry about this issue but if some one finds this to be a important detail please do tell me) Also ive looked into purchasing the spotmau disc for it 'adervtises' it is able to fix this problem. How reliable they are i am not sure of how ever.

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Lost Files Recovery?

Jun 2, 2010

My computer was recently in for repair. I told the technician under no account were any files to be deleted/erased. When I got the computer home after repair I noticed that although my files were indeed 'untouched' (not deleted) they were however in a 'place' where I knew I would have trouble finding. I made a mental note that I would get back to finding my photos later. I had to download and re-install my security system first and foremost as well as Windows updates. One of these Windows Updates (Service Pack 3 maybe) advised to back-up my files before installing. I didn't.
Now I can't find these files/photos/pictures anywhere on my computer. There were over 4000.
Have I lost these for good ? Or is there a way to recover them ?

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Spyware And Adware - On Deleting Files .dll Files Were Missing

Jan 5, 2005

my computer is filled with all sorts of spyware and adware. Ive used all teh chekc programs etc. and deleted whatever i could but yet the pop ups continue to come. In add/remove programs i deleted everything i could but some things couldnt be deleted because the .dll files were missing or something along those lines. please review my hijack this and advise me further. In addition when i go to a website i must enter www or it doesnt connect to the site. on my other computer i can do that. what can i do to fix it??

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Wiped Off All Files With Recovery Disk?

Jun 27, 2005

My son was trying to get access to my computer & couldn't get past the
password so inserted the recovery disk & now ALL of my files are gone
(pictures, music, banking...etc). Is there any way to get this info back? I
tried to use a restore point, but there are none prior to the day he used the
recovery disk.

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Missing Files - Old Files And Email - How To Recover?

Mar 5, 2005

my computer crashed and I had to replace operation disk and lost old files and e-mail. Is there any way to recover at this point?

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Repair: Abp480n5.sys Is Corrupt - Recovery Of Files

Jan 7, 2009

I'm trying to repair XP after a virus problem but I keep getting the message:
abp480n5.sys is corrupt unable to continueCan I get the file from anywhere? What else can I do? Can I repair XP another way?

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System Recovery-Dowloaded 87 Updates From MS, System Wont Start?

Apr 29, 2010

Had problems with virus, couldnt update Virus or Malware Protection. I did full shred System Recovery from partition ( HP- A1130N -Windows Media Edition- Version 2002 Service Pack 2. Dowloaded AVG Virus and ran scan, all OK.Went to MS Dowload center and downloaded and installed 87updates to include IE8,started computer, all OK. Then updater said needed to download SVC Pack 3- took a loooooooooooooong time. THEN COMPUTER WOULDNT START- tried the two options it gave me but no go back to same black screen with boot options-- regualar- last working point- safe mode etc. no go.
At this point I did a full System Recovery again and downloaded virus protection again.

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System Recovery Fatal Error - No Operating System Found

Sep 12, 2008

I tried to do a System Recovery today on my Sony laptop. Got 41% completed and had a fatal error. Options given were Ignore, Retry or Abort. Attempted a Retry. Got a fatal error message and everything locked up. I ended up shutting down and when I turned the computer on again it said no operating system found. Where did I screw up?

This is a six year old Sony, XP, AMD 1.0Ghz. Everything was working at the time I tried the System Recovery EXCEPT I was constantly getting low space messages for drive C. I have no files on this drive and very little software. It is a 20G hard drive partioned into two 10G partitions.

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