Missing Files - Autoexec.nt System File Not Suitable For Running Ms Dos

Dec 13, 2004

I'm getting a message: autoexec.nt the system file is not suitable for running ms-dos and microsoft windows applications.choose close to terminate the application. seems I'm missing these files:


I tried to recovery them off the recovery disk but they are not there either. is there someplace I can get these files? I went to microsoft.comsupport and tried to put them in through notepad like they said and it did'nt work, must be doing something wrong.

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Autoexec System File - Not Suitable Running Ms Dos

Dec 22, 2004

i have windows xp. when i put in certain games, and encyclopedia cds, i get a window that pops up and says: c:WINDOWSSYSTEM32AUTOEXEC.NT. the system file is not suitable for running ms-dos and microsoft windows applications. i have tried everything to get my stuff to work. a guy told me to go to the properties of the game, and set it to run compatability for 98, so i did. but it didnt work. i really need help fixing this, so i can get my encyclopedia working.

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System File Not Suitable For Running MS-DOS And Microsoft ..

Jul 12, 2005

Trying to dowload and open a pattern book I bought online,everytime I try to
The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and microsoft
applications.Choose close to terminate.I run Windows XP.

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Applications - System File Is Not Suitable For Running MS DOS

Nov 18, 2005

i try to install a program and i keep getting the message. "C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32AUTOEXEC.NT. The system file is not suitable fo rrunning MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications. Choose 'Close' to terminate the application." What can i do to install this program?

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Error - System File Is Not Suitable For Running MS-DOS

Apr 23, 2005

There are certain things on my computer that get a certain error message, one of them is a combat chess program on my control panel add/remove list that i cannot get rid of and this is the message i get

" C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32AUTOEXEC.NT. The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications. Choose 'Close' to terminate the application. "

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Installation Failure Due To Missing File - Autoexec.nt?

Jul 9, 2005

I have recently tried to reinstall some oldish games (rainbow 6, Total Annhilation) and when you select install, an error pops up:

16 bit windows subsystem
C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32AUTOEXEC.NT. The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications. Choose 'Close' to terminate the application. Examination of that folder shows that I do not have a file called Autoexec.nt at all, is this correct? These games have run on this PC before and the error applies to multiple games suggesting a system problem. Is there a way of repairing or checking windows to replace this file. I did get a virus recently however Norton said it quarantined it - this might have
affected windows though prior to this I had noticed no differeance.

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"The System File Is Not Suitable For Running MS-DOS...terminate The Application."

Oct 22, 2005

I open the cd drive (for one of the CDs), double click on setup.exe, and get the following annoying message:

"The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications. Choose 'Close' to terminate the application."

However, I also have the option of pressing ignore. When I do, it does the exact same thing as close So I really don't have a choice of opening the program. I really would like to use these CDs.

I have tried using the windows compatibilaty tool, but still the same thing happened. How should I get them to work? Also, old files I download from the internet also have this problem.

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16 - Bit Error Message - File Is Not Suitable For Running MS-DOS

Mar 12, 2005

In Win XP when I try to load all my older C.D. programmes, I get Error Message:- 16 Bit Windows Sub System. C/WindowsSystem 32Autoexec.N.T. The System File is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Windows Application. Close to terminate aplication. Having looked up other methods of resolving the problem I still can not get any results.

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Cant Install - File Is Not Suitable For Running MS-DOS And Microsoft Windows Applications

Mar 19, 2005

I have the same problem with some programs that I want to install in my pc. I receive this problem error message:C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32AUTOEXEC.NT the system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows Applications. Choose Close to terminate the operation. There are several softwares that I would like to install on my pc but I cant because of this error One is a game, the other one is a program I need ot make programs and the last one is a typing software.Is there a way that I can install them on my pc?

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Error Messages - System File Is Not Suitable

Dec 8, 2004

Computer is running way too slow.. switching to local intranet instead of internet and when i tried to run PCPitstop's diagnostics i got the following message: The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and microsoft windows applications.

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Cannot Open Program - System File Is Not Suitable

Sep 19, 2004

When I put in a CD Rom disk and I try to run a program there is an error window and it sais,"16 bit Windows Subsystem C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32AUTOEXEC.NT. The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications. Chose 'close' to terminate the application." Than there are two buttons Close and Ignore.When I click Ignore nothing happens.When I click Close nothing happens too.This only happens to a couple of my CD's, not all.They worked before but now they don't.

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Error Message - System File Is Not Suitable

Aug 17, 2005

I am running Windows XP with SP 2 and when I try to load certain software that use to run on an older PC with 98 SE I get a message saying 16 bit windows subsystem C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32AUTOEXEC.NT. The system file is not suitable for running MS_DOS and Microsoft Windows applications. Choose 'Close@ to terminate the application. What does this mean and is there a way round this as some of the software used to load and work okay on this PC but has been uninstalled but cannot now ne installed. This happens with a number of software packages.

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16 Bit Windows Subsystem Error - System File Is Not Suitable

Jun 26, 2005

I get the following message when I open windows xp and some programs don't work. C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32AUTOEXEC.NT. The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications. Choose 'Close' to terminate the application.

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Autoexec.nt Missing When Try To Run Regedit

May 24, 2005

trying to run regedit from run. a black dos screen pops up and a message comes up that says "autoexec.nt missing" when i ran it again the black screen came up, went away and then nothing happened. i'm using xp

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C:windowssystem32autoexec.nt - Suitable File

Aug 9, 2007

I keep getting this error mesage when trying to install some programs
C:windowssystem32autoexec.nt. the system file is not sutable for running ms-dos and microsoft windows applications. choose 'close' to terminate the application.

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Unable To Start PC .. SYSTEM File Missing.../Windows Could Not Start Because The Following File Is Missing Or Corrupt:

Feb 4, 2005

So my sister gets hold of a computer in the house and ruins it, and here is the dilemma I am facing: I turn on the computer and right away i come to this message....
Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:
Attempt to repair this file by starting Windows Setup using the Original CD-ROM. Select 'r' at the first screen to start repair.
So I enter the cd rom and press 'r' for repair, I choose C:windows, however before it can begin to repair it asks me for an 'Administration Password' which I have no idea of after many attempts.
I do not want to have to format the pc since I have some very important files on it. Any help is appreciated.

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Hal.dll File Missing From Computer Files

Sep 8, 2007

Hello again I just had to switch computers out so my husband could use mine and changed hard drives and noe the older one is saying that following file is missing or corrupt <Windows root>system32hal.dll. and I have put in my XP disk and cant get it to work to even try to repair I don't think I could even reinstall.

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Ierutil.dll File Is Missing From Computer Files

Aug 3, 2007

I received an automatic upgrade for IE 7 and proceeded with the installation. It malfunctioned so I removed it via Add/Remove programs & re-installed IE 6. Ever since, IE 6 is no longer funtional. When I try to do a System restore, I get error message "ierutil.dll file is missing...re-installing will fix this problem". I cannot access "Help and Support" due to this file being missing. In addition, the 'Backup' option is missing from System Tools. I am running Windows XP with SP2 and am currently using Mozilla Firefox as a web-browser. Has anyone experienced this and know how to re-install iertutil.dll? Please provide assistance if you are able.

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System Running Very Slow: Boot.ini Is Missing Or Corrupted?

Jul 6, 2006

just had a machine where the boot ini had been currpted so do a chkdsk /p then a fixboot in the recovery console and it came back fine. But now it boots soooooooooooooo slow about 1-2 mins but once up it is fine. It shuts down fina as well. Done all scans virus adaware etc so the machine is now clean. So how do I speed up the boot.

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Missing/corrupt File - Can't Boot - Need To Save Personal Files

Sep 26, 2005

I'm getting a WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM message all of a sudden!DESPERATELY need to copy some personal files somewhere before trying to restore / reformat

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Virus Attack On Root File: Getting Error Of Missing Files?

Mar 27, 2005

Due to lapse of sense at a particular moment on my part, my DELL Inspiron laptop was not protected when accessing the internet for a download. Windows XP is the operating system. When booting up, error message states that the following file is missing or corrupt: <Windows root>system32hal.dll Please reinstall a copy of the above file. I've tried numerous programs and software packages that "guarantee" results but none have accomplished anything except wasting my time and money.

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Config System File Missing Or Corrupted /system Wont Start OS?

Oct 14, 2007

The system can be restored by using the Startup CD and pressing R for recover, but I do not have any cd. The only one I have it the recover cd, but it is my understanding that if I use the recovery cd that I will erase everything from my computer and I can not do this.I tried to read the other threads about the same problem, but to be honest I do not understand them and I just do not have the startup cd - maybe it is the same as the recovery cd?

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System Wont Get To Startup / System File Missing Or Corrupted?

Dec 15, 2008

When I start the laptop, the first black screen loads, and then directly skips to an error message saying "Windows cannot start because the Windows/system32/ config/system file is either corrupt or missing." Then it prompts you to try to load Windows using the installation CD.which I do not have! Whoever's reading this, PLEASE please help me, the laptop's like, my life, and I haven't had the common sense to back up anything

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Multiple Files Running In System

Oct 6, 2005

I've been looking at some of the different processes currently running on my computer, and I recognize most of them. For those that I don't recognize, I usually Google them. Everything is fine, but I was just wondering if its normal to have multiple of the same process? For example, there are currently 5 SVCHOST.EXE's running, two in SYSTEM, two in NETWORK SERVICE, and one in LOCAL SERVICE.

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Running Check Disk Boot Up - Won't Run System File

Apr 10, 2006

Computer is suddenly running chk disk at bootup - anyone know why that would suddenly start to happen. I don't know how to even enable it - and really want to disable it. How do I do that? No errors are reported when it finishes. Also if I go to error checking when windows finally boots, it won't run because certain system files cannot be accessed.

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System Not Start Due To System Ced File Missing

Jan 14, 2006

I tried to start my computer and I suddenly received the following message:"Windows 2000 could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: WINNT/ SYSTEM32/CONFIG/SYSTEMced startup options for Windows, press F8." I'm not sure how to fix this problem. I have tried to press F8 --but nothing happens. I'm afraid a virus has destroyed the data on my hard drive.

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CD ROM System File Missing Or Corrupted

Sep 24, 2008

My CD ROM/DVD player recently stopped working on my Omitech computer. From My Computer - I can't see the drive anymore. In the device manager - it has a yellow exclamation mark on it. I tried updating the driver but the message was that the software was already the best match. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling but it says a file is missing or corrupt. I bought a new external CD ROM - but have the exact same problem with it. I went to Run and put in sfc /scannow and there were problems that maybe could be fixed - if only it could read the XP CD - then it could fix the CD ROM. But it can't read the CD because of the problem with the CD ROM. (a whole in my bucket story.) So - how can I fix the problem if it wants a CD to fix the problem but the CD ROM is not working to read the CD?

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Missing System File - SYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM

Mar 10, 2005

On startup this computer Windows (XP Pro) will not start because the file WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM is missing or corrupt. Is there a way to replace this file?

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Missing System 32 Files

Jul 5, 2005

Upon turning on the computer, we have been getting two different messages, not both at the same time. The first one was "can not find file ///cWINDOWS/System32/1KJddh8s.htm/" and the most recent "can not find file ///cWINDOWS/System32/4csuhtu0.html" What do these files do? How do we fix this?

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Wont Start Missing Or Corrupt File-Not Telling Which File Is Missing?

Dec 2, 2004

I have fixed this problem in the past in repair mode and i want to do the same with this, but, there is no filename at the end of the statement see below Windows could not start because the following file is corrupt or missing windowssystem32configsystem Can this be fixed in repair mode without having to be reformated or reimaged.

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Config/SYSTEM File Missing Or Corrupt?

Apr 8, 2007

I have encountered another problem!

Ok, so, my computer wouldn't boot up right? I had to repair the installation etc and activate Windows, which I did today. The just recently, I was in safe mode trying to fix the PC, and then it restarted, and now everytime I try to start it up, it says,

The file Windows...../config/SYSTEM is missing or corrupt and it says I have to repair Windows, using the disk.

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