Error - System File Is Not Suitable For Running MS-DOS
Apr 23, 2005
There are certain things on my computer that get a certain error message, one of them is a combat chess program on my control panel add/remove list that i cannot get rid of and this is the message i get
" C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32AUTOEXEC.NT. The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications. Choose 'Close' to terminate the application. "
In Win XP when I try to load all my older C.D. programmes, I get Error Message:- 16 Bit Windows Sub System. C/WindowsSystem 32Autoexec.N.T. The System File is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Windows Application. Close to terminate aplication. Having looked up other methods of resolving the problem I still can not get any results.
Trying to dowload and open a pattern book I bought online,everytime I try to open,it says C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32AUTOEXEC.NT. The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and microsoft applications.Choose close to terminate.I run Windows XP.
i try to install a program and i keep getting the message. "C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32AUTOEXEC.NT. The system file is not suitable fo rrunning MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications. Choose 'Close' to terminate the application." What can i do to install this program?
i have windows xp. when i put in certain games, and encyclopedia cds, i get a window that pops up and says: c:WINDOWSSYSTEM32AUTOEXEC.NT. the system file is not suitable for running ms-dos and microsoft windows applications. i have tried everything to get my stuff to work. a guy told me to go to the properties of the game, and set it to run compatability for 98, so i did. but it didnt work. i really need help fixing this, so i can get my encyclopedia working.
I'm getting a message: autoexec.nt the system file is not suitable for running ms-dos and microsoft windows applications.choose close to terminate the application. seems I'm missing these files:
config.nt autoexec.nt
I tried to recovery them off the recovery disk but they are not there either. is there someplace I can get these files? I went to microsoft.comsupport and tried to put them in through notepad like they said and it did'nt work, must be doing something wrong.
Computer is running way too slow.. switching to local intranet instead of internet and when i tried to run PCPitstop's diagnostics i got the following message: The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and microsoft windows applications.
I am running Windows XP with SP 2 and when I try to load certain software that use to run on an older PC with 98 SE I get a message saying 16 bit windows subsystem C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32AUTOEXEC.NT. The system file is not suitable for running MS_DOS and Microsoft Windows applications. Choose 'Close@ to terminate the application. What does this mean and is there a way round this as some of the software used to load and work okay on this PC but has been uninstalled but cannot now ne installed. This happens with a number of software packages.
I get the following message when I open windows xp and some programs don't work. C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32AUTOEXEC.NT. The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications. Choose 'Close' to terminate the application.
I open the cd drive (for one of the CDs), double click on setup.exe, and get the following annoying message:
"The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications. Choose 'Close' to terminate the application."
However, I also have the option of pressing ignore. When I do, it does the exact same thing as close So I really don't have a choice of opening the program. I really would like to use these CDs.
I have tried using the windows compatibilaty tool, but still the same thing happened. How should I get them to work? Also, old files I download from the internet also have this problem.
I have the same problem with some programs that I want to install in my pc. I receive this problem error message:C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32AUTOEXEC.NT the system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows Applications. Choose Close to terminate the operation. There are several softwares that I would like to install on my pc but I cant because of this error One is a game, the other one is a program I need ot make programs and the last one is a typing software.Is there a way that I can install them on my pc?
When I put in a CD Rom disk and I try to run a program there is an error window and it sais,"16 bit Windows Subsystem C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32AUTOEXEC.NT. The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications. Chose 'close' to terminate the application." Than there are two buttons Close and Ignore.When I click Ignore nothing happens.When I click Close nothing happens too.This only happens to a couple of my CD's, not all.They worked before but now they don't.
I keep getting this error mesage when trying to install some programs C:windowssystem32autoexec.nt. the system file is not sutable for running ms-dos and microsoft windows applications. choose 'close' to terminate the application.
Computer is suddenly running chk disk at bootup - anyone know why that would suddenly start to happen. I don't know how to even enable it - and really want to disable it. How do I do that? No errors are reported when it finishes. Also if I go to error checking when windows finally boots, it won't run because certain system files cannot be accessed.
I have a user with a home driectory that has created a folder with mutliple folders within it. I am not sure how far the direcroty goes, but I have counted to at least 26 directories deep. I cannot delete the parent folder in either explorer, or from the prompt. At the prompt I have tried RD foldername and it says, "Folder not empty". Tried del foldername*.* with no error and still cannot delete it.
I need to have a scheduled script running at certain time of the day to stop an application (File Maker Pro) from running; the backup the database and launch the application again. I know basics of command line scripting to re launch and do the copy of the data base. The only problem is to stop the application without damaging the database
I continue to get the same error everytime I try to install my HP Officejet 6500: An error occured during the installation of the device. The system cannot find the file specified
I turned on my computer and windows didn't start up. It didn't even go into post or anything. What came up was that there was a corrupted file. winntsystem32 configsystem. I know this means that that file is missing but I cannot fix it because I don't have my Windows XP CD nor do I have a Startup Disk so I could recover the register. What I have done was, got a BART CD and booted from it and windows loaded but I don't know how to fix or find the corrupted file.
A week after updating to most current Windows SP1critical updates (its only change I can think of) I happen to notice that I cannot run a disk error check, I am told that its a NTFS file system and Win cannot open volume for check. Also when I start computer I have to log on with my password every. I have tried to eliminate the password requirement to no avail. I cannot return to pre-update status with System Restore because its been a week and there is too much new data in the system. This is a free standing desktop PC. Can anyone help with these two things? I hope so as I do my error check regularly and find it frustrating to have to log on every time I restart .
Error 1321. The Installer has insufficient privileges to modify the file C:Program FilesCommon FilesJavaUpdateBase I'm using a Compaq 6470NX, running XP. I recently had to do a recovery and of course lost everything. I'm now trying to re-do stuff. I'm sure I'll have a lot more to ask. The error above came when trying to install a java runtime and I've gotten it for other things as well.
All of a sudden I cannot boot up my Toshiba laptop (2.3mhz pent4, 512 RAM, Windows XP Home with SP2). I get the error message "Windows XP could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:C:windowssystem32configsystem".By hitting the F8 key when starting I can get the start menu and I've tried booting into safe mode and I've tried "boot using last known good configuration" - but still get the same error message.
I am using your prscribed approach for attacking an error message: "Error Loading DOCEOC16B1". According to your directions I'm to send you the following notepad file from Hijack. I'm new to this so I'll leave this in your hands.
Best regards...rob graber
Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1
Scan saved at 12:44:21 PM, on 6/8/2005
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180)
I have Win XP Home Edition, my computer crashed last night and I had to re-install windows. I've been installing all my window updates but I keep getting an error for Service Pack 1. "The core system file (kernel) used to this computer is not a Microsoft Windows file." And Service Pack 2 has been trying to download to my D drive, which is an external hard drive.
PC wont boot up any more , it says there could be a currupt or missing file , it says its config system and says it might be able to repair the file using the install disc. i have a System Recovery CD-ROM
I usually backup my weeks work on Friday afternoons. What I do is run a "search" for all files created or modified within the last 7 days and then "copy" all relevant files to a folder on an external hard drive, and then burn a CD.
Everynow and then, I get the following message. "Cannot Copy File: Cannot Read From the Source File or Disk"
Im trying to run a batch file and I get the message "Windows cannot access the specified device,path or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item." All accounts on the machine are admin accounts. Is there a setting im missing that should be turned on? Ive also tried running the batch file on a Vista home premium machine and get the same message. I tried on a Win XP Pro machine and it worked fine.
i don`t think why the computer`s running slow again.. please check the HijackThis file...
Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.0 Scan saved at 2:32:39 PM, on 12/30/2004 Platform: Windows XP SP1 (WinNT 5.01.2600) MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP1 (6.00.2800.1106)
I just cleared off several spywares from my laptop (used SuperAntiSpyware and Smitfraudfix). Both worked without a hitch, but now I found 2 programs running in the background that are eating up my cpu speed. The first was utorrent which I uninstalled thru Add Remove Prog. The other is in the startup folder and will not let me turn it off or uninstal(documents&settings/user/applicationdata/microsoft/dtsc/22751). After reading several other posts on things to do before posting, I cleared the temp folders and ran hijackthis. The log is attached. What is this file and should I remove it, and if so how?
A friend gave me mccaffee firewall to put on my computer yesterday, add to my mccaffee security suite.It was an win rar file that I exracted and installed. Now, my machine is running funny.Dvds in media player are forced to close after only watching maybe 5 minutes of them.I got a message appologizing, but media player was going to have to closed.I followed the tabs to see what the error report said, and it sighted a file in my local/temp folder.I went and tried to delete the file, but it would not go, said it was being used by another program, though I had closed all open programs. In addition, the mccaffee extraction on my desktop will not delete, even after running msconfig and disabling all startup programs, restarting in safe, I still get a message saying that the files are being used by another program.