Ntoskrnl.exe Missing Or Corrupt / Recovery Console Wont Work?
Feb 8, 2007
I can open up the recovery console with my winxp disc, but not long enough to fix the problem. My computer will shut down.I originally thought that it might have been an overheating issue, but i ran Sandra and all temps came up under 40 cel. I can not seem to keep my computer booted long enough to fix anything. It will stay booted as long as it is on the choice option of the Windows XP cd to install, repair or exit.
i am, or was using windows xp. started getting the error message on startup - windows root>system32toskrnl.exe is missing/corrupt etc.so i put in the windows xp cd and went to recovery and i've tried most things people have suggested, copying/expanding the file etc. but i want to try everything one more time just to cross that of the list so if u can give me some suggestions ill try them so i can let u no wot happened.
This fault occurs on my brothers Win Xp machine, with the machine going round in the usual startup loop and never getting to windows. When booting from the XP cd, he can't use the recovery utility, because he can't remember the Administrators password.On one occassion in the recovery utility, we somehow managed to start windows (really don't know how, because it hasn't worked since).
I learned here that it might be a keyboard issue, replaced it with one known to be good and it didn't work. After some more fumbling around looking for a solution, I unplugged the HDD and plugged in the other HDD I have on the system with a separate installation of Win XP Pro and got the exact same error, even though I know for a fact it was working the last time I had it plugged in and it has not been plugged in since then.
I have a system that operates on Windows NT 4.0 Workstation.It's a fairly old computer, more than 5 years. During the night the fan in the powersupply stopped working, so the computer over heated. When I came to work in the morning it had the blue death screen of gibberish.I rebooted and it doesn't go through the whole boot up sequence but gives the following message:Windows NT could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: <winnt root>system32 toskrnl.exe Please re-install a copy of the above file.
I've got a Dell Latitude C840 that boots to an error message as follows, "Windows2000 could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: Windows2000 RootSystem32 toskrnl.exe. Please reinstall a copy.". I do not have an ERD. I tried booting off the Dell Recovery CD and got to a Recovery Consel DOS Prompt and tried running CHKDSK with the /R and the /F,
[I cannot boot up my server. After the boot loader phase, the server stops in the kernel load phase and issues the following error message: Windows 2000 could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: <windows 2000 root>system32 toskrnl.exe I do not have any ERD (Emergency Rescue Disks) and when I use the original Windows Server CD, I got to the Recovery Console but wont work
I have one week before I head back to Iraq for another 6 months and my laptop is the only thing that has kept me saine. I tried to turn it on yesterday and It would only go to the black screen that has the start options,(safe mode, safe mode with networking,S/M with command promt,Last known config,start normally no matter what I choose it comes back with windowssystemNtoskrnl.exe missing/corrupt.
Hi. Stuck my friend's hdd into my computer to backup his files to dvd. Took his hdd out, and I can't boot to win 2k. I get an error saying ntoskrnl.exe is corrupt or missing, please reinstall. I plug his hdd back in and there's no problem.
what i would like is a step by step of how to repair this problem i have tryed copying this file from the xp disk to copy ntoskrnl.exe as follows e:where e is my cd drive e: copy e:i386toskrnl.exe c:windowssystem32 and it tells me file cant be found but when i do a dir e:i386 it gives me the file.
I have had my Dell computer for about a month. When I boot up I get a message saying that I can't boot up because <windows root> System32NTOSKRNL.EXE is missing or corrupt. I get the same thing for system32DRIVERS NTFS.SYS.
I have a computer that has Hal.dll missing. Can this be fixed through the recovery console? I think it can but I don't remember how. A Wipe/install isnt the best option here.
when i'm going to this Repair Console in Win XP, booting from cd, pressing "r" and so on always comes that win setup could not be loaded because cdrom.sys or any other thing could not be loaded from cd. CD is clean and do not have any errors, cant even make new installation. Tested it on other pc there it goes, and tested other win XP Pro version on this PC it stopped. Booting with Kanotix a modified KNOPPIX boot without problems, so cd device has no errors, i think What can i do? Can i do anything? or is formating and reinstall because setup cant be loaded is the only solution??
My question is regarding the recovery console available on Compaq machines. Is there a similar program to the Compaq recovery console that allows for the home user to install and back up their systems in a nearly identical manner as to how to Compaq R.C. works?
Hoping to avoid a full reinstall of Windows XP, I'd like to try some repair procedures. The problem is, when I launch my "Vaio PCV-RS430G" recovery disc it goes straight to Sony's proprietary recovery interface which provides ONLY the preset option to wipe my 'c' drive and reinstall Windows. According to some MS articles I've read, an XP recovery disc should allow me to access the Windows Recovery Console (by typing "R" at the welcome screen). Can anyone suggest how I can bypass the Sony recovery and get to the Windows Recovery Console?
Well I seem to have encountered a problem numerous other people have encountered and well im rather desperate to fix it though i must list 2 important details
1. I have a HP- Pavilion Windows XP mediacenter edition. 2. My recovery mode does not work and my computer never came with a recovery disc of any sort (grrrr stupid idea to put the recovery on the computer IMO) 3. I have little money to spend as of right now. Buying a new computer not an option and buying a new windows operating system is MAYBE a option but one ide like to avoid. 4. Im more curious as to how i should tackle this. Ive read up on a few sites found a site that gives a bootable disc containing the NTLDR file ( I dont know a whole lot about this stuff)
This is all just very aggrivating for me. My computer works and runs better than most new computers despite bieng 4 years old. This is the first issue ive had with it in awhile other than my recovery not working due to a error about a hive file not working ( i figured ide make a seperate thread if i choose to worry about this issue but if some one finds this to be a important detail please do tell me) Also ive looked into purchasing the spotmau disc for it 'adervtises' it is able to fix this problem. How reliable they are i am not sure of how ever.
Norton ghost Image.Well i have been successfully creating images for IBM,DELL and other PC's and restoring them as well using Norton ghost 2003.I have been assigned to create a new Image for MSI type.I have successfully created the image using Norton ghost 2003 after Syspreping the machine..Well when i restore the image everything goes fine and the image is successfully restored,but when i start the pc,it give me a message"Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt NTOSKRNL.EXE
Trying to recover my registry from being corrupted. I am in Windows XP Pro recovery console. But when I try At the Recovery Console command prompt, type the following lines, pressing ENTER after you type each line: md tmp copy c:windowssystem32 configsystem c:windows mpsystem.bak. It says I cannot copy the file. The file cannot be copied.
When booting up the laptop with win xp pro sp2, we first get the message hal.dll missing and then if enter past that we then get ntoskrnl.exe missing. Nothing has been uninstalled and the last thing to be installed was adobe. The only things ran recently was microsoft spyware and mcafee virus scanner and now it will not boot at all without these 2 files.
I need to get into the reocovery console to fix my master boot record but when it askes for my admin password, i enter what it should be but it doesnt work, ive tried leaving it blank and tried other passwords, and nothing. is there a way around the password fto run fixboot and fixmbr?
My problem is (to cut a long story short) that I have some dodgy .dll files, messing up my computer (XP) and preventing me from installing anything (not fun when the my computer fixer guy has reinstalled windows, failed to fix it, charged me fifty quid for the privelege, and left me with next to no software on it - not even word).i bought a very informative xp troubleshooting manual yesterday, and i can see my only option is to replace the files using the windows recovery console (I cant replaced them from within windows as its always using them).However, when I try to access the recovery console (in the manner advocated by my book, windows help, and numerous internet pages), by booting up from my recovery cds, and pressing R, i get taken to system recovery, a user friendly interface displaying 3 options for reformatting the whole system, and nothing else. this is obviously not the command prompt interface for the recovery console that i was expecting to be faced with.
I am trying to access the windows recovery console on the xp setup disk.However when I boot up the windows setup disk, it loads the files and goes straight to the menu where I have to choose which partition to install XP on.How do I get into the recovery console?The reason I am using recovery is because I have got a Error Message: Windows Could Not Start Because the Following File Is Missing or Corrupt: WinntSystem32ConfigSystem, when starting up the computer.
I have tried to use the Repair in the Windows recovery console, but everything says when you get to /windows, you enter your password yada yada yada.In the recovery console, under repair, I only have C:/>, there is no C:/>Windows at all.I ran fixboot anyway, now I am getting a NTLDR is missing message when I try to start. Before all of this I was stuck trying to boot up and it would not even let me into safe mode.
There was a thread {and I can't remember where or when} that someone posted a way to get recovery console for xp home edition,OEM. Anybody know about this? I'm still searching but can't find it again.Don't ask! I just didn't save it! Why I don't know! So there!
I'm running XP Pro on a standard ASUS-based PC, and I cannot get the Recovery Console to start up properly. It gets as far as allowing me to enter my password, but then reverts to a C prompt. It won't accept my password, whether I enter it in uppercase, lowercase or mized. I tried changed the password to something new and that didn't work, either.
The recovery console is a very useful application for getting to your data without having to boot XP. If a registry error due to hard disk corruption prevents you from booting XP even in Safe Mode, then it may be the only way.The recovery console is accessible from the XP CD if you boot from disc. If your CD is damaged, however, you may have no way of booting your system without reformatting the hard drive. This means data loss. Data loss tends to create distress esp. if you have no backups.Here is a way to make the recovery console an option in the Windows XP "OS Choices" menu. Do this before an inevitable registry corruption.1. Insert your Windows XP CD.2. Run {CD-ROM drive letter}:i386winnt32.exe /cmdcons3. A dialog comes up saying it takes 10mb, etc., etc. Click yes to install.If you don't normally see the OS choices menu at boot, go into system properties (winkey+pause), click the advanced tab, and xlixk Startup and Recovery. Check Time to Display List of OSs if it is unchecked, and then set the timeout value to a decent number of seconds.Apply the settings, reboot, and you should see two boot options.Here are some KB articles on how to use the recovery console and how to recover from a corrupted
I got the following message upon booting my pc.STOP: c000021a {Fatal System Error}Te Session Manager Initialization system process terminated unexpectedly with a status of 0xc0000022 (0x000000000 0x00000000).The System has been shut down.The day before I did a windows update.I can not boot into windows.. Not even Safe Mode or dos prompt.