Massive Lags, Error Msgs, System Errors, Dlls Registry Errors
Dec 4, 2004
When I start the computer, I get a screen freeze and have to press Ctrl,Alt,Del once before any programs will startup. A lot of probs with internet connection and slowness while surfing as well as a lot of pop up ads in my face.
There are system boxes coming up with registry and dll errors and the whole system seems SLOW.
I am a new user of xp, I m gatting a message that there are registry errors and i should fix these, it also tells that message is from system to alert. I think it is fake and should i ignore it and how can i stop message alert appear again and again.
I have a brand-new computer, put together by a relative with almost all new parts. It's running Windows XP. Occasionally it crashes, sometimes I get error messages about the registry, and every once in a while the clock is wrong. I understand a bit about stop errors (because of Microsoft's nice error-reporting service) but I don't know how to find out what is causing them. Something about a driver, but how do I know which driver?
The computer seems to crash randomly, not with any discernable pattern or regularity.I suspect there's something wrong with the DVD player- music sometimes skips if I'm playing from a CD, and once the computer crashed while I was playing a large video file. Then again, I've played DVDs with no problem quite a few times and I've always been able to copy and burn. When the computer blue-screens, it shuts down before I can read any of it.
The family computer is playing up and to the best of my knowledge the computer in question just simply suddenly stopped working as it should. I am unable to get the 'default' welcome screen upon start up and am getting the logon box where you type in a username and passworld. I know how to get rid of this, user accounts>enable welcome screen - but it will not solve the problem.This is just the start of the problems. I get a whole host of errors which popup one after another.
I am being shown "script error","page error, you may need to change browser settings",and "behind firewall" when I try and send files and photos. I've tried everything I know to fix this, but I still see these errors and still cannot send photos while I'm online.
Registry Mechanic just found 800 bad stuff on my pc. It cant delete them all because it needs to be registered and I dont know what to do about the stuff it can delete
when I close AOL.Everytime I tried to close it I would get the error message "76-APQM Not enough disk space". Their techs first answer was that the artwork database was damaged.After following their techs instructions on how to clear the artwork. I still had the error message. They told me since I am still getting the error message, my only option is to reinstall. After reinstalling AOL I still have the error message when I close AOL.
my computer keeps restarting over and over again and doesnt turn on properly. if i am lucky enough to actually get my computer to turn on and load windows and try to open programs using task manager i get msgs like...."one of the files containing the system data had to be recovered by use of a log or alternate copy. the recovery was successful" , " winlogon - entry point not found - the procedure entry poin SetErrnMode could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll." "lsass.exe - Not Found -
I have been doing a Windows LiveCare Safety Scanner and it is bringing these errors up how please do I get rid of them.I am a total novice so be gentle with me.I have Windows Home Edition 2000 and it is a Toshiba Laptop
A few days ago I started getting registry problems, applications not wanting to startup right and ect. Then it was followed by shortcuts crapping out on me. When I clicked on the shortcut to see what was wrong it said there was a .LNKtx problem with the .exe or somethign to that notion. I can bypass that problem fairly easily without a fix, however when I do that and load somethign such as a game it will cause the CPU to either a) shutdown program or b) make cpu crash and restart.
A box came up with C:Windows askmgr.exe in the title bar and the text said, "Windows cannot access the specified device, path or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access them" I clicked OK and a second box came up. It had DESKTOP in the title bar and the text said "Could not load or run c: . Make sure the file exists on your computer or remove the reference to it in the registry." I clicked OK and things seemed to work.
I use the free version of Grisoft's AVG so I ran a scan and it found 3 items, one of which was taskmgr.exe infected with Trojan horse SHeur.NOZ. It said it fixed them so I rebooted. The other 2 were svchost.exe and svchost_tmp.exe also infected by SHeur.QCZ
I have windows XP home edition SP2.The system restore has gone caput. I found the other day that my Palm address book was empty have no idea how or why this happened so I did system restore and miracle it all came back. Today I found that my microphone wasn't working, nothing was muted so again I did system restore and magic microphone restored however cannot now access the Palm address book, message says it is not configured correctly so I tried System restore again and it just won't accept any of thedates offered, that is it goes thro' the motions and then says unable to restore. The dates won't move any further back than the beginning of March I am in despair as I don't have the address book backed up. The hand held Palm is very old and I don't use it just find it useful to have the info on the PC.
I recently purchased a new Hard Drive from Western Digital. It's an Internal 500Gb, and its been running so-so. It's sort of loud, mainly as it sort of vibrates the case of the computer (I have one panel off as the cord im using wont fit). Aside from that ive had no problems.What I'm worried about though, are these STOP errors that occasionally pop up Quote: "MEMORY MANAGEMENT - STOP 0x0000001A (0x00041284, 0x0E586001, 0x000015BC, 0xC0883000)" I know that ...0014a has something to do with memory or RAM, and that 0x00041284 is "0x41284A PTE or the working set list is corrupted." according to MSDN.
I have a Pentium 4 with 480mb of RAM. My problem started about month ago. I would hear a click sound coming from the box and shortly thereafter it would freeze. The three finger salute "Cnt Alt Del" did nothing and I would have to turn off the machine and start again. Sometimes it would boot up OK, then others I would get weird messages..
I have an XPS 400 Dell computer XP Media Center Operating System. Recently my son added modzilla to our computer. In doing so he deleted internet explorer. The computer was running sluggish so I went back to a later restore date. When the computer came back up after restore only my husband and my profile were shown. while signing into my profile i get the following error message:
EXPLORER.EXE - Unable to locate component This application has failed to start because WININET.dll was not found. re-installing the app may fix the problem.
what do i do to get this back? There are no icons or start menue on my deskdop just my background. I can view files if i go to task manager but nothing else can be done. I know very little about computers and I need help very stressed. My kids need a computer for school.
I'm working on a Compaq Deskpro EN500 running Windows XP Professional SP2 (with all patches and updates), current antivirus and antispyware, and firewall. The system was working fine, user was online browsing the web when the system froze. The mouse froze, etc. Start button could not be accessed. The user shut down the system with the power button. When he turned it back on, he was greeted with the standard Microsoft 'an error has occured' screen' and given the choices of Safe Mode
Safe Mode with Networking Safe Mode with Command Prompt Last Known Good Start Windows Normally
When I choose any of these, I can get as far as the Windows XP splash screen and then the system seizes. I can get into the Windows Recovery Console. I have run a CHKDSK /P /R and a FIXBOOT. CHKDSK returns no errors. I'm not sure what to try next short of a rebuild.
i am trying to install winxp on my wifes older it is older but it does meet all of the winxp hardware requirements for installation....3 times now it has seemed like it was going to take the installation but I keep getting different stop errors....the 3 I have gotten so far are 0x00000024; 0x000000D1; 0x0000008E .....does anyone know what is going on so i can install winxp already.
I have just installed a new Seagate SATA 200GB hard drive (ST3200822AS) and partitioned and formatted it with Partition Magic 8.0 into 3 separate logical partitions. The partitions have a cluster size of 8K and are under the NTFS 3.1 (Windows XP) file system.
I have just installed a new Seagate SATA 200GB hard drive (ST3200822AS) and partitioned and formatted it with Partition Magic 8.0 into 3 separate logical partitions. The partitions have a cluster size of 8K and are under the NTFS 3.1 (Windows XP) file system.
Why do people spend $200-$600 on a single piece of hardware (such as a graphics card, processor, or monitor), spend upward of 1 to 4 thousand for the entire hardware collection, and then pirate a copy of Windows XP Home that only costs like $100 for an OEM version if you don't even feel like shopping around for a good deal on it?I don't get it!What good is all of that hardware without any software to run it?And why to people whine about how bad Windows is, but then pirate it instead of running Linux? I mean if M$ software is so awful, then why use their software?
My old m/b got fried, so i changed to another m/b and used the same hd for it, and i reinstalled windows XP after deleting the previous, but now when i'm trying to access a folder or file, i get this error "Document may be write protected or encrypted", i really need to open this file, how can i overcome this error?
System automatically restarts, if i disable restarts.Blue screen appears and informing to check for harddisk errors by run-chkdsk /f.But still i cannot clear my problem because check disk is not working when system restarts.
I hope some one out there able to help me. Everytime i run program, an error pops up>> ___.exe has generated some errors and will be closed by windows. You will need to restart the program. An error log is created.
Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1
Scan saved at 10:53:33 PM, on 8/16/2005
Platform: Windows 2000 SP4 (WinNT 5.00.2195)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP1 (6.00.2800.1106)
.dll errors. Not a single one in particular. Random ones. Two today were mshtml.dll and ietutil.dll. Microsoft has some, but not for an XP computer. I do not know anymore if it is a service pack 2 or 3 since my brother in law took our Compaq computer and made one on his own with old and new parts. What are .dll and why do these errors keep popping up.
When SP3 first came out, I jumped at the opportunity to update my perfectly running smooth computer with SP3 for windows. As soon as I did install SP3, nothing seemed to work correctly anymore and I had to end up reformatting my computer. It destroyed my perfectly good up to date computer. Yes I have a genuine copy of Windows XP if that's what you were about to say. So my question is, did anyone else every have a problem with SP3, are their known issues, and should I risk installing it again? I have always believed in if its not broke, then dont fix it. Well, sometimes my high hopes and curiosity of updating will improve performance from what it already is, gets me in trouble sometimes. Let me know guys. I will hold off for a bit.
I am running Win 2000. My computer will restart (no hanging even, just turn off and back on) while I'm looking at flash media on the net, using photo/art programs, or viewing a word document with pictures in it. Mostly media related things. It also crashes for running defrag or disk cleanup.
When it restarts it's a blue screen stop error. I don't recall what it said exactly, but it's not difficult to get it back. If I keep restarting, I'll keep getting that error. If I wait a minute or so and then restart, it'll come on correctly.
Win 2000 is on D and Win 98 is on C. When 2000 crashes it does something to C because then 98 won't start untill 2000 comes on and repairs the C drive. But now 98 won't come on at all. If I turn on 98 I get an error, so then I'll try 2000 but it won't start for a while after 98 crashes. I don't see why crashes on D affect C and vice versa.
That probably wasn't enough to tell what's wrong.what I should do?
The procedure entry point DdEntry1 could not be located in the dynamic link library GDI32.dll
That's the error message I'm getting. I get it from the ATI and XFire. Also, I can't play certain games anymore, because they are prompting me to download dx9.0c