New Hard Drive Causing System Stop Errors?
Aug 8, 2005
I have just installed a new Seagate SATA 200GB hard drive (ST3200822AS) and partitioned and formatted it with Partition Magic 8.0 into 3 separate logical
partitions. The partitions have a cluster size of 8K and are under the NTFS 3.1 (Windows XP) file system.
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Aug 9, 2005
I have just installed a new Seagate SATA 200GB hard drive (ST3200822AS) and partitioned and formatted it with Partition Magic 8.0 into 3 separate logical
partitions. The partitions have a cluster size of 8K and are under the NTFS 3.1 (Windows XP) file system.
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Oct 1, 2008
i have 2 hard drives in my system h/d 1 is 40 gb and holds windows xp and few applications, h/d 2 is 15 gb and holds all my games. i am going to ureplace h/d 2 with a larger h/d (80 gb), my question is can i copy my games over to the new hard drive and remove h/d 2 without causing system problems/comflicts or should i just uninstall my games and reinstall them onto my new h/d (80 gb).
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Feb 28, 2010
I have an XPS 400 Dell computer XP Media Center Operating System. Recently my son added modzilla to our computer. In doing so he deleted internet explorer. The computer was running sluggish so I went back to a later restore date. When the computer came back up after restore only my husband and my profile were shown. while signing into my profile i get the following error message:
EXPLORER.EXE - Unable to locate component
This application has failed to start because
WININET.dll was not found. re-installing the app may fix the problem.
what do i do to get this back? There are no icons or start menue on my deskdop just my background. I can view files if i go to task manager but nothing else can be done. I know very little about computers and I need help very stressed. My kids need a computer for school.
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Apr 21, 2009
I have windows XP, and a dell insiprion 6000. The last three times I have ran a defraged my hard drive it has become bad. After running my computer would act normal untill i shut it off, then windows xp would not load again. I get a blank screen with a blinking dash in the top left of the screen. They have been under replaced for free by seagate so i am wondering. Have i had bad luck with hard drives or could there be a problem with other parts of my computer?
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Dec 6, 2008
I recently purchased a new Hard Drive from Western Digital. It's an Internal 500Gb, and its been running so-so. It's sort of loud, mainly as it sort of vibrates the case of the computer (I have one panel off as the cord im using wont fit). Aside from that ive had no problems.What I'm worried about though, are these STOP errors that occasionally pop up Quote: "MEMORY MANAGEMENT - STOP 0x0000001A (0x00041284, 0x0E586001, 0x000015BC, 0xC0883000)" I know that ...0014a has something to do with memory or RAM, and that 0x00041284 is "0x41284A PTE or the working set list is corrupted." according to MSDN.
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Aug 27, 2008
i am trying to install winxp on my wifes older it is older but it does meet all of the winxp hardware requirements for installation....3 times now it has seemed like it was going to take the installation but I keep getting different stop errors....the 3 I have gotten so far are 0x00000024; 0x000000D1; 0x0000008E .....does anyone know what is going on so i can install winxp already.
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Jun 5, 2005
My computer has recently been freezing quite a bit. I have re-installed the op sys win2k prof. and it still does this. I have learned to live with the freezing not a big deal i just re-start often. Anyway today it really started acting up. I get to the login screen type in my password and it loads the desktop but before i can click on anything it gives me an error message saying that explorer has caused an error and will be closed and must be re-started, then it says generating error log. At this point i click ok and there is nothing on the desktop and there is no start bar. The only button combo that works is ctrl alt del. I have tried to boot into safe mode and it does the same thing. Today i had just finished installing new updates from microsoft and it froze right after doing this so i just had to do a hard re-start could this have screwed up the op sys??
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Jan 31, 2006
I have a plain, blank screensaver enabled that is passworded. My roommates complain that when I leave and this screensaver becomes enabled, their internet stops working. We have cable internet and network through a simple router. My question is - is this really the case? Would my screensaver really cause their internet to slowdown/stop?? This is what they claim and it's beginning to get on my nerves.
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Feb 19, 2008
I got a new system assembled a month back and after 15 days the stop error began to happen (this was after my bro tried to transfer files from his iPod & it didn't happen). I looked up a lot of forums but didn't find this one and couldn't figure out what the problem might be. Restored system, disabled services, but nothing worked. Finally I got the C: drive formatted and Win XP SP2 reinstalled. Didn't install unnecessary/extra software this time. But I found this site a day before getting it formatted, so saved the last 5 minidump files. And the day after the reinstallation, it has started happening again. The first time it was the bcmndis.sys file -- Airtel Beetel 220bx modem -- connected with the USB; couldn't find another driver for it online.
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Apr 27, 2007
*** STOP: 0X00000024 (0X00190203, 0X82ECA898, 0X0000102, 0X00000000) This is the blue screen i get when i disable restart on errors. For what ever reason i cannot access this Hard Drive. Bios loads properly and detects everything it needs too. Just after the bios i get a chioce window that says your computer stoped responding for what ever reason, blah blah blah. It allows me 5 choice, safemode, safemode networking, safemode cmd, last known good config and normally. If i choose any of them then immediatly hit F8 i get the rest of the options for boot up. Every choice ends the same way froim debug mode to safe mode. After you make your selection you get to the windows loading screen. About 2-3 seconds into it the computer goes into a rolling restart mode............
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Jun 21, 2007
Multiple computers blue screen on him lately. the 4th BSoD-laden computer, but it's got me and the Sys Admin pretty stumped, so maybe I can find an answer here. The computer is a CSI brand with AMD Athlon XP proc & Windows XP. The problem hdd is a WD 400, and we also have another working WD 400 in another computer that I'll mention later. Both have Windows XP Pro SP2 installed and were originally in separate computers (each was the only harddrive in its comp originally.
Trying to start a computer with the problem WD 400 alone results in a blue screen error right after the windows screen (if I remember's not long after the hdd, etc is recognized anyways), and gives the STOP error 0x00000024, and mentions some problems with the NTFS. I found that the ..24 STOP error has to do with the NTFS.sys file, but that doesn't help me much. The computer does not let me do anything after this BSoD error, and upon restart, I just get the same error, no matter which Safe/etc mode I doesnt load into any of the modes.
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Nov 6, 2009
I want to downgrade the factory loaded Vista to XP pro on my Acer Aspire M5640 desktop. I found some detailed instructions on line for doing this, but I don't get very far before I get a blue screen error message while the computer is in the process of booting up from the XP disk and loading the files while in windows set-up mode. It reads as follows: "A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.
"If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen, restart your computer. If this screen appears again, follow these steps: "Check for viruses on your computer. Remove any newly installed hard drives or hard drive controllers. Check your hard drive to make sure it is properly configured and terminated. Run CHKDSK /F to check for hard drive corruption, and then restart your computer. Technical information: STOP: 0x0000007B (0xF78D6524, 0xC0000034, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)
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Oct 19, 2007
having my laptop returned from service I found my Bios messed with where when I would start my computer but Bios wouldn't find my hard drive or an OS I found that my system was set to RAID instead of ATA. After resetting it back to ATA it boots up fine. However I wanted to reformat and start clean.I placed my XP disk in, reset my BIOS to read my optical drive first and no problems.However every time I get to partition drive all I see is "Unknown Device" If I press any key I get a blue screen of death. Most times it's the 0X0000008E.
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Oct 26, 2006
I have a laptop, and a file named 1.tmp has appeared (how or why I do not know) in my c/windows/system32 folder that throws up an error message window saying it cannot find the program to run the tmp file, and that appears on my screen every time I log on.So; I thought I could simply go into the sys32 folder and delete the 1.tmp file by putting it in the trash can, as it obviously does not belong there.BUT it will not let me, if I try I get an error message telling me I do not have access or the disc is full even when I use the administrator level so now I am completely at a loss and I do not understand.
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Jul 30, 2005
My computer seems to work fine except when I try to do a copy in Casper XP to backup my hard drive to external HD. I also got this stop code last night when trying to do a disk check to correct errors. Stop 0X0000000A (0X00000188, 0X000000FF, 0X00000000, 0X804E35E9). I have located online page for stop 0X0000000A codes which states could be driver problem... that last one parimeter 4 -- 804E35E9 how/where would I
find out which/if this is associated to a particular driver so I can possibly correct it?
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Mar 15, 2005
I am running Win 2000. My computer will restart (no hanging even, just turn off and back on) while I'm looking at flash media on the net, using photo/art programs, or viewing a word document with pictures in it. Mostly media related things. It also crashes for running defrag or disk cleanup.
When it restarts it's a blue screen stop error. I don't recall what it said exactly, but it's not difficult to get it back. If I keep restarting, I'll keep getting that error. If I wait a minute or so and then restart, it'll come on correctly.
Win 2000 is on D and Win 98 is on C. When 2000 crashes it does something to C because then 98 won't start untill 2000 comes on and repairs the C drive. But now 98 won't come on at all. If I turn on 98 I get an error, so then I'll try 2000 but it won't start for a while after 98 crashes. I don't see why crashes on D affect C and vice versa.
That probably wasn't enough to tell what's wrong.what I should do?
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Feb 18, 2008
I keep getting this stop error on windows boot that says IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL. From what I can find on the net its a driver that is causing this. I'd like to find what driver so I can fix it. Every now and then the machine boots so I can actually use the computer. I just need a way of identifying which driver it is.
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Sep 11, 2007
This is very mysterious. The very first time each day I start up my XP machine, it boots fine. After that first boot, whenever I boot again, there's a 75% chance the boot will fail with the following message:"STOP: c0000221 Uknown Hard Error SYSTEMROOTSYSTEM32 tdll.dll"
Of course, that means that there's a 25% chance it'll boot fine! If after it fails I keep on trying and trying, eventually it'll boot perfectly again.How can this be? Either there's something wrong with "SYSTEMROOTSYSTEM32.
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Sep 26, 2006
for the past week I have been recieving problems with my computer. the problems started coming up at September 14th 2006 and I went to alot of forums to reasearch and I have discovered these crashes. these are in Hex numbers but these were recorded from the event Viewr Program in XP. they are all in order.
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Apr 30, 2005
I have searched for an answer to my problem but have not been able to fix it. My pc restarts when I try to shut down and every time I get this stop error: stop error 0x0000008E (0X0000005, 0X8062A21D, 0XF77A7A50, 0X00000000) It also does a scan disk check every time I restart also. And it will not defrag.I have rolled back some drivers that I updated but that did not help. I have win xp and I have current antivirus and spyware programs.
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Nov 5, 2008
I've been having some issues with the DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL_TO_ZERO (0x000000d1) as well as IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL (0x0000000A)and STOP: 0x1000008e and 0x1000007f.I'm crashing only while playing games. The crashes seem to occur more often if I'm playing a game while running something else such as streaming a podcast. The crashes are also occuring with greater frequency with each day that passes. I reformatted after these started happening, and i replaced my RAM as well, as that seemed the most likely culprit.
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Nov 25, 2006
Trying to reinstall windows with no luck! Boot from cd, get to "enter to install windows" screen and as soon as you press enter the message "inspecting drive etc etc" at the bottom flashes, then it bsods with the stop 0x0000008e please, no cries of "oh thats a well known bug! check your ram!" i am aware
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Jun 23, 2010
How do I get rid or stop these unresponsive script errors?
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Nov 18, 2008
Many times I am helping people with problems with blue screens and I can gt to the STOP error code but there is no other computer in the house where I could look up the meaning of the code. Is there somewhere that I can find a list of STOP errors that I could print out and take with me?
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Aug 4, 2008
I began getting intermittent STOP errors while gaming. Never when surfing the net. After 2 weeks of driver switching and virus scans and too many safe mode boots to count I was convinced it was my RAM going bad, Ran memtest86 and after 29 passes all looks good, So continued playing and dealing with the crashes Sometimes programs would just crash, other times I would get a BSOD and be forced to re-boot. All these BSOD's gave a different file listed. I thought it was just a bad windows instillation
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Dec 4, 2004
When I start the computer, I get a screen freeze and have to press Ctrl,Alt,Del once before any programs will startup. A lot of probs with internet connection and slowness while surfing as well as a lot of pop up ads in my face.
There are system boxes coming up with registry and dll errors and the whole system seems SLOW.
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Jul 5, 2005
I have something causing a bad memory leak, completely fills my C drive usually overnight, every single byte. Is strange because I cant find a single file large enough. Have over 6 Gig space after a reboot, 0 bytes after about 24 - 36 hours, then back to 6 Gig after a reboot. Checked the windows page file and that's not at 6 gig when my HD is full.Virus scan and usual spyware cleaners come up clean.
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Dec 23, 2005
I built a pc back in Apr 2005 and it has been a nightmare from the 1st day. Ive reformatted twice only to encounter the same problems. BLUE SCREEN CRASHES AND STOP ERRORS. This occurs during every single task I attempt. I am not even able to run a virus scan without it crashing. There are a few yellow ?? in the system device menu box thingy but the drivers wont install. It seems that every blue screen crash has a different code and always end with system dump.
I was able to use ad-aware SE to remove the spyware garbage but it didnt help. I did a chkdsk /f and there were many, many bad sectors on the hard drive a majority of them are system32/dll (upside down LL) Cache dll (again upside down LL)files, I ran the scan several times and each time many many bad sectors were found from what I can tell new bad sectors with each scan. What does this mean.
No matter what program I try to use about 5 minutes into it the pc will blue screen crash. It doesnt matter what its is looking at the system device manager, trying to update drivers. I everything I do CRASHES.I cant even get my important data off of the pc & onto a cd without it crashing. I dont know what to do. I can download something on a different pc test to ensure its working right then put it on this pc and I get a message saying that some file is corrupt or it will crash. It doesnt matter what it is a few minutes into it the system crashes. Even when try to run software of the mobo cd still crashes I tested the memory and 1 test program says it passed and another test program says it failed.
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Apr 22, 2007
I'm having "Stop Errors" and frequent shut downs that I can't resolve
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Aug 21, 2007
My mom was on my computer this afternoon and there was a power surge. When the power came back on, the computer would not come back on. When I booted my computer up this evening, everything was fine until midway into the startup sequence and I closed Yahoo! Messenger. Right after I did that I got the BSOD (BAD_POOL_HEADER) and the Stop errors at 0x00000019, (0x00000020, 0xE2B9E8F0, 0xE2B9E918, 0x0C050801). After restart, I tried to load HJT and I got an Explorer.EXE Application Error: The instruction at 0x7c91142e referenced memory at 0x00650072. The memory could not be read.
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