System Crashing Occasionally: Getting Errors For Registry?

Feb 7, 2006

I have a brand-new computer, put together by a relative with almost all new parts. It's running Windows XP. Occasionally it crashes, sometimes I get error messages about the registry, and every once in a while the clock is wrong. I understand a bit about stop errors (because of Microsoft's nice error-reporting service) but I don't know how to find out what is causing them. Something about a driver, but how do I know which driver?

The computer seems to crash randomly, not with any discernable pattern or regularity.I suspect there's something wrong with the DVD player- music sometimes skips if I'm playing from a CD, and once the computer crashed while I was playing a large video file. Then again, I've played DVDs with no problem quite a few times and I've always been able to copy and burn. When the computer blue-screens, it shuts down before I can read any of it.

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Massive Lags, Error Msgs, System Errors, Dlls Registry Errors

Dec 4, 2004

When I start the computer, I get a screen freeze and have to press Ctrl,Alt,Del once before any programs will startup. A lot of probs with internet connection and slowness while surfing as well as a lot of pop up ads in my face.

There are system boxes coming up with registry and dll errors and the whole system seems SLOW.

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Message Of Registry Errors From System To Alert?

Jul 9, 2005

I am a new user of xp, I m gatting a message that there are registry errors and i should fix these, it also tells that message is from system to alert. I
think it is fake and should i ignore it and how can i stop message alert appear again and again.

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Ntdll.dll Errors, Crashing

Apr 17, 2005

I've been experiencing random crashes of Explorer.exe, and when looking at the Application window of the Event Viewer it details this:

Faulting application explorer.exe, version 6.0.2800.1106, faulting module ntdll.dll, version 5.1.2600.1106, fault address 0x00001d24.

I searched around the internet and found no real answer, there's some solutions which require using the Data Execution Prevention tab with SP2, and adding explorer.exe to the list. I plan to try this, but I was wondering, would replacing ntdll.dll with another computer's possibly fix the problem? It's been an annoyance now for a month, and I've ran every virus scan, every spyware/malware/ware-ness program known to man, to no avail.

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Stop Errors And Continuous Crashing Of Applications?

Aug 2, 2010

I've been having a lot of problem recently with my computer issuing stop errors (didn't manage to write down the error code) and also crashing pretty much every program I use after awhile. The stop error I have just received was informing me about some newly installed hardware but i haven't installed anything new on the computer for about 2 years.

Even all 3 of my internet browsers are crashing a lot on a daily basis and I'm starting to get frustrated about what the problem actually is.I've run spybot, avg and antimalware both in normal boot and in safe mode and all have found nothing.Also I can only log in to windows if I boot in last configuration that worked otherwise it gets to the account log in screen and it's just a black screen with nothing visible at all.

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Increase Registry Size - Pc Dont Crashing

Feb 15, 2006

When I log on to Windows (2000) I am told my registry size is too small and that I should increase it. Can someone tell me do this so that my PC does not keep crashing?

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System Sound Stops Occasionally: Chkdsk Wont Work?

Mar 24, 2008

For the last couple of days, while my computer plays anything from the CD drive with sound, occasionally the sound just stops for a couple of seconds, then comes back, where it should be a few seconds later, as if it has been playing all along, and I just turned off my speakers. Also, maby un-related, but maby not, I cannot compleat a diskcheck. It gets stuck at 0% on the second stage if you ask it to do one as the computer turnes on.

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System Facing Random Reboots With Occasionally Blue Screen?

Aug 1, 2005

my comp was giving me this prob, where it would suddenly reboot and froze randomly, at that time I've not made any hardware modifications. At first i ignored the problem and kept using the comp at my own leisure... however as time passed, the frequency of reboots become more often to a point where after 5 sec from a reboot, it would reboot again and occasionally after a reboot a blue screen will pop up mentioning that windows is experiencing a prob and dumping of physical memory begins... which im not sure what is that about. After many attempts at finding the source of the probn i gave up ...and decided to go ahead with reformatting the comp.

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CD ROM's Not Working Due To Registry Errors?

Apr 28, 2005

CD ROM's not working due to registry errors?

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Errors In Registry Mechanic Found 800

Jan 14, 2006

Registry Mechanic just found 800 bad stuff on my pc. It cant delete them all because it needs to be registered and I dont know what to do about the stuff it can delete

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Registry Errors - Not Enough Disk Space

Oct 16, 2006

when I close AOL.Everytime I tried to close it I would get the error message "76-APQM Not enough disk space". Their techs first answer was that the artwork database was damaged.After following their techs instructions on how to clear the artwork. I still had the error message. They told me since I am still getting the error message, my only option is to reinstall. After reinstalling AOL I still have the error message when I close AOL.

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Getting Registry Errors / Computer Keeps On Restarting?

Oct 8, 2005

my computer keeps restarting over and over again and doesnt turn on properly. if i am lucky enough to actually get my computer to turn on and load windows and try to open programs using task manager i get msgs like...."one of the files containing the system data had to be recovered by use of a log or alternate copy. the recovery was successful" , " winlogon - entry point not found - the procedure entry poin SetErrnMode could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll." "lsass.exe - Not Found -

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Getting Unknown Registry Errors While Using Scanner?

Dec 10, 2007

I have been doing a Windows LiveCare Safety Scanner and it is bringing these errors up how please do I get rid of them.I am a total novice so be gentle with me.I have Windows Home Edition 2000 and it is a Toshiba Laptop

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Getting Errors Related To Registry / Applications Wont Start?

May 17, 2006

A few days ago I started getting registry problems, applications not wanting to startup right and ect. Then it was followed by shortcuts crapping out on me. When I clicked on the shortcut to see what was wrong it said there was a .LNKtx problem with the .exe or somethign to that notion. I can bypass that problem fairly easily without a fix, however when I do that and load somethign such as a game it will cause the CPU to either a) shutdown program or b) make cpu crash and restart.

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Taskmgr Startup Errors - Windows Askmgr.exe" Specified In The Registry

Oct 2, 2007

A box came up with C:Windows askmgr.exe in the title bar and the text said, "Windows cannot access the specified device, path or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access them" I clicked OK and a second box came up. It had DESKTOP in the title bar and the text said "Could not load or run c: . Make sure the file exists on your computer or remove the reference to it in the registry." I clicked OK and things seemed to work.

I use the free version of Grisoft's AVG so I ran a scan and it found 3 items, one of which was taskmgr.exe infected with Trojan horse SHeur.NOZ. It said it fixed them so I rebooted. The other 2 were svchost.exe and svchost_tmp.exe also infected by SHeur.QCZ

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System Failing Before Bios / Occasionally Freezes In Bios

Aug 10, 2006

Got a bit of a problem with my housemates pc.A friend gave him some extra RAM, i checked it out and it was crucial 512mb pc2100 CL2.5, and although it didn't match his exsisting RAM it seemed to me that his mobo would only run the FSB at 200mhz anyway so i went ahead and fitted it.It worked fine I then noticed his system temp was running a little high (60-65 degrees), so i took his heatsink off and cleaned the dust and refitted it with some new thermal compound.I added too much and the temp went up. To nearly 90 degrees.I shut it dwon as i didn't want the cpu to pop, cleaned it off, reapplied less compound and figured this would work fine.Now we have the problem. Most of the time: Power on and nothing happens. No bios, no beeps. Occasionally: Power on, i jump into the bios, the temp looks fine (30-40 degrees) and then it freezes right there in the bios after about 30 seconds to a minute.This sounds like a heat issue, but the last temp reading before freeze is 33 degrees.?I've double and triple checked that the heatsink is on properly and thats fine. I followed the official guide on how much compound to use (a blob the size of an uncooked short grain of rice).

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CPU Always 100% - System Crashing

Sep 15, 2008

My CPU is constantly 100%. My computer is terribly slow and may applications suddenly crash without warning. Firefox and print shop are the main crashers. I did a clean boot and after that the speed was absolutely fantastic,no crashes and very little CPU Usage. However, as soon as I added any of my essential applications(logmein,trend micro,Google desktop,linksys) the same problem was immediately back. I disabled these programs one by one and it still happens.

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System Crashing After Login

Jan 11, 2009

guys help ma out plz i was using 256mb of ram nd nw wen i wanted to increse it........... its creating a system crash imeditly aftr login wat shud i do?

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System Has Just Started Crashing - GRAW 2

Mar 18, 2008

Out of the blue tonite, my computer started crashing when I went to play GRAW2. I couldn't even get to the desktop to try and sort things out. Booted in safe mode and got an error message saying my system32 file was corrupted and suggested I do a repair with the XP Pro disk. I did that, started GRAW 2 again and got another crash. (see attached thumbnail) I haven't added or removed anything from this computer in months, and it is rock solid performer. What the heck happened between last night and tonite to make it go crazy like this?

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Error In Loading Operating System Crashing

Apr 19, 2008

My friends son has a presario 900, i hate this thing by the way, it keeps crashing on him. this time its comming up as error loading operating system. using google is how I found your site. but anyway the compaq screen comes up, then the error loading operating system comes up and I cant get it to do anything else. it also won't let me format to start over.

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Anti Virus Program Crashing The System

Jul 25, 2005

To whom it may concern;I am running Windows XP home Edition, SP2, On a Toshiba satellite notebook, PIV 3.06gig, 1 GB of RAM.I get repeated blue screen crashes. Afterwards. The windows event viewer show a system failure "The Panda anti dialer service failed to start for the following reason: A device attached to the system is not functioning. When the report tool does give feedback it points to a bad driver or the Anti virus or fiewall software.

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System Unstable And Crashing - Update - Antivirus Protection

Aug 16, 2005

os keeps getting error messages such as system is unstable and it is crashing on a regular basis when he goes on the internet. he doesnt update his windows on a regular basis and he does not have very good antivirus protection, so i have unplugged his modem for the time being to stop him getting into more trouble. he has reformatted his drive twice in the last 2 weeks so i want to install avg antivirus, spywareblaster, spybot, and the latest version of ad-aware(as he only has an older version) before he plugs his modem back in, then update every thing, and run scans using the programs listed above. am i doing the right thing? and how do i go about wiping his hard drive so i can re-install his windows.

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Installation Of Sound Driver Caused Crashing The System?

Nov 13, 2007

Even after a fresh re-install of XP the sound driver install causes the machine to crash. No matter what I do. I have most of the files loaded except for the multimedia controller. each time I try to update it , the machine crashes.Not sure if it matters, all high priority updates are done

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Old Anti-virus Program Lurking And Crashing System

Jul 19, 2009

An intermittent error occurs that freezes my PC solid - this can occur from password screen to ten minutes into the session, sometimes it doesn't happen at all...very annoying Going "My Computer" -> "Manage" -> "System Tools" -> "Event Viewer" -> "System" reveals these two errors that occur together each time a crash occurs...EVENT ID 7000 the Sophos AutoUpdate Service service failed to start due to the following error:
The system cannot find the path specified.

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Commuter Occasionally Freezes

Jul 8, 2005

I have Pentium 4 2.4GHz, 256 MB RAM, and Windows XP SP2 with new updates.3 days ago I formated hdd because mu computer occasionally freezed, even then I had Win XP SP2 + updates, and now I do all that from the beginning and it 's the same problem (FREEZE) and I must restart again.

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Explorer.exe Spikes My CPU And Occasionally Crashes My PC?

Jan 27, 2005

I have what I believe is a fairly unusual problem. I am running WIndows XP. Whenever I access the MY MUSIC folder on my PC lately, explorer.exe spikes my CPU and causes my PC to run like crap. My CPU runs at 100% until i do one of two things: End the explorer.exe process in the task manager (but then i obviously have no way to control WIndows), or if I shut down the MY MUSIC folder, and wait 5-10 minutes, explorer.exe slows down. It is currenty running at 100% as i write this. Yes I download music legally, and yes I get some ambitious movies once in a while. But this problem started happening when I downloaded Service Pack 2. I could not even use the MY MUSIC folder

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HDD Or Motherboard / Computer Occasionally Freezes

Nov 15, 2008

Since a few months after i put my system together I have been having an annoying problem. I have 2 hard drives, a main one and one for storage. When i boot the computer it will occasionally freeze when the bios gets to checking the storage drive. I can usually move the plug on the motherboard to a different port and it will work. But lately it hasn't worked. I had to unplug the drive so the computer would boot. It has been happening more and more until now, when something just quit. ASUS P5RD2-VM Motherboard, the drive that has been giving me trouble is 320 GB Seagate Barracuda. It is the only SATA i have that's why i thought the MB's SATA ports could be bad? Any thoughts?

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Getting Prefetch Folder Be Emptied Occasionally?

May 20, 2007

Just wondering... lotta stuff in there.....some say yes, some say no!!

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Freezing Firefox, Explorer.exe Failing Occasionally?

Jul 10, 2008

At random times, my Firefox will freeze, and I have no other choice to get it away but to restart my entire computer, and that is VERY annoying.And at other times, explorer.exe (obviously the start menu, task bar, etc) just fails by saying:"Explorer.exe has encountered a problem and has to close. Sorry for the inconvenience."

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User Account Occasionally Starts Up As Default?

Jun 10, 2010

Sometimes when my mom logs on her computer, it brings up the old desktop, without the default icons and the default screen saver "Dell" engraved into stone. It still says her name as the user account, but everything is different. I was wondering why this might be, when we restart it there is no problem, but I am just curious if anyone could answer why and how to prevent it from happening.

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CPU Usage % / Two Files Occasionally Start Running And Tie Up Cpu Capacity

Mar 9, 2005

Two files occasionally start running which tie up large amounts of CPU capacity. Checking thro Task Manager these appear to be

MSMSG.EXE which i assume is microsoft messages of some form but no message is actally on screen the other is VSMON.exe which is part of the Zone lab firewall, they only activate sporadically and when I am on the Net but they show cpu usage at 80%+ so everything freezes. When they are not active the cpu runs at around 15%.

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