Commuter Occasionally Freezes

Jul 8, 2005

I have Pentium 4 2.4GHz, 256 MB RAM, and Windows XP SP2 with new updates.3 days ago I formated hdd because mu computer occasionally freezed, even then I had Win XP SP2 + updates, and now I do all that from the beginning and it 's the same problem (FREEZE) and I must restart again.

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HDD Or Motherboard / Computer Occasionally Freezes

Nov 15, 2008

Since a few months after i put my system together I have been having an annoying problem. I have 2 hard drives, a main one and one for storage. When i boot the computer it will occasionally freeze when the bios gets to checking the storage drive. I can usually move the plug on the motherboard to a different port and it will work. But lately it hasn't worked. I had to unplug the drive so the computer would boot. It has been happening more and more until now, when something just quit. ASUS P5RD2-VM Motherboard, the drive that has been giving me trouble is 320 GB Seagate Barracuda. It is the only SATA i have that's why i thought the MB's SATA ports could be bad? Any thoughts?

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System Failing Before Bios / Occasionally Freezes In Bios

Aug 10, 2006

Got a bit of a problem with my housemates pc.A friend gave him some extra RAM, i checked it out and it was crucial 512mb pc2100 CL2.5, and although it didn't match his exsisting RAM it seemed to me that his mobo would only run the FSB at 200mhz anyway so i went ahead and fitted it.It worked fine I then noticed his system temp was running a little high (60-65 degrees), so i took his heatsink off and cleaned the dust and refitted it with some new thermal compound.I added too much and the temp went up. To nearly 90 degrees.I shut it dwon as i didn't want the cpu to pop, cleaned it off, reapplied less compound and figured this would work fine.Now we have the problem. Most of the time: Power on and nothing happens. No bios, no beeps. Occasionally: Power on, i jump into the bios, the temp looks fine (30-40 degrees) and then it freezes right there in the bios after about 30 seconds to a minute.This sounds like a heat issue, but the last temp reading before freeze is 33 degrees.?I've double and triple checked that the heatsink is on properly and thats fine. I followed the official guide on how much compound to use (a blob the size of an uncooked short grain of rice).

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Explorer.exe Spikes My CPU And Occasionally Crashes My PC?

Jan 27, 2005

I have what I believe is a fairly unusual problem. I am running WIndows XP. Whenever I access the MY MUSIC folder on my PC lately, explorer.exe spikes my CPU and causes my PC to run like crap. My CPU runs at 100% until i do one of two things: End the explorer.exe process in the task manager (but then i obviously have no way to control WIndows), or if I shut down the MY MUSIC folder, and wait 5-10 minutes, explorer.exe slows down. It is currenty running at 100% as i write this. Yes I download music legally, and yes I get some ambitious movies once in a while. But this problem started happening when I downloaded Service Pack 2. I could not even use the MY MUSIC folder

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Getting Prefetch Folder Be Emptied Occasionally?

May 20, 2007

Just wondering... lotta stuff in there.....some say yes, some say no!!

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System Crashing Occasionally: Getting Errors For Registry?

Feb 7, 2006

I have a brand-new computer, put together by a relative with almost all new parts. It's running Windows XP. Occasionally it crashes, sometimes I get error messages about the registry, and every once in a while the clock is wrong. I understand a bit about stop errors (because of Microsoft's nice error-reporting service) but I don't know how to find out what is causing them. Something about a driver, but how do I know which driver?

The computer seems to crash randomly, not with any discernable pattern or regularity.I suspect there's something wrong with the DVD player- music sometimes skips if I'm playing from a CD, and once the computer crashed while I was playing a large video file. Then again, I've played DVDs with no problem quite a few times and I've always been able to copy and burn. When the computer blue-screens, it shuts down before I can read any of it.

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Freezing Firefox, Explorer.exe Failing Occasionally?

Jul 10, 2008

At random times, my Firefox will freeze, and I have no other choice to get it away but to restart my entire computer, and that is VERY annoying.And at other times, explorer.exe (obviously the start menu, task bar, etc) just fails by saying:"Explorer.exe has encountered a problem and has to close. Sorry for the inconvenience."

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User Account Occasionally Starts Up As Default?

Jun 10, 2010

Sometimes when my mom logs on her computer, it brings up the old desktop, without the default icons and the default screen saver "Dell" engraved into stone. It still says her name as the user account, but everything is different. I was wondering why this might be, when we restart it there is no problem, but I am just curious if anyone could answer why and how to prevent it from happening.

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CPU Usage % / Two Files Occasionally Start Running And Tie Up Cpu Capacity

Mar 9, 2005

Two files occasionally start running which tie up large amounts of CPU capacity. Checking thro Task Manager these appear to be

MSMSG.EXE which i assume is microsoft messages of some form but no message is actally on screen the other is VSMON.exe which is part of the Zone lab firewall, they only activate sporadically and when I am on the Net but they show cpu usage at 80%+ so everything freezes. When they are not active the cpu runs at around 15%.

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System Sound Stops Occasionally: Chkdsk Wont Work?

Mar 24, 2008

For the last couple of days, while my computer plays anything from the CD drive with sound, occasionally the sound just stops for a couple of seconds, then comes back, where it should be a few seconds later, as if it has been playing all along, and I just turned off my speakers. Also, maby un-related, but maby not, I cannot compleat a diskcheck. It gets stuck at 0% on the second stage if you ask it to do one as the computer turnes on.

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System Facing Random Reboots With Occasionally Blue Screen?

Aug 1, 2005

my comp was giving me this prob, where it would suddenly reboot and froze randomly, at that time I've not made any hardware modifications. At first i ignored the problem and kept using the comp at my own leisure... however as time passed, the frequency of reboots become more often to a point where after 5 sec from a reboot, it would reboot again and occasionally after a reboot a blue screen will pop up mentioning that windows is experiencing a prob and dumping of physical memory begins... which im not sure what is that about. After many attempts at finding the source of the probn i gave up ...and decided to go ahead with reformatting the comp.

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Often Freezes On Startup, And Always Freezes On Shutdown?

Aug 24, 2007

A while ago my pc started randomly freezing when i booted up, usually have to reboot three or four times before it works properly, i guess i must have a virus or something but no scans i run pick up anything obvious. Also when i try to shutdown, the screen freezes on the "Windows is preparing to shut down" screen.

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MSN Freezes Every Min Or Two

Jan 22, 2007

sorry to be pain, but i'm having a bad time myself too. i am encountering a msn problem at the moment. it has worked fine until just a few moments ago. now it just freezes every now and then. my computer is fine, desktop etc... no lag. only msn is playing up on me. can anyone suggest a reason why its doin that

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Computer Freezes Every 2 Min

Oct 25, 2007

I have a 2004 Toshiba Satellite w/Celeron processor, M35X-S149, with Windows XP. A few days ago it started having this problem where the entire screen freezes up and I have to turn the computer off and restart. It freezes anywhere from 2 minutes to 4 hours into a session, but it freezes up every time. I don't know if this is related, but every time I restart, I get a message window from an application called Button Manager v1.83, that says: "No INITIO External Storage Device Found" and it has two buttons to click on, either : LED ON or LED OFF. I ran a virus scan, and an adaware scan, but it didn't help. My husband wants to throw out the computer and buy a new one, but there must be a way to fix this. Is it a virus


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Computer Freezes Every 20 Min.

Jan 14, 2008

Every time I start to do something my computer freezes. I installed "dream day" and 20 min. into it my computer froze, but before I even did this when I'm am playing itunes, my system just reboots right in the middle.using xp

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WinXp Freezes After 1 Min

Sep 9, 2010

When I opened up the case, the northbridge heatsink clip had snapped off. I put the case on it's side and reseated the heatsink, and put a case fan over it. I reformatted and installed winXP. The computer freezes a minute or so after entering windows. Also ran ubuntu linux off a usb stick and it would freeze after 5 or so minutes. Ran memtest and no errors after 9 hours, Speedfan s.m.a.r.t says the hard drive is fine. I booted into Safemode, and ran orthos small ffts cpu test, and no errors after an hour.

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Cant Log On - System Freezes

Jun 17, 2010

About 5 years ago me and my Brother were given identical laptops Dell Inspiron 1501s, the first thing I did with mine was install World of Warcraft which it managed easily and even ran relatively well. However my laptop became so burdened with viruses that it can no longer be logged onto without freezing anywhere between 5 - 40 seconds so it's hard to do anything about it, also it's a little embarrasing to ask for help as most of the viruses were caused by... How shall I put this, websites of ir-reputable nature! This happened about a year ago and just before this had happened I had uninstalled World of Warcraft and quit. But now I have come to start again on my Brother's laptop identical to my own which he no longer uses but there's a problem being that there's not enough memory I have literally trawled forums and websites to clear as much off as I can, I have removed basically every programme, deleted my Brother's account, ran every disc cleaner under the sun and defragmented the hard drive. This has given me a measley 3 gigs so I'm now sittig on 7 gigs of memory.

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Freezes On Brand New PC

Mar 2, 2006

I have a client who has a brand new PC running Windows XP and Trend 2006 as AV Software. The PC was purchased around August last year, and around November it started freezing up 3 to 4 times a day. When it does so, the power button has to be held down to restart, and the HDD light is light constantly. I intially tried a lot of different things, such as virus scans, hijack this, Anti Spyware etc etc. All of which found nothing.I have now ran some HDD tests and RAM tests which both showed nothing. I dont really want to rebuild again, as I think the same thing will happen again.

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Alt Tab Freezes Computer

Aug 5, 2007

whenever i press alt tab to go onto another program the computer freezes.i can unfreeze it by pressing ctrlaltdelete. i think sumone put a keylogger on my comp.

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Laptop Freezes - Why?

Jul 7, 2010

My Acer Netbook freezes randomly without any reasonable cause.
I wonder if anybody knows some logging software which can tell me what laptop was doing when it freeze?

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Freezes Every 6 Seconds

Jun 25, 2007

I recently upgraded OS on Dell Dimension XPS t600 to Windows Xp SP2. Witgh SP2, it freezes every 6 seconds for about a second and then releases. It is consistent as if it is polling for something. Even the hard drive crunching stops for that second. I have tried installling all MS updates but it did not help.

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Pc Freezes And Mostly It's Too Slow

Dec 30, 2006

My pc freezes too ofter and i have to reload xp and all that nightmare that goes with that but mostly it's too slow.time to get a new one. probably just a tower for now.i don't really know what specifications to look for (speed is my main concern i never use a lot of disk space anyway.this is what i found in control panel under system.XP Home version 2002 service pack 2AMD Duron Processor902MHz , 304 MB of ramwould even the cheapest pc be very superior to this since mine is about 7 years old if not what should i look for?

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More Lockup And Freezes

Oct 6, 2006

I have a two-year old Sony VAIO (big memory, fast).I have a new problem which started recently:When I click a desktop icon, I get a Windows Explorer error message. I can open the desktop icon by right-clicking and using "open", but after I receive this error message the machine eventually crashes.

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Freezes At Login

Apr 24, 2010

my computer at home is constantly freezing every single time I start the computer up. It gets to the screen where you can click on a user to login but then it freezes and to restart I need to hold down the power button for 3-5 seconds. I looked through all of my discs and all I have is my Camera Setup, Windows 95, Printer Setup, Acer Recovery Discs (5 of them) and an Acer eMode Management disc. The only thing I have tried so far is to use the Acer Recovery discs but the problem still persists. I have no Windows XP disc and I can't remember getting one when I bought the computer but I might have it somewhere. I'm not sure if it came with the computer because the Acer Recovery discs basically re-installed Windows itself.

It all started when I was on the computer and a storm hit us and there was a power outage while I was on the computer. Since then it just freezes at the login screen. Ask questions and give any suggestions you can give, it is all appreciated as I am desperate to get this fixed! I have no important files on the computer so a reset of the whole computer is fine to do but what discs do I need and how do I do it. I am unsure if it is a virus related problem or a hardware related issue.

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Freezes On Boot Up

Jan 10, 2006

When I start XP it gets to the Black page that shows Windows XP and the small bar beneath it that gives the appearance of loading. Once it gets here it just stops however, the bar keeps going. I am able to start in safe mode. I have switched video cards and disabled my USB ports. I don't know what else to do.

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HP Recovery Freezes At 8%

Oct 19, 2008

I installed a new hard drive in an HP computer and am trying to do the recovery with the recovery disks. It goes through the format, setting up partitions, and then when it gets to copying files, it goes to 8% and locks up. I have tested the motherboard, the memory and the HD finding no errors. I also was on a chat line with HP and they basically told me nothing. If anyone has any ideas what might be stalling me,

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Wont Log On Freezes

Jul 20, 2009

Just got back from holiday with my dell inspiron 1501 left in hibernation, turn on took 5-7 minutes to boot till I entered my password, its usually long but this was longer all was fine until I got fed up of computer been slow and explorer.exe not responding (happens often) so I forced shutdown. When I tried rebooting all was fine up until the logon where I could type my password in but then in would freeze and many reboots in safe mode etc. safe mode would freeze instantly btw. I have just managed to get onto my wallpaper 55 mins after entering password and pressing enter but nothing up on screen. Managed to get task manager up as well 27 processes running CPU 0%, doesn�t look anything fishy in the process list the only one that caught my attention was BCMWLTRY.EXE 4996k but that looks like a windows live add-on, and smss.exe not sure about that one.

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PC Freezes On Boot

Apr 10, 2006

I start to install Windows XP, first I must format, I do so, then it copies files and then restarts.When it starts to boot up after that, the bar will go across the screen a few times and then freeze. Does absolutely nothing.

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My Computer Freezes Up

Apr 13, 2005

Don't know why. But it does it enough for me to want to go back to Win2000. This is the first time I have used XP Home and so far I am not too impressed. When my computer freezes up to the point I have to reset it to clear it. What can I do to diagnose this issue?

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Video And Audio Freezes

Feb 13, 2009

I try to play video/audio on my hard drive or the internet, my computer freezes and have to restart. It doesn't freeze everything, just the video player or internet. But I always have to restart. I could still move my mouse, however I cannot open anything else till it unfreezes.

I have Windows XP SP3. What should I do?

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Computer Freezes While Starting Up

Aug 30, 2007

I got some time and checked the available disk space. Out of 33MB I had 10MB left. I cleaned some stuff up and compressed the disk. Things worked well all day yesterday and then today we got this again.

I haven't been able to get the computer to start up now. I turn it off, and it hangs/freezes while it's starting back up. I did get it to load in safe mode,

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