Freezes On Boot Up

Jan 10, 2006

When I start XP it gets to the Black page that shows Windows XP and the small bar beneath it that gives the appearance of loading. Once it gets here it just stops however, the bar keeps going. I am able to start in safe mode. I have switched video cards and disabled my USB ports. I don't know what else to do.

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Professional Freezes During Boot Screen - Boot Fine Safe Mode

Jul 25, 2008

Recently I was playing a game when my computer froze up, when I restarted it, it froze every time on the Windows XP bootscreen. It boots fine in Safe mode with networking. (I'm typing this post on this computer)

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PC Freezes On Boot

Apr 10, 2006

I start to install Windows XP, first I must format, I do so, then it copies files and then restarts.When it starts to boot up after that, the bar will go across the screen a few times and then freeze. Does absolutely nothing.

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SP3 Freezes After Boot On Desktop

Aug 28, 2010

All of a sudden, every time I boot, the desktop icons and background come up normally, and the mouse icon moves - but NOTHING on the desktop that I click on works. The mouse arrow becomes a hourglass icon on the blue bar at the bottom. No new software or hardware.The ONLY way to recover is to go to safe mode and restore to an earlier time. Interestingly, even if the restore says it was NOT successful to an earlier time and unchanged, the machine then works normally (until the next reboot). I've done: sfc scannow, crapcleaner, utility drive and registry scans, antivirus scans, chkdsk, etc - no help. I've looked carefully at ipconfig, but only the bare bones usual stuff is there.

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PC Will Boot But Only After Many Tries - Computer Freezes

Oct 30, 2008

My emachine PC, running on XP will, more often than not, not boot up without repeatedly pressing the start button on the tower.Before this problem began, when the computer ran normally, as soon as the ON button was pressed the cooling fans would whir at high speed for 2 seconds and then drop to a quieter, low rpm speed. The emachine logo would appear followed by the Microsoft screen, etc. Since the problem began, when the ON button is pressed the fans come up at high speed but will not drop to the quieter state, nor does the emachines logo appear. Essentially, the computer freezes.

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Pc Freezes And Strange Lines During Boot?

Feb 20, 2006

After my computer starts there is this buzzing sound that continues. It didn't happen when I got the computer. This buzzing sound keeps continuing.When I play games and some minutes into the game computer starts to slow down and it starts to freeze.Then I try to alt tab or all the shortcuts control alt delete. Doesn't work. I also see tiny little grey lines around my mouse, I can move my mouse but everything else has frozen. I then have to restart computer. When I restarted my computer there was like little blue lines going down my screen not many only 3 or 4 or something.

The blue lines happen when it goes to the loading screen where it says windows is loading and has a blue bar that goes across. It also has a few blue dots near the bar that goes across. When that loading is finished nothing appears on my screen it is just black. Just now I turned off my computer for a while hoping that it was just a heating problem. I turned it back on and it works I just have the buzzing sound.

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Can Only Boot In Safe Mode - Pc Freezes

Dec 27, 2008

I had a virus or something redirecting my internet browsers. I was able to install malwarebytes while in safe mode and get my browser back. Now I cannot boot unless I am in safe mode. I attempt to log on as the owner, sometimes I can enter apassword, other times not, then my pc freezes and doesn't go any further. Any ideas??? What other info might any prospective help need?
I have xp home edition

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Laptop Freezes After Boot Screen

Aug 19, 2008

i just need some help my laptop has frozen it wont comr on after the boot screen can any 1

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2000 Pro Freezes Totally After Boot Up

Apr 9, 2005

I recently had a computer guy install Win 2000 professional on a computer that had previously had win 98 which was really hosed bad. ( a clean install) Now, of all the luck it freezes after just a few minutes or perhaps 10 minutes sometimes. I mean it freezes, it will not respond to Ctrl Alt Del at all. Nothing will unfreeze it short of the reset switch. Weird huh?? The only thing I can think of that might have happened is I tried to do a Norton Live Update and it stopped and said that it did not complete, gave a long list of error messages of what did or did not happen and to contact tech support with the full body of message. I don't know if I am even registered with Norton all I know is that is says I have 365 or 364 days left on my license or whatever.

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Freezes On Boot After Remote Power On Via WOL

Dec 11, 2007

I have an old MS-6318 MB with Pentium III 866MHz, Intel Pro/100 S NIC and Windows XP.Whenever I try to use Wake On LAN to turn on the PC everything is fine until it gets to the Windows XP logo screen, the marquee progress bar gets halfway, stops and XP stops loading. However, the the system is not frozen, only the XP loading Turning on the PC with the power button has no issues whatsoever,
an ASUS CUSI-M with the same type of NIC has no issues turning on and loading XP with WOL.

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PC Freezes On Loading Bar / System Wont Boot?

Dec 10, 2008

I went away at the weekend, came back on Monday and the PC wouldn't boot. It gets to the point of the loading bar / splash screen and then just stops, the PC then has to be turned off or reset. It will boot into safe mode and seems relitively responsive, there are no signs of any spware of viruses and the last windows update was done in November.

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Computer Freezes At Compaq Boot Screen

Feb 4, 2005

My computer was working fine this morning, I didn't download anything or do anything different, just normal web searching. As I'm loading a web page, the computer freezes. I Cntrl Alt Dlt and nothing, so I turn off my computer and turn in back on, it reboots to the Win screen where you sign in as an identity, I enter my password and it freezes. Again, I have to reboot the computer manually, and it freezes at the Compaq screen that comes on when you first turn on the computer. I turned off the comp, opened it, removed my fan, blew it out a bit, removed the processor and reseated it (in the process, reseated it incorrectly and bent a far corner prong, attempted to straighten w/tweezers, and ultimately BROKE it off...DOH!). I wasn't sure if the broken prong would have a big effect, so I reseated it correctly, reseated my memory, and tried again, same thing, just hangs at the Compaq screen

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Can Get Past Boot Screen - Freezes On The Recovery Console

Aug 20, 2009

i have toshiba laptop and i had to restart after installing poweriso but now it wont go past the windows xp boot screen itll just stay on the black screen it will not boot in safe mode or anything it freezes on the recovery console i have pretty much tryed everything

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Wont Log Into Safe Mode + Freezes After A Minute On Normal Boot?

Aug 15, 2008

Recently, I accidentally clicked on a few bad google links. Soon after, my computer started acting weirdly. I started receiving windows notices saying that my computer was infected with spyware. I could tell that these were fake and started scanning my computer with avast anti-virus. It was acting weirdly and then I saw that a window popped up called "vista anti-virus" i then googled this and found that this was a fake anti-virus that would install more viruses on my computer. So, I panicked and manually shut down my computer with the power button and booted into safe mode.

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Wont Load:restarting Results In Boot Menu Then Freezes?

May 6, 2006

I turned my computer off last night and when i went to turn it on this morning, windows wouldn't load. It went to the screen that says you can start it in safe mode or normal mode or any of the other ones. But when i choose any mode the little white bar at the bottom of the screen loads, but then it freezes. Or if i choose safe mode it floods my screen with a bunch of command lines then freezes. I need a little help here guys because i am baffled. I know this has happened to me before but i do not remember how to fix it.

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Computer Facing Random Freezes Occur During Boot Process?

Apr 16, 2008

XP Pro SP2 with current critical updates.Computer began freezing 1 week ago. Freezing might occur during boot process; might occur 30 to 60 minutes after booting. Problem began after someone other than regular user did something with iTunes.Occurs in safe mode. Occurs when connected and when not browsing internet. Occurs during boot; prior to Windows XP logon screen. I have been unable to run Panda and HouseCall because it has frozen during each attempt.

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Disk Boot Failure: Computer Freezes / Held Power Button?

May 15, 2005

well i have read a lot about this problem but im dont think i really found a solution so i thought i would make a new thread. Well i was just on my computer using p2p file sharing program. and then my computer froze. first the program itself and then the whole computer just froze. So i held down the power button until it turned off and then i turned it back on and then i received this error. Disk boot failure. insert system disk and press enter.

I have my stuff backed up, i used it as a secondary and i backed up the things i needed, so i dont really care that much if i need to format. The funny thing though is that it actually froze once on my brothers computer when i was transferring files and when i restarted it wouldnt boot up and when i took out my hard drive my brothers computer booted up perfectly and after it booted up perfectly i shutted it back down and then i attached my hard drive as a slave again and then it booted up.

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Boot Freezes At "Loading Your Personal Settings"

Sep 13, 2005

Most of the time my XP Pro Sp2 system freezes upon booting and will not get past the "Loading Your Personal Settings" screen. I can do a hard restart two or three times and encounter the same thing. However, I can boot into the desktop in Safe Mode, and when I restart after that everything is normal.I'm booting into an administrator account, using the welcome screen with no password, and loading very little upon startup, basically Norton AV and Firewall, that's it.No virii, no spyware, no trojans, etc. All hardware diagnostics perfect

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Often Freezes On Startup, And Always Freezes On Shutdown?

Aug 24, 2007

A while ago my pc started randomly freezing when i booted up, usually have to reboot three or four times before it works properly, i guess i must have a virus or something but no scans i run pick up anything obvious. Also when i try to shutdown, the screen freezes on the "Windows is preparing to shut down" screen.

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Boot Failure: Select Proper Boot Device Or Insert Boot Media?

Nov 11, 2006

I am unable to boot my PC most of the times.Whenever I switch on my PC,I see the following message nine ot of ten times. DiskError/Boot Faliure Reboot and select proper boot device or insert Boot media in selected boot device If I press enter after this messages & keep pressing following messages appear from time to time (Not simultaneously). If just after making the switch on, I press F2 key to check the boot device preference

If just after making the switch on , I press f11 key to reach the boot menu I always find the 1.44 MB Floppy option highlighted as the booting choice.(though there had not been any floppy in the floppy drive, I dont have any really)I make the hard disk option highlighted & it solves the problem only a few times. But next time when I try F11 key to check the boot menu again I find 1.44 MB floppy highlighted.

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Reboot And Select Proper Boot Device / Insert Boot Media In Selected Boot Device

Dec 17, 2007

I haven't installed anything new on my computer but today after having my computer shipped to me via UPS I cut on my computer and where the XP load bar screen was I got: "reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device".Seeing this I knew I went into the BIOS setup and tried to turn the system priority to look at the HDD. Instead I only had the option of the DVD drive and the CD drive.I have no idea how to solve this problem and don't have any of the recovery CD's. I DO NOT WANT TO REFORMAT because like a bad little boy I did not backup my 4 years worth of work.

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MSN Freezes Every Min Or Two

Jan 22, 2007

sorry to be pain, but i'm having a bad time myself too. i am encountering a msn problem at the moment. it has worked fine until just a few moments ago. now it just freezes every now and then. my computer is fine, desktop etc... no lag. only msn is playing up on me. can anyone suggest a reason why its doin that

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Computer Freezes Every 2 Min

Oct 25, 2007

I have a 2004 Toshiba Satellite w/Celeron processor, M35X-S149, with Windows XP. A few days ago it started having this problem where the entire screen freezes up and I have to turn the computer off and restart. It freezes anywhere from 2 minutes to 4 hours into a session, but it freezes up every time. I don't know if this is related, but every time I restart, I get a message window from an application called Button Manager v1.83, that says: "No INITIO External Storage Device Found" and it has two buttons to click on, either : LED ON or LED OFF. I ran a virus scan, and an adaware scan, but it didn't help. My husband wants to throw out the computer and buy a new one, but there must be a way to fix this. Is it a virus


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Computer Freezes Every 20 Min.

Jan 14, 2008

Every time I start to do something my computer freezes. I installed "dream day" and 20 min. into it my computer froze, but before I even did this when I'm am playing itunes, my system just reboots right in the middle.using xp

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WinXp Freezes After 1 Min

Sep 9, 2010

When I opened up the case, the northbridge heatsink clip had snapped off. I put the case on it's side and reseated the heatsink, and put a case fan over it. I reformatted and installed winXP. The computer freezes a minute or so after entering windows. Also ran ubuntu linux off a usb stick and it would freeze after 5 or so minutes. Ran memtest and no errors after 9 hours, Speedfan s.m.a.r.t says the hard drive is fine. I booted into Safemode, and ran orthos small ffts cpu test, and no errors after an hour.

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Cant Log On - System Freezes

Jun 17, 2010

About 5 years ago me and my Brother were given identical laptops Dell Inspiron 1501s, the first thing I did with mine was install World of Warcraft which it managed easily and even ran relatively well. However my laptop became so burdened with viruses that it can no longer be logged onto without freezing anywhere between 5 - 40 seconds so it's hard to do anything about it, also it's a little embarrasing to ask for help as most of the viruses were caused by... How shall I put this, websites of ir-reputable nature! This happened about a year ago and just before this had happened I had uninstalled World of Warcraft and quit. But now I have come to start again on my Brother's laptop identical to my own which he no longer uses but there's a problem being that there's not enough memory I have literally trawled forums and websites to clear as much off as I can, I have removed basically every programme, deleted my Brother's account, ran every disc cleaner under the sun and defragmented the hard drive. This has given me a measley 3 gigs so I'm now sittig on 7 gigs of memory.

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Freezes On Brand New PC

Mar 2, 2006

I have a client who has a brand new PC running Windows XP and Trend 2006 as AV Software. The PC was purchased around August last year, and around November it started freezing up 3 to 4 times a day. When it does so, the power button has to be held down to restart, and the HDD light is light constantly. I intially tried a lot of different things, such as virus scans, hijack this, Anti Spyware etc etc. All of which found nothing.I have now ran some HDD tests and RAM tests which both showed nothing. I dont really want to rebuild again, as I think the same thing will happen again.

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Alt Tab Freezes Computer

Aug 5, 2007

whenever i press alt tab to go onto another program the computer freezes.i can unfreeze it by pressing ctrlaltdelete. i think sumone put a keylogger on my comp.

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Laptop Freezes - Why?

Jul 7, 2010

My Acer Netbook freezes randomly without any reasonable cause.
I wonder if anybody knows some logging software which can tell me what laptop was doing when it freeze?

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Freezes Every 6 Seconds

Jun 25, 2007

I recently upgraded OS on Dell Dimension XPS t600 to Windows Xp SP2. Witgh SP2, it freezes every 6 seconds for about a second and then releases. It is consistent as if it is polling for something. Even the hard drive crunching stops for that second. I have tried installling all MS updates but it did not help.

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Pc Freezes And Mostly It's Too Slow

Dec 30, 2006

My pc freezes too ofter and i have to reload xp and all that nightmare that goes with that but mostly it's too slow.time to get a new one. probably just a tower for now.i don't really know what specifications to look for (speed is my main concern i never use a lot of disk space anyway.this is what i found in control panel under system.XP Home version 2002 service pack 2AMD Duron Processor902MHz , 304 MB of ramwould even the cheapest pc be very superior to this since mine is about 7 years old if not what should i look for?

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