Freezes On Boot After Remote Power On Via WOL

Dec 11, 2007

I have an old MS-6318 MB with Pentium III 866MHz, Intel Pro/100 S NIC and Windows XP.Whenever I try to use Wake On LAN to turn on the PC everything is fine until it gets to the Windows XP logo screen, the marquee progress bar gets halfway, stops and XP stops loading. However, the the system is not frozen, only the XP loading Turning on the PC with the power button has no issues whatsoever,
an ASUS CUSI-M with the same type of NIC has no issues turning on and loading XP with WOL.

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Disk Boot Failure: Computer Freezes / Held Power Button?

May 15, 2005

well i have read a lot about this problem but im dont think i really found a solution so i thought i would make a new thread. Well i was just on my computer using p2p file sharing program. and then my computer froze. first the program itself and then the whole computer just froze. So i held down the power button until it turned off and then i turned it back on and then i received this error. Disk boot failure. insert system disk and press enter.

I have my stuff backed up, i used it as a secondary and i backed up the things i needed, so i dont really care that much if i need to format. The funny thing though is that it actually froze once on my brothers computer when i was transferring files and when i restarted it wouldnt boot up and when i took out my hard drive my brothers computer booted up perfectly and after it booted up perfectly i shutted it back down and then i attached my hard drive as a slave again and then it booted up.

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When Computer Freezes / Nothing Works / Only Turn At Power Button

May 31, 2010

Yesterday, I was half way through burning an ISO file to disc using [program name deleted my mod.] (have used this many times previously without a problem), when the computer froze. Nothing worked (mouse, keyboard) and the only thing I could do was turn it off at the power button. I left it for 10 minutes, started the computer up again and the (black) screen came up giving 'you need to reboot' and 'insert a bootable disc' messages. I inserted my Windows XP disc as it's the only one I have and don't have a bootable disc, and after while I was given 3 options - one was to repair, one was to escape and I can't remember what the 3rd one was. Anyway I pressed repair and after a minute or two it said it couldn't find the hard drive (or disc) so it was unable to repair and the only thing I could do was quit. After leaving the computer off for a period of time, I switched it back on and it came up with the disc scan screen details and went through the process quickly and it said one of the sectors had been repaired and it was 'back to normal' after that.

The computer is 4 years old (Intel Pentium 4/3.2gHz/1GB RAM/Hard Drive 149GB) and I've had intermittent problems with the CPU overheating due to dust etc which I've cleaned out from time to time (as you do) and all has been well.So, in total this has happened 3 times in 24 hours but on the other two occasions when it froze, after turning it off and leaving it for a couple of minutes, it came back again as normal. The computer seems OK when it's not under load (using the internet/emails/typing documents/photo editing) but the first time you ask it a big question (e.g. copy or convert a disc) it will freeze. Is this a CPU, hard drive or motherboard problem or any other ideas please.

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Professional Freezes During Boot Screen - Boot Fine Safe Mode

Jul 25, 2008

Recently I was playing a game when my computer froze up, when I restarted it, it froze every time on the Windows XP bootscreen. It boots fine in Safe mode with networking. (I'm typing this post on this computer)

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Cant Boot Since Power Failure

Mar 22, 2010

Ever since a power failure yesterday, my computer is not booting 100% of the way - it seems to stall at the end after loading desktop etc, can't see anything missing but I am unable to do anything. Nothing opens when clicked on. It works perfectly in Safe Mode with Networking.

I checked Device Manager and found 3 things highlighted:

HID Non-user input Data Filter

HID Non-user input Data Filter in HID section, and

WAN Miniport (IP) in Network Adaptors.

I do not have a wireless network, only a hard-wired one, so not sure what that is about.

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Power Light Comes - Computer Will Not Boot Up.

Oct 21, 2006

She's unplugged it for five minutes and tried again and also unplugged everything from the back of the box and tried again, but still nothing.

The power light at comes on when she hits the on button but apart from that nothing happens

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Computer Won't Boot Up After Power Failure

Apr 28, 2010

I was on the computer this morning (plugged into a power bar) when all of a sudden the power went out in my neighbourhood. I was just on the desktop at the time I believe. I unplugged everything to prevent anything from surging to be safe, and I went out for the day.When I got home, the power was back on, and so I plugged the computer back in. However, as I plugged in the computer, it turned on by itself. Normally it does not do this when I plug it in after it was forced to shut down for a blackout. I immediately knew something was up.When it started to turn on, it immediately went to a blue screen of death.

It won't get past this screen. I've tried Safe Mode, Last Known Good Configuration, Normal Mode and it just keeps going back to this screen. I also noticed it doesn't make the normal noises when it's booting up. It doesn't make that 'click click' sound when I'm booting up (I believe that's a hard drive sound?). I do have access to the Windows Recovery Console (I think - it appears as an option - I don't know if it will work) but I don't know what to do. It sounds like it did something to the hard drive... when I boot up the computer normally it asks me to press F1 (because my CMOS battery is low)... now on that screen it says Serial ATA at the top. I don't know why that is, or if this has anything to do with the low CMOS battery before, but I can't get it to turn on at all at the moment. I don't understand why the power failure would do this (or what it did)... I've never not been able to boot up after a power failure. And surely there wasn't a surge since it wasn't plugged in when the power came back on.Did it kill the HD? Anything I can do to at least recover some files?

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Laptop Wont Boot Without External Power

Oct 6, 2005

my laptop will not boot without being plugged into the wall

here is what happens.

Booting from battery: loads fine up to windows xp loading screen then freezes..

booting plugged into wall: Goes absolutely fine

also the laptop will run off the battery AFTER being booted up with the wall socket.

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Unmountable Boot Error Due To Power Surge

Jul 18, 2005

My computer was on and we had some bad thunder storms and lost power briefly. I now have a blue screen saying I have an "Unmountable Boot Error" and that I should reboot the computer in Safe Mode. When I try this I can get to a menu where I select Safe Mode but after that it takes me right back to the blue sreen with the "Unmountable Boot Error" message.I know I could probably use the restore CD but I'd rather not lose all the
data on my computer.

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Boot Failure: Possible Power Surge Or Hardware Problems?

Jul 19, 2005

My PC starts up fine, BIOS all OK. Then I get the message about Windows failing to load because of possible power surge or hardware problems or something, and a choice between loading Windows normally, loading the last known working setup, or the three variations on loading safe mode.

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Disk Boot Failure: Started Pc After Power Outrage?

Jul 1, 2010

I had a power outage last night and when I turned the computer back on this morning, it says that error. "Disk Boot Failure - Insert system disk and press enter" I do not have a working CD drive in the computer so I hope that doesn't have anything to do with it.

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Compaq Presario Won't Boot Up - Power Came On And Allowed Me To Eject

Dec 7, 2005

I have a problem with a Compaq Presario running XP Home. I took the CD player out and cleaned out broken pieces of a CD that was destroyed in it. I got it cleaned out, put back together and now the pc won't boot up. I don't know what went wrong. Cleaning the CD player was quite easy and went back together okay. I hooked all of the wires up the way they were. On the front of this computer, there are two lights. One on the left which is green, and one on the right which is orange. Normally, when the power button is pushed, the green light comes on first, then the orange light comes on during the loading process. You can see the boot process on the monitor.

Now, after hooking it back up today, when the power button is pushed, the green light comes on, then the orange one comes on and goes back off after a moment. The green light stays on. Nothing at all shows up on the monitor, not even a blinking cursor -- it just stays blank. It stays that way indefinitely nothing. The monitor light is on so it is apparently getting power, but shows nothing. I'm sure the monitor is hooked up correctly; it can only be plugged in one way. While I had everything unhooked and was cleaning the CD player, I plugged the CD player back in for a moment and plugged in the power cord to the pc and pushed the power button. The power came on and allowed me to eject the empty tray. I did this to get the tray out of the way so I could clean beneath it. I tried to turn the power back off with the pc power button after ejecting the tray and it wouldn't seem to shut down.

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Computer Couldn't Boot To C Drive After Using Power Quest?

Sep 28, 2007

I have problem with booting to c drive. Here i am giving what exactly happened.I have c drive with os installed, d drive for recovery partition, G drive (logical) for datas.I had some virus problem in c drive. So i used Powerquest "PQ boot for windows to reboot to d drive (recovery pertition). The laptop booted to d drive, then i run then Destructive recovery (format and reinstall the os to factory settitngs). After that i restarted the laptop. But it is again booting to d drive. I dont know how to made to boot to c drive.

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Computer Wont Boot Up - Power Light Is On But Monitor In Sleep Mode

Aug 4, 2005

The problem that I am having is with my HP Pavilion XT983 Desktop Computer. It will not boot up when I power it on. The power light is on and the monitor is in sleep mode. The only thing that is operating is the fan. I have tried rebooting with the boot up diskette but it is not reading my A: drive. It also will not read CDs.

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Alternate Remote Desktop Application For Simultanious Local/Remote Access?

Mar 12, 2005

The title says it all! Basically I have a comp running XP pro and I want to be able to work locally on one user account, with some kind of remote access server running on another XP user account so that the remote account and the local account can be used simultaniously. I know that this cannot be done with XP Pro remote desktop and could be by Windows Server 2003 remote desktop, but i need an alternate solution to make this happen.

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Freezes On Boot Up

Jan 10, 2006

When I start XP it gets to the Black page that shows Windows XP and the small bar beneath it that gives the appearance of loading. Once it gets here it just stops however, the bar keeps going. I am able to start in safe mode. I have switched video cards and disabled my USB ports. I don't know what else to do.

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PC Freezes On Boot

Apr 10, 2006

I start to install Windows XP, first I must format, I do so, then it copies files and then restarts.When it starts to boot up after that, the bar will go across the screen a few times and then freeze. Does absolutely nothing.

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NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing Accessing Remote Computer?

Aug 13, 2005

I want to use Remote Desktop Sharing in NetMeeting to connect to a remote PC to download files or fix problems on it. I tried to call the remote PC using its IP address but it only allow me to access the netmeeting features like video conferencing.

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Desktop Manager For Power Users Must Have Power Toys

Aug 12, 2002

Desktop Manager allows you to switch between multiple desktops creating more elbow room for those who like to stay organized while pushing the max thread limit.1. First grab XP PowerToys from Once installed right click then check: task bar > toolbars > Desktop ManagerYou may now view up to four new desktops. I prefer not to have "Shared Desktops" on as it reminds me more of linux (and is cleaner).Now you may hide the buttons etc. and use Windows key + 1-4 to switch between desktops and Windows key + v to preview.

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Initating Remote Assitance/Desktop From Remote IT Staff?

Jul 8, 2005

I'm looking in using either using Remote Assitance and/or Desktop in a help desk support environment. For example, if a user calls in asking for assistance with a application, or if we are in need of troubleshooting the machine, we would like to initate a remote assistance request that takes the end user out of the equation so we don't need to walk them through how to send a email/file request.

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SP3 Freezes After Boot On Desktop

Aug 28, 2010

All of a sudden, every time I boot, the desktop icons and background come up normally, and the mouse icon moves - but NOTHING on the desktop that I click on works. The mouse arrow becomes a hourglass icon on the blue bar at the bottom. No new software or hardware.The ONLY way to recover is to go to safe mode and restore to an earlier time. Interestingly, even if the restore says it was NOT successful to an earlier time and unchanged, the machine then works normally (until the next reboot). I've done: sfc scannow, crapcleaner, utility drive and registry scans, antivirus scans, chkdsk, etc - no help. I've looked carefully at ipconfig, but only the bare bones usual stuff is there.

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PC Will Boot But Only After Many Tries - Computer Freezes

Oct 30, 2008

My emachine PC, running on XP will, more often than not, not boot up without repeatedly pressing the start button on the tower.Before this problem began, when the computer ran normally, as soon as the ON button was pressed the cooling fans would whir at high speed for 2 seconds and then drop to a quieter, low rpm speed. The emachine logo would appear followed by the Microsoft screen, etc. Since the problem began, when the ON button is pressed the fans come up at high speed but will not drop to the quieter state, nor does the emachines logo appear. Essentially, the computer freezes.

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Pc Freezes And Strange Lines During Boot?

Feb 20, 2006

After my computer starts there is this buzzing sound that continues. It didn't happen when I got the computer. This buzzing sound keeps continuing.When I play games and some minutes into the game computer starts to slow down and it starts to freeze.Then I try to alt tab or all the shortcuts control alt delete. Doesn't work. I also see tiny little grey lines around my mouse, I can move my mouse but everything else has frozen. I then have to restart computer. When I restarted my computer there was like little blue lines going down my screen not many only 3 or 4 or something.

The blue lines happen when it goes to the loading screen where it says windows is loading and has a blue bar that goes across. It also has a few blue dots near the bar that goes across. When that loading is finished nothing appears on my screen it is just black. Just now I turned off my computer for a while hoping that it was just a heating problem. I turned it back on and it works I just have the buzzing sound.

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Can Only Boot In Safe Mode - Pc Freezes

Dec 27, 2008

I had a virus or something redirecting my internet browsers. I was able to install malwarebytes while in safe mode and get my browser back. Now I cannot boot unless I am in safe mode. I attempt to log on as the owner, sometimes I can enter apassword, other times not, then my pc freezes and doesn't go any further. Any ideas??? What other info might any prospective help need?
I have xp home edition

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Laptop Freezes After Boot Screen

Aug 19, 2008

i just need some help my laptop has frozen it wont comr on after the boot screen can any 1

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2000 Pro Freezes Totally After Boot Up

Apr 9, 2005

I recently had a computer guy install Win 2000 professional on a computer that had previously had win 98 which was really hosed bad. ( a clean install) Now, of all the luck it freezes after just a few minutes or perhaps 10 minutes sometimes. I mean it freezes, it will not respond to Ctrl Alt Del at all. Nothing will unfreeze it short of the reset switch. Weird huh?? The only thing I can think of that might have happened is I tried to do a Norton Live Update and it stopped and said that it did not complete, gave a long list of error messages of what did or did not happen and to contact tech support with the full body of message. I don't know if I am even registered with Norton all I know is that is says I have 365 or 364 days left on my license or whatever.

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Power Schemes Are Missing From Power Options

Nov 19, 2004

I'm running WinXP pro and have lost all the reguler power schemes from the power options propreties window. Also I'm unable to Save a new scheme.I beleive the schemes where deleted from the power properties window by right clicking and selecting delete. They used to be there anyway Unknown is listed above Turn off monitor-Turn off hard disks-System standby-System hibernates and everything is greyed out. They are still listed in the registry but with no value set.How do I go about getting the schemes back?

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Remote Desktop Connection - Can Ping The Remote

Oct 12, 2005

I have two different computers both running Windows XP professional. I am trying to connect to one remotely using the Remote Desktop Connection. I have enabled the remote computer for remote logins but for some reason I cannot connect with it. I get the error message that the client could not connect to the remote session. I have 50 other computers on this network all set up the same way and have never had a problem. Everything seems to be configured exactly the same. I can ping the remote computer.

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Remote Desktop - Remote Logoff By Other Users?

Feb 20, 2008

Here is my problem. I am logged in to a machine via remote desktop and another user with admin rights logs in via remote desktop and logs me off because they assumed that I had forgotten to log off or whatever else. Is there any permission setting either in group policy or elsewhere that would prevent a user attempting to connect via remote desktop from logging off an already logged on user? The problem is that both users are and need to be Admins.

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Difference In Remote Assistance (RA) Vs. Remote Desktop (RD)?

Jul 30, 2005

My question concerns Remote Assistance (RA) vs. Remote Desktop (RD) to XP Pro desktops. Providing tech support, I am trying to see if anyone knows how to setup RD session I initiate to a Windows XP Pro OS to "share" sessions with the end user, other than via RA.

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PC Freezes On Loading Bar / System Wont Boot?

Dec 10, 2008

I went away at the weekend, came back on Monday and the PC wouldn't boot. It gets to the point of the loading bar / splash screen and then just stops, the PC then has to be turned off or reset. It will boot into safe mode and seems relitively responsive, there are no signs of any spware of viruses and the last windows update was done in November.

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