Getting Errors Related To Registry / Applications Wont Start?

May 17, 2006

A few days ago I started getting registry problems, applications not wanting to startup right and ect. Then it was followed by shortcuts crapping out on me. When I clicked on the shortcut to see what was wrong it said there was a .LNKtx problem with the .exe or somethign to that notion. I can bypass that problem fairly easily without a fix, however when I do that and load somethign such as a game it will cause the CPU to either a) shutdown program or b) make cpu crash and restart.

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Service Pack 3 Related Errors

Jul 31, 2008

I had some viruses and in my process of cleaning, I believe the auto dowload feature kicked in for Windows service pack 3. Once it loaded, I ran RegiCure and a host of other virus or regi conflict software. The following message appears when I try to boot Excel or Word. "The application or DLL C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOfficeMSO9.DLL is not a valid Windows Image.Please check this against your installation diskette."So at the moment, I can't boot Excel and Word. IS there a known Excel & Word conflict with service pack "3"?

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Scandisk Doesnot Completes - Errors Were Related To Firefox.

Feb 23, 2005

When my computer is checking the drives after i restart my comouter by hitting the "reset" button on the CPU, it runs halfway and gives some errors. But the scanning does not complete.
The last line in the display says :

documents and settingsxxxMy Documentsxxx=; is cross linked on allocation unit 917504

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Massive Lags, Error Msgs, System Errors, Dlls Registry Errors

Dec 4, 2004

When I start the computer, I get a screen freeze and have to press Ctrl,Alt,Del once before any programs will startup. A lot of probs with internet connection and slowness while surfing as well as a lot of pop up ads in my face.

There are system boxes coming up with registry and dll errors and the whole system seems SLOW.

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Stop Errors And Continuous Crashing Of Applications?

Aug 2, 2010

I've been having a lot of problem recently with my computer issuing stop errors (didn't manage to write down the error code) and also crashing pretty much every program I use after awhile. The stop error I have just received was informing me about some newly installed hardware but i haven't installed anything new on the computer for about 2 years.

Even all 3 of my internet browsers are crashing a lot on a daily basis and I'm starting to get frustrated about what the problem actually is.I've run spybot, avg and antimalware both in normal boot and in safe mode and all have found nothing.Also I can only log in to windows if I boot in last configuration that worked otherwise it gets to the account log in screen and it's just a black screen with nothing visible at all.

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Won't Boot - Memory Related Or Bios Related

Apr 18, 2008

My pc won't boot windows. When I turn it on it gives the following message:"X300 SE 128MB BIOS P/N 113-A33406-100"Not exactly sure what is going on. I think it is either memory related or bios related, but I could be wrong.

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Not Start Applications / Hangs Up With Hourglass After Start Ups Run

Aug 20, 2008

I have a Compaq Presario desk top. one gig memory. XP which is up to date. Run AVG free, windows defender, threatfire, spybot.I am on a cable hookup with a linksys BEFSR41 router. Turn off the computer each night.Right now I am using a laptop connected to the router to access the internet. the desktop would take a long time to start up applications but when they did start up things ran ok. This morning, I power up and the computer will go thru the speed start up list but will not start up anything from the start menu, just get the hour glass. On start alt delete, it says 99 percent system idle. On start up I hit the f10 key to start up a compaq system restore and it will not go.get the message system registry file failure, hive file, system root system32 configsecurity corrupt, absent, or not write able.

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Choosing Which Applications Automatically Start Up When Start

Apr 4, 2005

How do i get to the little menu where I can choose which applications automatically start up when Windows starts up and which do not? I forgot how to get to that menu but I remember that I could check and uncheck which things would start up, etc. The reason for this is because everytime I start windows, it tries to load my scanning software which I don't need started anymore due to the scanner not being connected at all anymore, and the un installation not going as properly as it should of.. but it just bugs me that it tries to connect to the scanner (with about 3-4 attempts) when Windows starts so this is my best option.

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CD ROM's Not Working Due To Registry Errors?

Apr 28, 2005

CD ROM's not working due to registry errors?

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Errors In Registry Mechanic Found 800

Jan 14, 2006

Registry Mechanic just found 800 bad stuff on my pc. It cant delete them all because it needs to be registered and I dont know what to do about the stuff it can delete

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Registry Errors - Not Enough Disk Space

Oct 16, 2006

when I close AOL.Everytime I tried to close it I would get the error message "76-APQM Not enough disk space". Their techs first answer was that the artwork database was damaged.After following their techs instructions on how to clear the artwork. I still had the error message. They told me since I am still getting the error message, my only option is to reinstall. After reinstalling AOL I still have the error message when I close AOL.

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Getting Registry Errors / Computer Keeps On Restarting?

Oct 8, 2005

my computer keeps restarting over and over again and doesnt turn on properly. if i am lucky enough to actually get my computer to turn on and load windows and try to open programs using task manager i get msgs like...."one of the files containing the system data had to be recovered by use of a log or alternate copy. the recovery was successful" , " winlogon - entry point not found - the procedure entry poin SetErrnMode could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll." "lsass.exe - Not Found -

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Getting Unknown Registry Errors While Using Scanner?

Dec 10, 2007

I have been doing a Windows LiveCare Safety Scanner and it is bringing these errors up how please do I get rid of them.I am a total novice so be gentle with me.I have Windows Home Edition 2000 and it is a Toshiba Laptop

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Message Of Registry Errors From System To Alert?

Jul 9, 2005

I am a new user of xp, I m gatting a message that there are registry errors and i should fix these, it also tells that message is from system to alert. I
think it is fake and should i ignore it and how can i stop message alert appear again and again.

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System Crashing Occasionally: Getting Errors For Registry?

Feb 7, 2006

I have a brand-new computer, put together by a relative with almost all new parts. It's running Windows XP. Occasionally it crashes, sometimes I get error messages about the registry, and every once in a while the clock is wrong. I understand a bit about stop errors (because of Microsoft's nice error-reporting service) but I don't know how to find out what is causing them. Something about a driver, but how do I know which driver?

The computer seems to crash randomly, not with any discernable pattern or regularity.I suspect there's something wrong with the DVD player- music sometimes skips if I'm playing from a CD, and once the computer crashed while I was playing a large video file. Then again, I've played DVDs with no problem quite a few times and I've always been able to copy and burn. When the computer blue-screens, it shuts down before I can read any of it.

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Taskmgr Startup Errors - Windows Askmgr.exe" Specified In The Registry

Oct 2, 2007

A box came up with C:Windows askmgr.exe in the title bar and the text said, "Windows cannot access the specified device, path or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access them" I clicked OK and a second box came up. It had DESKTOP in the title bar and the text said "Could not load or run c: . Make sure the file exists on your computer or remove the reference to it in the registry." I clicked OK and things seemed to work.

I use the free version of Grisoft's AVG so I ran a scan and it found 3 items, one of which was taskmgr.exe infected with Trojan horse SHeur.NOZ. It said it fixed them so I rebooted. The other 2 were svchost.exe and svchost_tmp.exe also infected by SHeur.QCZ

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Uninstallers Are Missing From Start Menu Applications

Jan 21, 2006

Here is my problem - when I enter the control panel to add/remove programs, the list pouplates but I am unable to change or remove programs as the change or remove tabs are completely missing. All it shows is size and used (how often) info. Most of the programs don't even show this info until I click on them, but again, no change or remove tabs are there. Can anyone help here? Additionally, it appears that a lot of uninstallers are missing from my start menu apps...

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Manually Start DHCP In Service And Applications

Jun 10, 2005

The problem is that each time I turn the pc on, if I want to access the internet, I must right click on My Computer, then Manage and then Service and Applications and then Double Click DHCP Client. It is set for Autostart but something is wrong because I have to manually start it up. I did a quick check on other items that had no status and they seem to be in this file: 'System32svchost.exe -k netscvs'. The tech guy from my ISP told me that it could be a problem with my XP disc? I can't see how. When my friend installed this hardware he also installed an extra hard drive, around 6 gig for things I might want on a backup incase something happens to my main hard drive. He formatted both hard drives and put Windows 98 on the main drive, not aware that you could do a clean install with XP.Now when my computer starts up I have to choose either Windows XP Home or Windows if I choose Windows nothing happens. Just a blinking cursor. My main concern right now is that I have to manuallly start up the DHCP Client if I want to go online.I went into the BIOS looking for answers.

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.dll Errors On Start Up

Jun 13, 2005

The procedure entry point DdEntry1 could not be located in the dynamic link library GDI32.dll

That's the error message I'm getting. I get it from the ATI and XFire. Also, I can't play certain games anymore, because they are prompting me to download dx9.0c

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Issue Cannot Start BITS - Several Errors

Aug 27, 2005

I am having trouble starting the BITS Service on my WinXP Pro SP1...

Because of this i am getting several errors in my event log...

Event Type:Error

Event Source:LsaSrv

Event Category:Security Package Manager

Event ID:5000


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Many Crashes, Many DCOM Errors, WMI Service Won't Start

Sep 20, 2009

My computer (Windows XP, all patches but SP3) has started crashing and now it is getting more and more frequent. No BSOD. Just "click" and lights out. Nothing predictable about it, either. I am getting hordes of DCOM errors in event viewer. Event ID 10010, with description "The server {8BC3F05E-D65B-11D0-A075-00C04FB68820} did not register with DCOM within the required timeout.While chasing this down in an amateur fashion, I found out that the WMI service (Windows Management Instrumentation) which is set to start automatically is not starting. Nor can the service be manually started. When I try to start it manually, I get the following Services alert popup "Could not start the Windows Management Instrumentation service on Local Computer. Error 193:0xcl

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Getting Stop Errors: Unable To Start The System?

Dec 6, 2008

I recently purchased a new Hard Drive from Western Digital. It's an Internal 500Gb, and its been running so-so. It's sort of loud, mainly as it sort of vibrates the case of the computer (I have one panel off as the cord im using wont fit). Aside from that ive had no problems.What I'm worried about though, are these STOP errors that occasionally pop up Quote: "MEMORY MANAGEMENT - STOP 0x0000001A (0x00041284, 0x0E586001, 0x000015BC, 0xC0883000)" I know that ...0014a has something to do with memory or RAM, and that 0x00041284 is "0x41284A PTE or the working set list is corrupted." according to MSDN.

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Getting 2 Stop Errors On Laptop / Unable To Start In Safe Mode?

Apr 2, 2007

It started yesterday, I was playing around on the computer and only downloaded magiciso.I continued to play around. I shut down the computer and it hasnt been the same since.When it 1st started back up..I got this:Address 80410527 base at 80400000 datestamp 45069e6e - ntoskrnl.exe IRQL not less or equal I tried to get into safe mode but nothing.I then tried last good config and it let me I played around to what I thought would fix things..but when I restarted it wont let me in either way now.

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What Should Be In My Start Up Registry/msconfig

Jul 30, 2007

pc takes for ever to get started up. Through msconfig, my start up registry is loaded down!!! Maybe that is why when it finally does come up when I click on MS wword or Excell, it takes for ever for them to load

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Won't Start After Registry Mechanic

Oct 19, 2005

I ran registry mechanic V5 on my office XP machine. It ran smoothly and when I chose compact registry and it finished, it asked me to restart windows, I accepted, and it restarted, after the windows logo, the screen goes blank (black) and does nothing, I restarted again, and chose last working config, the same thing, screen goes blank, and when I restart using any of the safe mode configs, the screen not only goes blank, but there is a blinking cursor on the upper left corner,

I tried to run a Repair install of the Windows XP CD, but, I don't have the "R" option in there, only "ENTER" to Install, "D" to Delete the currenyt partition or "F3" to exit. I don't know how to work with the Repair console I also would want to know what happened if there was no error reported

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Would Not Start Now / Registry Disappeared

Apr 18, 2007

Solved the problem by reinstalling windows totally, off the 7 disks I have. Anyway, just want to vent it out. Could not figure out why when I turned on my computer it told me that the registry was corrupt, missing, or whatever? Would not start no how. Did the f2 thing or was it the F8 thing, don't remember. Anyway got the start in safe mode, go to last good fig. restart in dos mode, restart windows, etc. Most of the time, got the windows logo, the green/blue lines going across, took quite a while, then the screen said the above message. Had nothing new installed except Windows updates. Thought computer was fried. Even tried just installing/recovery but to no avail. Finally did the complete install. Thank god I also have the sp2 disk or else it would of taken forever to download. Just don't understand why, it worked fine for 2 days after the downloads from microsoft.

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Registry Values/data For Start Menu To Looks Same As Before?

Jul 5, 2005

I'm trying to fix my Start Menu by editing the Registry values in but I am unclear about WHAT DATA SHOULD BE UNDER THESE 4 REGISTRY VALUES to fix the Start Menu.The problem I am trying to fix in my Start Menu is that looks the same as before, but when I hover over or click the All Programs submenu it doesn't appear. The hard drive light doesn't even come on like before when it was at least looking for my shortcuts. All the shortcuts are on the hard drive in the correct folders where they should be but the only way I can access them is through the Windows Explorer file mgr. The problem started after a Windows Update install

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Start System - Registry File Failure

Oct 3, 2007

I am using XP home and when I start my laptop the following message came up: STOP: c0000218 {Registry File Failure} The registry cannot load the hive (file): SystemRootSystem32ConfigSOFTWARE or its log or alternate. It is corrupt, absent, or not writable.

Beginning dump of physical memory
Physical memory dump complete.
Contact your system administrator or technical support group for further assistance.

I followed the link from other threads to the microsoft site explaining repairing the registry using the installation disk. I got the computer from my brother in law and do not know where the installation disks are. Also it was factory installed and the microsoft instructions say they do not work with OEM software. Is there a way to fix this without the disk? If I find the disk Dell supplied will it work since it it was not a XP install disk?

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Recurring Problem With Registry Becoming Corrupted -cant Start Window

Jan 28, 2009

I have been having an ongoing problem with the dreaded "windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt...". This has been happening for many months now and each time I have tried a different solution. Here is what I have tried in the past

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Start Registry Editor - Erase Data Trail

Sep 22, 2003

Start the Registry Editor by clicking Start, Run, and type "regedit" (without quotes). Go to this key:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerMemory Management On the right, locate the ClearPageFileAtShutdown value. Right-click the value, select modify, and change the data value of the registry key to 1. If the ClearPageFileAtShutdown value doesn't exist, add it. Right-click the right side of your specified key and add it as a DWORD value. Then change the data value to 1. Restart for your changes to take effect. Note: Your shutdown time may slightly increase.

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Changed Boot Drive Letter In Registry, Now Pc Wont Start

Jan 3, 2006

I have Windows XP Home Edition, SP2 on two separate bootable hard drives in my Dell XPS B1000r. I have my 80 GB �main� hard drive and a 40 GB �extra� hard drive. I mainly boot from my �main� 80 GB hard drive, and that�s the drive that won�t boot after I changed the drive letter.

I wanted to rename the Drive letters associated with each of these hard drives. I was able to change the �extra� hard drive using the Disk Management option. I was not able to change the letter of my �main� hard drive, because I booted from it. I used Regedit to change the boot drive letter, based on the Microsoft Help & Support article:;EN-US;Q223188

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