Many Crashes, Many DCOM Errors, WMI Service Won't Start

Sep 20, 2009

My computer (Windows XP, all patches but SP3) has started crashing and now it is getting more and more frequent. No BSOD. Just "click" and lights out. Nothing predictable about it, either. I am getting hordes of DCOM errors in event viewer. Event ID 10010, with description "The server {8BC3F05E-D65B-11D0-A075-00C04FB68820} did not register with DCOM within the required timeout.While chasing this down in an amateur fashion, I found out that the WMI service (Windows Management Instrumentation) which is set to start automatically is not starting. Nor can the service be manually started. When I try to start it manually, I get the following Services alert popup "Could not start the Windows Management Instrumentation service on Local Computer. Error 193:0xcl

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DCOM 10005 Error During Boot Up - Service Cannot Started Safe Mode

Jan 12, 2009

I'm having problems with my computer properly booting in normal windows. Every time I boot up my PC normally it freezes for a second during the windows boot up phase, flashes a blue screen that you can even read a word before it reboots. i can only open up in safe mode and nothing more. i've checked the system errors and i keep getting the same one that doesn't allow me to boot up normally.

DCOM got error "This service cannot be started in Safe Mode " attempting to start the service EventSystem with arguments "" in order to run the server: {1BE1F766-5536-11D1-B726-00C04FB926AF} i've done a system repair with my XP SP2 disc and i still get the same thing to happen every time i repair it. i'm sure the answer is staring me strait in the face and i can't see it.

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Memtest86 + V2.11 Errors PowerPoint Crashes

Jul 8, 2010

I have a dell dimension 3000 running windows xp sp3 that we use at our church to run a PowerPoint 2007 presentation for our songs to display on a projector. The problem is that more often than not the PowerPoint will crash and sometimes the entire system for no apparent reason. I have uninstalled word and reinstalled to no avail, it is still happening. I decided to start trouble shooting so I downloaded the memtest86 v2.11 and I am getting fails during test 2. Not sure if that means it is the ram or if it is a hardware conflict. Aside from a potential ram problem I am wondering about 3 other possibilities.

Could it be the way I have set up the video to run 2 monitors? I currently have purchased and installed a Zotac Nvidia GeForce 5200 video card which I plug the projector into and it acts as the primary monitor. The 2nd monitor a NEC AccuSync LCD5v monitor is plugged into the on-board video slot. Neither one of the settings for these video cards seem to recognize that I have two monitors plugged in, so not sure if that is the source of the crashes? If I should hook them up differently or what

Within the PowerPoint itself is over 300 hyper links (one for each song plus one to end the song and return to main PowerPoint) I run it in presenter mode. Also have a macro on one slide so it can function as a white board. Main PowerPoint has 6 slides.

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Errors Crashes Blue Screens

May 10, 2010

My PC is not working well and i can't figure out why, Symptoms : When i try to play a game it gives me Fatal error with "the memory can't be read / written " ( That happens in games like WoW and Warcraft 3 TFT ) or exits the game for games like Painkiller or PES 6, The error / crashes in games happen randomly sometimes when i start the games and sometimes between 5 and 30 minutes, Other applications fail (like Firefox or Yahoo messenger ) this happens pretty often too, Random reboots happen 4-5 times a day. i unchecked the automatically reboot option and now instead of reboots i get a blue screen with an error classic i wrote down this error 0x00000024 0x001902FE 0xF89959BC 0xF89956B8 0x804ED1A6

What i did :
- format all HDD and reinstall the OS
- changed the memory sticks
- cleaned the PC interior ( really good )

Nothing worked

Please Help !!!!

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Errors And Crashes - Blue Screens Of Death

Jan 18, 2006

I have a new computer with Windows XP, and it frequently crashes and has the evil blue screens of death, often titled BAD_POOL_HEADER

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Computer Crashes// Blue Screen Errors

Jun 25, 2005

I have been gettting lots of crashes also Blue screens Here are some of the Errors : Nv4_Disp.Dll, Driver IRQL Not Less Or Equal, And Win32K Sys I am not to sure what to do here I only know afew things about computers I have been told to reformat And that will take all my errors away

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Lots Of Errors : Random Program Crashes

Oct 20, 2005

Windows Installation : Various files cannot be copied and/or not copied correctly. Giving blue screen of [enter] retry, [esc] skip or F3 to abort installation. Files constantly failing to copy : cyycoins or something, lots of .chm files, too many to mention. Curious thing is, same problems for both optical drives and both HDDs, varying both for many installations. Eventually I held down [enter] and the files went in, well some didn't but Windows booted fine.

Warhammer Dawn of War : Winter Assault. is corrupt. Changed optical drives during installtion, installed fine. Could be hardware issue with my cdrom, Same game, when playing will crash to desktop. No error message sometimes, no indication of crash (no freezing or warning sounds or stuttering, just flat out BOOM, .exe gone. Sometimes error message appears to send error report, sometimes doesn't. Occurs while under load
I thought this could again be CDROM issue, with the copy protection not keeping the game running because disc wasnt read right.

Mozilla Firefox : Dunno really. Loaded it up to access webpage. Some survey appeared, then program locks up for maybe 10 seconds then crashes with firefox.exe has encountered error Windows built in message appears. Firefox is unable to load up again due to missing/corrupted .dll file error. Cannot page_read or something. I forget the whole error message. Guess coulda been important to save it to post here.

Whole system reboot. Idle one time, machine just goes down, then starts up again. Flat reboot. Didnt touch any buttons, then once in Windows 'recovered from serious error' message appears. Tells me after sending report its a device driver issue. Changed My Computer options to give the Blue Screen of Death so that the driver is named, nothing, just page_file_read or errors along those lines I know nothing about.

Don't know what is wrong. Hardware issue could be Optical Drive. But then again I have 2 drives, and the errors ocur no matter which one I use, same with the Hard Disks. I'm stumped. Its quite a huge issue. I have nothing on the drives, I backed all my stuff up before formatting after starting to get errors 1-4. I got these errors before format and immediately after. So would indicate Hardware issue would it not Can it be a BIOS problem? Or wiring, neither of which i have altered or been brave enough to look at.

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Blue Screen Crashes & Stop Errors

Dec 23, 2005

I built a pc back in Apr 2005 and it has been a nightmare from the 1st day. Ive reformatted twice only to encounter the same problems. BLUE SCREEN CRASHES AND STOP ERRORS. This occurs during every single task I attempt. I am not even able to run a virus scan without it crashing. There are a few yellow ?? in the system device menu box thingy but the drivers wont install. It seems that every blue screen crash has a different code and always end with system dump.

I was able to use ad-aware SE to remove the spyware garbage but it didnt help. I did a chkdsk /f and there were many, many bad sectors on the hard drive a majority of them are system32/dll (upside down LL) Cache dll (again upside down LL)files, I ran the scan several times and each time many many bad sectors were found from what I can tell new bad sectors with each scan. What does this mean.

No matter what program I try to use about 5 minutes into it the pc will blue screen crash. It doesnt matter what its is looking at the system device manager, trying to update drivers. I everything I do CRASHES.I cant even get my important data off of the pc & onto a cd without it crashing. I dont know what to do. I can download something on a different pc test to ensure its working right then put it on this pc and I get a message saying that some file is corrupt or it will crash. It doesnt matter what it is a few minutes into it the system crashes. Even when try to run software of the mobo cd still crashes I tested the memory and 1 test program says it passed and another test program says it failed.

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Several .dll Errors In IE And Mozilla, Several Blue Screens, And Many Program Crashes

Mar 25, 2005

Ever since I'd built my computer, I have been getting errors in internet explorer. These would pop up at completely random intervals (although it seemed to be more often when I loaded intensive pages). They would take the guise of problems that are all attributed to many things. mshtml.dll, ntdll.dll, wininet.dll, and a few other .dll files have been the error causing agents in the "more info" on the error popup. I have also had many blue screen errors such as bad pool caller, irql not less or equal, and page fault in_nonpaged area, to name a few
When I started getting these errors, I tried to look them up, but I found several different reasons for errors. Many errors had different problems such as various installed components, leading my to believe that it was a RAM error. I bought a PNY stick at BB and swapped it. Still got the errors. I then returned the PNY stick and bought an ULTRA X-Connect PSU. I tested it again, and I still got the same errors. Then, a new devvelopment occurred. I tried doing a repair install, but it errored halfway through, saying that a certain file could not be copied

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Service Pack 2 Errors

Oct 31, 2007

I tried downloading service pack 2 and it messed up my computer and it takes a while to get onto it and the internet is slow. I can only use it in safe mode. Please tell me what to do, besides reboot the computer, for I have done that 2 times already.

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Service Pack 3 Related Errors

Jul 31, 2008

I had some viruses and in my process of cleaning, I believe the auto dowload feature kicked in for Windows service pack 3. Once it loaded, I ran RegiCure and a host of other virus or regi conflict software. The following message appears when I try to boot Excel or Word. "The application or DLL C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOfficeMSO9.DLL is not a valid Windows Image.Please check this against your installation diskette."So at the moment, I can't boot Excel and Word. IS there a known Excel & Word conflict with service pack "3"?

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Microsoft Service Pack Errors

Aug 9, 2010

I start up my computer, I get this message pop up: Fatal Execution Engine Error (0x7929f276) By accident, I went to my control panel and clicked on Administrative tools, and clicked on the Micrsoft.Net Framework 1.1 Configuration and got this same error message: Fatal Execution Engine Error (0x7929f276) so how do I get rid of it then? I went online and found out that I needed to go to my Add/Remove Programs and put a check mark next to the "Show Updates" which makes it show all of the Microsoft .Net Framework stuff. I did that, and managed to remove the Service Pack 3. BUT when I tried to remove all of the Service Pack 1 it said something like that "something is already in the process of installing, please wait till it gets done"

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Disabling Bluetooth Stack Service In Vista Without Errors?

Sep 20, 2009

How do I disable Bluetooth Stack Service in Windows Vista without errors?

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PC Too Slow/internet Explorer Crashes Randomly/ Explorer Service Quits?

Sep 28, 2006

My pc is so slow that it takes ages to play a song in wmp11. Ive used tools like ad-aware and registry mechanic, tune up utilities. But still no improvement. It used to be just fine, until I installed some pay-for-viewing add program. I have uninstalled it since then, but the slowness remains. And the processor is hogged, at the highest level, even though i killed many a startup processes.

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Leaguepad - Crashes During The Start-up

Apr 5, 2005

got a problem, i run a program called Leaguepad, it crashes during the start-up
I've read somewhere that i need a new copy of Kernel32.dll i downloaded one but cannot replace it in any sort of mode

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Hangs / Crashes On Start Up

Jun 14, 2006

Im new to the forums, some very helpful members here! just hope someone can help me! here is the problem i am having I have Windows XP Pro Service Pack 2, v2096. Version 2000. Anyway,when i turn my computer on from the power, the Windows logo appears with the bar going across loading as normal. Then suddenly it will either stop in the middle of the bar loading and will hang there and not Load up! OR the bar will just keep running across under the logo and nothing will load.It does this all the time, if you get a lucky day it will load up. but it takes HOURS!! does anybody know what the problem is or how it can be resolved?

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.dll Errors On Start Up

Jun 13, 2005

The procedure entry point DdEntry1 could not be located in the dynamic link library GDI32.dll

That's the error message I'm getting. I get it from the ATI and XFire. Also, I can't play certain games anymore, because they are prompting me to download dx9.0c

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Removing A Continuous DCOM Alert Message In Event Manager

Jan 26, 2006

I have currently WinXP running on my pc and my event manager is getting constantly full up of DCOM messages which I am scratching my head over! The message I am getting is:DCOM is unable to communicate with computer ANNE-MARIE using any of the configured protocols. I am getting 15 of these every minute ANNE-MARIE is a notebook of someone who worked here shortly and used my companies wireless connection. It is driving me nuts and I would be very grateful if someone could assist me with this.

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DCOM In Event Viewer - Component Services Administrative Tools

Apr 19, 2005

The machine-default permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the COM Server application with CLSID {BC866CF2-5486-41F7-B46B-9AA49CF3EBB1}
to the user NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE SID (S-1-5-20). This security permission can be modified using the Component Services administrative tool.

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Start Button Search Crashes Explorer

Feb 4, 2007

I attempt to start search from the start button explorer hangs. when i open task manager it shows explorer is using up all of the cup time and the only thing i can do is end the task and restart. Whenever i start a search from within a window it works perfectly.

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Issue Cannot Start BITS - Several Errors

Aug 27, 2005

I am having trouble starting the BITS Service on my WinXP Pro SP1...

Because of this i am getting several errors in my event log...

Event Type:Error

Event Source:LsaSrv

Event Category:Security Package Manager

Event ID:5000


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Getting Stop Errors: Unable To Start The System?

Dec 6, 2008

I recently purchased a new Hard Drive from Western Digital. It's an Internal 500Gb, and its been running so-so. It's sort of loud, mainly as it sort of vibrates the case of the computer (I have one panel off as the cord im using wont fit). Aside from that ive had no problems.What I'm worried about though, are these STOP errors that occasionally pop up Quote: "MEMORY MANAGEMENT - STOP 0x0000001A (0x00041284, 0x0E586001, 0x000015BC, 0xC0883000)" I know that ...0014a has something to do with memory or RAM, and that 0x00041284 is "0x41284A PTE or the working set list is corrupted." according to MSDN.

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Getting Errors Related To Registry / Applications Wont Start?

May 17, 2006

A few days ago I started getting registry problems, applications not wanting to startup right and ect. Then it was followed by shortcuts crapping out on me. When I clicked on the shortcut to see what was wrong it said there was a .LNKtx problem with the .exe or somethign to that notion. I can bypass that problem fairly easily without a fix, however when I do that and load somethign such as a game it will cause the CPU to either a) shutdown program or b) make cpu crash and restart.

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Explorer Crashes - Desktop Icons / Task Bar Tray Start Menu

Oct 16, 2006

My Windows Explorer keeps crashing. I loose my desktop icons, taskbar, tray and start menu. Windows minimize to just above where the taskbar should be. Usually I can re-start the explorer.exe in the task manager. It now flashes and then is gone again. I can't get it back. How can I get to the control panel with no start menu? I've tried an earlier restore point, restarted with last known good configuration. Nothing. I'm running windows XP Home SP2 all updates.

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Getting 2 Stop Errors On Laptop / Unable To Start In Safe Mode?

Apr 2, 2007

It started yesterday, I was playing around on the computer and only downloaded magiciso.I continued to play around. I shut down the computer and it hasnt been the same since.When it 1st started back up..I got this:Address 80410527 base at 80400000 datestamp 45069e6e - ntoskrnl.exe IRQL not less or equal I tried to get into safe mode but nothing.I then tried last good config and it let me I played around to what I thought would fix things..but when I restarted it wont let me in either way now.

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Could Not Start The Theme Service On Local Computer

Nov 10, 2006

Ive followed many forums and none of them have my problem. ive fixed so much, except the last major one.. its just one more thing till i have the theme back. It was along! time ago.. my theme stuffed up after installing StyleXP. i didnt think much of it and i should of system restored it except i didnt. if i do this. Start > Run > services.msc > then scroll down to themes. its on "Automatic" but the service isnt running, its stopped, if i try to start the service it comes up with this error: "Could not start the Theme service on Local Computer. Error 126: The Specified Module Could not be Found."

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Manually Start DHCP In Service And Applications

Jun 10, 2005

The problem is that each time I turn the pc on, if I want to access the internet, I must right click on My Computer, then Manage and then Service and Applications and then Double Click DHCP Client. It is set for Autostart but something is wrong because I have to manually start it up. I did a quick check on other items that had no status and they seem to be in this file: 'System32svchost.exe -k netscvs'. The tech guy from my ISP told me that it could be a problem with my XP disc? I can't see how. When my friend installed this hardware he also installed an extra hard drive, around 6 gig for things I might want on a backup incase something happens to my main hard drive. He formatted both hard drives and put Windows 98 on the main drive, not aware that you could do a clean install with XP.Now when my computer starts up I have to choose either Windows XP Home or Windows if I choose Windows nothing happens. Just a blinking cursor. My main concern right now is that I have to manuallly start up the DHCP Client if I want to go online.I went into the BIOS looking for answers.

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SSDP Discovery Service Not Start - Error 1079

Aug 9, 2010

While troubleshooting a problem that prevents the picture download software that came with my Canon camera from working, I discovered that the SSDP Discovery Service is not running. Efforts to start the service failed with the following error: "Error 1079: The account specified for this service is different from the account specified for other services running the same process."

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Updates Will Not Install - Automatic Service Manual Start

Sep 22, 2007

I have three microsoft updates that will not install. I have tried repeatedly to install them, however it is unsuccessful everytime. For now, I have put automatic update service on manual start until I can get it fixed as the automatic update service was eating up processor resources.

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Blaster 32 Worm Message "DCOM NT Authority/System"?

Sep 28, 2006

A client computer (XP Home) started receiving the pop-up message "DCOM NT Authority/System". And then the pop-up says you have 60 seconds until shutdown. I have used the FixBlast.exe removal tool from Symantec. I have run it in regular and safe mode and receive the message "Worm Not Found" in each. I have run a virus check using AVG and no results. I still get the message after XP starts to load. I can eliminate the message by running "shutdown -a" from the run command. Does anyone know of any other way of checking for Blaster 32 or how to get rid of the pop-up.

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Wont Start Firewall Service Files Deleted By Virus

Jun 10, 2010

a virus entered my pc and blocked my firewallics service i tried everything i found online from starting my firewall service in services.smc to using the netsh commands and rundll32 setupapi,InstallHinfSection Ndi-Steelhead 132 %windir%infetrass.inf command but it did not change anything. i fully scanned 3 times each with avira,spybot,malawarebyte and all viruses were deleted but i still have this problem.

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