DCOM In Event Viewer - Component Services Administrative Tools

Apr 19, 2005

The machine-default permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the COM Server application with CLSID {BC866CF2-5486-41F7-B46B-9AA49CF3EBB1}
to the user NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE SID (S-1-5-20). This security permission can be modified using the Component Services administrative tool.

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Event Viewer - 5.0 Component

May 24, 2004

I have windows xp pro and this is the first time i ever try this I when to the administrative tools >> Event Viewer >> Services and this error Can someone please explain what it is and how to correct whatever it is ?DetailsProduct: Windows Operating System ID: 10000 source: DCOM Version: 5.0 Component: System Event Log Symbolic Name: EVENT_RPCSS_CREATEPROCESS_FAILURE Message: Unable to start a DCOM Server: %3. The error:"%%%2"

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Event Viewer Warning Disk Event 51 - Hard Drive Crash

Sep 2, 2005

I've looked at it infrequently, and never could understand what I saw, but today there was something relatively new and scary:...Further info under help and support said an error was detected during a paging file operation. The word "disk" scared me, so I checked the entire Event Viewer, and found 25 of these errors, from Aug 1 2005 through Sep 3 2005. If this event was cataloged earlier, I don't know, because the Event Viewer only goes back to Aug 1. I checked System Restore for Aug 1, 2005 and found a couple of things; 1) an accidental MS "update" to NVIDIA GeForce4 MX driver 5.12 -- but we've had the driver for a long time now. The 5.12 screws up the display resolution, big time. I reinstalled the 6.17; resolution is fine; but I'm wondering if this could have something to do with the Event 51 warning. Also, on that same date, something called Software Distribution Service 2.0 is listed three times, and I don't know why. I don't even know what it is. I've researched the web, and can't find anything that seems to apply -- other than potential for a hard drive crash. Just what I don't need. Meanwhile, the entire system is working extremely well; fast and smooth; no glitches or twitches that I can detect

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Removing A Continuous DCOM Alert Message In Event Manager

Jan 26, 2006

I have currently WinXP running on my pc and my event manager is getting constantly full up of DCOM messages which I am scratching my head over! The message I am getting is:DCOM is unable to communicate with computer ANNE-MARIE using any of the configured protocols. I am getting 15 of these every minute ANNE-MARIE is a notebook of someone who worked here shortly and used my companies wireless connection. It is driving me nuts and I would be very grateful if someone could assist me with this.

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Event Viewer Log?

Feb 13, 2005

Whenever I try to view the Log, I get the top screen with the three optons, but I only get the bottom screen no-matter which of the three I click on, is it corrupt or something? Why can't I get the Event Log to come up?

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Event Viewer Errors

Aug 10, 2005

I'm having some intermittent computer problems. Sometimes I get programs that all of a sudden "wont respond" and have to end them and then usually restart to use again, like my MSN explorer and occasionally word or excel. Also I'm occasionally having an issue where my wireless adapter all of a sudden won't recieve any signals. There are several wireless networks in my area and all of a sudden it can't see any of them including my own.

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Errors And Warnings In Event Viewer

Mar 10, 2005

I've got a couple of error messages and warnings found in my Events Viewer that I don't really understand and want to get rid of it...If anyone could help, it'll be greatly appreciated.First is in my Application : Lots and lots of warnings about my MS iInstaller.Reads

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Frequent Event Viewer Errors

Apr 7, 2008

I am getting frequent system related errors in my Event Viewer. Typically those are related to system crashes. Here are four for starters. It is almost impossible to avoid some crashes on a daily basis. I find the M$ help over my head. Where to start?

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Event Viewer Shows Errors

Mar 10, 2009

Recently i noticed that windows event viewer shows this error:"AMLI: ACPI BIOS is attempting to create an illegal memory OpRegion, starting at address 0x0, with a length of 0x1000. This region lies in the Operating system's protected memory address range (0x0 - 0x9f800). This could lead to system instability. Please contact your system vendor for technical assistance." I start getting this message every 10-15 minutes while playing 3D games like Left 4 dead. My system hangs or restarts from time to time (while idle or is booting). I have tested my pc with prime95, furmark, memtest, other burn-in applications. No crashes, everything looks stable.

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Removing Warnings From Event Viewer

Jun 6, 2010

When I look in my Events Viewer I see countless warnings for which the source is Dhcp. Others(but many fewer) have Win 32 k as the source. Others just say "print" as the source and 6161 as the category.

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Open The Administrative Tools Icons - Can't Install Programs

May 8, 2010

When trying to install or uninstall programsI get: Error 1606 could not access network location %SystemDrive%Documents and SettingsAll UsersStart MenuProgramsAdministrative ToolsAlso I am not able to open the Administrative Tools icon in the Control Panel - it just clicks.A while back after running an anti-spy program, the next time I turned the computer on the desk top
was changed, icons missing, etc. and the %SystemDrive% file folder icon was added to the desktop.

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Computer Beeping And Event Viewer Errors

Aug 12, 2007

Does anyone know why my computer beeps occasionally while it's turned on? The beeps do not come from the speakers, but from the computer itself and happens when I surf the net or check my e-mail or if I'm not doing anything at all.This couldn't be connected to the errors I get from my Event Viewer...could it? BTW...is there a way to fix Event Viewer errors?

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Event Viewer Shows No Errors After Freeze

Dec 8, 2007

What is the method for finding which process is responsible for my XP sp2 system hanging (event viewer show no errors)? System hangs while I'm using various programs (Outlook, FireFox, IE and Quickbooks primarily). I've done driver updating and trying to narrow it down but am at a loss.

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Open Event Viewer And Click On System

Aug 25, 2010

when you open Event Viewer and click on System, you will see a list of information like the time you last shut down the computer. (here's a screenshot of what it should like: http://www.addictivetips.com/wp content/uploads/2008/11/shutdowninformation.png) What I want to ask is how do you delete this information??

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Event Viewer - ID (538) In Source (Security) Cannot Be Found

Aug 30, 2005

I cannot read properly my security section of the event viewer anymore. The description of an item is now like the following: "The description for Event ID (538) in Source (Security) cannot be found. The local computer may not have the necessary registry information or message DLL files to display messages from a remote computer. You may be able to use the /AUXSOURCE= flag to retrieve this description; see Help and Support for details. The following information is part of the event: IUSR_<myUser>, KIP, (0x0,0x5229A9), 3." Moreover, the category are now filled with numbers. I found on the web that the reason is probably due to some loss of permissions. i checked the .evt files and my user has full control over them.
Is there something else to check?

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Unable To Access Local Users & Groups From Administrative Tools?

Oct 27, 2008

I am trying to open the Local Users & Groups on my Computer Mangement option. There is a red cross on it, and when I double click it I get the error message 'Unable to access the Computer. Unspecified error.'My computer runs Windows XP Pro, Service Pack 3 and I am the Administrator of this computer.

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Add Printers Folders Scheduled Tasks Network Connections Fonts Administrative Tools?

Aug 29, 2003

Tweak Description: Just like the title says this registry hack will add printers and folders, scheduled tasks, network connections, fonts, and administrative tools to my computer which makes it very easy to navigate through the system settings. Note: it is recommended to back up the registry before any registry hacks.

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NT4 Event Log Services - System Log Is Full

Sep 4, 2006

Dialog box with Event Log Services - System log is full.
It looks like the Disk is full and I can't find anything to remove until I talk to the user.
How do I address this message.

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Install Symantec Download - Event Log Missing In Services List

Nov 19, 2006

I have been having an ongoing problem in being able to install programs (diskeeper and Symantec) after I have downloaded them. Their advice to me has been to double click the "Event Log" in my Services list and set it to automatic. I have just realized that the title, "Event Log" does not exist in my list and I think that may be my problem. Recently, I upgraded my Windows XP Pro from a pirated version by paying for and installing the Genuine Windows XP Pro version. I had then installed SP2. I wonder if in all of this I have lost the Event Log heading and if anyone can tell me how I can get it back.

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Event Veiwer Under Application - Event ID 1000 - 1001

Jun 30, 2006

While viewing video files (contained in folders with over a Gig of contents) this message pops up in a small window: Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and has to close. You can send an Error Report to Microsoft. Then things close down, but everything comes back, except the folder of files that was open before.Then if I go to my "Event Veiwer" under Application I get the 2 Error lines with "event ID 1000 and 1001.

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Fax Viewer Is No Longer Default Viewer?

Apr 21, 2006

I just sent a fax & when I tried to view it, fax console opened adobe photoshop instead of fax viewer. I installed adobe a few months ago & this is the 1st fax I have sent since then. APS is not clear & I don't like it for this function. I prefer windows FV. How do I restore the viewer to its original target (FV)?

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Many Crashes, Many DCOM Errors, WMI Service Won't Start

Sep 20, 2009

My computer (Windows XP, all patches but SP3) has started crashing and now it is getting more and more frequent. No BSOD. Just "click" and lights out. Nothing predictable about it, either. I am getting hordes of DCOM errors in event viewer. Event ID 10010, with description "The server {8BC3F05E-D65B-11D0-A075-00C04FB68820} did not register with DCOM within the required timeout.While chasing this down in an amateur fashion, I found out that the WMI service (Windows Management Instrumentation) which is set to start automatically is not starting. Nor can the service be manually started. When I try to start it manually, I get the following Services alert popup "Could not start the Windows Management Instrumentation service on Local Computer. Error 193:0xcl

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DCOM 10005 Error During Boot Up - Service Cannot Started Safe Mode

Jan 12, 2009

I'm having problems with my computer properly booting in normal windows. Every time I boot up my PC normally it freezes for a second during the windows boot up phase, flashes a blue screen that you can even read a word before it reboots. i can only open up in safe mode and nothing more. i've checked the system errors and i keep getting the same one that doesn't allow me to boot up normally.

DCOM got error "This service cannot be started in Safe Mode " attempting to start the service EventSystem with arguments "" in order to run the server: {1BE1F766-5536-11D1-B726-00C04FB926AF} i've done a system repair with my XP SP2 disc and i still get the same thing to happen every time i repair it. i'm sure the answer is staring me strait in the face and i can't see it.

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Easy Way To Reset All Of Services Under Services

Jan 9, 2005

Is there an easy way to reset all of the services under services.msc back to their default settings?

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Can't Find System Tools - Restore System Tools?

Oct 20, 2005

When I click on start=>programs=>accessories=>system tools,its shows empty.I would like to know how can I restore my system tools as I would want to perform a system restore for my PC.

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Blaster 32 Worm Message "DCOM NT Authority/System"?

Sep 28, 2006

A client computer (XP Home) started receiving the pop-up message "DCOM NT Authority/System". And then the pop-up says you have 60 seconds until shutdown. I have used the FixBlast.exe removal tool from Symantec. I have run it in regular and safe mode and receive the message "Worm Not Found" in each. I have run a virus check using AVG and no results. I still get the message after XP starts to load. I can eliminate the message by running "shutdown -a" from the run command. Does anyone know of any other way of checking for Blaster 32 or how to get rid of the pop-up.

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429 Errors Activex Component

Sep 7, 2005

my computer get 429 errors activex component anyone know how to fix it

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Home Add/Remove Component IE6 Is Not Checked

Jan 9, 2007

In adding and removing components,I have the fax services that i want to eliminate which is 3.8MB. How do you delete/start. And if you delete is the size 3.8MB also eliminated, because in one case the IE6 is not checked and the size is 0.0MB. Confused Even though my IE6 is functioning properly. OS XP Home SP2

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Unable To Locate Component .dll Error

Oct 5, 2009

I'm having some problems with my XP pro Dell computer. Recently my brother downloaded some songs off of Limewire ( I know it's really bad). I have AVG free installed and it detected multiple viruses as mshypiw.dll I prompted to remove them, and it warned my system may become unstable or crash, I still clicked to remove them and after a re-boot my computer opened up to an error.winlogon.exe - Unable To Locate Component.This application failed to start because mshypiw.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.After I click OK it gives me the same error over and over again for different .exe files. Ex: lsass.exe, Services.exe.It Then opens the logon to windows screen and I can login as normal. Then it gives me many more of the same errors, which if I enter through all of them, I can eventually get to the desktop. Then, if I try to run any program I get more of this same error, depending on which program I try to open, some will open and some will not.

I have googled for this error for hours on end and can't find an answer. I did find this KB article http://support.microsoft.com/kb/319114. Which seams to relate to my problem but the file framedyn.dll is not in my dllcache folder and I cannot get to my System setteing because of this error.

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Booting - Icu.exe - Unable To Locate Component

Nov 25, 2009

Have a Windows XP Home Edition. Whenever I boot, get following: "Icu.exe - Unable to Locate Component...This application has failed to start because WNIAPI.dll was not foumd. Re-installing the application may fix this problem." Have no idea what the problem is, nor how to resolve it, nor -if insignificant, how to get rid of the message. Would dearly appreciate any help and explanations; I'm a true novice.

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HP Printer - Hp Cue Scanning Flow Component Has Encountered

Apr 21, 2008

i have a hp deskjet 4180 and for the first few months i had it, i've had no problems. Since then it hasn't worked properly. it keeps giving me an error that the hp cue-scanning flow component has encountered a problem and needs to close. and i usually scan my checks to my bank thru my scanner but now my bank isn't even picking up that i have a scanner.

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