Open Event Viewer And Click On System

Aug 25, 2010

when you open Event Viewer and click on System, you will see a list of information like the time you last shut down the computer. (here's a screenshot of what it should like: content/uploads/2008/11/shutdowninformation.png) What I want to ask is how do you delete this information??

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Event Viewer Warning Disk Event 51 - Hard Drive Crash

Sep 2, 2005

I've looked at it infrequently, and never could understand what I saw, but today there was something relatively new and scary:...Further info under help and support said an error was detected during a paging file operation. The word "disk" scared me, so I checked the entire Event Viewer, and found 25 of these errors, from Aug 1 2005 through Sep 3 2005. If this event was cataloged earlier, I don't know, because the Event Viewer only goes back to Aug 1. I checked System Restore for Aug 1, 2005 and found a couple of things; 1) an accidental MS "update" to NVIDIA GeForce4 MX driver 5.12 -- but we've had the driver for a long time now. The 5.12 screws up the display resolution, big time. I reinstalled the 6.17; resolution is fine; but I'm wondering if this could have something to do with the Event 51 warning. Also, on that same date, something called Software Distribution Service 2.0 is listed three times, and I don't know why. I don't even know what it is. I've researched the web, and can't find anything that seems to apply -- other than potential for a hard drive crash. Just what I don't need. Meanwhile, the entire system is working extremely well; fast and smooth; no glitches or twitches that I can detect

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Event Viewer Log?

Feb 13, 2005

Whenever I try to view the Log, I get the top screen with the three optons, but I only get the bottom screen no-matter which of the three I click on, is it corrupt or something? Why can't I get the Event Log to come up?

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Event Viewer Errors

Aug 10, 2005

I'm having some intermittent computer problems. Sometimes I get programs that all of a sudden "wont respond" and have to end them and then usually restart to use again, like my MSN explorer and occasionally word or excel. Also I'm occasionally having an issue where my wireless adapter all of a sudden won't recieve any signals. There are several wireless networks in my area and all of a sudden it can't see any of them including my own.

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Event Viewer - 5.0 Component

May 24, 2004

I have windows xp pro and this is the first time i ever try this I when to the administrative tools >> Event Viewer >> Services and this error Can someone please explain what it is and how to correct whatever it is ?DetailsProduct: Windows Operating System ID: 10000 source: DCOM Version: 5.0 Component: System Event Log Symbolic Name: EVENT_RPCSS_CREATEPROCESS_FAILURE Message: Unable to start a DCOM Server: %3. The error:"%%%2"

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Errors And Warnings In Event Viewer

Mar 10, 2005

I've got a couple of error messages and warnings found in my Events Viewer that I don't really understand and want to get rid of it...If anyone could help, it'll be greatly appreciated.First is in my Application : Lots and lots of warnings about my MS iInstaller.Reads

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Frequent Event Viewer Errors

Apr 7, 2008

I am getting frequent system related errors in my Event Viewer. Typically those are related to system crashes. Here are four for starters. It is almost impossible to avoid some crashes on a daily basis. I find the M$ help over my head. Where to start?

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Event Viewer Shows Errors

Mar 10, 2009

Recently i noticed that windows event viewer shows this error:"AMLI: ACPI BIOS is attempting to create an illegal memory OpRegion, starting at address 0x0, with a length of 0x1000. This region lies in the Operating system's protected memory address range (0x0 - 0x9f800). This could lead to system instability. Please contact your system vendor for technical assistance." I start getting this message every 10-15 minutes while playing 3D games like Left 4 dead. My system hangs or restarts from time to time (while idle or is booting). I have tested my pc with prime95, furmark, memtest, other burn-in applications. No crashes, everything looks stable.

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Removing Warnings From Event Viewer

Jun 6, 2010

When I look in my Events Viewer I see countless warnings for which the source is Dhcp. Others(but many fewer) have Win 32 k as the source. Others just say "print" as the source and 6161 as the category.

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Computer Beeping And Event Viewer Errors

Aug 12, 2007

Does anyone know why my computer beeps occasionally while it's turned on? The beeps do not come from the speakers, but from the computer itself and happens when I surf the net or check my e-mail or if I'm not doing anything at all.This couldn't be connected to the errors I get from my Event Viewer...could it? there a way to fix Event Viewer errors?

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Event Viewer Shows No Errors After Freeze

Dec 8, 2007

What is the method for finding which process is responsible for my XP sp2 system hanging (event viewer show no errors)? System hangs while I'm using various programs (Outlook, FireFox, IE and Quickbooks primarily). I've done driver updating and trying to narrow it down but am at a loss.

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Event Viewer - ID (538) In Source (Security) Cannot Be Found

Aug 30, 2005

I cannot read properly my security section of the event viewer anymore. The description of an item is now like the following: "The description for Event ID (538) in Source (Security) cannot be found. The local computer may not have the necessary registry information or message DLL files to display messages from a remote computer. You may be able to use the /AUXSOURCE= flag to retrieve this description; see Help and Support for details. The following information is part of the event: IUSR_<myUser>, KIP, (0x0,0x5229A9), 3." Moreover, the category are now filled with numbers. I found on the web that the reason is probably due to some loss of permissions. i checked the .evt files and my user has full control over them.
Is there something else to check?

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DCOM In Event Viewer - Component Services Administrative Tools

Apr 19, 2005

The machine-default permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the COM Server application with CLSID {BC866CF2-5486-41F7-B46B-9AA49CF3EBB1}
to the user NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE SID (S-1-5-20). This security permission can be modified using the Component Services administrative tool.

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Click On A Microsoft Word Document I Get Windows Fax And Image Viewer

Jan 21, 2006

I use Office 2000. I think the latest big patch windows sent out. This was the one dealing with the Metafile Vulnerablity. Whenever, i click on a microsoft word document I get Windows Fax and Image viewer. The only way i can get it to open in word is to use this route. Right click the file>click on open with<choose Microsoft Word. This is just really annoying and i believe its related to the patch

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Cannot Open Windows Picture And Fax Viewer

Aug 8, 2005

I cannot see the thumbnails of any file, and i see instead the generic icons for jpg, bmp, etc files. I associated all these files to windows picture viewer and i selected view->thumbnails, but the problem is that i cannot start this program.I tried with regsvr32 shimgvw.dll but it tells me load library("shimgvw.dll" ) failed. the system cannot find the specified file.

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Unable To Open Files With Picture & Fax Viewer: Showing Missing Icon?

Jun 27, 2005

I'm not sure how it happened, but all my files that I have set to open with Windows Picture and Fax viewer all display the "missing icon" icon. The one with the picture of a Windows 95 window on a white page. I figure the normal icon for pictures got deleted somehow, but I'd like to fix this without re-installing Windows if possible

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Event Veiwer Under Application - Event ID 1000 - 1001

Jun 30, 2006

While viewing video files (contained in folders with over a Gig of contents) this message pops up in a small window: Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and has to close. You can send an Error Report to Microsoft. Then things close down, but everything comes back, except the folder of files that was open before.Then if I go to my "Event Veiwer" under Application I get the 2 Error lines with "event ID 1000 and 1001.

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Fax Viewer Is No Longer Default Viewer?

Apr 21, 2006

I just sent a fax & when I tried to view it, fax console opened adobe photoshop instead of fax viewer. I installed adobe a few months ago & this is the 1st fax I have sent since then. APS is not clear & I don't like it for this function. I prefer windows FV. How do I restore the viewer to its original target (FV)?

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NT4 Event Log Services - System Log Is Full

Sep 4, 2006

Dialog box with Event Log Services - System log is full.
It looks like the Disk is full and I can't find anything to remove until I talk to the user.
How do I address this message.

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COM And Event System Detected Bad Return Code

Aug 14, 2005

just rebuilt my computer and it seems to freeze about every hour while playing WoW online.I am using on board sound on an ASUS K8V-X with a Sempron 3000+.In checking my event logs, the application lists the following errors at corresponding times to the system freezes. By freez, I mean I can't alt tab out of the program or get the system to recognize any type of input. I have to do a hard reboot every time.

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Event System Error Message (Home Edition)

Jul 16, 2005

I would be grateful if you could give advise regarding the following Event System error: EventSystem
The COM Event System detected a bad return code during its internal processing. HRESULT was C0000005 from line 44 of d:qxp_slpcomcom1xsrcevent s ier1eventsystemobj.cpp. Please contact Microsoft Product Support Services to report this error. My PC is also very slow and takes a long time to boot up - could this be the

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Unable To Find Picture And Fax Viewer In Operating System?

Aug 9, 2005

I can't find my Windows Picture and Fax Viewer in my XP Home SP-2 setup. Where would I find it?

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Won't Open When I Click On The Link

Mar 18, 2005

when i have a web page up with an address link to click, or even on yahoo, if someone sends me a link, it wont open when i click on it, i have to copy and paste the link to my address bar and then press go, to get to it, is there a way I can fix this problem, it used to work... windpws xp home edition.

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Right Click Open Particular File

Aug 23, 2009

when i right click on a particular file. iff that opens with fcheck for maya, windows has problem opening that file. Earlier this was fine.(.iff is a picture file like jpeg) But now when I right click & browse for this fcheck programme(after right click) windows is unable to open that file.But I can open that file this way, after first opening fcheck and then from file>open. How can I set this to open this particular file by double clicking?(fcheck can open any image file e.g jpeg,tiff,bmp etc).

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Click On Program Say Open With

Nov 15, 2007

evry time i click on a program it say open with

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Cannot Open C Drive With A Double Click

Nov 26, 2009

Operating system is XP cannot open c drive with a double click. The error message reads - Can not find script file "C:TTMS824.dll.vbs" However can open it with right click and explore Have tried to restore earlier dated restore points but the computer will not restore any of them. Have tried xp_folder_open.vbs by but it did not help.

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Can't Open Drive C: On Double Click

Aug 19, 2007

I have this so called virus/worm "VBS/Solow-B" or FS6519.dll.vbs and I managed to delete it by searching thru the net on how to manually delete this worm. Unfortunately after deleting this I can't open my Drive C using double click unless I used right click then choose open then it will open. Here is the error message that came up. The window name is "Windows Script Host" the message is Can not find script file "C:FS6519.dll.vbs". How do I fix this so that I can use the double click again to open my Drive C:.

BTW I know this is too much too ask but how can I clean/remove the virus/worm on my flash drive? I think I got the virus from other pc using my flash drive then infected my other pc.

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Can't Open Drive C Thru Double Click

Nov 3, 2007

I can't open my Local Drive thru double click. I think its a malware or something but can anyone of you guys teach me how to get rid of it. My anti-virus and anti-spyware can't seem to detect it.
This Windows Script Host message pop-ups everytime I double click on Drive C: Can not find script file "C:LibraryBoys6519.dll.vbs".

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Search Window Open When I Click Any Folder On XP

Sep 2, 2007

i have this problem, when i click on any folder o shorcut to a folder the search window is open, i need to open every folder from the explore option on right click of the mouse. any help?

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Can't Double Click To Open Flash Drive

Apr 8, 2010

I have a dell d520. Recently, after XP updated, I stopped being able to double click the flash drive icon to open it. I can open it by right clicking and choosing explore or open, and the auto open still works when I first plug it in. It works just fine on other computers. I've tried error-checking to no avail. Any suggestions?

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Double-click On Drive And Get Search Instead Of Open?

Oct 12, 2005

I double-click and get "search" instead of "open"--only when I click a disk, like Hard Drive C: or Floppy A: or CD F: and so on. It didn't used to do this, so I must've inadvertently changed some setting somewhere,

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