Double-click On Drive And Get Search Instead Of Open?
Oct 12, 2005
I double-click and get "search" instead of "open"--only when I click a disk, like Hard Drive C: or Floppy A: or CD F: and so on. It didn't used to do this, so I must've inadvertently changed some setting somewhere,
Whenever i doubleclick on any of the Drives(C: , D: ) a windows search window appears, if i have to open i have to rightclick and select open...also i observed that when i right click on my c drive or d drive the first option i have is "search" in bold. and then the next option is open. whereas for anyother folder open is my first option when i right click and in bold!
When I double click the hard drive in "My Computer" it shows the search feature instead of the contents of hard drive with the folders. I can right click the drive and select open which at that point it will show all the content in the drive but when I double click the drive the serach feature open , Can someone help in getting this back to normal?
For some reason, the default choice for when I double-click any of my drives (C:, A:, D:, E:, F: ) (hard drives and removable) is search instead of openNote: This isn't the case if I am trying to Open... or Save as... in any executable.I only want to change the default option to Open again (or Explore if I am using Windows Explorer), but I have tried many things with no results (From folder options to drive properties to many things in the Control Panel
I had some spyware/viruses/malware recently, and they've now all been cleaned up with internet security software, but I still have a lingering problem: when I double-click on a folder, instead of the folder opening, a new window opens and it's a search window, with the destination folder (ie the one I just clicked on) as a value in the parameter "look in:". The only way I can just open a folder is to right-click, and select open.
When I right-click on a folder, the menu reads: "Search (bolded) / Open / Explore" etc. which doesn't seem right.
I tried to fix it by changing some options in Tools -> Folder Options -> File Types. There are two kinds of folder, "File Folder" and "Folder". In the advanced options for "File Folder", the only action it lists is "find"... I'm not sure if this is where the problem is or if this is normal? I tried to add a new action, but it wanted me to select an application to perform the action and I have no idea... In the advanced options for "Folder", it looks to be normal, it lists the actions "explore" and "open" (bolded).
The only folder that seems unaffected by this problem is the "Documents" folder on the desktop, and any shortcuts that point to folders.
when I double click any drive (including zips cd ets) instead of opening the drive to show its contents it goes to the search page? also I have noticed that "search" is at the top of the drives' right click menu shown in this ...
I just installed a new external USB hard drive on my notebook to increase my storage capacity. The problem is, in doing so I must have enabled some weird seach option, because when I double-click either drive (C: or external) in My Computer it brings up a search window with that drive selected as where I want to search. Any ideas what caused this or how to disable it?
I just restored and updated all Windows software from Microsoft Update and everytime I double click the Hard Drive I get the Search window. If I turn the Search off I'm not in any specific folder. I used to only receive that when I needed it. Now I have to Right Click the Drive Letter and Select Open or Explore. How can I fix this issue?
Operating system is XP cannot open c drive with a double click. The error message reads - Can not find script file "C:TTMS824.dll.vbs" However can open it with right click and explore Have tried to restore earlier dated restore points but the computer will not restore any of them. Have tried xp_folder_open.vbs by but it did not help.
I have this so called virus/worm "VBS/Solow-B" or FS6519.dll.vbs and I managed to delete it by searching thru the net on how to manually delete this worm. Unfortunately after deleting this I can't open my Drive C using double click unless I used right click then choose open then it will open. Here is the error message that came up. The window name is "Windows Script Host" the message is Can not find script file "C:FS6519.dll.vbs". How do I fix this so that I can use the double click again to open my Drive C:.
BTW I know this is too much too ask but how can I clean/remove the virus/worm on my flash drive? I think I got the virus from other pc using my flash drive then infected my other pc.
I can't open my Local Drive thru double click. I think its a malware or something but can anyone of you guys teach me how to get rid of it. My anti-virus and anti-spyware can't seem to detect it. This Windows Script Host message pop-ups everytime I double click on Drive C: Can not find script file "C:LibraryBoys6519.dll.vbs".
I have a dell d520. Recently, after XP updated, I stopped being able to double click the flash drive icon to open it. I can open it by right clicking and choosing explore or open, and the auto open still works when I first plug it in. It works just fine on other computers. I've tried error-checking to no avail. Any suggestions?
When i made the map network drive , and i got a drive called it N as a network drive if i tried to access it , this mes. appear but if i right clicked this drive and choosed open or explore , it work without appearing this mes.
I'm having a minor problem with my 'my computer'.. In the my computer window, when i double click on any diskdrive, the diskdrive window opens in a altogether new window(previously it used to open in the same window). I did something in folder options(I dont know what i exactly i did) and from then its behaving like this. But when i open any folder in the disk drive window,it opens in d same window.So the problem is only with the 'My computer' window.
I'm running XP pro on a Dell Latitude 610. Whenever I double-click on an icon in My Computer, instead of opening the folder or drive, a Search Results window opens. If I right-click on an icon, Search... is bold and at the top of the menu list instead of Open. Can someone please tell me how to restore Open as the default double-click action?
When opening my hard drives with a double click they all go into the search mode in lieu of opening. I have noticed that "SEARCH" is listed first and "OPEN" second using the right mouse button.
I don't know why, but every time I double click on a HDD, a device with removable storage or a CD drive, the search window comes up. Which means I have to right click it and go to 'Open
whenever i open a folder by double-clicking it (from the desktop for example) it opens up a new windows with blank search results. the only way i can open new folders is through windows explorer. please help!
When I try to open a file by double clicking,Windows XP opens the search window. Any clues on how to fix the problem? I even tried to roll back to a previous date when the problem wasn't there.
On my links for My Document, My pitcures and My Music when I double click them I get the search window, when I right click on them the drop down lists search first and open second or third, How can I correct this and put open first? any help?
I was recently in "folder options" and then "file types", just going through and changing icons for disk drives and folders, JPG's and whatnot. Anyway, after doing that, I noticed that if I try to double-click on a disk drive it'll go to Search. And if I double-click on a folder it'll go to Clear Read Only Attributes. I've obviously changed the default action associated with a double-click on folders and disk drives, and I know how to change the default actions undertaken by disc drives and folders and everything else when double-clicked. The thing is, when I go into folder options, file types, advanced (after selecting say, disk drive) the option to change the default action to "open" isn't there, for either folders or disk drives. Other options such as Find are present, but nothing else
My default (bolded) action when I right-click on a folder was recently changed to "Search...," and I can't seem to figure out how to change it back to "Open." I've tried folder options, and I haven't found a solution there
When i double click on a folder in say "my documents", a search window opens instead of opening an open window. If i right mouse click on a folder the word "Search" is shown at the top of the list in Bold instead of "Open". how can i fix this?
I'm using Windows XP. When working in Microsoft explorer and double-click on any folder it does not open the folder, it opens Search window. Only way I can open and see content of my folder is to right click on folder and choose explore.
When I try to open one of My Folders (One that I added to my desktop with application I added to it) with a double left click a search results window opens instead of the folder opening and displaying the contents of the folder with things I've put into it. If I right click on one of my folders and go down and left click on open the folder will open and the contents displayed as I expect (The first opetion displayed is a search after I right click). Any other folder including My Documnets folder will open the folder and display the contents correctly.At one time it used to work correcly and its not a major issue but I would sure like it fixed > Any ideas?
I use XP Home edition. I do not know how I have change the Window operating system setting that when I double click on most of the folders in my computer it goes to a searh menu. Only "My Document" folder is working correctly (when I double click on it, it opens the folder rather than going to search mode). I have tried all the folder's option setting and anything else I can think of, still the folders do not open properly. I have to right click on the folder and select open option. Above "Open" option there is "Search" option in bold letters.
I'm working on a system that has Windows XP Home on it and when I try to install a spyware removal or anti-virus program that I have downloaded from the internet to the desktop or program files folder, it will not open up when I double-click on it or if I right-click and select OPEN. However, if I right-click the program icon and click on RUN AS, it brings up a gray window asking for a user name and password to gain access to the program. It says something about security that prevents unauthorized installation of viruses and the like.