Double Clicking Forlder To Open / It Goes To Search Screen
Jun 18, 2007
I use XP Home edition. I do not know how I have change the Window operating system setting that when I double click on most of the folders in my computer it goes to a searh menu. Only "My Document" folder is working correctly (when I double click on it, it opens the folder rather than going to search mode). I have tried all the folder's option setting and anything else I can think of, still the folders do not open properly. I have to right click on the folder and select open option. Above "Open" option there is "Search" option in bold letters.
Whenever i click on a drive icon whether it be a hard disk or DVd drive rather than opening up the contents of that drive windows opens the search window. Whats going wrong?
When i double click on local disk C it opens up search. I think this may be something to do with file types in folder options but im not sure. Any help?
I'm running XP Pro Edition and when I double click on a ZIP file it does nothing (it used to though). I've tried associating ZIP files with WinZip and PicoZip and still the same problem.I am able to open WinZip or PicoZip and then open ZIP files from the program.
whenever I try to double click a file, Ie. a .txt or a small .jpg from explorer it takes aprrox 1 minute to open the file, it's certainly not the capability of the machine as it has just started occuring, and all my other programs are working fine.
i recently reformatted and got all my stuff back, but now i cant open up my pictures by double clicking on them. i can open them by going rightclick>open with, but thats just annoying.
Can anyone tell me how to change my setting for clicking to open a folder for my home computer. When I dbl click with left mouse button It goes to the search screen. I have to right click and choose "open". On my computer at work when I left click a folder it will open and right click a folder the "open option is on top of the list and on my home computer the "search " option is on top.
When I double click using the left mouse button on a file or folder, the file or folder does not open. Instead the search window comes up. This has just happened recently. Right clicking on the mouse gives me the option of opening the file or folder.
I don't know what happen I can't open my c: drive or other hard drives happen the same thing so i tried right click and choose open option that didn't work as well error message just say that can't find application program to open and i only can view the file by right click on the start button and select explore to view file on my hard drive.
This is not a very serious problem because I have discovered several work-arounds for it. But I am sick of it and I would like to know how to fix it.I am using Windows XP Home SP2. I like to use Windows Explorer to open all my files by double-clicking them. I also like to design actions for the context menu, such as "view" to open in Firefox or "edit" to open in Word. I keep having problems with files with spaces anywhere in the file path. I would like to be able to use spaces in my file names and store files in directories with spaces. For example, I have problems storing files anywhere in "My Documents" or "Desktop" because those folders are subfolders of C:Documents and Settings and Windows won't let me rename "Documents and Settings" because it is a system folder.
Double-Clicking on a Document Takes a Minute to Open. For example, I double-click on a PDF, word, excel, txt, jpg, file, it takes between 45 seconds and sometimes even 75 seconds for the application to open. If I however open the aplication first, even by double-clicking the desktop shortcut for the application, it opens immediately. From there, I can locate the file to open which also opens immediately. Also, right-clicking on a document takes also 45-75 seconds for the context menu to appear. Sometimes it doesn't even appear. I've tried many "cleaners" out there such as Ccleaner, registryfix, Cleanup! and others. I've also permanently deleted temp files, temp internet files, cookies, history, files, etc.
When I double click using the left mouse button the file does not open. Instead the seach screen comes up. This has just started happing lately. How could I remedy this situation.
I double-click and get "search" instead of "open"--only when I click a disk, like Hard Drive C: or Floppy A: or CD F: and so on. It didn't used to do this, so I must've inadvertently changed some setting somewhere,
For some reason, the default choice for when I double-click any of my drives (C:, A:, D:, E:, F: ) (hard drives and removable) is search instead of openNote: This isn't the case if I am trying to Open... or Save as... in any executable.I only want to change the default option to Open again (or Explore if I am using Windows Explorer), but I have tried many things with no results (From folder options to drive properties to many things in the Control Panel
I had some spyware/viruses/malware recently, and they've now all been cleaned up with internet security software, but I still have a lingering problem: when I double-click on a folder, instead of the folder opening, a new window opens and it's a search window, with the destination folder (ie the one I just clicked on) as a value in the parameter "look in:". The only way I can just open a folder is to right-click, and select open.
When I right-click on a folder, the menu reads: "Search (bolded) / Open / Explore" etc. which doesn't seem right.
I tried to fix it by changing some options in Tools -> Folder Options -> File Types. There are two kinds of folder, "File Folder" and "Folder". In the advanced options for "File Folder", the only action it lists is "find"... I'm not sure if this is where the problem is or if this is normal? I tried to add a new action, but it wanted me to select an application to perform the action and I have no idea... In the advanced options for "Folder", it looks to be normal, it lists the actions "explore" and "open" (bolded).
The only folder that seems unaffected by this problem is the "Documents" folder on the desktop, and any shortcuts that point to folders.
Whenever i doubleclick on any of the Drives(C: , D: ) a windows search window appears, if i have to open i have to rightclick and select open...also i observed that when i right click on my c drive or d drive the first option i have is "search" in bold. and then the next option is open. whereas for anyother folder open is my first option when i right click and in bold!
Currently I have been this problem once this in a while. Whenever I one click, it does what double clicking do. It doesn't happen always, but it happens once in a while. Somebody told me its a bug in Windows where you clicked only once, but Windows think you have double clicked.
When I double click the hard drive in "My Computer" it shows the search feature instead of the contents of hard drive with the folders. I can right click the drive and select open which at that point it will show all the content in the drive but when I double click the drive the serach feature open , Can someone help in getting this back to normal?
so i dunno what i horked one day...but for the past year when i double click a folder ( i.e My Documents or files contained within ) i get the search box instead of the folder opening right up. In order for me to open a folder, i need to right-click and 'open any way for me to tweak this back into some sort of normalcy?
I somehow added some new options to the right-click menu when clicking on hard drives so now when I double click to open a directory, it opens "find" window. Any help on how to solve this? I tried on a window tools -> directory options -> file types -> Drive -> advanced but I can not remove or edit those action on the list. I can only add or make default but those two don't help."I don't even have a "Drive" option, so I'm totally nonplussed.XP Pro, SP2 with all updates.
I update the folder right click menu as follow To cause the Find tool to open when you double-click a folder, follow these steps: Double-click My Computer On the View menu, click Options. Click the File Types tab.In the Registered File Types box, click File Folder, and then click Edit.In the Actions box,click Find and then click Set Default.Click Close, and then click Close. After you follow these steps, double-clicking a folder causes the Find tool to open. Now I want to know is it possible to roll back the abve changes because due to the above change double click property of the folder is changed to find always. I want the double click property to show the content of the folder.
how to stop double clicking on every icon and that'll probably mess you up sometimes. Well you think that you've clicked on it by opening it and you still waiting like an idiot sitting at the computer waiting for something to happen. Here's a solution for you: Click on the START MENU > CONTROL PANEL > NOTE: If you're in the new Windows XP mode in Control Panel - Click on the Appearance and Themes icon - If you have in the Classic mode then just simply click on the - FOLDER OPTIONS> Now you see the Click items as follows - go down to the little of Single Click to open an item - and if you want to you can click on one of Underline..... tools --doesn't do much though!
I'm running XP home SP2. I have MS Office 2003 with all updates. The problem I'm having is when I double click on any MS office file (powerpoint, word, excel, etc), it takes about 1-3 minutes to open. When I look at the task manager, the CPU is 99% idle and no task appears to be using many resources. It's not the anti-virus SW because I've removed it from the system and still have this problem. It's also not network related because I've removed it from all networks and still have the problem. If I open the program that the file is associated with (ie MS word for a *.doc file) and then select file/open, it opens fine. I don't think it's just a MS office problem, because the same thing occurs when I try to click on a weblink within a document or application. It takes 1-3 minutes for IE explorer to open and go to the web page. I think it may be due to some security patch, but I don't know which one.
I'm running XP pro on a Dell Latitude 610. Whenever I double-click on an icon in My Computer, instead of opening the folder or drive, a Search Results window opens. If I right-click on an icon, Search... is bold and at the top of the menu list instead of Open. Can someone please tell me how to restore Open as the default double-click action?
When opening my hard drives with a double click they all go into the search mode in lieu of opening. I have noticed that "SEARCH" is listed first and "OPEN" second using the right mouse button.
I don't know why, but every time I double click on a HDD, a device with removable storage or a CD drive, the search window comes up. Which means I have to right click it and go to 'Open