Method For Checking Values Of Computer

Oct 23, 2006

Is there any program out there that will tell me the value of my computer now and in upcoming months? That is free or has a trial.

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Checking Computer History

Jan 13, 2006


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Checking Either Have Keystroke Program Installed Computer Or Not?

Aug 2, 2005

I have a visitor, and I think he installed a keystroke copier program, is the a way I can tell if he did?. ZA came up with a warning like that

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Preventing From Accurately Checking The License For This Computer

Jan 9, 2009

I am having a problem logging onto my Windows XP system. I am getting the error "A problem is preventing windows from accurately checking the license for this computer. Error code: 0X80070002". I have found from several sources that I needed to regsvr32 files in order to make it work.

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Computer Speed Is Extremely Slow Checking The Hijack Log?

May 13, 2005

My computer is very slow. Please take a look and see if there is anything

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Computer Running Slow: Checking / Making Changes In Hijack Log?

Jul 17, 2005

My computer has been running slower than usual lately.

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Computer Running Very Slow: Checking For Viruses Wont Work?

Nov 19, 2006

I am working on my sisters computer it is so slow I could go to the library and back faster than it takes for it to boot up.I have gone thru regstry cleaning defragging, every spyware scan out there and no help.

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Editing The Registry Key Values ?

Jun 19, 2008

can u explain with a example please.Example : disabling autorun for CD drive[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesCdrom]"AutoRun"=dword:00000000
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionpoliciesExplorerNoDriveTypeAutoRun]"NoDriveTypeAutoRun"=dword:000000b1[HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorer]"NoDriveTypeAutoRun"=dword:000000b1 Any website for learning registry editing?

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Method To Use My Video Card Under X64

Aug 22, 2006

Is there a way I can run iTunes, for instance? I know you can simply install iTunes 4.7.1, then maybe someone can tell me how to turn the .dmg file that the zip releases into an iso that's actually readable by my dvr drive?

a way to use my video card under x64 -- going a step further, the remote that came with it?

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Character Map Not Working With Alt+172 Method

Feb 26, 2007

I have been using an XP machine for 3 years now. I have always used the character map to use special characters such as the squared symbol in almost every application that accepts input, i.e, notepad, wordpad, OutLook Xpress and many others. Up until about a week ago, I have not been able to key in the ubiquitous alt+0178 to get the character I want. It comes out as another character or just a bunch of dots. I have not; to he best of my knowledge, changend anything, ans also it is my production machine, so there are no others or kids on it at all. However, I am able to open character map and selcet, copy and paste it into my document. Way too many steps obviously.

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Uninstall Vista RC1 Method

Oct 6, 2006

If I install Vista RC1 it will create a dual boot system. I want to create a separate partition for the Vista which is no problem. When and if it comes time to uninstall Vista. What is the best way to do this? How do I go back and get that partition that was created as part of my original partition and how do I get the master boot record back to the original single boot Windows XP?

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Proper Method For Backups

Aug 16, 2005

I am having to set up a computer for a friend of mind and we are having a disagreement on the proper method of backing up information on a hard drive. His system has a Maxtor USB hard drive for backing up the hard drive. He keeps saying he needs a complete system back. I point out that if the entire system is backup on a schedule you are backing up problems as you go. I told him the data is what needs to be backed up (along with the original installation before the data was added. But I am not sure .what is the perferred method for backing up a system?

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Method To Repair System

Sep 14, 2009

How I do a system repair?

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No Text Icon Method

Jan 29, 2003

Just click on rename and type alt + 0160 (on the numeric keypad) it will make a invisible character.This will only work if you have the file extensions hidden.You can use this only for one icon of each type (shortcut, folder, exe, txt, jpg or whatever you have on your desktop)For the second icon type: alt+0160 alt+0160For the third type:  alt+0160 alt+0160 alt+0160.

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Emergency Boot Method Available

Jul 21, 2007

I had done a couple of reboots yesterday to install a couple of USB devices and then needed to uninstall a printer and then reinstall it. I did another reboot and my XP Pro system with an Intel Dual core 2.4 Ghz machine only displays the first DOS screen, the one with the F button functions at the bottom of the screen. No matter which F buttons I try, it will not show me a boot screen or anything else. I just sits there and is frozen. I even tried rebooting with my XP CD in the drive and it wouldn't recognize or react to that either. What could have gone wrong? More importantly what other emergency boot methods are available?

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Remote Administration Method?

May 30, 2007

I'm wondering if you guys have any experience with programs that allow remote control of another computer on the same network at you.
You see, I'm planning on having a dedicated NT 4.0 box sitting in a corner without a monitor or keyboard attached to it. But I still want to be able to control that computer without hooking up all those things.
I've heard of a program called VNC that allows remote control, but I've never used it or heard anything about it.
So please, can you guys suggest some (free, if possible) programs that allow this and that you would recommend?

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Importance Of Values For Zones In Registry?

Aug 24, 2005

What should the values be for the security zones in the Registry. Like 1004, (the one that gets changed all the time by something) and any other important ones.Or is there a specific site that gives the values?

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Leftover Registry Values After Reformat?

Sep 7, 2006

I like to reformat my computer periodically, it keeps everything running smooth. The time had come to reformat, so I popped in my XP Pro install disc and let it whirr. I did the usual deal, deleted my old partition, and recreated a new one using a Quick NTFS Format. The install went smoothly.Now however, I'm looking at some registry values, and I have all kinds of entries from old programs that were installed before I formatted. There are a few games on the list (FEAR, Oblivion, etc), the only problem is, I haven't installed those programs yet. It seems as if the format I've done didn't actually clean everything off.

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Deleting Registry Subkeys And Values?

Sep 8, 2005

Can I delete subkeys and values pertaining to Domains and addresses from the registry in all trees under SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrent VersionInternet Settings without affecting the normal functioning of my PC? Why are these domains and addresses saved in registry, and what are the consequences of deleting them?

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Perflib Registry Key Displays As Hex Values?

Aug 11, 2009

I'm attempting to install SQL 2005 on my mobile workstation and I ran into an error that I cannot resolve after hours of googling. The following registry key Code: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionPerflib09has a REG_MULTI_SZ entry called "Counter" that should contain a list of readable lables and values,I cut the entry's value short, the hex data extends to about 3000 lines (I exported the entry and opened it with a text editor). The entry for "Help" looks the same.

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Best Simple Method To Back Up The Registry

Mar 24, 2005

My three PCs run XP Pro with all patches. I am going to give a try to making some registry changes to tweak some things. Other than making a restore point, what is the best simple method to back up the registry, and be 99.999999999 % confident that you will be able to restore it should things go down the tubes. I would like to have a redundant backup in some method other than a restore point.

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Method To Delete Fingerprint Hardware.

Feb 19, 2009

I would like to delete fingerprint hardware. Is there any way to do this and how?

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Microsoft Configuration Finding Method

Feb 10, 2005

I cannot get Microsoft Configuration to run when you type Microsoft configuartion when you go to START RUN Microsoft configuration.

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Recovery Disk Finding Method

Mar 9, 2007

He recently bought a Dell XPS 410 that has WindowsXP on it. He bought it right before the change over to Vista. Anyhoo, He doesnt have Windows Recovery disk, but he does have a priated version of WindowsXP. My question is, say his OS had to be reinstalled could he use a program like Jelly Bean and get the key from his current system, write it down and use it when he reloads windows with this priated copy? Would Microsoft recognize it as being genuine? I told him he shouldnt be using the pirated copy, and just go out and buy the Vista.

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Registry Keys And Values Settings Disturbed?

Oct 22, 2006

Was looking at Registry settings for Internet Explorer 6 Security HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInternetSettingsones and noticed that the same Keys and Values are in HKCU|SoftwareMicrosoft|Windows|CurrentVersion|InternetSettingsones but do not have same data in the Values.Also see that Zones is in HKU hive with similar settings.Appears that settings in HKLM are used, but I was curious if anyone knows this for sure and if anyone knows why the duplicate keys and Values but different data.

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Unable To Edit Registry Values Of Kaspersky?

Feb 9, 2009

I have kaspersky anti virus installed on a windows 2000 server, it used to update from the administration kit. However problem with that server, means that the admin kit is no longer running.I cannot update kaspersky manually as it says it is controlled by administrator, and there is no update section of the settings, for me to change where the server looks for its updates.Think it maybe something that can be changed in the registry editor, however when i attempt to change the value, i get a 'Error writing the values new contents'The correct permissions have been set, but still not working.

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Registry Values/data For Start Menu To Looks Same As Before?

Jul 5, 2005

I'm trying to fix my Start Menu by editing the Registry values in but I am unclear about WHAT DATA SHOULD BE UNDER THESE 4 REGISTRY VALUES to fix the Start Menu.The problem I am trying to fix in my Start Menu is that looks the same as before, but when I hover over or click the All Programs submenu it doesn't appear. The hard drive light doesn't even come on like before when it was at least looking for my shortcuts. All the shortcuts are on the hard drive in the correct folders where they should be but the only way I can access them is through the Windows Explorer file mgr. The problem started after a Windows Update install

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Unable To Recover Deleted Registery Values?

Jan 24, 2009

I am going over to a friends house this morning and help them clean out her computer. The only program that I am sure they have is Norton. I am planning to run scandisk, and defrag. Also I will take a look at her startup list and compare it with and remove what I feel comfortable doing. If not installed I will install Spybot Search and Destroy and CCleaner (but uncheck the registry cleaner). They both no very little about keeping the computer cleaned out.

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How To Switch Back Prenet Logon Method?

Jul 24, 2005

I have installed .Net and it altered the way I logon. Before, I didn't have to enter passwords or go thru a "click the user" screen. The computer just booted all the way to my desktop without any intermediate steps. Now I have to select a user at an intermediate step. I'm the only user and am not on a network. How can I switch back to the pre-.Net logon method? I know it can be done, I just don't remember how.

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Unable To Understand The Default Settings For Registry Values?

Nov 11, 2009

What are the default settings for registry values?

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Unable To Edit Registry Values By Using Admin Account?

Jul 14, 2005

I have a Windows XP Pro, SP2 customer. We are attempting to modify the registry key for the "Everyoneincludesanonymous" from a value of 0 to 1. When he
selects "OK" he gets a message that says he cannot change this value. In fact he cant change any registry data and he is the admin.

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