Remote Administration Method?

May 30, 2007

I'm wondering if you guys have any experience with programs that allow remote control of another computer on the same network at you.
You see, I'm planning on having a dedicated NT 4.0 box sitting in a corner without a monitor or keyboard attached to it. But I still want to be able to control that computer without hooking up all those things.
I've heard of a program called VNC that allows remote control, but I've never used it or heard anything about it.
So please, can you guys suggest some (free, if possible) programs that allow this and that you would recommend?

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Administration Can Print / Connected Via A USB Cable

Sep 1, 2006

My 10 month old HP laptop with WinXP Home Edition and SP2 is connected via a USB cable to an Epson CX3200 printer/scanner. This is the only printer connected to this computer, and the only computer connected to this printer. I have 3 spyware and 1 anti-virus program installed on the computer which are updated regularly and a scan recently showed no viruses and minor (usual for this computer) cookie spyware items that were either removed or "quarantined".Until recently (about 1 week ago) printer worked perfectly. Now, the printer still works perfectly for me (I have the administrator account), but will not print anything for my wife who has a limited account. Does not print for the guest account we have either.

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Administration Disk Doesn't Recognize My External Hard Drive

Aug 2, 2008

Well I have an hard drive into a external enclousure but the windows XP of a new CPU do not finish detect it when I connect it. But the same external hard drive work fine in my laptop. I formated my CPU 2 times, but i got the same error of Windows. My CPU has a new motherboard Foxconn M7VMX-K.

The USB ports work fine with my pendrive.

In my computer i can see a new hard drive with a letter (K, whithout data.

The Windows XP Administrator Disk doesn't show nothing about the external hard drive.

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Alternate Remote Desktop Application For Simultanious Local/Remote Access?

Mar 12, 2005

The title says it all! Basically I have a comp running XP pro and I want to be able to work locally on one user account, with some kind of remote access server running on another XP user account so that the remote account and the local account can be used simultaniously. I know that this cannot be done with XP Pro remote desktop and could be by Windows Server 2003 remote desktop, but i need an alternate solution to make this happen.

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NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing Accessing Remote Computer?

Aug 13, 2005

I want to use Remote Desktop Sharing in NetMeeting to connect to a remote PC to download files or fix problems on it. I tried to call the remote PC using its IP address but it only allow me to access the netmeeting features like video conferencing.

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Initating Remote Assitance/Desktop From Remote IT Staff?

Jul 8, 2005

I'm looking in using either using Remote Assitance and/or Desktop in a help desk support environment. For example, if a user calls in asking for assistance with a application, or if we are in need of troubleshooting the machine, we would like to initate a remote assistance request that takes the end user out of the equation so we don't need to walk them through how to send a email/file request.

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Method To Use My Video Card Under X64

Aug 22, 2006

Is there a way I can run iTunes, for instance? I know you can simply install iTunes 4.7.1, then maybe someone can tell me how to turn the .dmg file that the zip releases into an iso that's actually readable by my dvr drive?

a way to use my video card under x64 -- going a step further, the remote that came with it?

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Character Map Not Working With Alt+172 Method

Feb 26, 2007

I have been using an XP machine for 3 years now. I have always used the character map to use special characters such as the squared symbol in almost every application that accepts input, i.e, notepad, wordpad, OutLook Xpress and many others. Up until about a week ago, I have not been able to key in the ubiquitous alt+0178 to get the character I want. It comes out as another character or just a bunch of dots. I have not; to he best of my knowledge, changend anything, ans also it is my production machine, so there are no others or kids on it at all. However, I am able to open character map and selcet, copy and paste it into my document. Way too many steps obviously.

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Uninstall Vista RC1 Method

Oct 6, 2006

If I install Vista RC1 it will create a dual boot system. I want to create a separate partition for the Vista which is no problem. When and if it comes time to uninstall Vista. What is the best way to do this? How do I go back and get that partition that was created as part of my original partition and how do I get the master boot record back to the original single boot Windows XP?

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Proper Method For Backups

Aug 16, 2005

I am having to set up a computer for a friend of mind and we are having a disagreement on the proper method of backing up information on a hard drive. His system has a Maxtor USB hard drive for backing up the hard drive. He keeps saying he needs a complete system back. I point out that if the entire system is backup on a schedule you are backing up problems as you go. I told him the data is what needs to be backed up (along with the original installation before the data was added. But I am not sure .what is the perferred method for backing up a system?

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Method To Repair System

Sep 14, 2009

How I do a system repair?

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No Text Icon Method

Jan 29, 2003

Just click on rename and type alt + 0160 (on the numeric keypad) it will make a invisible character.This will only work if you have the file extensions hidden.You can use this only for one icon of each type (shortcut, folder, exe, txt, jpg or whatever you have on your desktop)For the second icon type: alt+0160 alt+0160For the third type:  alt+0160 alt+0160 alt+0160.

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Emergency Boot Method Available

Jul 21, 2007

I had done a couple of reboots yesterday to install a couple of USB devices and then needed to uninstall a printer and then reinstall it. I did another reboot and my XP Pro system with an Intel Dual core 2.4 Ghz machine only displays the first DOS screen, the one with the F button functions at the bottom of the screen. No matter which F buttons I try, it will not show me a boot screen or anything else. I just sits there and is frozen. I even tried rebooting with my XP CD in the drive and it wouldn't recognize or react to that either. What could have gone wrong? More importantly what other emergency boot methods are available?

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Remote Desktop Connection - Can Ping The Remote

Oct 12, 2005

I have two different computers both running Windows XP professional. I am trying to connect to one remotely using the Remote Desktop Connection. I have enabled the remote computer for remote logins but for some reason I cannot connect with it. I get the error message that the client could not connect to the remote session. I have 50 other computers on this network all set up the same way and have never had a problem. Everything seems to be configured exactly the same. I can ping the remote computer.

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Remote Desktop - Remote Logoff By Other Users?

Feb 20, 2008

Here is my problem. I am logged in to a machine via remote desktop and another user with admin rights logs in via remote desktop and logs me off because they assumed that I had forgotten to log off or whatever else. Is there any permission setting either in group policy or elsewhere that would prevent a user attempting to connect via remote desktop from logging off an already logged on user? The problem is that both users are and need to be Admins.

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Difference In Remote Assistance (RA) Vs. Remote Desktop (RD)?

Jul 30, 2005

My question concerns Remote Assistance (RA) vs. Remote Desktop (RD) to XP Pro desktops. Providing tech support, I am trying to see if anyone knows how to setup RD session I initiate to a Windows XP Pro OS to "share" sessions with the end user, other than via RA.

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Best Simple Method To Back Up The Registry

Mar 24, 2005

My three PCs run XP Pro with all patches. I am going to give a try to making some registry changes to tweak some things. Other than making a restore point, what is the best simple method to back up the registry, and be 99.999999999 % confident that you will be able to restore it should things go down the tubes. I would like to have a redundant backup in some method other than a restore point.

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Method To Delete Fingerprint Hardware.

Feb 19, 2009

I would like to delete fingerprint hardware. Is there any way to do this and how?

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Microsoft Configuration Finding Method

Feb 10, 2005

I cannot get Microsoft Configuration to run when you type Microsoft configuartion when you go to START RUN Microsoft configuration.

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Recovery Disk Finding Method

Mar 9, 2007

He recently bought a Dell XPS 410 that has WindowsXP on it. He bought it right before the change over to Vista. Anyhoo, He doesnt have Windows Recovery disk, but he does have a priated version of WindowsXP. My question is, say his OS had to be reinstalled could he use a program like Jelly Bean and get the key from his current system, write it down and use it when he reloads windows with this priated copy? Would Microsoft recognize it as being genuine? I told him he shouldnt be using the pirated copy, and just go out and buy the Vista.

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Method For Checking Values Of Computer

Oct 23, 2006

Is there any program out there that will tell me the value of my computer now and in upcoming months? That is free or has a trial.

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How To Switch Back Prenet Logon Method?

Jul 24, 2005

I have installed .Net and it altered the way I logon. Before, I didn't have to enter passwords or go thru a "click the user" screen. The computer just booted all the way to my desktop without any intermediate steps. Now I have to select a user at an intermediate step. I'm the only user and am not on a network. How can I switch back to the pre-.Net logon method? I know it can be done, I just don't remember how.

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Copy Laptop Hard Drive To External HD - Best Method To Do This?

Apr 18, 2008

I wish to copy my laptop HD (all apps., programs etc.) to an external HD then replace the laptop hd with the external HD for upgrade purposes (80gb to 160gb). I'm seeking the best method for doing this. I've tried using the Microsoft feature ntbackup.exe

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Handy Method Inserting Quick Date Time?

Aug 12, 2002

This is a very handy method of inserting the date and time (according to the Windows calendar) into a text document. As far as I know, this only works in Notepad, not in MS Word or Wordpad.Steps to insert date and time into a Notepad .txt file:1) Click Start > Run2) Type "notepad" without the quotes3) Push F5 on your keyboardThis simple shortcut can be very useful, especially when making logs or recording any kind of time-sensetive observations.

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Printing In Remote Through Remote Desktop ?

Aug 26, 2008

We run a terminal server at my my workplace which runs Windows Server 2003 rc2.We use Remote Desktop The list of OS's is as follows Winxp pro, Winxp home Windows 2000, and some Windows Nt(Yeah i know its depressing). The problem im having is in most cases i can not print from a local machine while in remote desktop unless the printer is on an LPT prtiner port.I have the printer shared on every Local machine, Rdp is setup coreectly also but still no printy. The only thing i have not tried is installing the driver on the TS and then trying to install and bring over the printer while in RDP.

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Enabling Remote Desktop From Remote?

Aug 25, 2010

Ok, so I have netbook with a crack LCD, can not see anything..How the hack do I enable remote desktop without using it's local LCD..I need two things done, enable remote desktop and second enable dual monitor mode, so I can connect external monitor to VGA port

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Cannot Delete File On Desktop - Effecive Forum Found Method

May 24, 2006

i cannot delete a file on my desktop (windows xp). delete will not work. usual windows message, file in use, cannot delete, blah, blah, etc. what methods has the fourm found to be effective?

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Xp Pro To Pro Over Remote Desktop

Jul 13, 2005

to run the office Sage accounts remotely from home. The "Server" will be an XP Pro box running only the Sage accounts application which is also accessible direclty from the LAN (this is a basic small office peer to peer workgroup). We have a broadband connection to the Internet from the LAN and intend insstalling an XP Pro PC and broadband at the book keepers home.

Remote Desktop seems to cater for this, however I would appreciate knowing the easiest way of setting it up.Having set up numerous SBS's using RWW, which requires Certificate
Authentication from SBS, how do we achieve similar ease of connectivity using
just 2 PC's?

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No Remote Servers

Sep 2, 2005

I am running Windows xp.I installed 'Remote desktop' on a windows 2000 computer on my network.When I try to connect, I get The Workgroup domain/workgroup does not contain any terminal servers'

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Can't Remote To From Pro To Home

Aug 7, 2005

I can't remote from my XP Pro machine to my XP Home machine. However, I CAN remote the other way, XP Home to XP Pro. Any suggestions? And yes, I've enable remote assitance on the XP Home machine.

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How To Do Remote Access

Aug 13, 2008

I am using Windows XP home edition and I have a family member who is also using Windows XP home edition. I would like to be able to access the family member's computer and do weekly maintenance. I would like to have the family member do nothing, but just have the computer started with Windows XP and be on a high-speed connection.

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