Laptop Doesn't Go To Log In Page To Type My Password

Jul 17, 2010

Hi the other day i tried to turn on my computer but it never reached the log in page, which meant I could not use the computer as I normally have to type in my password to go to my desktop screen. I don't know what to do. By the way this is not that laptop. What it does is, it starts up normally where it goes to the bit where is goes windows xp and then under there is a bar with a small bar sliding inside it, but then instead of going to the blue log in page it just becomes blank and restarts. Please help my currently I have to use this not so good laptop and I just can't live without the other laptop.

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Cant Type Password Into Password Box On Logon Screen Win Xp Home

Dec 29, 2005

I have just installed a linksys wireless router onto my desktop computer to add a wireless laptop and for some reason, when the User Logon screen comes up. The hand cursor never becomes a cursor for me to type in passowords to user accounts. I went into safe mode and then into control panel and deleted the passwords for each user acct and now I can get into the accounts but how can I add the passwords again and be able to type them in. We have 3 user accounts on this pc and would like to have them password protected.

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Explorer Doesn`t Show Any Details For Any Media File Type

Jul 15, 2009

I have the following problem: Explorer doesn`t show any details for any media file type like artist or album, when choosing Details view. Additionally, clicking on file properties doesn`t show any info either, nor simple, nor in advanced view.The files are fine, and other software reads the media file info correctly, including WMP 11 and Winamp.

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Cannot Type Password To Login

Apr 18, 2009

I have a Windows XP computer (Dell Optiplex).I cannot log in to the admin account. I can click on the user then click on the password box.A larger than-normal black rectangle appears as the cursor, but when I type keys they are not 'remembered'.I can hold ctrl-alt-del and get the older style log in.I can use the mouse to select the name and the password boxes but I have the same problem with the cursor and the keyboard characters are still not remembered/indicated.It does not let me delete or overwrite the user name in the name box.At the 'to begin' screen,if I click on an account/user that has no password,the system logs me in and the keyboard works fully.Also,the keyboard works in BIOS setup.I have tried both PS/2 and USB keyboards: they work except for login as described above.Problems like this have been reported before but the only solution seems to be install Windows XP from scratch which I would very much like to avoid.

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Keyboard Won't Type In Password

Apr 28, 2009

Windows Installer was not functioning,among other problems, followed Dell troubleshooting guide to reinstall XP using "R" function on Operating System CD so I wouldn't lose files. Apparently worked, was able to log into most-used account. When I went to 2nd account, instead of a fine line in the space one types in password, a blinking black box appeared and keyboard was unable to type in password. Now blinking box appears on all accounts and I can't type in password on any account. Tried using older keyboard plugged into designated keyboard slot, also tried using new keyboard in USB port, neither worked. This is an old Dell Dimension 4600i series with Win XP Home Edition+SP2. Do I need to do a complete re installation of XP, losing some of my most recent files, or does anyone have another solution? Thanks.

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Can't Type In Password At Login Screen

Mar 24, 2007

Started up my computer yesterday morning and when it got to the windows login screen, i could click on my user to type my password in and then when i tried to type my password in none of the keys were working, the only keys that were working were the buttons G13,G14,G15,G16,G17,G18. (but i have know idea what they are typing) I have a Logitech g15 Keyboard, all the lights come on, i can go into bios and use every key just fine, can turn numlock, scrolllock and caps lock on and off untill it displays the windows loading screen, then the keyboard kinda freezes and i can no longer turn them on or off -_- , Ive tried everything, 3 diff keyboards, including a non usb one. Tried my other harddrive, Same Issues.Running winxp sp2.

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I Have To Type In My E Mail And Password Everytime

Sep 8, 2010

How do I restore cookies I cleaned the history and I must type in every time my info to use facebook and my mail at yahoo.

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Neglects Asking For Password - Logon Type

May 22, 2008

Just as the title says.I have 2 accounts on this computer, one limited and one admin (me), and I have the default WINXP logon type (with the screen and click ,etc..)

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Font Changed On Startup Cannot Type Password

Jul 15, 2009

I started my computer this morning and my system font apparently changed somehow. I was loading new fonts last night before I shut down. Now upon start up everything is in something like wingdings but different. All of the characters are something else, so I cannot type in my password in start up. What can i do now, since I cannot get into windows to change my password.I tried the double cntl-alt-del at start up. That brought me to the start up screen with recognizable characters, but my password did not open windows.

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Winlogon Exe Errors When I Type In Wrong Password

Mar 21, 2007

When I sign on windows with the right password, it works just fine and everything loads up. However, when I happen to type out my massive password wrong the following error comes up:MCI Command Handling Window: winlogon.exe.The instruction at 0x0179116e reference memory at 0x0070ffff. The memory could not be read.I'm running XPPro. I recently reformatted my entire PC and I've never had this happen before reinstalling XP. I don't know what specifically the error stems from cause I installed so much stuff in one day. It was all the same stuff I've had on the PC before. Other accounts across the net, however, did NOT also reformat, so I'm thinking it must be something to do with a virus or some error in SP2 or windows update. I've done a virus scan and found nothing.

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Can Type Username And Password Faster Using The Fingerprint Reader?

Jun 15, 2005

I have installed a MS Fingerprint reader so I would stop having to type in usernames and passwords to all different sorts of web sites. The fingerprinter work - except that it seems that it scans my finger as soon as I put it on the pad (I hear the sound confirmation beep) - but then it takes like 7 - 15 seconds beofre it actuallly populates the web username and password, and then submit button. I can type in the username and password faster than using the fingerprint reader?

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Keyboard On Laptop Not Working: Many Keys Will Not Type?

Jun 3, 2010

Keyboard on laptop is not functioning properly. Many keys will not type and others take a shortcut into other programs not requested.

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Indows XP Pro Installed On IBM T60 Laptop / Windows Password On Security Wizard / Incorrect Password

Feb 15, 2009

I have Windows XP Pro installed on IBM T60 Laptop.Whenever I start the Laptop up,the Windows Security Sey up Wizard appears and I wish to stop this appearing every time.In addition,if I fill in my Windows password on the security wizard the system says that I am using the incorrect password.Please can someone advise me how to solve these problems.

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Doesn't Know Password

Jun 3, 2005

inherited a comp (sans cables). finally get it powered up and is asking for a password. the genius that left it behind doesn't know the i up the proverbial creek?

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Can't Change Computer Type Back To Original Type In Device Manager

Jun 28, 2007

so, a few years back i read a magazine that said to change the type of computer in device manager to standard pc because it made the computer run a little better or now i've got my laptop and i've noticed it getting slower and thought that i would do this... VERY BAD MOVE! i can still boot windows and everything - it meant that i had to let the computer reinstall all of the drivers for my hardware - but i have noticed in the device manager now that there are two instances of 'standard pc', there is also a new section titled 'other devices' with about 15 devices that seem to have no driver for them - some mention 'ISA' so i am guessing that changing to standard pc means that windows thinks my laptop is now a desktop pc with ISA slots? i find that when i put my laptop lid down the thing shuts down, when i press the power button it turns off straight away (doesn't even shut down!). i had had the laptop configured for ages to do nothing when i closed the lid and give me shut down options when i pressed the power button. i look in power options and i can only cinfigure the monitor screen and hard disk power off options - every other option is not available. when i do bring up the shut down options i can no longer choose standby.

i have also realised that i can not turn on my wireless connection - i've tried all sorts to get it to work with no avail! the laptop is an acer ferrari and when i call up the manager app it says that bluetooth and wireless are not present (by the way i can still get the bluetooth button to work - correction - it starts up with the button on but if i turn it off it won't let me turn it on again). the emanager and presentation manager buttons on the laptops casing don't work either (i have to access them via software route).

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Outlook - Doesn't Remember Password When Setup New Account

Jan 15, 2009

I set up a new email account, and checked "Remember Password", but it doesn't remember.

I found a Microsoft article telling me that if my outlook 2000 installation is internet mail only (which apparently it is), I will need to change the registry value for "SMTP Prompt for Password" to 1. This didn't help.

(outlook 2000 / xp sp3)

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Desktop Without Logging In - Password Doesn't Default Setting

Dec 17, 2004

Since I installed XP I've only had my profile and it's always taken me straight into my desktop without logging in. However now it's asking for a password and it doesn't seem to be the one I'd use for it. Is there a default password because I don't recall actually setting one up for it :s Or do I have to reinstall XP?

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System Restore - Administrator Password Doesn't Work

Feb 5, 2006

I had probs, so I did a system restore. When rebooting after that, it asked me for passwords to get in, both my account and Guest. Niether of them should have actually had passwords on them, therefore I can't get into the pc now. Tried everything, including using Administrator and password blank, still doesn't work. So on some peoples advice, I decided to do a Xp reinstall, choosing upgrade instead of formatting (so I don't lose everything). When going through that process, it gets to the point where I choose R for repair. It then askes which version to install on, so I say option 1 - Windows. THAT is when more probs come in. It now asks for the Administrator password. I've never given one in the past, and if I have then it's one of two options - either my surname or the word 'computer', so after trying both of those, and also trying a blank password, it then restarts the computer because I've given 3 incorrect passwords. The point is that there IS NO password!! I can't understand why it's asking for one??!! This is really getting me down.

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Logging Into SAFE Mode - Regular Password Doesn't Accept

Oct 6, 2009

I'm trying to get into Safe Mode so I can do a proper Defrag, but I get the Windows logon prompt...problem is it does not accept my normal Password ( I have no problem logging in Normal mode).... What's up with that, would there be 2 different Passwords?

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Laptop Monitor Doesn't Always Switch Off

Aug 13, 2008

I just have a query with regard to my laptop. Before I go to bed at night I always instruct my laptop's monitor to switch off via the Power Schemes screen, however I tend to find that it often simply flashes off then switches back on again immediately, or it doesn't go off at all. More often than not I have to repeat the process twice (Power Schemes -> Turn off monitor -> After 2 mins -> Apply/OK) before it obeys. Any ideas as to why this might be?

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Laptop Doesn't Recognize Any Of Drivers

Aug 3, 2007

I have a multi-boot system set up and it Includes 3 OS's, Windows 7, XP, and a flavor of Linux. My XP installation does not recognize hardly any of the drivers for the hardware on my HP pavilion dv2941se laptop. Beings it doesn't have the driver for my network card i cant get online to search for other drivers.

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Home Login - Reopen Page Asks For User Name And Password

Aug 10, 2009

When I try to login in to IE and tell windows Xp to safe my user name & password. It will let me open IE but if I close it and reopen it. It asks for my user name & password again.

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Laptop Doesn't Loaded Archive Mpdat.exe

Mar 19, 2005

One week ago, the virus W32.Skybot.Worm infected my computes, so I cleaned it and Norton send mis archive to Quarantine. When I star my computer, the system say me it can be loaded the archive mpdat.exe. Some friends told me that I need to restart the system, but I don�t like to do it. Let it be another way to resolve this problem. Also I like to know what is the funtion of this archive.

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Acer Laptop Desktop Icon Doesn't Show

May 25, 2010

i have a laptop from acer that does not show the desktop items i wanted to no how can i get them back on there without deleting everything.

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VAIO Laptop Starts - Screen Doesn't Seem To Power Flash

Apr 11, 2005

My Sony VAIO starts. It's plugged in normally. The power lights flash, it checks the CD-RW drive, and then remains on with the main power light on and the fan on, but the screen remains black and nothing else happens. Windows XP doesn't load. No Sony logo, no "Operating system not found," nothing. It's like it's had a lobotomy.I haven't installed anything new, and the notebook has just been sitting around unplugged for a few days. The last thing I used it for was to burn a CD with Windows Media Player. The only change I can think of is that my USB tablet isn't plugged in.

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Password Protected Laptop

Dec 24, 2006

i recently bought a used toshiba sattelite laptop while out of town got it back home and found that its password protected, o.s. is windows xp home, how do i get around this ?

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Administrator Password Reset On Laptop

Aug 25, 2008

then I reset it, and I'm on a high right now. Feelin' like a criminal. Even though the only password I reset was on my own laptop.

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Reformatting A Password-protected Laptop?

Aug 2, 2007

I was given an 'old' Dell laptop (Celeron, 600Mhz, 256MB RAM, 20GB HDD, NIC card, floppy disk drive) as well as the reinstallation CD that has XP Pro on it. I've got two roadblocks that I can't seem to get around: The logon is password protected. This laptop was used by a company where each employee logged onto a network. I have the username and password, but, since I'm not connected to that network, it does no good. The computer can't authenticate the password and I don't have access to the network.The laptop came with a floppy drive, not a CD drive.

Is there any way possible to get to the C: prompt to reformat the HD? I am able to get into the boot order setup. Once the HD is reformatted,How can I get the reinstallation done without a CD drive? I've already thought about (and actually copied the CD to) a USB thumb drive, but the boot order doesn't give an option to boot from a USB.Is it worth the $10 - $20 to get a CD drive for this laptop off of eBay?

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Changed Settings On Laptop: Wont Recognize Password?

Apr 8, 2008

I have one of my users pc's (running XP Pro on a Windows 2003 network), it boots up fine but whenever she goes to print the spoolsv hits 100% and we have to kill it. Of course without it she can't print. This has also happened occasionally when she opens an application, the spoolsv will hit 100%. Does anyone have any ideas? I need to get her printing again.

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Changed Settings On Laptop: Wont Recognize Password?

Oct 26, 2007

I recently changed a setting on my Dell laptop and now when I try and log on it doesn't recognize my password. I can't access anything on it. I receive a log on error.

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Dont Remember My Password For Windows Mini Acer Laptop?

Nov 2, 2009

i forgot my password. i just wanna know how to pretty much hack my computer or reset the password without logging on.
How can i do this?

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