Desktop Without Logging In - Password Doesn't Default Setting
Dec 17, 2004
Since I installed XP I've only had my profile and it's always taken me straight into my desktop without logging in. However now it's asking for a password and it doesn't seem to be the one I'd use for it. Is there a default password because I don't recall actually setting one up for it :s Or do I have to reinstall XP?
I'm trying to get into Safe Mode so I can do a proper Defrag, but I get the Windows logon prompt...problem is it does not accept my normal Password ( I have no problem logging in Normal mode).... What's up with that, would there be 2 different Passwords?
My Brother's computer when he turns it on he waits for the desktop to loaded it appears that system is making the graphics go to 640*480 and it's original desktop is 1280*1024. When we change it back to 1280*1024 and then try to restart the computer, It restarts then it goes back to 640*480.
I don't know if anyone else has this problem, but my XP switches to the 'switch user' setting every time the screen saver comes on. It gets really annoying so I wondered if anyone could tell me how to turn it off.
A friend of mine has been using some kind of hack software, I assume a password logger, to crack my password and log on to my XP account. How can I prevent this? I wouldn't mind logging in with something other than a password.
A few days ago I had to re-load everything on this computer. My HD went bad. Now every time I start windows it stops and asks for my password. I didn't enter a password and don't need one. How can I prevent this from happening and just go ahead and load windows???
I am having a problem whereby my IE keeps setting the default home page to, i can see this in the log, can someone give me some guidance on what to do / delete.
I have a problem with setting OE6 as my default email program in IE after I installed Office 97. Since I really wanted to use OE6, I uninstalled Outlook. Now my OE6 works okay with my dial-up internet access. No problems with sending and receiving emails, but I cannot set it to be the default email handler using the Tool->Options popup window. And I also found that in IE, Tools-> Internet Options popup -> Programs tab, there is no choices for the Email field. This problem has caused me to be unable to click on email addresses of people on the webpages and other problems with 3rd party softwares.
Does anybody knows how or where to setup a default user environment variable ?We want to create this variable for each user that logon in to the same pc?
How do I set it up so that when I boot up I automatically open in the root directory (C:). That is, I don't want to have to click on My Computer, C: each time I boot up.
Anyone know how to set a default for viewing files and folders . . . , i.e., I'd like to set as a default, the only useful file/folder view XP offers, which is "details", such that everytime I open any file/folder from any storage,I see the file/folder details without having to take the extra 10 minutes to adjust it by hand.
Some of our systems got their default mail client reset to Outlook Express.Most of our users use Outlook, with a few using Thunderbird.It seems that only an Administrator can reset their default mail client through Internet Options.I came across article from Microsoft that says that only an Admin can change this after an admin sets it.I find if very hard to believe that our users cannot set their own default mail client after an admin sets it once. Does anyone know how to reset this so users can select their default clients
I was wondering if anyone knew where the default light blue color background (approx rgb 80 110 200) that appears just before the welcome screen (not classic logon) when you boot XP or switch users is set. I'd like to change it so that it matches my customized desktop/welcome screen.
I've changed the following registry keys but no luck: HKEY_USERS.DEFAULTControl PanelColorsBackground HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsNTCurrentVersionWinlogonBac kground HKEY_USERS.DefaultControl PanelDesktopWallpaper
It might be the same color as the one that appears when you run chkdsk and stuff like that at boot time, so I was thinking the color is set in ntoskrnl.exe?
I am using Music Match as default media player. Anyone know how can I change my folder settings so that their music logo doesn't appear before each track in my mp3 music folders.
I need to get into my CMos settings but when i try it comes up wanting a password and either i dopn't remember it or I got some virus that put it there so I can't get into it. Is there a way to bypass the password for getting in the Cmos
Okay, Well this is very easy and does not involve rebooting or logging off, BUT it requires Administrative Access. #1. Open up Command Prompt. #2. type in "net user Administrator (Password goes here)" (Without the quotes, And put in a password in place of the "(Password goes here)") So lets say you want to set the password to "computers", You would then type in: net user Administrator computers Simple as that! And doesn't involve rebooting!
I am running XP Pro, single user on my machine. My screen saver setting is to require a password upon resuming. Until a few days ago this was working fine, showing the Welcome screen. Then suddenly I am now (only upon screenaver resumption) getting the classic logon screen. The option setting in the screensaver settings window has changed and I am utterly unable to determine what changed it or how to return it to the original state.
My account settings are for Fast User Switching and to Show Welcome Screen. I am not part of a domain. In perusing some newsgroups I have found this question before, however nowhere an answer to the question how to fix it. I concluded that something I must have done (without me being aware of it) had changed this and consequently decided to use an XP test build on another machine to possibly pinpoint such an occurence through a phased approach. Much to my surprise I found the setting for a screensaver to 'upon resome, password protect' from the get-go, i.e. the very first time I logged on, so my attempt for analyis was proven unsuccessful in record time.....
I created an image a few weeks/month ago with TrueImage 8.0.When I clicked on the tib image file I had to recognize that it is password protected.Unfortunately I cannot remember this password.Most probably I selected the default password. Is there a default password?Otherwise are there any restriction for the passsword (length, using digits,..)
A friend of mine changed his windows log on password for windows 2000 and can't remember it.He has a HP Pentium 3 computer.Is there anyway to bypass this window or is there a default administrator password or something he can do to get around it?
After reading Joseph Doyle's submission regarding this I would like to point out that you can set a Guest account password by simply doing this. This method is somewhat simpler in that you do not have to mess around with CMD.exe.1. Make sure you are logged on as an Administrator.2. Go to Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Computer Management.3. Select the "Users" folder under "Local Users and Groups".4. Right click on the "Guest" account and click "Set Password". When a dialog comes up warning you of the possible consequences click "Proceed". You will then be given a dialog that lets you set a new password.I have always considered security a top priority and considering the ease of doing this I would highly recommend that everyone sets a Guest account password. Even though the Guest account is disabled by default, why not do this just for the extra bit of security? Local Users and Groups is not available in XP Home. A way to set a password for the guest account in Home and Pro: click start - run - type: cmd - in the command window type: net user guest * - hit Enter - you will be prompted for the password to use.
I changed my domain to a workgroup and now I cannot log in with the users name and the administrator password has been changed from the default. No one knows what the Admin password could be... Is there any other way to log in?
inherited a comp (sans cables). finally get it powered up and is asking for a password. the genius that left it behind doesn't know the i up the proverbial creek?
When I have either firefox browser or IE6 up and when I minimize my browser or exit out of it, my whole screen goes blank. Every thing from my desktop items and my taskbar disappears for a second or 2. The only thing on my desktop that doesn't go blank is my desktop picture.
Hi the other day i tried to turn on my computer but it never reached the log in page, which meant I could not use the computer as I normally have to type in my password to go to my desktop screen. I don't know what to do. By the way this is not that laptop. What it does is, it starts up normally where it goes to the bit where is goes windows xp and then under there is a bar with a small bar sliding inside it, but then instead of going to the blue log in page it just becomes blank and restarts. Please help my currently I have to use this not so good laptop and I just can't live without the other laptop.
I set up a new email account, and checked "Remember Password", but it doesn't remember.
I found a Microsoft article telling me that if my outlook 2000 installation is internet mail only (which apparently it is), I will need to change the registry value for "SMTP Prompt for Password" to 1. This didn't help.
I had probs, so I did a system restore. When rebooting after that, it asked me for passwords to get in, both my account and Guest. Niether of them should have actually had passwords on them, therefore I can't get into the pc now. Tried everything, including using Administrator and password blank, still doesn't work. So on some peoples advice, I decided to do a Xp reinstall, choosing upgrade instead of formatting (so I don't lose everything). When going through that process, it gets to the point where I choose R for repair. It then askes which version to install on, so I say option 1 - Windows. THAT is when more probs come in. It now asks for the Administrator password. I've never given one in the past, and if I have then it's one of two options - either my surname or the word 'computer', so after trying both of those, and also trying a blank password, it then restarts the computer because I've given 3 incorrect passwords. The point is that there IS NO password!! I can't understand why it's asking for one??!! This is really getting me down.
I have installed XP last time i have changed some startup registry entries.when i start it. It comes to the welcome screen and show my desktop wallpaper and suddenly loggin off ...i tried both users of my computer but same issu.... last good config. login also not works. but now i cant even loggin in safe mode. i tried some forums but no tricks worked...i boot from xp cd and changed ntuser.dat to wsaupdater.dat ....but till i cant login...I think if i can able to change that registry startup value somehow then it is possible...but i dont know how can i change those value.
my Pc is starting up then when i enter my password, it logs on then logs off it's because an option then i have put without thinking in ad-aware anniversary edition, the option that tells what processes are allowed to run on the computer, is there a way to enter my PC ? i have tried running in safe mode, it's still no good
I've recently installed Sony Sound Forge 8 which, as part of the installation, creates an ASP.NET user.Since this user was created, I have to click on my User Account to log in (it's the only one thatg shows on the welcome screen, the ASP one is hidden) How do I get it back to logging me in automatically - there's no password on the account.