Iexplorer / Explorer.exe Running In System

Dec 18, 2006

I have a virus either running by the name iexplore or explore.exe, what should I do?

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Iexplorer.exe And Explorer.exe + Multiple Svchost.exe

Feb 23, 2008

When I have explorer open, iexplore.exe AND explorer.exe use up a great deal of memory.

When I am not connected to the internet, explorer.exe is still running. Also, at times their are multiple svchost.exe running. About 6 of them. It is not debilitating, but it is annoying. Can anyone tell me more about these three processes and possible ways to go around them?

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PC Keeps Launching Iexplorer.exe?

Apr 6, 2007

I always use firefox and yet,without me even having clicked internet explorer I see it launched twice in the processes.When I click end process it appears twice and then does not for another half an hour to forty five minutes. I think it was a virus my smaler brother installed but since my father also uses this computer for his work, I cannot ask him to format and reinstall Can I find out what program launches Iexplorer.exe

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SP2-won't Shutdown Always Has Iexplorer.exe

Oct 5, 2007

for quite awhile now both my computers but they seem to work pretty good although alittle slow. but when you go to shut them down, both of them a box comes up and says ending program where you can wait for it to end the program or you can click on end now. well it doesn't matter which you do most of the time the computer won't shut down. it just keeps going back to the end program box. It is always this program--iexplore.exe always that one. One time I looked into the task manager and it had like 5 or 6 of the iexplore.exe in the application part. anyway it is getting quite annoying. I ran asquared when this was happening and it caught what it said was a trojan (didn't write it down) I deleted it and it seemed to work for awhile. But now it is back to the same ole thing. Can someone enlighten me on what might be wrong? It is on both of my computers.

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Negativity Toward Iexplorer 7

Feb 14, 2009

My question is that in much of my reading I feel there is a lot of negativity toward iexplorer 7. I run XP SP3 and Microsoft has my upgrades now recommending to download number 7. What is your feelings toward this? I have always felt that this forum, "that has gotten me out of so much trouble" is voices that I trust more than just the talking heads. Your all "hands on guys" with a lot of experience in working with the meat of the matter. Would you convert or stay with 6? Appreciate your opinions.

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Restart Tries End Task For The Iexplorer.exe

Sep 28, 2006

When I go to turn off my computer or restart it, it tries to end task for the iexplorer.exe. It will say the program is not responding and the computer won't turn off or restart like I asked it to.

Also, when I open up my task manager and look in processes I see that iexplorer.exe is still running when I don't have any IE windows open at all. And the strange thing is I can't end task it and there's 2 of them.

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IEXPLORER.exe Application Error?

Apr 25, 2006

Explorer doesn't load it just stops and when i close it i get this message.The instruction at "0x1001cd11" referenced memory at "0x1001cd11". The memory could not be "read".

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Remove This Iexplorer.exe - Log On In To Account

Jun 20, 2008

I've heard a lot of bad things about this iexplorer.exe which emulates iexplore.exe or something.Well, out family Windows XP computer now has it. Whenever I start up my computer and log in to my account, the computer is running very slow, CPU usage at 100%.I hit ctrl+alt+del to bring up task manager, processes, and see iexplorer.exe taking up all the kb. If I remember rightly, it's in the 160,000+ area.Once I end the process, the computer resumes to normal.I'm not at the PC currently, but how do I remove this thing?

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IExplorer - Macromedia Flash Player

Oct 19, 2005

Whenever I load a website in Opera with anything that uses flash, macromedia flash player to be exact, the screen flickers and turns hazy/fuzzy. Nothing is effected performance wise, but it's really annoying. I know Iexplorer supports the newest flash and shockwave pllayers, but are they supported in Opera? I tried downloading the newest version of the flash player, but that didn't help. I don't have this problem with internet explorer, but of course I don't want to use it...

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IExplorer - Access Any Desktop Icon - Feature

Mar 20, 2005

I just started having this problem. My computer boots up fine, but when I try to access any desktop icon, or any feature from the start button, I get the message, windows explorer has encountered a problem... then I get Dr Watson has encountered a problem, then the only thing I can do is reboot. The strange thing is, that I can access AOL by clicking on the icon in the taskbar, also Mcafee and others. The only things that work are the taskbar icons. I ran all the appropriate virus checks, spy checks, with no problem.

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XP Iexplorer Launches Randomly & Music Plays

Nov 8, 2007

Switched my machine an this morning and heard 4 or 5 mousec licks.over the speakers music then started to play in background without showing the IE browser.It seems somehow that IEXPLORER.exe is launching itself? Tried a few spywares, sophos and Zonealarm running.

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Explorer Running Slow

Apr 26, 2005

I am having trouble with Internet Explorer. It is running really slow.

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Desktop Is Not Running - Explorer.exe

Sep 17, 2006

but my computer is having many probelms first i used to black worm virus and winfixer popups but they stop.Now i cant turn my computer off, because if i turn it on desktop doesn't run but i found a way to fix, ctrl alt delete n then file, run, destop, but explorer.exe is taking up 99 cpu and i popups from antiVir saying that C:/windows/system32/pmkjg.dll is infected with trojen horse TR/Vundo.gen

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Explorer.exe Running At 99% CPU Constantly

Apr 29, 2005

Every time I start my PC it boots up very slowly and once I've loggd in, everything takes an age to open and the PC is generally sluggish. I've noticed that in Task Manager's process list, explorer.exe is running at 99% even when I've got no programs running!I've tried ending the process and restarting it but this has no effect. I've run a virus scan with Norton AV and it found nothing

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Running Slow-CPU Usage = 100% - Explorer.exe Using 99%

Oct 5, 2005

My computer started running extremely slow. When I check the task manager it notes that the CPU usage is spiked at 100%. I checked to see what is using most of the CPU and its "explorer.exe" using about 99%.

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CPU Usage Is Nearly Always At 100% / Explorer Running Slow?

May 1, 2007

I am using windows xp pro with a 2.00ghz celeron cpu I also have 2gb of ram, lately my pc seems to be slow and explorer keeps crashing causing the desktop to reload if i look in task manager my cpu is almost always at 100% I have done a virus and spywear check but that found nothing

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Random Pop Ups When Internet Explorer Not Running

Feb 19, 2008

I get random popups that inform me I don't have security whatever, and I'm sure it has nothing to do with any of the AV programs I have. I posted a thread about 4 days ago about task manager after recovering from a worm, but I'm not sure it's completely gone. I've tried the following: avast! antivirus Norton Antivirus ( Adaware Spybot Search and Destroy Mcaffee Stinger. and none of them have turned anything up.

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Explorer Needs To Close - Running XP On A Sony Vaio

Nov 13, 2009

I am running XP on a Sony Vaio. Recently, every time we boot it up and try to start ANY program, we get the"Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close" message. I would like to back up some docs, but have started it in safe mode with and without networking, and have been unable even to open Backup or My Computer to copy docs

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EXPLORER.EXE Not Running In Task Manager Processes?

Feb 17, 2009

Had major trojans, spyware, etc. Ran Malawarebytes removed all beautifully except when I rebooted, I have nothing on my desktop except the wallpaper. When I right click on desktop, nothing. Can access Task Manager and get to files that way but no way to activate desktop. What has happened here? Also, nothing on desktop when I go into SafeMode.

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Computer At 100% CPU Usage While Running Internet Explorer?

Mar 26, 2007

When I run IE, Outlook or several other applications, which I can't run at the same time or the computer works forever to do anything, my CPU usage jumps to 100%. Does anyone know how to fix this problem?

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Computer Reacting Much Slower - 2 Explorer's Running?

Feb 22, 2006

Sometimes I find my computer reacting much slower than it should, so I checked the task manager to find 2 explorer.exe tasks running. I don't think that being normal. I'm posting a Hijackthis logfile just incase.
I would appreciate some feedback! The H20 file is fine

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1
Scan saved at 4:05:05 PM, on 2/22/2006
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.5296.0000)

Running processes:

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Computer Is Running Really Slow And Internet Explorer Keeps Getting Redirected

May 4, 2005

I downloaded a bunch of stuff on this computer and I don't know what all I need to get rid of. The computer is running really slow and Internet Explorer keeps getting redirected.

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Explorer Running Slow: Viewing The Folders Larger?

Jul 3, 2006

When viewing folders larger than even just a few MB, it can takes minutes to load and even take forever to select an item and scroll through the folder.

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Explorer.exe In My Task Manager Is Running Extremely High?

Jul 3, 2006

My computer has been chogging quite a bit lately after booting up and continues to run sluggish...I've noticed the explorer.exe in my task manager is running extremely high. It seems to start up about 5 minutes after booting up, and continues to wreak havoc. I've seen this to be a problem everywhere from an a hole virus to RAM not sitting correctly. I've ran Ad Aware, AVG and a few others to check for a virus or anykind of malicious spyware...everything has come back clean.

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PC Has Slowed - Getting C++ Debug Errors While Running Internet Explorer

Jan 1, 2008

I've got something going on with my Laptop, but I can't put my finger on it. For the last few weeks, the PC has slowed to a sluggish crawl and now I'm getting C++ Debug Errors while running Internet Explorer.

I will be more specific with the Error code the next time it happens

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Internet Explorer Running Slow - Loading Images

Jan 29, 2008

My IE7's been running really slow starting this past week. I don't know what the cause is exactly. I can't figure out if it's the IE software on the PC or if it has something to do with the internet connection. I've run the following to diagnose my problem: NAV 2007 - No Viruses Webroos SpySweeper - No Spyware Optonline speedcheck Utility (when I can get it to run) - the results are very good 13-15mbps down and ~1.5mbps up. I would've posted this last night, but I couldn't get the page to load and even the optonline homepage sometimes wouldn't load. Also, I've noticed that images aren't loading onto the web pages. Just getting a box with an "x" in it. Don't remember if that is an IE security setting that i just need to allow or a an invasion to my system. I reset the IE7 settings to clear anything within IE, but that just made me lose my settings and IE still ran slow and inconsistently. I've checkd the ADD/Remove list and the list of folders within the program files folder and I've found nothing bad has been installed on the sly. Not really sure if this is a problem with optonline's signal or if I've gotten something on my PC that just isn't getting found by NAV and spysweeper. I'm trying to hold off on restoring my system image file, but if I must. I'd like totry to diagnose this if I can.

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No Programs Running Explorer.exe - Cycles Activity CPU Usage

Oct 1, 2005

I have a Toshiba Satellite notebook (about 18 months to two years old) running XP Pro, and frequently I encounter a situation where, with no programs running, explorer.exe "cycles" in activity and CPU usage - for example, from 30,000 K Memory Usage to 50,000 K to 70,000 K to 90,000 K (over the course of 10 seconds or so), then drops back down to 30 or 40,000K and starts over.

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Running Norton System Works - Cd Launches It Freezes System

Jul 7, 2005

The my computer window instantly opens with all the correct icons displayed on the lest (view system information add remove programs change a setting...) but it shows no drives and I cannot click on anything. If I hit control alt delete it is reported as not responding but after about 45 seconds the rest of the icons show up. I open control pannel and try to open the system folder and nothing happens. I tried running nortons system works windoctor but after the cd launches it freezes. After about 3 hours of working on it I gave up and reinstalled windows ( i did the windows repair so I didn't lose program files and such, i did not re-initialize). After re-installing everything was going fine until last night. The same exact thing is occuring again. Ive attempted running Ad-aware and its locking up after it finds a few files, I have no clue what its finding since its locking up. Ive tried booting in safe mode but it locks up at mup.sys. Their is also no internet connection IE or Firefox can find but when I open the network connections folder it says that I am connected. Im wondering if its a bad HDD or if I've got some delayed action virus or something. Neither seems to likely to me since if it was the HDD when i ran a HDD scan (in dos from the win repair cd) it comes across as fine and the virus would have to be a delayed action one or something since it keeps hitting almost exactly a week after the problems occur.

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System Running Very Slow -system Configuration Utility

Mar 27, 2006

I noticed lately that my computer has been running very slow and decided to snoop around in the services tab in the System Configuration Utility and MAN!! I have about 50 different programs running. I want to know what I can and cannot uncheck so my computer won't stop running altogether. I'm running XP Pro and a wireless network to 2 other computers in the house

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System Is Running W32 Bit Or W64 Bit?

Sep 19, 2009

Some software downloads ask whether my operating system is Windows 32 bit or Windows 64 bit. How do I tell? I've look in the system information folder but see nothing there.

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Too Much Running On System

Jan 23, 2007

I was just wondering if someone could tell me how to turn off some things I don't need running.I know i have way too much going on.I have a dell Inspiron E 1705.

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