Iexplorer.exe And Explorer.exe + Multiple Svchost.exe

Feb 23, 2008

When I have explorer open, iexplore.exe AND explorer.exe use up a great deal of memory.

When I am not connected to the internet, explorer.exe is still running. Also, at times their are multiple svchost.exe running. About 6 of them. It is not debilitating, but it is annoying. Can anyone tell me more about these three processes and possible ways to go around them?

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Multiple Svchost.exe (5 Of Them), Explorer.exe At 100% CPU Activity, Winlogon.exe...

Apr 25, 2007

Alright this is really damn annyoying, the pc runs incredibly slow, when I look in task manager, explorer.exe is using 97% of the CPU, so I end the proccess and start a new one, then winlogon.exe runs at 97% CPU usage and this proccess can't be ended, and I noticed there are multiple "svchost.exe" about 5 actually, I even reinstalled the operating system about 3 times and the computer still has the problem. I looked all over the internet and I can't find anything that can solve this. I have the log from HijackThis:

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1
Scan saved at 05:33:42, on 25/04/2007
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.6000.16414)

Running processes:
C:Program FilesApoint2KApoint.exe
C:Program FilesRealRealPlayerRealPlay.exe
C:Program FilesAOL 8.0aoltray.exe
C:Program FilesApoint2KApntex.exe
C:Program FilesEzButton VE 2.14EzButton.exe
C:Program FilesStarOffice6.0programsoffice.exe
C:Program FilesUniblueRegistryBooster2RegistryBooster.exe
C:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe
C:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe
C:Program FilesWindows DefenderMsMpEng.exe
C:Program FilesWindows DefenderMSASCui.exe
C:WINDOWSsystem32 askmgr.exe
C:Documents and SettingsRojan ThomasDesktopHijackThisHijackThis.exe ...

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Iexplorer / Explorer.exe Running In System

Dec 18, 2006

I have a virus either running by the name iexplore or explore.exe, what should I do?

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Multiple Instances Of Explorer.exe

Dec 17, 2005

I know one is normal but I have two Quote: explorer.exe - 1,672 K - High explorer.exe - 19,168 K - Normal.

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Multiple Internet Explorer Processes Appearing

Apr 6, 2005

I've been noticing some strange problems with my win2k box recently. If I go to the task manager, I notice I get multiple IEXPLORER.EXE processes appearing, some taking a good quantity of RAM over. If I try and end the process it comes back after a second and grows in file size. I've read some other threads and have HijackerThis 1.9, I can't see anything suscpicious in the log, but I'm a novice at that sort of thing. Also I checked for trojans etc and other files/folders but could see anything obvious.

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Internet Explorer Will Not Open Multiple Pages

Jun 30, 2005

I have reset IE, changed setting and my IE will only open one window and not allow me to go back. Every time I try to open another IE window the original window becomes the new one. I don't have any virus or spyware, I have checked for all that.

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Svchost.exe Process Using More Memory Than Explorer.exe - Is True?

Aug 4, 2005

I was recently informed that if a svchost.exe process is using more memory than explorer.exe, it's a dud. Is this true? Also, I have six svchost.exe processes running at once, is this normal ?

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Get Explorer To Show Folder Sizes For Multiple Folders?

Aug 20, 2004

I know you can either hover over a folder in Explorer or right click, click properties and get the folder size - but what I want is a fix or utility that allows me to see multiple folders, ala Explorer, and see their size displayed - the way it does for individual files on the DETAILS setting

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Unusually High Memory Usage By Explorer.exe And Svchost.exe

May 28, 2010

Does explorer.exe and svchost.exe seems to be using a lot of memory,or am i just being paranoid?

Its not usually like this though:

I have also included an Hijackthis report:
Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.3 (BETA)
Scan saved at 3:00:25 PM, on 5/28/2010
Platform: Windows XP SP3 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v8.00 (8.00.6001.18702)
Boot mode: Normal

Running processes:
C:Program FilesCommon FilesBitDefenderBitDefender Update Servicelivesrv.exe
C:Program FilesBitDefenderBitDefender 2009vsserv.exe
C:Program FilesABBYY FineReader 9.0NetworkLicenseServer.exe
C:Program FilesJavajre6injqs.exe
C:Program FilesWestern DigitalWD Drive ManagerWDBtnMgrSvc.exe
C:Program FilesLClockLClock.exe

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Explorer Locks Up When Opening Folder With Multiple Video Files

Jul 24, 2005

For some reason, windows explorer has started locking up when I open a folder with many video clips in it (pretty much any folder with more than 50).I have a feeling that this is a codec problem, but I've installed pretty much every codec I can find and I'm still getting the problem.

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PC Keeps Launching Iexplorer.exe?

Apr 6, 2007

I always use firefox and yet,without me even having clicked internet explorer I see it launched twice in the processes.When I click end process it appears twice and then does not for another half an hour to forty five minutes. I think it was a virus my smaler brother installed but since my father also uses this computer for his work, I cannot ask him to format and reinstall Can I find out what program launches Iexplorer.exe

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SP2-won't Shutdown Always Has Iexplorer.exe

Oct 5, 2007

for quite awhile now both my computers but they seem to work pretty good although alittle slow. but when you go to shut them down, both of them a box comes up and says ending program where you can wait for it to end the program or you can click on end now. well it doesn't matter which you do most of the time the computer won't shut down. it just keeps going back to the end program box. It is always this program--iexplore.exe always that one. One time I looked into the task manager and it had like 5 or 6 of the iexplore.exe in the application part. anyway it is getting quite annoying. I ran asquared when this was happening and it caught what it said was a trojan (didn't write it down) I deleted it and it seemed to work for awhile. But now it is back to the same ole thing. Can someone enlighten me on what might be wrong? It is on both of my computers.

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Negativity Toward Iexplorer 7

Feb 14, 2009

My question is that in much of my reading I feel there is a lot of negativity toward iexplorer 7. I run XP SP3 and Microsoft has my upgrades now recommending to download number 7. What is your feelings toward this? I have always felt that this forum, "that has gotten me out of so much trouble" is voices that I trust more than just the talking heads. Your all "hands on guys" with a lot of experience in working with the meat of the matter. Would you convert or stay with 6? Appreciate your opinions.

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Restart Tries End Task For The Iexplorer.exe

Sep 28, 2006

When I go to turn off my computer or restart it, it tries to end task for the iexplorer.exe. It will say the program is not responding and the computer won't turn off or restart like I asked it to.

Also, when I open up my task manager and look in processes I see that iexplorer.exe is still running when I don't have any IE windows open at all. And the strange thing is I can't end task it and there's 2 of them.

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IEXPLORER.exe Application Error?

Apr 25, 2006

Explorer doesn't load it just stops and when i close it i get this message.The instruction at "0x1001cd11" referenced memory at "0x1001cd11". The memory could not be "read".

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Remove This Iexplorer.exe - Log On In To Account

Jun 20, 2008

I've heard a lot of bad things about this iexplorer.exe which emulates iexplore.exe or something.Well, out family Windows XP computer now has it. Whenever I start up my computer and log in to my account, the computer is running very slow, CPU usage at 100%.I hit ctrl+alt+del to bring up task manager, processes, and see iexplorer.exe taking up all the kb. If I remember rightly, it's in the 160,000+ area.Once I end the process, the computer resumes to normal.I'm not at the PC currently, but how do I remove this thing?

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IExplorer - Macromedia Flash Player

Oct 19, 2005

Whenever I load a website in Opera with anything that uses flash, macromedia flash player to be exact, the screen flickers and turns hazy/fuzzy. Nothing is effected performance wise, but it's really annoying. I know Iexplorer supports the newest flash and shockwave pllayers, but are they supported in Opera? I tried downloading the newest version of the flash player, but that didn't help. I don't have this problem with internet explorer, but of course I don't want to use it...

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IExplorer - Access Any Desktop Icon - Feature

Mar 20, 2005

I just started having this problem. My computer boots up fine, but when I try to access any desktop icon, or any feature from the start button, I get the message, windows explorer has encountered a problem... then I get Dr Watson has encountered a problem, then the only thing I can do is reboot. The strange thing is, that I can access AOL by clicking on the icon in the taskbar, also Mcafee and others. The only things that work are the taskbar icons. I ran all the appropriate virus checks, spy checks, with no problem.

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XP Iexplorer Launches Randomly & Music Plays

Nov 8, 2007

Switched my machine an this morning and heard 4 or 5 mousec licks.over the speakers music then started to play in background without showing the IE browser.It seems somehow that IEXPLORER.exe is launching itself? Tried a few spywares, sophos and Zonealarm running.

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Getting Rid Of Multiple Administrators ?

Apr 22, 2005

I was cleaning up a friend's PC that had become infected with a variety of trojans, malware and viruses. After cleaning all the pests, the OS (WIN XP Home SP1) remained corrupted. He was able to use the PC but there was no windows update functionality, no firewall, inability to execute certain setup files, no antivirus program and other little funny things going on. We could not execute any firewall or antivirus setup program. User accounts said that he had one user (user1) and a guest account that was
turned off. User1 was the administrator. There was no password protection.

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IE 7 Multiple Windows

May 28, 2009

Currently whenever I am surfing and I open a new window, instead of the windows that are open appearing down in the task bar, they are appearing as tabs near the top of the screen. I am unable to view more than one window at a time. Or resize them so that I could put more than one at a time on the screen.Im running XP home SP3 IE 7

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Multiple Windows Xp

Dec 1, 2008

my laptop is showing 4 windows at the start up when is start my computer, i format my computer it has 4 partitions, i format all partitions, but i did a mistake i formate all partions with my bootable windows xp cd. there is only one windows in C drive, other partitions are empty, but at start up it is showing 4 windows to choose which one to start, i select the first one and computer works normally. i installed XP SP3 on my computer. Please help me to remove three windows at start up.

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Multiple Errors?

Aug 2, 2007

1---I have just WAYYYYY to many pop-ups about 6-8 an hour, even on idle computer.
2---It is so slow. When minimizing a page, I watch it close from the top of the screen to the bottom and that takes 15 seconds, and sometimes my icons are missing when it finally fully minimizes.
3---After booting up it takes me a good 5 minutes before the mouse's "time-sand" icon to dissappear, therefore not letting me do anything with the computer right away.
4--Sometimes when using websites like "google" or "yahoo" from internet explorer, there is a big delay from when I type in the words, and those words to appear on the screen.
5---Streaming movies from websites are rarely synchronized with the sound and the picture on the screen, something that none of my friends have.
6--I revently purchased an external hard drive, and ever since doing that a message comes up within seconds of turning on my computer that reads something along the lines of "Unkown Devise, hit any key" then it boots up normally (note: The slowness of the computer has happened way before the external harddrive, and purchased it with hopes that would cure some of the problems)

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Svchost Wuaclt Goes Up To About 30k

Feb 6, 2007

When I start my computer svchost one of the many goes crazy pushing CPU up to 100% and it's mem usage to about 90k. At the same time, wuaclt goes up to about 30k, which is also not normal.

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SVCHOST.EXE - When I Start Up Pc

Oct 20, 2006

when i start up this pc, it becomes very slow. I go to task manager and have a look and i see SVCHOST.EXE as a system process. But is Mem Usage is like 40,000 and it is taking up 99 on the CPU and the CPU usage shoots to 100%. I can stop this process and the start bar will look like the windows classic for a bit then change back to regular xp.
i have tried to google it and i see all sorts of things, like spyhunter etc. i have tried all sorts of steps to remove this but to no avail

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Svchost.exe - Two Windows Come Up

Nov 18, 2006

the operating system that i am using right now is Windows XP. Everytime i turn on the computer these two windows come up: the first window is an Application Error for svchost.exe, and the other is a "emcountered a problem and needs to close" window for Generic Host Process for Win32 Services.

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Svchost.exe - Booted My Pc

Apr 25, 2007

i just booted my pc, went regularly until it was launched and the desktop was loaded. Everything was running slowly, i press ctrl - alt - delete and wait 5 minutes for it to eventually come up, i then went to the processes tab and find that svchost.exe is running at 99% CPU I usually end process on that svchost, but then i cant connect to certain servers, and sometimes my sound drivers disappear also(not 100% sure, but this seems to be connected

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Dec 11, 2004

Dell Security Center (McAfee) with Firewall, AntiSpam, AntiHack, AntiVirus enabled. When I booted up my computer, it automatically connect to Internet, I received an error "Generic Host Process for Win32 Service." I clicked the detail report:
AppName: svchost.exe AppVer: 5.1.2600.2180

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Svchost.exe Is Using 100% CPU Capacity?

May 3, 2007

When I start it, after a few seconds, a task is appearing in the Task Manager, called "svchost.exe", which is using 100% of my PCU. I know this task is part of Windows, but I'm wondering why it uses so much CPU... I performed a search on the web and found 2 tips: 1- Performing a registry scan (with RegCure or equivalent), then a spyware scan and a virus scan; 2- Updating my system on Windows Update. I did the first step with the free versions of RegCure and RegistryFix (registry scan), AdAware and AVG Free. But concerning the 2nd step, when I go on the Windows Update site, the automatic update tool performs an infinite search to find the suitable updates for my system

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Svchost.exe Constantly Using 50% Cpu

Jan 2, 2008

My HP Pavilian dv8000 laptop running XP home with media center is constantly using 50% of the cpu for svchost.exe as soon as you log boot up and it never stops.* How can I find out what process is running and shut it down?

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Svchost.exe Cpu 100%: Only Happens In Win 2000?

Aug 17, 2005

after running for a while svchost.exe starts using more memory and cpu usage goes up to 100%. i read about this problem in article 324139, it says it only
applies to windows 2000 though. Im running windows xp home SP2 and im not sure how to fix the problem.

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